blob: 3c516f6ced62c966b3b035aa6e50645f5f447184 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Monolithic script to modify bootloader configuration.
# Supports GRUB, LILO, ELILO, Yaboot.
# Functions taken from Linux::Bootloader module.
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
my @bootconfig = [];
my $debug = 0;
my $bootloader;
my %params;
"bootloader-probe", # Prints the bootloader in use on the system
"arch-probe", # Prints the arch of the system
&usage if ( !%params || defined $params{help} );
### Detection Functions ###
sub detect_architecture {
my $arch_style = shift || 'uname';
my $arch;
if ( $arch_style eq 'linux' ) {
$arch = `uname -m | sed -e s/i.86/i386/ -e s/sun4u/sparc64/ -e s/arm.*/arm/ \
-e s/sa110/arm/ -e s/s390x/s390/ -e s/parisc64/parisc/`;
chomp $arch;
elsif ( $arch_style eq 'gentoo' ) {
$arch = `uname -m | sed -e s/i.86/x86/ -e s/sun4u/sparc/ -e s/arm.*/arm/ \
-e s/sa110/arm/ -e s/x86_64/amd64/ -e s/sparc.*/sparc/ -e s/parisc.*/hppa/`;
chomp $arch;
else {
$arch = `uname -m`;
chomp $arch;
return $arch;
sub detect_bootloader {
return detect_bootloader_from_conf(@_)
|| detect_bootloader_from_mbr(@_);
sub detect_bootloader_from_conf {
my @boot_loader = ();
my %boot_list = (
grub => '/boot/grub/menu.lst',
lilo => '/etc/lilo.conf',
elilo => '/etc/elilo.conf',
yaboot => '/etc/yaboot.conf'
foreach my $key ( sort keys %boot_list ) {
if ( -f $boot_list{$key} ) {
push( @boot_loader, $key );
if ( wantarray() ) {
return @boot_loader;
elsif ( @boot_loader == 1 ) {
return pop(@boot_loader);
else {
return undef;
sub detect_bootloader_from_mbr {
my @filelist = @_;
my @boot_loader = ();
my %map = (
"GRUB" => 'grub',
"LILO" => 'lilo',
"EFI" => 'elilo',
"yaboot" => 'yaboot',
if ( !@filelist && opendir( DIRH, "/sys/block" ) ) {
@filelist = grep { /^[sh]d.$/ } readdir(DIRH);
foreach (@filelist) {
if ( -b "/dev/$_" ) {
my $strings = `dd if=/dev/$_ bs=512 count=1 2>/dev/null | strings`;
foreach my $loader ( keys %map ) {
if ( $strings =~ /$loader/ms ) {
push @boot_loader, $map{$loader};
if ( wantarray() ) {
# Show them all
return @boot_loader;
elsif ( @boot_loader == 1 ) {
# Found exactly one
return pop @boot_loader;
else {
# Either none or too many to choose from
return undef;
### GRUB functions ###
# Parse config into array of hashes
sub _info_grub {
return undef unless &_check_config();
my @config = @bootconfig;
@config = grep( !/^#|^\n/, @config );
my %matches = (
default => '^\s*default\s*\=*\s*(\S+)',
timeout => '^\s*timeout\s*\=*\s*(\S+)',
fallback => '^\s*fallback\s*\=*\s*(\S+)',
kernel => '^\s*kernel\s+(\S+)',
root => '^\s*kernel\s+.*\s+root=(\S+)',
args => '^\s*kernel\s+\S+\s+(.*)\n',
boot => '^\s*root\s+(.*)',
initrd => '^\s*initrd\s+(.*)',
savedefault => '^\s*savedefault\s+(.*)',
my @sections;
my $index = 0;
foreach (@config) {
if ( $_ =~ /^\s*title\s+(.*)/i ) {
$sections[$index]{title} = $1;
foreach my $key ( keys %matches ) {
if ( $_ =~ /$matches{$key}/i ) {
$sections[$index]{$key} = $1;
if ( $key eq 'args' ) {
$sections[$index]{$key} =~ s/root=\S+\s*//i;
delete $sections[$index]{$key} if ( $sections[$index]{$key} !~ /\S/ );
# sometimes config doesn't have a default, so goes to first
if ( !( defined $sections[0]{'default'} ) ) {
$sections[0]{'default'} = '0';
# if default is 'saved', read from grub default file
elsif ( $sections[0]{'default'} =~ m/^saved$/i ) {
open( DEFAULT_FILE, '/boot/grub/default' )
|| warn("ERROR: cannot read grub default file.\n") && return undef;
my @default_config = <DEFAULT_FILE>;
$default_config[0] =~ /^(\d+)/;
$sections[0]{'default'} = $1;
# return array of hashes
return @sections;
# Set new default kernel
sub set_default_grub {
my $newdefault = shift;
return undef unless defined $newdefault;
return undef unless &_check_config();
my @config = @bootconfig;
my @sections = &_info();
# if not a number, do title lookup
if ( $newdefault !~ /^\d+$/ ) {
$newdefault = &_lookup($newdefault);
my $kcount = $#sections - 1;
if ( ( !defined $newdefault )
|| ( $newdefault < 0 )
|| ( $newdefault > $kcount ) )
warn "ERROR: Enter a default between 0 and $kcount.\n";
return undef;
foreach my $index ( 0 .. $#config ) {
if ( $config[$index] =~ /(^\s*default\s*\=*\s*)\d+/i ) {
$config[$index] = "$1$newdefault # set by $0\n";
elsif ( $config[$index] =~ /^\s*default\s*\=*\s*saved/i ) {
my @default_config;
my $default_config_file = '/boot/grub/default';
open( DEFAULT_FILE, $default_config_file )
|| warn("ERROR: cannot open default file.\n") && return undef;
@default_config = <DEFAULT_FILE>;
$default_config[0] = "$newdefault\n";
open( DEFAULT_FILE, ">$default_config_file" )
|| warn("ERROR: cannot open default file.\n") && return undef;
print DEFAULT_FILE join( "", @default_config );
@bootconfig = @config;
# Add new kernel to config
sub add_grub {
my %param = @_;
print("Adding kernel.\n") if &debug() > 1;
if ( !defined $param{'add-kernel'} || !defined $param{'title'} ) {
warn "ERROR: kernel path (--add-kernel), title (--title) required.\n";
return undef;
elsif ( !( -f "$param{'add-kernel'}" ) ) {
warn "ERROR: kernel $param{'add-kernel'} not found!\n";
return undef;
elsif ( defined $param{'initrd'} && !( -f "$param{'initrd'}" ) ) {
warn "ERROR: initrd $param{'initrd'} not found!\n";
return undef;
return undef unless &_check_config();
my @sections = &_info();
# check if title already exists
if ( defined &_lookup( $param{title} ) ) {
warn("WARNING: Title already exists.\n");
if ( defined $param{force} ) {
&remove( $param{title} );
else {
return undef;
my @config = @bootconfig;
@sections = &_info();
# Use default kernel to fill in missing info
my $default = &get_default();
foreach my $p ( 'args', 'root', 'boot', 'savedefault' ) {
if ( !defined $param{$p} ) {
$param{$p} = $sections[$default]{$p};
# use default entry to determine if path (/boot) should be removed
if ( $sections[$default]{'kernel'} !~ /^\/boot/ ) {
$param{'add-kernel'} =~ s/^\/boot//;
$param{'initrd'} =~ s/^\/boot// unless !defined $param{'initrd'};
my @newkernel;
push( @newkernel, "title\t$param{title}\n" ) if defined $param{title};
push( @newkernel, "\troot $param{boot}\n" ) if defined $param{boot};
my $line;
$line = "\tkernel $param{'add-kernel'}" if defined $param{'add-kernel'};
$line = $line . " root=$param{root}" if defined $param{root};
$line = $line . " $param{args}" if defined $param{args};
push( @newkernel, "$line\n" );
push( @newkernel, "\tinitrd $param{initrd}\n" ) if defined $param{initrd};
push( @newkernel, "\tsavedefault $param{savedefault}\n" )
if defined $param{savedefault};
push( @newkernel, "\n" );
if ( !defined $param{position} || $param{position} !~ /end|\d+/ ) {
$param{position} = 0;
my @newconfig;
if ( $param{position} =~ /end/ || $param{position} >= $#sections ) {
$param{position} = $#sections;
push( @newconfig, @config );
if ( $newconfig[$#newconfig] =~ /\S/ ) {
push( @newconfig, "\n" );
push( @newconfig, @newkernel );
else {
my $index = 0;
foreach (@config) {
if ( $_ =~ /^\s*title/i ) {
if ( $index == $param{position} ) {
push( @newconfig, @newkernel );
push( @newconfig, $_ );
@bootconfig = @newconfig;
if ( defined $param{'make-default'} || defined $param{'boot-once'} ) {
&set_default( $param{position} );
print "Added: $param{'title'}.\n";
# Update kernel args
sub update_grub {
my %params = @_;
print("Updating kernel.\n") if &debug() > 1;
if ( !defined $params{'update-kernel'}
|| ( !defined $params{'args'} && !defined $params{'remove-args'} ) )
"ERROR: kernel position or title (--update-kernel) and args (--args or --remove-args) required.\n";
return undef;
return undef unless &_check_config();
my @config = @bootconfig;
my @sections = &_info();
# if not a number, do title lookup
if ( $params{'update-kernel'} !~ /^\d+$/ ) {
$params{'update-kernel'} = &_lookup( $params{'update-kernel'} );
my $kcount = $#sections - 1;
if ( $params{'update-kernel'} !~ /^\d+$/
|| $params{'update-kernel'} < 0
|| $params{'update-kernel'} > $kcount )
warn "ERROR: Enter a default between 0 and $kcount.\n";
return undef;
my $index = -1;
foreach (@config) {
if ( $_ =~ /^\s*title/i ) {
if ( $index == $params{'update-kernel'} ) {
if ( $_ =~ /(^\s*kernel\s+\S+\s+)(.*)\n/i ) {
my $kernel = $1;
my $args = $2;
$args =~ s/\s+$params{'remove-args'}\=*\S*//ig
if defined $params{'remove-args'};
$args = $args . " " . $params{'args'}
if defined $params{'args'};
if ( $_ eq $kernel . $args . "\n" ) {
warn "WARNING: No change made to args.\n";
return undef;
else {
$_ = $kernel . $args . "\n";
@bootconfig = @config;
# Run command to install bootloader
sub install_grub {
my $device;
warn "Re-installing grub is currently unsupported.\n";
"If you really need to re-install grub, use 'grub-install <device>'.\n";
return undef;
#system("grub-install $device");
#if ($? != 0) {
# warn ("ERROR: Failed to run grub-install.\n") && return undef;
#return 1;
### LILO functions ###
# Run command to install bootloader
sub install_lilo {
if ( $? != 0 ) {
warn("ERROR: Failed to run lilo.\n") && return undef;
return 1;
# Set kernel to be booted once
sub boot_once_lilo {
my $label = shift;
return undef unless defined $label;
if ( system( "lilo", "-R", "$label" ) ) {
warn("ERROR: Failed to set boot-once.\n") && return undef;
return 1;
### ELILO functions ###
# Run command to install bootloader
sub install_elilo {
if ( $? != 0 ) {
warn("ERROR: Failed to run elilo.\n") && return undef;
return 1;
# Set kernel to be booted once
sub boot_once_elilo {
my $label = shift;
return undef unless defined $label;
&read( '/etc/elilo.conf' );
my @config = @bootconfig;
if ( ! grep( /^checkalt/i, @config ) ) {
warn("ERROR: Failed to set boot-once.\n");
warn("Please add 'checkalt' to global config.\n");
return undef;
my @sections = &_info();
my $position = &_lookup($label);
my $efiroot = `grep ^EFIROOT /usr/sbin/elilo | cut -d '=' -f 2`;
my $kernel = $efiroot . $sections[$position]{kernel};
my $root = $sections[$position]{root};
my $args = $sections[$position]{args};
#system( "eliloalt", "-d" );
if ( system( "eliloalt", "-s", "$kernel root=$root $args" ) ) {
warn("ERROR: Failed to set boot-once.\n");
warn("1) Check that EFI var support is compiled into kernel.\n");
warn("2) Verify eliloalt works. You may need to patch it to support sysfs EFI vars.\n");
return undef;
return 1;
### YABOOT functions ###
# Run command to install bootloader
sub install_yaboot {
#if ( $? != 0 ) {
# warn("ERROR: Failed to run ybin.\n") && return undef;
print("Not installing bootloader.\n");
print("Depending on your arch you may need to run ybin.\n");
return 1;
### Generic Functions ###
# Read config file into array
sub read {
my $config_file = shift;
print("Reading $config_file.\n") if debug() > 1;
open( CONFIG, "$config_file" )
|| warn("ERROR: Can't open $config_file.\n") && return undef;
@bootconfig = <CONFIG>;
print("Current config:\n @bootconfig") if &debug() > 4;
print("Closed $config_file.\n") if &debug() > 2;
return 1;
# Write new config
sub write {
my $config_file = shift;
my @config = @bootconfig;
return undef unless &_check_config();
print("Writing $config_file.\n") if &debug() > 1;
print join( "", @config ) if &debug() > 4;
if ( -w $config_file ) {
system( "cp", "$config_file", "$config_file.bak.boottool" );
if ( $? != 0 ) {
warn "ERROR: Cannot backup $config_file.\n";
return undef;
} else {
print "Backed up config to $config_file.bak.boottool.\n";
open( CONFIG, ">$config_file" )
|| warn("ERROR: Can't open config file.\n") && return undef;
print CONFIG join( "", @config );
return 0;
else {
print join( "", @config ) if &debug() > 2;
warn "WARNING: You do not have write access to $config_file.\n";
return 1;
# Parse config into array of hashes
sub _info {
return &_info_grub() if ( $bootloader eq 'grub' );
return undef unless &_check_config();
my @config = @bootconfig;
# remove garbarge - comments, blank lines
@config = grep( !/^#|^\n/, @config );
my %matches = (
default => '^\s*default[\s+\=]+(\S+)',
timeout => '^\s*timeout[\s+\=]+(\S+)',
title => '^\s*label[\s+\=]+(\S+)',
root => '^\s*root[\s+\=]+(\S+)',
args => '^\s*append[\s+\=]+(.*)',
initrd => '^\s*initrd[\s+\=]+(\S+)',
my @sections;
my $index = 0;
foreach (@config) {
if ( $_ =~ /^\s*(image|other)[\s+\=]+(\S+)/i ) {
$sections[$index]{'kernel'} = $2;
foreach my $key ( keys %matches ) {
if ( $_ =~ /$matches{$key}/i ) {
$sections[$index]{$key} = $1;
$sections[$index]{$key} =~ s/\"|\'//g if ( $key eq 'args' );
# sometimes config doesn't have a default, so goes to first
if ( !( defined $sections[0]{'default'} ) ) {
$sections[0]{'default'} = '0';
# if default is label name, we need position
elsif ( $sections[0]{'default'} !~ m/^\d+$/ ) {
foreach my $index ( 1 .. $#sections ) {
if ( $sections[$index]{'title'} eq $sections[0]{'default'} ) {
$sections[0]{'default'} = $index - 1;
# if still no valid default, set to first
if ( $sections[0]{'default'} !~ m/^\d+$/ ) {
$sections[0]{'default'} = 0;
# return array of hashes
return @sections;
# Determine current default kernel
sub get_default {
print("Getting default.\n") if &debug() > 1;
return undef unless &_check_config();
my @sections = &_info();
my $default = $sections[0]{'default'};
$default = 0 + $default;
return ($default);
# Set new default kernel
sub set_default {
my $newdefault = shift;
return &set_default_grub($newdefault) if ( $bootloader eq 'grub' );
print("Setting default.\n") if &debug() > 1;
return undef unless defined $newdefault;
return undef unless &_check_config();
my @config = @bootconfig;
my @sections = &_info();
# if not a number, do title lookup
if ( $newdefault !~ /^\d+$/ ) {
$newdefault = &_lookup($newdefault);
my $kcount = $#sections - 1;
if ( ( !defined $newdefault )
|| ( $newdefault < 0 )
|| ( $newdefault > $kcount ) )
warn "ERROR: Enter a default between 0 and $kcount.\n";
return undef;
# convert position to title
$newdefault = $sections[ ++$newdefault ]{title};
foreach my $index ( 0 .. $#config ) {
if ( $config[$index] =~ /^\s*default/i ) {
$config[$index] = "default=$newdefault # set by $0\n";
@bootconfig = @config;
# Add new kernel to config
sub add {
my %param = @_;
return &add_grub(%param) if ( $bootloader eq 'grub' );
print("Adding kernel.\n") if &debug() > 1;
if ( !defined $param{'add-kernel'} || !defined $param{'title'} ) {
warn "ERROR: kernel path (--add-kernel), title (--title) required.\n";
return undef;
elsif ( !( -f "$param{'add-kernel'}" ) ) {
warn "ERROR: kernel $param{'add-kernel'} not found!\n";
return undef;
elsif ( defined $param{'initrd'} && !( -f "$param{'initrd'}" ) ) {
warn "ERROR: initrd $param{'initrd'} not found!\n";
return undef;
return undef unless &_check_config();
# remove title spaces and truncate if more than 15 chars
$param{title} =~ s/\s+//g;
$param{title} = substr( $param{title}, 0, 15 )
if length( $param{title} ) > 15;
my @sections = &_info();
# check if title already exists
if ( defined &_lookup( $param{title} ) ) {
warn("WARNING: Title already exists.\n");
if ( defined $param{force} ) {
&remove( $param{title} );
else {
return undef;
my @config = @bootconfig;
@sections = &_info();
# Use default kernel to fill in missing info
my $default = &get_default();
foreach my $p ( 'args', 'root' ) {
if ( !defined $param{$p} ) {
$param{$p} = $sections[$default]{$p};
# use default entry to determine if path (/boot) should be removed
if ( $sections[$default]{'kernel'} !~ /^\/boot/ ) {
$param{'add-kernel'} =~ s/^\/boot//;
$param{'initrd'} =~ s/^\/boot// unless ( !defined $param{'initrd'} );
my @newkernel;
push( @newkernel,
"\tlabel=$param{title}\n" );
push( @newkernel, "\tappend=\"$param{args}\"\n" ) if defined $param{args};
push( @newkernel, "\tinitrd=$param{initrd}\n" ) if defined $param{initrd};
push( @newkernel, "\troot=$param{root}\n" ) if defined $param{root};
push( @newkernel, "\tread-only\n\n" );
if ( !defined $param{position} || $param{position} !~ /end|\d+/ ) {
$param{position} = 0;
my @newconfig;
if ( $param{position} =~ /end/ || $param{position} >= $#sections ) {
$param{position} = $#sections;
push( @newconfig, @config );
if ( $newconfig[$#newconfig] =~ /\S/ ) {
push( @newconfig, "\n" );
push( @newconfig, @newkernel );
else {
my $index = 0;
foreach (@config) {
if ( $_ =~ /^\s*(image|other)/i ) {
if ( $index == $param{position} ) {
push( @newconfig, @newkernel );
push( @newconfig, $_ );
@bootconfig = @newconfig;
if ( defined $param{'make-default'} ) {
&set_default( $param{position} );
# Update kernel args
sub update {
my %params = @_;
return &update_grub(%params) if ( $bootloader eq 'grub' );
print("Updating kernel.\n") if &debug() > 1;
if ( !defined $params{'update-kernel'}
|| ( !defined $params{'args'} && !defined $params{'remove-args'} ) )
"ERROR: kernel position or title (--update-kernel) and args (--args or --remove-args) required.\n";
return undef;
return undef unless &_check_config();
my @config = @bootconfig;
my @sections = &_info();
# if not a number, do title lookup
if ( $params{'update-kernel'} !~ /^\d+$/ ) {
$params{'update-kernel'} = &_lookup( $params{'update-kernel'} );
my $kcount = $#sections - 1;
if ( $params{'update-kernel'} !~ /^\d+$/
|| $params{'update-kernel'} < 0
|| $params{'update-kernel'} > $kcount )
warn "ERROR: Enter a default between 0 and $kcount.\n";
return undef;
my $index = -1;
foreach (@config) {
if ( $_ =~ /^\s*(image|other)/i ) {
if ( $index == $params{'update-kernel'} ) {
if ( $_ =~ /(^\s*append[\s\=]+)(.*)\n/i ) {
my $append = $1;
my $args = $2;
$args =~ s/\"|\'//g;
$args =~ s/\s*$params{'remove-args'}\=*\S*//ig
if defined $params{'remove-args'};
$args = $args . " " . $params{'args'}
if defined $params{'args'};
if ( $_ eq "$append\"$args\"\n" ) {
warn "WARNING: No change made to args.\n";
return undef;
else {
$_ = "$append\"$args\"\n";
@bootconfig = @config;
# Remove kernel from config
sub remove {
my $position = shift;
my @newconfig;
return undef unless defined $position;
return undef unless &_check_config();
my @config = @bootconfig;
my @sections = &_info();
if ( $position =~ /^end$/i ) {
$position = $#sections - 1;
elsif ( $position =~ /^start$/i ) {
$position = 0;
print("Removing kernel $position.\n") if &debug() > 1;
# remove based on title
if ( $position !~ /^\d+$/ ) {
my $removed = 0;
for ( my $index = $#sections ; $index > 0 ; $index-- ) {
if ( defined $sections[$index]{title}
&& $position eq $sections[$index]{title} )
$removed++ if &remove( $index - 1 );
if ( !$removed ) {
warn "ERROR: No kernel with specified title.\n";
return undef;
# remove based on position
elsif ( $position =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
if ( $position < 0 || $position > $#sections ) {
warn "ERROR: Enter a position between 0 and $#sections.\n";
return undef;
my $index = -1;
foreach (@config) {
if ( $_ =~ /^\s*(image|other|title)/i ) {
# add everything to newconfig, except removed kernel (keep comments)
if ( $index != $position || $_ =~ /^#/ ) {
push( @newconfig, $_ );
@bootconfig = @newconfig;
# if we removed the default, set new default to first
&set_default(0) if $position == $sections[0]{'default'};
print "Removed kernel $position.\n";
return 1;
else {
warn "WARNING: problem removing entered position.\n";
return undef;
# Print info from config
sub print_info {
my $info = shift;
return undef unless defined $info;
return undef unless &_check_config();
print("Printing config info.\n") if &debug() > 1;
my @config = @bootconfig;
my @sections = &_info();
my ( $start, $end );
if ( $info =~ /default/i ) {
$start = $end = &get_default();
elsif ( $info =~ /all/i ) {
$start = 0;
$end = $#sections - 1;
elsif ( $info =~ /^\d+/ ) {
$start = $end = $info;
else {
warn "ERROR: input should be: #, default, or all.\n";
return undef;
if ( $start < 0 || $end > $#sections - 1 ) {
warn "ERROR: No kernels with that index.\n";
return undef;
for my $index ( $start .. $end ) {
print "\nindex\t: $index\n";
foreach ( keys( %{ $sections[$index] } ) ) {
print "$_\t: $sections[$index]{$_}\n";
# Attempt to install bootloader
sub install {
return &install_lilo() if ( $bootloader eq 'lilo' );
return &install_grub() if ( $bootloader eq 'grub' );
return &install_elilo() if ( $bootloader eq 'elilo' );
return &install_yaboot() if ( $bootloader eq 'yaboot' );
# Set/get debug level
sub debug {
if (@_) {
$debug = shift;
return $debug;
# Basic check for valid config
sub _check_config {
print("Verifying config.\n") if &debug() > 3;
if ( $#bootconfig < 5 ) {
warn "ERROR: you must read a valid config file first.\n";
return undef;
return 1;
# lookup position using title
sub _lookup {
my $title = shift;
my @sections = &_info();
for my $index ( 1 .. $#sections ) {
if ( ( defined $sections[$index]{title} )
&& ( $title eq $sections[$index]{title} ) )
return $index - 1;
return undef;
### Bootloader / Arch Detection ###
my $detected_bootloader;
my $detected_architecture;
if ( defined $params{'bootloader-probe'} ) {
$detected_bootloader = detect_bootloader()
|| warn "Could not detect bootloader\n";
print "$detected_bootloader\n";
exit 0;
elsif ( defined $params{'arch-probe'} ) {
$detected_architecture = detect_architecture()
|| warn "Could not detect architecture\n";
print "$detected_architecture\n";
exit 0;
elsif ( defined $params{bootloader} ) {
$detected_bootloader = $params{bootloader};
else {
$detected_bootloader = detect_bootloader()
|| die "Could not detect bootloader\n";
### Do Config ###
$bootloader = $detected_bootloader;
my %cfg_files = (
grub => '/boot/grub/menu.lst',
lilo => '/etc/lilo.conf',
elilo => '/etc/elilo.conf',
yaboot => '/etc/yaboot.conf'
$params{config_file} = $cfg_files{$bootloader}
unless defined $params{config_file};
die("Can't read config file.\n") unless ( -r $params{config_file} );
&debug( $params{'debug'} ) if ( defined $params{'debug'} );
if ( defined $params{'add-kernel'} ) {
&read( $params{config_file} );
&write( $params{config_file} );
&install() unless $detected_bootloader eq 'grub';
elsif ( defined $params{'remove-kernel'} ) {
&read( $params{config_file} );
&remove( $params{'remove-kernel'} );
&write( $params{config_file} );
&install() unless $detected_bootloader eq 'grub';
elsif ( defined $params{'update-kernel'} ) {
&read( $params{config_file} );
&write( $params{config_file} );
&install() unless $detected_bootloader eq 'grub';
elsif ( defined $params{info} ) {
&read( $params{config_file} );
&print_info( $params{info} );
elsif ( defined $params{'set-default'} ) {
&read( $params{config_file} );
&set_default( $params{'set-default'} );
&write( $params{config_file} );
&install() unless $detected_bootloader eq 'grub';
elsif ( defined $params{'default'} ) {
&read( $params{config_file} );
print get_default() . "\n";
elsif ( defined $params{'boot-once'} && defined $params{'title'} ) {
if ( $detected_bootloader eq 'lilo' ) {
&boot_once_lilo( $params{title} );
} elsif ( $detected_bootloader eq 'elilo' ) {
&boot_once_elilo( $params{title} );
} else {
print "$detected_bootloader does not have boot-once support.\n";
print "Setting as default instead.\n";
&read( $params{config_file} );
&set_default( $params{'title'} );
&write( $params{config_file} );
sub usage {
print "Usage:
boottool [--bootloader-probe] [--arch-probe]
[--add-kernel=<kernel_path>] [--title=<kernel_title>]
[--position=<#|start|end>] [--root=<root_path>]
[--args=<kernel_args>] [--initrd=<initrd_path>]
[--make-default] [--force] [--boot-once] [--install]
[--bootloader=<grub|lilo|elilo|yaboot>] [--config-file=<config_path>]
[--update-kernel=<#|title>] [--remove-args=<args>]
[--info=<all|default|#>] [--default] [--set-default=<#>]
[--help] [--debug=<0..5>]
boottool --info all # Print config info
boottool -a /boot/vmlinuz -t 'test' -p end # Add a new kernel
boottool --remove-kernel 3 # Remove a kernel
boottool --set-default 1 # Set new default\n";
exit 1;