blob: 27738866eaaae96b49fe38430691e344bbc3a9c3 [file] [log] [blame]
Utility functions for We keep them in a separate file so that
only RPC interface functions go into that file.
__author__ = ' (Steve Howard)'
import datetime, xmlrpclib, threading
from frontend.afe import models, model_logic
NULL_DATETIME = datetime.datetime.max
def prepare_for_serialization(objects):
Prepare Python objects to be returned via RPC.
if (isinstance(objects, list) and len(objects) and
isinstance(objects[0], dict) and 'id' in objects[0]):
objects = gather_unique_dicts(objects)
return _prepare_data(objects)
def _prepare_data(data):
Recursively process data structures, performing necessary type
conversions to values in data to allow for RPC serialization:
-convert datetimes to strings
-convert tuples and sets to lists
if isinstance(data, dict):
new_data = {}
for key, value in data.iteritems():
new_data[key] = _prepare_data(value)
return new_data
elif (isinstance(data, list) or isinstance(data, tuple) or
isinstance(data, set)):
return [_prepare_data(item) for item in data]
elif isinstance(data,
if data is NULL_DATETIME or data is NULL_DATE:
return None
return str(data)
return data
def gather_unique_dicts(dict_iterable):
Pick out unique objects (by ID) from an iterable of object dicts.
id_set = set()
result = []
for obj in dict_iterable:
if obj['id'] not in id_set:
return result
def extra_job_filters(not_yet_run=False, running=False, finished=False):
Generate a SQL WHERE clause for job status filtering, and return it in
a dict of keyword args to pass to query.extra(). No more than one of
the parameters should be passed as True.
assert not ((not_yet_run and running) or
(not_yet_run and finished) or
(running and finished)), ('Cannot specify more than one '
'filter to this function')
if not_yet_run:
where = ['id NOT IN (SELECT job_id FROM host_queue_entries '
'WHERE active OR complete)']
elif running:
where = ['(id IN (SELECT job_id FROM host_queue_entries '
'WHERE active OR complete)) AND '
'(id IN (SELECT job_id FROM host_queue_entries '
'WHERE not complete OR active))']
elif finished:
where = ['id NOT IN (SELECT job_id FROM host_queue_entries '
'WHERE not complete OR active)']
return None
return {'where': where}
def extra_host_filters(multiple_labels=[]):
Generate SQL WHERE clauses for matching hosts in an intersection of
extra_args = {}
where_str = (' in (select host_id from hosts_labels '
'where label_id=%s)')
extra_args['where'] = [where_str] * len(multiple_labels)
extra_args['params'] = [models.Label.smart_get(label).id
for label in multiple_labels]
return extra_args
class InconsistencyException(Exception):
'Raised when a list of objects does not have a consistent value'
def get_consistent_value(objects, field):
value = getattr(objects[0], field)
for obj in objects:
this_value = getattr(obj, field)
if this_value != value:
raise InconsistencyException(objects[0], obj)
return value
def prepare_generate_control_file(tests, kernel, label, profilers):
test_objects = [models.Test.smart_get(test) for test in tests]
profiler_objects = [models.Profiler.smart_get(profiler)
for profiler in profilers]
# ensure tests are all the same type
test_type = get_consistent_value(test_objects, 'test_type')
except InconsistencyException, exc:
test1, test2 = exc.args
raise model_logic.ValidationError(
{'tests' : 'You cannot run both server- and client-side '
'tests together (tests %s and %s differ' % (,})
synch_type = get_consistent_value(test_objects, 'synch_type')
except InconsistencyException, exc:
test1, test2 = exc.args
raise model_logic.ValidationError(
{'tests' : 'You cannot run both synchronous and '
'asynchronous tests together (tests %s and %s differ)' % (,})
is_server = (test_type == models.Test.Types.SERVER)
is_synchronous = (synch_type == models.Test.SynchType.SYNCHRONOUS)
if label:
label = models.Label.smart_get(label)
return is_server, is_synchronous, test_objects, profiler_objects, label