blob: f0b26130ed2c73221591d5dd36a8765ebc6c13b4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from distutils import version
import json
import logging
import os
import urllib2
import HTMLParser
import cStringIO
import re
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import retry
from autotest_lib.site_utils.graphite import stats
# TODO(cmasone): redo this class using requests module;
CONFIG = global_config.global_config
# This file is generated at build time and specifies, per suite and per test,
# the DEPENDENCIES list specified in each control file. It's a dict of dicts:
# {'bvt': {'/path/to/autotest/control/site_tests/test1/control': ['dep1']}
# 'suite': {'/path/to/autotest/control/site_tests/test2/control': ['dep2']}
# 'power': {'/path/to/autotest/control/site_tests/test1/control': ['dep1'],
# '/path/to/autotest/control/site_tests/test3/control': ['dep3']}
# }
DEPENDENCIES_FILE = 'test_suites/dependency_info'
class MarkupStripper(HTMLParser.HTMLParser):
"""HTML parser that strips HTML tags, coded characters like &
Works by, basically, not doing anything for any tags, and only recording
the content of text nodes in an internal data structure.
def __init__(self):
self.fed = []
def handle_data(self, d):
"""Consume content of text nodes, store it away."""
def get_data(self):
"""Concatenate and return all stored data."""
return ''.join(self.fed)
def _get_image_storage_server():
return CONFIG.get_config_value('CROS', 'image_storage_server', type=str)
def _get_dev_server_list():
return CONFIG.get_config_value('CROS', 'dev_server', type=list, default=[])
def _get_crash_server_list():
return CONFIG.get_config_value('CROS', 'crash_server', type=list,
def remote_devserver_call(timeout_min=30):
"""A decorator to use with remote devserver calls.
This decorator converts urllib2.HTTPErrors into DevServerExceptions with
any embedded error info converted into plain text.
#pylint: disable=C0111
def inner_decorator(method):
@retry.retry(urllib2.URLError, timeout_min=timeout_min)
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
"""This wrapper actually catches the HTTPError."""
return method(*args, **kwargs)
except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
error_markup =
strip = MarkupStripper()
except UnicodeDecodeError:
raise DevServerException(strip.get_data())
return wrapper
return inner_decorator
class DevServerException(Exception):
"""Raised when the dev server returns a non-200 HTTP response."""
class DevServer(object):
"""Base class for all DevServer-like server stubs.
This is the base class for interacting with all Dev Server-like servers.
A caller should instantiate a sub-class of DevServer with:
host = SubClassServer.resolve(build)
server = SubClassServer(host)
def __init__(self, devserver):
self._devserver = devserver
def url(self):
"""Returns the url for this devserver."""
return self._devserver
def devserver_healthy(devserver, timeout_min=0.1):
"""Returns True if the |devserver| is healthy to stage build.
@param devserver: url of the devserver.
@param timeout_min: How long to wait in minutes before deciding the
the devserver is not up (float).
server_name = re.sub(r':\d+$', '', devserver.lstrip('http://'))
# statsd treats |.| as path separator.
server_name = server_name.replace('.', '_')
call = DevServer._build_call(devserver, 'check_health')
def make_call():
"""Inner method that makes the call."""
return urllib2.urlopen(call).read()
result_dict = json.load(cStringIO.StringIO(make_call()))
free_disk = result_dict['free_disk']
stats.Gauge(server_name).send('free_disk', free_disk)
if free_disk < DevServer._MIN_FREE_DISK_SPACE_GB:
logging.error('Devserver check_health failed. Free disk space '
'is low. Only %dGB is available.', free_disk)
stats.Counter(server_name +'.devserver_not_healthy').increment()
return False
# This counter indicates the load of a devserver. By comparing the
# value of this counter for all devservers, we can evaluate the
# load balancing across all devservers.
stats.Counter(server_name + '.devserver_healthy').increment()
return True
except Exception as e:
logging.error('Devserver call failed: "%s", timeout: %s seconds,'
' Error: %s', call, timeout_min*60, str(e))
stats.Counter(server_name + '.devserver_not_healthy').increment()
return False
def _build_call(host, method, **kwargs):
"""Build a URL to |host| that calls |method|, passing |kwargs|.
Builds a URL that calls |method| on the dev server defined by |host|,
passing a set of key/value pairs built from the dict |kwargs|.
@param host: a string that is the host basename e.g. http://server:90.
@param method: the dev server method to call.
@param kwargs: a dict mapping arg names to arg values.
@return the URL string.
argstr = '&'.join(map(lambda x: "%s=%s" % x, kwargs.iteritems()))
return "%(host)s/%(method)s?%(argstr)s" % dict(
host=host, method=method, argstr=argstr)
def build_call(self, method, **kwargs):
"""Builds a devserver RPC string that can be invoked using
@param method: remote devserver method to call.
return self._build_call(self._devserver, method, **kwargs)
def build_all_calls(cls, method, **kwargs):
"""Builds a list of URLs that makes RPC calls on all devservers.
Build a URL that calls |method| on the dev server, passing a set
of key/value pairs built from the dict |kwargs|.
@param method: the dev server method to call.
@param kwargs: a dict mapping arg names to arg values
@return the URL string
calls = []
# Note we use cls.servers as servers is class specific.
for server in cls.servers():
if cls.devserver_healthy(server):
calls.append(cls._build_call(server, method, **kwargs))
return calls
def servers():
"""Returns a list of servers that can serve as this type of server."""
raise NotImplementedError()
def resolve(cls, build):
""""Resolves a build to a devserver instance.
@param build: The build (e.g. x86-mario-release/R18-1586.0.0-a1-b1514).
devservers = cls.servers()
while devservers:
hash_index = hash(build) % len(devservers)
devserver = devservers.pop(hash_index)
if cls.devserver_healthy(devserver):
return cls(devserver)
logging.error('All devservers are currently down!!!')
raise DevServerException('All devservers are currently down!!!')
class CrashServer(DevServer):
"""Class of DevServer that symbolicates crash dumps."""
def servers():
return _get_crash_server_list()
def symbolicate_dump(self, minidump_path, build):
"""Ask the devserver to symbolicate the dump at minidump_path.
Stage the debug symbols for |build| and, if that works, ask the
devserver to symbolicate the dump at |minidump_path|.
@param minidump_path: the on-disk path of the minidump.
@param build: The build (e.g. x86-mario-release/R18-1586.0.0-a1-b1514)
whose debug symbols are needed for symbolication.
@return The contents of the stack trace
@raise DevServerException upon any return code that's not HTTP OK.
import requests
except ImportError:
logging.warning("Can't 'import requests' to connect to dev server.")
return ''
# Symbolicate minidump.
call = self.build_call('symbolicate_dump',
archive_url=_get_image_storage_server() + build)
request =
call, files={'minidump': open(minidump_path, 'rb')})
if request.status_code ==
return request.text
error_fd = cStringIO.StringIO(request.text)
raise urllib2.HTTPError(
call, request.status_code, request.text, request.headers,
class ImageServer(DevServer):
"""Class for DevServer that handles image-related RPCs."""
def servers():
return _get_dev_server_list()
def devserver_url_for_servo(cls, board):
"""Returns the devserver url for use with servo recovery.
@param board: The board (e.g. 'x86-mario').
# Ideally, for load balancing we'd select the server based
# on the board. For now, to simplify manual steps on the
# server side, we ignore the board type and hard-code the
# server as first in the list.
# TODO(jrbarnette) Once we have automated selection of the
# build for recovery, we should revisit this.
url_pattern = CONFIG.get_config_value('CROS',
return url_pattern % (cls.servers()[0], board)
class ArtifactUrls(object):
"""A container for URLs of staged artifacts.
full_payload: URL for downloading a staged full release update
mton_payload: URL for downloading a staged M-to-N release update
nton_payload: URL for downloading a staged N-to-N release update
def __init__(self, full_payload=None, mton_payload=None,
self.full_payload = full_payload
self.mton_payload = mton_payload
self.nton_payload = nton_payload
def stage_artifacts(self, image, artifacts):
"""Tell the devserver to download and stage |artifacts| from |image|.
This is the main call point for staging any specific artifacts for a
given build. To see the list of artifacts one can stage see:
This is maintained along with the actual devserver code.
@param image: the image to fetch and stage.
@param artifacts: A list of artifacts.
@raise DevServerException upon any return code that's not HTTP OK.
call = self.build_call('stage',
archive_url=_get_image_storage_server() + image,
response = urllib2.urlopen(call)
if not == 'Success':
raise DevServerException("staging artifacts %s for %s failed;"
"HTTP OK not accompanied by 'Success'." %
(' '.join(artifacts), image))
def trigger_download(self, image, synchronous=True):
"""Tell the devserver to download and stage |image|.
Tells the devserver to fetch |image| from the image storage server
named by _get_image_storage_server().
If |synchronous| is True, waits for the entire download to finish
staging before returning. Otherwise only the artifacts necessary
to start installing images onto DUT's will be staged before returning.
A caller can then call finish_download to guarantee the rest of the
artifacts have finished staging.
@param image: the image to fetch and stage.
@param synchronous: if True, waits until all components of the image are
staged before returning.
@raise DevServerException upon any return code that's not HTTP OK.
call = self.build_call(
'download', archive_url=_get_image_storage_server() + image)
response = urllib2.urlopen(call)
was_successful = == 'Success'
if was_successful and synchronous:
elif not was_successful:
raise DevServerException("trigger_download for %s failed;"
"HTTP OK not accompanied by 'Success'." %
def setup_telemetry(self, build):
"""Tell the devserver to setup telemetry for this build.
The devserver will stage autotest and then extract the required files
for telemetry.
@param build: the build to setup telemetry for.
@returns path on the devserver that telemetry is installed to.
call = self.build_call(
archive_url=_get_image_storage_server() + build)
response = urllib2.urlopen(call)
def finish_download(self, image):
"""Tell the devserver to finish staging |image|.
If trigger_download is called with synchronous=False, it will return
before all artifacts have been staged. This method contacts the
devserver and blocks until all staging is completed and should be
called after a call to trigger_download.
@param image: the image to fetch and stage.
@raise DevServerException upon any return code that's not HTTP OK.
call = self.build_call('wait_for_status',
archive_url=_get_image_storage_server() + image)
if urllib2.urlopen(call).read() != 'Success':
raise DevServerException("finish_download for %s failed;"
"HTTP OK not accompanied by 'Success'." %
def get_update_url(self, image):
"""Returns the url that should be passed to the updater.
@param image: the image that was fetched.
url_pattern = CONFIG.get_config_value('CROS', 'image_url_pattern',
return (url_pattern % (self.url(), image))
def _get_image_url(self, image):
"""Returns the url of the directory for this image on the devserver.
@param image: the image that was fetched.
url_pattern = CONFIG.get_config_value('CROS', 'image_url_pattern',
return (url_pattern % (self.url(), image)).replace(
'update', 'static/archive')
def get_delta_payload_url(self, payload_type, image):
"""Returns a URL to a staged delta payload.
@param payload_type: either 'mton' or 'nton'
@param image: the image that was fetched.
@return A fully qualified URL that can be used for downloading the
@raise DevServerException if payload type argument is invalid.
if payload_type not in ('mton', 'nton'):
raise DevServerException('invalid delta payload type: %s' %
version = os.path.basename(image)
base_url = self._get_image_url(image)
return base_url + '/au/%s_%s/update.gz' % (version, payload_type)
def get_full_payload_url(self, image):
"""Returns a URL to a staged full payload.
@param image: the image that was fetched.
@return A fully qualified URL that can be used for downloading the
return self._get_image_url(image) + '/update.gz'
def get_test_image_url(self, image):
"""Returns a URL to a staged test image.
@param image: the image that was fetched.
@return A fully qualified URL that can be used for downloading the
return self._get_image_url(image) + '/chromiumos_test_image.bin'
def list_control_files(self, build):
"""Ask the devserver to list all control files for |build|.
@param build: The build (e.g. x86-mario-release/R18-1586.0.0-a1-b1514)
whose control files the caller wants listed.
@return None on failure, or a list of control file paths
(e.g. server/site_tests/autoupdate/control)
@raise DevServerException upon any return code that's not HTTP OK.
call = self.build_call('controlfiles', build=build)
response = urllib2.urlopen(call)
return [line.rstrip() for line in response]
def get_control_file(self, build, control_path):
"""Ask the devserver for the contents of a control file.
@param build: The build (e.g. x86-mario-release/R18-1586.0.0-a1-b1514)
whose control file the caller wants to fetch.
@param control_path: The file to fetch
(e.g. server/site_tests/autoupdate/control)
@return The contents of the desired file.
@raise DevServerException upon any return code that's not HTTP OK.
call = self.build_call('controlfiles', build=build,
return urllib2.urlopen(call).read()
def get_dependencies_file(self, build):
"""Ask the dev server for the contents of the suite dependencies file.
Ask the dev server at |self._dev_server| for the contents of the
pre-processed suite dependencies file (at DEPENDENCIES_FILE)
for |build|.
@param build: The build (e.g. x86-mario-release/R21-2333.0.0)
whose dependencies the caller is interested in.
@return The contents of the dependencies file, which should eval to
a dict of dicts, as per site_utils/
@raise DevServerException upon any return code that's not HTTP OK.
call = self.build_call('controlfiles',
build=build, control_path=DEPENDENCIES_FILE)
return urllib2.urlopen(call).read()
def get_latest_build(cls, target, milestone=''):
"""Ask all the devservers for the latest build for a given target.
@param target: The build target, typically a combination of the board
and the type of build e.g. x86-mario-release.
@param milestone: For latest build set to '', for builds only in a
specific milestone set to a str of format Rxx
(e.g. R16). Default: ''. Since we are dealing with a
webserver sending an empty string, '', ensures that
the variable in the URL is ignored as if it was set
to None.
@return A string of the returned build e.g. R20-2226.0.0.
@raise DevServerException upon any return code that's not HTTP OK.
calls = cls.build_all_calls('latestbuild', target=target,
latest_builds = []
for call in calls:
return max(latest_builds, key=version.LooseVersion)