blob: ada6803a4c973f557bf76536375163f9f9edc521 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Tool for running suites of tests and waiting for completion.
The desired test suite will be scheduled with autotest, and then
this tool will block until the job is complete, printing a summary
at the end. Error conditions result in exceptions.
This is intended for use only with Chrome OS test suits that leverage the
dynamic suite infrastructure in server/cros/
import getpass, hashlib, logging, optparse, os, re, sys, time
from datetime import datetime
import common
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config, error, utils, enum
from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import constants
from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import frontend_wrappers
from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import job_status
from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite.reimager import Reimager
from autotest_lib.site_utils.suite_scheduler import base_event
from autotest_lib.site_utils.graphite import stats
CONFIG = global_config.global_config
# Return code that will be sent back to
def setup_logging(logfile=None):
"""Setup basic logging with all logging info stripped.
Calls to logging will only show the message. No severity is logged.
@param logfile: If specified dump output to a file as well.
screen_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
if logfile:
file_handler = logging.FileHandler(logfile)
def parse_options():
#pylint: disable-msg=C0111
usage = "usage: %prog [options]"
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
parser.add_option("-b", "--board", dest="board")
parser.add_option("-i", "--build", dest="build")
# This should just be a boolean flag, but the autotest "proxy" code
# can't handle flags that don't take arguments.
parser.add_option("-n", "--no_wait", dest="no_wait", default="False",
help='Must pass "True" or "False" if used.')
parser.add_option("-p", "--pool", dest="pool", default=None)
parser.add_option("-s", "--suite_name", dest="name")
parser.add_option("-t", "--timeout_min", dest="timeout_min", default=30)
parser.add_option("-d", "--delay_sec", dest="delay_sec", default=10)
parser.add_option("-m", "--mock_job_id", dest="mock_job_id",
help="Skips running suite; creates report for given ID.")
parser.add_option("-u", "--num", dest="num", type="int", default=None,
help="Run on at most NUM machines.")
# Same boolean flag issue applies here.
parser.add_option("-f", "--file_bugs", dest="file_bugs", default='False',
help='File bugs on test failures. Must pass "True" or '
'"False" if used.')
parser.add_option("-l", "--bypass_labstatus", dest="bypass_labstatus",
action="store_true", help='Bypass lab status check.')
options, args = parser.parse_args()
return parser, options, args
def get_pretty_status(status):
Converts a status string into a pretty-for-printing string.
@param status: Status to convert.
@return: Returns pretty string.
other -> [ FAILED ]
if status == 'GOOD':
return '[ PASSED ]'
elif status == 'TEST_NA':
return '[ INFO ]'
return '[ FAILED ]'
def is_fail_status(status):
Check if the given status corresponds to a failure.
@param status: The status to check. (string)
@return: True if status is FAIL or ERROR. False otherwise.
# All the statuses tests can have when they fail.
if status in ['FAIL', 'ERROR', 'ABORT']:
return True
return False
def get_view_info(suite_job_id, view, build, suite):
Parse a view for the slave job name and job_id.
@param suite_job_id: The job id of our master suite job.
@param view: Test result view.
@param build: build passed in via the -b option.
eg: lumpy-release/R28-3947.0.0
@param suite: suite passed in via the -s option.
eg: dummy
@return A tuple job_name, experimental, name of the slave test run
described by view. eg:
experimental_dummy_Pass fails: (1130-owner, True, dummy_Pass)
experimental_dummy_Pass aborts: (1130-owner, True,
dummy_Fail: (1130-owner, False, dummy_Fail.Error)
# By default, we are the main suite job since there is no
# keyval entry for our job_name.
job_name = '%s-%s' % (suite_job_id, getpass.getuser())
experimental = False
test_name = ''
# raw test name is the test_name from tko status view. tko_job_keyvals may
# have a record of the hash of this name mapping to job_id-owner, which can
# be used to reference the test to its job url. The change is made to
# support tests in different jobs within a suite that shares the same test
# class, e.g., AU suite.
raw_test_name = view['test_name']
if 'job_keyvals' in view:
# For a test invocation like:
# NAME = "dummy_Fail"
# job.run_test('dummy_Fail', tag='Error', to_throw='TestError')
# we will:
# Record a keyval of the jobs test_name field: dummy_Fail
# On success, yield a tko status with the tagged name:
# dummy_Fail.Error
# On abort, yield a status (not from tko) with the job name:
# /build/suite/dummy_Fail.Error
# Note the last 2 options include the tag. The tag is seperated
# from the rest of the name with a '.'. The tag or test name can
# also include a /, and we must isolate the tag before we compare it
# to the hashed keyval. Based on this we have the following cases:
# 1. Regular test failure with or without a tag '.': std_job_name is
# set to the view test_name, after removing the tag.
# 2. Regular test Aborts: we know that dynamic_suite inserted a name
# like build/suite/ (eg:
# lumpy-release/R28-3947.0.0/dummy/dummy_Fail.Error), so we
# intersect the build/suite/ string we already have with the
# test_name in the view. The name of the aborted test is
# instrumental in generating the job_name, which is used in
# creating a link to the logs.
# 3. Experimental tests, Aborts and Failures: The test view
# corresponding to the afe_job_id of the suite job contains
# stubs for each test in this suite. The names of these jobs
# will contain an experimental prefix if they were aborted;
# If they failed the same names will not contain an experimental
# prefix but we would have hashed the name with a prefix. Eg:
# Test name = experimental_pass
# keyval contains: hash(experimental_pass)
# Fail/Pass view['test_name'] = pass
# Abort view['test_name'] = board/build/experimental_pass
# So we need to add the experimental prefix only if the test was
# aborted. Everything else is the same as [2].
# 4. Experimental server job failures: eg verify passes, something on
# the DUT crashes, the experimental server job fails to ssh in. We
# need to manually set the experimental flag in this case because the
# server job name isn't recorded in the keyvals. For a normal suite
# the views will contain: SERVER_JOB, try_new_image, test_name. i.e
# the test server jobs should be handled transparently and only the
# suite server job should appear in the view. If a server job fails
# (for an experimental test or otherwise) we insert the server job
# entry into the tko database instead. Put more generally we insert
# the last stage we knew about into the db record associated with
# that suites afe_job_id. This could lead to a view containing:
# SERVER_JOB, try_new_image,
# lumpy-release/R28-4008.0.0/bvt/experimental_pass_SERVER_JOB.
if view['test_name'].startswith(Reimager.JOB_NAME):
std_job_name = Reimager.JOB_NAME
# Neither of these operations will stomp on a pristine string.
test_name = view['test_name'].replace('%s/%s/'% (build, suite), '')
std_job_name = test_name.split('.')[0]
if (job_status.view_is_for_infrastructure_fail(view) and
experimental = True
if std_job_name.startswith(constants.EXPERIMENTAL_PREFIX):
exp_job_name = std_job_name
exp_job_name = constants.EXPERIMENTAL_PREFIX + std_job_name
std_job_hash = hashlib.md5(std_job_name).hexdigest()
exp_job_hash = hashlib.md5(exp_job_name).hexdigest()
raw_test_name_hash = hashlib.md5(raw_test_name).hexdigest()
# In the experimental abort case both these clauses can evaluate
# to True.
if std_job_hash in view['job_keyvals']:
job_name = view['job_keyvals'][std_job_hash]
if exp_job_hash in view['job_keyvals']:
experimental = True
job_name = view['job_keyvals'][exp_job_hash]
if raw_test_name_hash in view['job_keyvals']:
job_name = view['job_keyvals'][raw_test_name_hash]
# If the name being returned is the test name it needs to include the tag
return job_name, experimental, std_job_name if not test_name else test_name
class LogLink(object):
Link to a log. Since we create bugs for failures the
link text will include a link to the bug too.
@var anchor: the link text.
@var url: the link url.
def __init__(self, anchor, job_string, bug_id=None):
Initialize the LogLink by generating the log URL.
@param anchor: the link text.
@param job_string: the job whose logs we'd like to link to.
@param bug_id: the bug id, if one was filed for this failure.
self.anchor = anchor
host = CONFIG.get_config_value('SERVER', 'hostname', type=str)
pattern = CONFIG.get_config_value('CROS', 'log_url_pattern', type=str)
self.url = pattern % (host, job_string)
self.bug_id = bug_id
def GenerateBugLink(self):
@return: A plain text link to the bug filed, if any.
if self.bug_id:
crbug_url = CONFIG.get_config_value('BUG_REPORTING', 'tracker_url')
return '%s%s'% (crbug_url, self.bug_id)
return ''
def GenerateBuildbotLink(self):
Generate a link to the job's logs, for consumption by buildbot.
@return A link formatted for the buildbot log annotator.
bug_link = self.GenerateBugLink()
url = bug_link if bug_link else self.url
return "@@@STEP_LINK@%s@%s@@@"% (self.anchor.strip(), url)
def GenerateTextLink(self):
Generate a link to the job's logs, for consumption by a human.
@return A link formatted for human readability.
return "%s%s" % (self.anchor, self.url)
class Timings(object):
"""Timings for important events during a suite.
All timestamps are datetime.datetime objects.
@var suite_start_time: the time the suite started.
@var reimage_start_time: the time we started reimaging devices.
@var reimage_end_time: the time we finished reimaging devices.
@var tests_start_time: the time the first test started running.
# Recorded in create_suite_job as we're staging the components of a
# build on the devserver. Only the artifacts necessary to start
# installing images onto DUT's will be staged when we record
# payload_end_time, the remaining artifacts are downloaded after we kick
# off the reimaging job, at which point we record artifact_end_time.
download_start_time = None
payload_end_time = None
artifact_end_time = None
# The test_start_time, but taken off the view that corresponds to the
# suite instead of an individual test.
suite_start_time = None
# reimaging_times is a dictionary mapping a host name to it's start and
# end reimage timings. RecordTiming is invoked with test views, that
# correspond to tests in a suite; these tests might've run across
# different hosts. Each view that RecordTiming is invoked with creates a
# new entry in reimaging_times; When it's time to log reimage timings we
# iterate over this dict and create a reimaging_info string. This is a
# one time operation and only happens after all the TestViews in a suite
# are added to the reimaging_times dictionary.
# reimaging_times eg: {'hostname': (start_time, end_time)}
reimage_times = {}
# Earliest and Latest tests in the set of TestViews passed to us.
tests_start_time = None
tests_end_time = None
def _GetDatetime(self, timing_string, timing_string_format):
Formats the timing_string according to the timing_string_format.
@param timing_string: A datetime timing string.
@param timing_string_format: Format of the time in timing_string.
@return: A datetime object for the given timing string.
return datetime.strptime(timing_string, timing_string_format)
except TypeError:
return None
def RecordTiming(self, view):
"""Given a test report view, extract and record pertinent time info.
get_detailed_test_views() returns a list of entries that provide
info about the various parts of a suite run. This method can take
any one of these entries and look up timestamp info we might want
and record it.
If timestamps are unavailable, datetime.datetime.min/max will be used.
@param view: a view dict, as returned by get_detailed_test_views().
start_candidate = datetime.min
end_candidate = datetime.max
if view['test_started_time']:
start_candidate = datetime.strptime(view['test_started_time'],
if view['test_finished_time']:
end_candidate = datetime.strptime(view['test_finished_time'],
if job_status.view_is_for_suite_prep(view):
self.suite_start_time = start_candidate
elif view['test_name'].startswith(Reimager.JOB_NAME):
if '-' in view['test_name']:
hostname = view['test_name'].split('-', 1)[1]
hostname = ''
self.reimage_times[hostname] = (start_candidate, end_candidate)
if 'job_keyvals' in view:
keyvals = view['job_keyvals']
self.download_start_time = self._GetDatetime(
self.payload_end_time = self._GetDatetime(
self.artifact_end_time = self._GetDatetime(
def _UpdateFirstTestStartTime(self, candidate):
"""Update self.tests_start_time, iff candidate is an earlier time.
@param candidate: a datetime.datetime object.
if not self.tests_start_time or candidate < self.tests_start_time:
self.tests_start_time = candidate
def _UpdateLastTestEndTime(self, candidate):
"""Update self.tests_end_time, iff candidate is a later time.
@param candidate: a datetime.datetime object.
if not self.tests_end_time or candidate > self.tests_end_time:
self.tests_end_time = candidate
def __str__(self):
reimaging_info = ''
for host, (start, end) in self.reimage_times.iteritems():
reimaging_info += ('Reimaging %s started at %s\n'
'Reimaging %s ended at %s\n' % (host, start,
host, end))
return ('\n'
'Suite timings:\n'
'Downloads started at %s\n'
'Payload downloads ended at %s\n'
'Suite started at %s\n'
'Artifact downloads ended (at latest) at %s\n'
'Testing started at %s\n'
'Testing ended at %s\n' % (self.download_start_time,
def _GetDataKeyForStatsd(self, suite, build, board):
Constructs the key used for logging statsd timing data.
@param suite: scheduled suite that we want to record the results of.
@param build: The build string. This string should have a consistent
format eg: x86-mario-release/R26-3570.0.0. If the format of this
string changes such that we can't determine build_type or branch
we give up and use the parametes we're sure of instead (suite,
board). eg:
1. build = x86-alex-pgo-release/R26-3570.0.0
branch = 26
build_type = pgo-release
2. build = lumpy-paladin/R28-3993.0.0-rc5
branch = 28
build_type = paladin
@param board: The board that this suite ran on.
@return: The key used to log timing information in statsd.
_board, build_type, branch = base_event.ParseBuildName(build)[:3]
except base_event.ParseBuildNameException as e:
branch = 'Unknown'
build_type = 'Unknown'
embedded_str ='x86-\w+-(.*)', _board)
if embedded_str:
build_type = + '-' + build_type
data_key_dict = {
'board': board,
'branch': branch,
'build_type': build_type,
'suite': suite,
return ('run_suite.%(board)s.%(build_type)s.%(branch)s.%(suite)s'
% data_key_dict)
def SendResultsToStatsd(self, suite, build, board):
Sends data to statsd.
1. Makes a data_key of the form: run_suite.$board.$branch.$suite
eg: stats/gauges/<hostname>/run_suite/<board>/<branch>/<suite>/
2. Computes timings for several start and end event pairs.
3. Computes timings for reimage events for all hosts.
4. Sends all timing values to statsd.
@param suite: scheduled suite that we want to record the results of.
@param build: the build that this suite ran on.
eg: 'lumpy-release/R26-3570.0.0'
@param board: the board that this suite ran on.
if sys.version_info < (2, 7):
logging.error('Sending run_suite perf data to statsd requires'
'python 2.7 or greater.')
data_key = self._GetDataKeyForStatsd(suite, build, board)
# Since we don't want to try subtracting corrupted datetime values
# we catch TypeErrors in _GetDatetime and insert None instead. This
# means that even if, say, keyvals.get(constants.ARTIFACT_FINISHED_TIME)
# returns a corrupt value the member artifact_end_time is set to None.
if self.download_start_time:
if self.payload_end_time:
(self.payload_end_time -
if self.artifact_end_time:
(self.artifact_end_time -
if self.tests_end_time:
if self.suite_start_time:
(self.tests_end_time -
if self.tests_start_time:
(self.tests_end_time -
# The reimage times are the start and end times of the reimage
# job (taken directly from the view), converted to datetime objects.
# If the reimage job never ran we won't enter the loop and if it didn't
# finish for some reason the start and end times are still initialized
# to valid datetimes.
for host, (start, end) in self.reimage_times.iteritems():
if start and end:
stats.Timer(data_key).send(host.replace('.', '_'),
(end - start).total_seconds())
def _full_test_name(job_id, view, build, suite):
Generates the full test name for printing to logs and generating a link to
the results.
@param job_id: the job id.
@param view: the view for which we are generating the name.
@param build: the build for this invocation of run_suite.
@param suite: the suite for this invocation of run_suite.
@return The test name, possibly with a descriptive prefix appended.
experimental, test_name = get_view_info(job_id, view, build, suite)[1:]
# If an experimental test is aborted get_view_info returns a name which
# includes the prefix.
prefix = constants.EXPERIMENTAL_PREFIX if (experimental and
not test_name.startswith(constants.EXPERIMENTAL_PREFIX)) else ''
return prefix + test_name
def main():
Entry point for run_suite script.
parser, options, args = parse_options()
log_name = 'run_suite-default.log'
if not options.mock_job_id:
if args:
print 'Unknown arguments: ' + str(args)
if not
print 'Need to specify which build to use'
if not options.board:
print 'Need to specify board'
if not
print 'Need to specify suite name'
# convert build name from containing / to containing only _
log_name = 'run_suite-%s.log' %'/', '_')
log_dir = os.path.join(common.autotest_dir, 'logs')
if os.path.exists(log_dir):
log_name = os.path.join(log_dir, log_name)
if options.num is not None and options.num < 1:
print 'Number of machines must be more than 0, if specified.'
if options.no_wait != 'True' and options.no_wait != 'False':
print 'Please specify "True" or "False" for --no_wait.'
if options.file_bugs != 'True' and options.file_bugs != 'False':
print 'Please specify "True" or "False" for --file_bugs.'
if not options.bypass_labstatus:
except (error.LabIsDownException, error.BoardIsDisabledException) as e:
logging.debug('Error Message: %s', e)
print str(e)
afe = frontend_wrappers.RetryingAFE(timeout_min=options.timeout_min,
wait = (options.no_wait == 'False')
file_bugs = (options.file_bugs == 'True')
if options.mock_job_id:
job_id = int(options.mock_job_id)
job_id ='create_suite_job',,
check_hosts=wait, pool=options.pool, num=options.num,
TKO = frontend_wrappers.RetryingTKO(timeout_min=options.timeout_min,
delay_sec=options.delay_sec)'Started suite job: %s', job_id)
while wait and True:
if not afe.get_jobs(id=job_id, finished=True):
views ='get_detailed_test_views', afe_job_id=job_id)
width = max((len(_full_test_name(job_id, view,, for view in views)) + 3
relevant_views = filter(job_status.view_is_relevant, views)
if not relevant_views:
# The main suite job most likely failed in SERVER_JOB.
relevant_views = views
timings = Timings()
web_links = []
buildbot_links = []
for view in relevant_views:
if job_status.view_is_for_suite_prep(view):
view['test_name'] = 'Suite prep'
job_name, experimental = get_view_info(job_id, view,,[:2]
test_view = _full_test_name(job_id, view,,"%s%s", test_view, get_pretty_status(view['status']))
# It's important that we:
# a. Use the test name in the view and not the name returned by
# full_test_name, as this was the name inserted after the test
# ran. Eg: for an aborted test full_test_name will return
# experimental_testname but the view and the bug_id keyval will
# contain /bulid/suite/experimental_testname.
# b. Apply the inverse function that was applied to record the bug
# id as a keyval in dynamic_suite, by replacing all '/' with '_'.
bug_id = view['job_keyvals'].get(
view['test_name'].replace('/', '_')+constants.BUG_KEYVAL)
link = LogLink(test_view, job_name, bug_id)
if view['status'] != 'GOOD':"%s %s: %s", test_view, view['status'],
# Don't show links on the buildbot waterfall for tests with
# GOOD status.
if view['status'] == 'TEST_NA':
# Didn't run; nothing to do here!
# Failed already, no need to worry further.
# Any non experimental test that has a status other than WARN
# or GOOD will result in the tree closing. Experimental tests
# will not close the tree, even if they have been aborted.
if (view['status'] == 'WARN' or
(is_fail_status(view['status']) and experimental)):
# Failures that produce a warning. Either a test with WARN
# status or any experimental test failure.
timings.SendResultsToStatsd(,, options.board)'\n'
'Links to test logs:')
for link in web_links:
returnmessage = RETURN_CODES.get_string(code)
except ValueError:
returnmessage = 'UNKNOWN''\n'
'Will return from run_suite with status: %s',
'Output below this line is for buildbot consumption:')
for link in buildbot_links:
else:'Created suite job: %r', job_id)
link = LogLink(, '%s-%s' % (job_id, getpass.getuser()))'--no_wait specified; Exiting.')
return code
if __name__ == "__main__":