blob: 3233386a4cb643fe6ff623d17daad657e27765a6 [file] [log] [blame]
# perf_graph.cgi: generate image of one graph of a benchmark's performance
__author__ = """ (Duane Sand), Copyright Google 2008"""
import cgi, cgitb
import common
from autotest_lib.tko import perf, plotgraph
def get_cgi_args():
form = cgi.FieldStorage(keep_blank_values=True)
benchmark = form.getvalue('test', '')
# required test=testname (untagged runs only)
# or test=testname.sometags
# or test=testname* (combines all tags except .twoway)
# or test=testname.twoway* (combines twoway tags)
# e.g. test=dbench
metric = form.getvalue('metric', '')
# optional metric=attributename (from testname.tag/results/keyval)
# or metric=1/attributename
# or metric=geo_mean (combines all attributes)
# or metric=good_testrun_count (tally of runs)
# or metric=$testattrname (from testname.tag/keyval)
# e.g. metric=throughput
# metric=$stale_page_age
# metric=$version (show test's version #)
# defaults to test's main performance attribute, if known
one_user = form.getvalue('user', '')
# optional user=linuxuserid
# restrict results just to testrun jobs submitted by that user
# defaults to all users
selected_platforms = form.getvalue('platforms', '')
# optional platforms=plat1,plat2,plat3...
# where platN is xyz (combines all xyz_variants as one plotline)
# or xyz$ (plots each xyz_variant separately)
# restrict results just to selected types of test machines
# defaults to commonly used types, combining variants
selected_machines = form.getvalue('machines', '')
# optional machines=mname1,mname2,mname3...
# or machines=mnam* (single set of similar host names)
# or machines=yings (abbrev for ying's benchmarking machines)
# where mnameN is network hostname of a test machine, eg bdcz12
# restricts results just to selected test machines
# defaults to all machines of selected platform types
graph_size = form.getvalue('size', '640,500' )
# optional size=width,height (in pixels)
dark = form.has_key('dark')
test_attributes = perf.parse_test_attr_args(form)
# see variations listed in
if not benchmark:
benchmark = 'dbench*' # for cgi testing convenience
if not metric:
# strip tags .eth0 etc and * wildcard from benchmark name
bname = benchmark.split('.',1)[0].rstrip('*')
metric = perf.benchmark_main_metric(bname)
assert metric, "no default metric for test %s" % bname
return (benchmark, metric, selected_platforms,
selected_machines, one_user, graph_size, dark, test_attributes)
def one_performance_graph():
# generate image of graph of one benchmark's performance over
# most kernels (X axis) and all machines (one plotted line per type)
(benchmark, metric, selected_platforms, selected_machines,
one_user, graph_size, dark, test_attributes) = get_cgi_args()
kernels = perf.kernels()
machine_to_platform, platforms_order = perf.get_platform_info(
selected_platforms, selected_machines)
selected_jobs = perf.select_jobs(one_user, machine_to_platform)
possible_tests = perf.identify_relevent_tests(
benchmark, selected_jobs,
kernels, machine_to_platform)
data = perf.collect_test_results(possible_tests, kernels,
metric, test_attributes)
title = benchmark.capitalize() + " Performance"
graph = plotgraph.gnuplot(title, 'Kernels', metric.capitalize(),
xsort=perf.sort_kernels, size=graph_size)
for platform in platforms_order:
if platform in data:
graph.add_dataset(platform, data[platform])
graph.plot(cgi_header=True, dark=dark)