blob: 24fc9b7dd5b670b1af8727e1b88fbdd3ef4920c6 [file] [log] [blame]
__author__ = """Copyright Martin J. Bligh, Google, 2006"""
import os
from autotest_utils import *
def list_mount_devices():
devices = []
# list mounted filesystems
for line in system_output('mount').splitlines():
# list mounted swap devices
for line in system_output('swapon -s').splitlines():
if line.startswith('/'): # skip header line
return devices
def list_mount_points():
mountpoints = []
for line in system_output('mount').splitlines():
return mountpoints
class filesystem:
Class for handling filesystems
def __init__(self, device, mountpoint):
device should be able to be a file as well
which we mount as loopback
The device in question (eg "/dev/hda2")
Default mountpoint for the device.
self.device = device
self.mountpoint = mountpoint
def mkfs(self, fstype = 'ext2'):
Format a partition to fstype
if list_mount_devices().count(self.device):
raise NameError('Attempted to format mounted device')
system("yes | mkfs -t %s %s" % (fstype, self.device))
def fsck(self, args = ''):
ret = system('fsck %s %s' % (self.device, args), ignorestatus=1)
return not ret
def mount(self, mountpoint=None):
if not mountpoint:
mountpoint = self.mountpoint
if list_mount_devices().count(self.device):
raise NameError('Attempted to mount mounted device')
if list_mount_points().count(mountpoint):
raise NameError('Attempted to mount busy mountpoint')
system("mount %s %s" % (self.device, mountpoint))
def unmount(self, handle=None):
if not handle:
handle = self.device
system("umount " + handle)