blob: 580f9bd62179f3303b4346117647c7d266962958 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""HTTP Client classes for Recall server.
This module should not be imported directly, instead the public classes
are imported directly into the top-level recall package.
__all__ = ["HTTPConnection", "HTTPSConnection", "HTTPRequest", "HTTPResponse",
"HTTPClient", "HTTPMiddleware", "ArchivingHTTPClient"]
import httplib
import logging
import threading
import time
import zlib
class HTTPResponse(httplib.HTTPResponse):
"""Recordable HTTP Response.
Subclasses the httplib.HTTPResponse class to add the ability to record
the data received from the server, the delay between chunks, modify data
recevied and pickle for later playback.
logger = logging.getLogger("HTTPResponse")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
httplib.HTTPResponse.__init__(self, *args, **kwds)
self._mutate_functions = []
self._decompressor = None
def __getstate__(self):
state = self.__dict__.copy()
if 'fp' in state:
del state['fp']
del state['_mutate_functions']
del state['_decompressor']
return state
def __setstate__(self, state):
self._mutate_functions = []
self._decompressor = None
def headers(self):
"""List of (header, value) tuples.
Unlike the superclass, this doesn't merge duplicate headers since that
breaks cookies.
if self.msg is None:
raise httplib.ResponseNotReady()
self._headers = []
for line in self.msg.headers:
sep = line.index(':')
header = line[:sep].rstrip()
value = line[sep+1:].lstrip().rstrip('\r\n')
self._headers.append((header, value))
return self._headers
def _read_status(self):
"""Read status line from server.
Wrapped to set the time we received the status line, which gets converted
to a delay by HTTPConnection.getresponse()
ret = httplib.HTTPResponse._read_status(self)
self._status_receive_time = time.time()
return ret
def AddMutateFunction(self, function):
"""Add a function to mutate data chunks.
Must be called before the chunks property is accessed.
# Mutate functions means the length of the content may change;
# server must recalculate on the fly
del self.msg['Content-Length']
# It also means we have to decompress
content_encoding = self.getheader('Content-Encoding')
if content_encoding in ('gzip', 'deflate'):
self.logger.debug("Will decompresss data in order to mutate")
del self.msg['Content-Encoding']
if content_encoding == 'gzip':
self._decompressor = zlib.decompressobj(16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS).decompress
elif content_encoding == 'deflate':
self._decompressor = zlib.decompressobj(-zlib.MAX_WBITS).decompress
def _RecordChunk(self, chunk):
"""Record and mutate chunk received from the server."""
delay = time.time() - self.start_time
if self._decompressor:
chunk = self._decompressor(chunk)
for mutate_function in self._mutate_functions:
chunk = mutate_function(chunk)
self._chunks.append((delay, chunk))
return chunk
def chunks(self):
"""Read data chunks from server.
This yields each chunk, including the final empty chunk in the case of
chunked transfer-encoding and may sleep between calls to simulate the
delay between chunk receive times.
# TODO(keybuk): this should probably record the time of the last call
# rather than just the delay
last_delay = 0.0
for delay, chunk in self._chunks:
time.sleep(delay - last_delay)
last_delay = delay
yield chunk
except AttributeError:
self._chunks = []
# (keybuk) non-chunked we just read the entire document as one chunk;
# this means that for streaming, there's a bit of a wait the first time
# since it has to reach the server first, but not when playing back
if not self.chunked:
yield self._RecordChunk(
# (keybuk) this code is basically _read_chunked() from the superclass,
# simplified to always read everything, and to yield the final empty
# chunk since we need to send it to the client ourselves
chunk_len = None
while chunk_len != 0:
line = self.fp.readline()
i = line.find(';')
if i >= 0:
line = line[:i] # strip chunk-extensions
chunk_len = int(line, 16)
except ValueError:
# close the connection as protocol synchronisation is
# probably lost
raise httplib.IncompleteRead(''.join(value))
# (keybuk) we always want to yield the final empty chunk since we
# need to send it to the client anyway
yield self._RecordChunk(self._safe_read(chunk_len))
self._safe_read(2) # toss the CRLF at the end of the chunk
# we read everything; close the "file"
class HTTPConnectionMixIn: # HTTPConnection is not an object
response_class = HTTPResponse
def getresponse(self):
"""Get the response from the server.
Wraps httplib.HTTPConnection to set the response's start_time variable
used to caclulate the delay between chunks being received, and ensures
that status_delay is the time it took to receive the status code line.
start_time = time.time()
response = httplib.HTTPConnection.getresponse(self)
response.start_time = start_time
# calculate here since we can't set start_time before getresponse
response.status_delay = response._status_receive_time - start_time
return response
class HTTPConnection(HTTPConnectionMixIn, httplib.HTTPConnection):
class HTTPSConnection(HTTPConnectionMixIn, httplib.HTTPSConnection):
class HTTPRequest(object):
"""Recordable HTTP Request.
Companion request object for HTTPResponse that is picklable and hashable
so it can be used as a key to find the appropriate HTTPResponse object;
implements smart matching since some headers change, and some order
Because of this smart matching, one HTTPRequest object may in fact match
several recorded ones. You should therefore use an indirect lookup where
hashing an HTTPRequest in fact yields an array of matching requests and
their responses, and compare the request you're looking for with those
using MatchScore()
logger = logging.getLogger("HTTPRequest")
unmatchable_headers = [
'Cookie', # special matching
'Referer', # special matching
def __init__(self, host, command, path, headers=[], body=None, ssl=False): = host
self.command = command
self.path = path
self.headers = headers
self.body = body
self.ssl = ssl
self._match_headers = self._MatchHeaders(self.headers)
def __str__(self):
return "%s %s://%s%s" % (self.command,
self.ssl and 'https' or 'http',, self.path)
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s: %s%r %s %r>" % (self.__class__.__name__,
self.ssl and '(SSL) ' or '',, self.command, self.path)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(repr((, self.command, self.path, self._match_headers,
self.body, self.ssl)))
def __eq__(self, other):
if !=
return False
elif other.command != self.command:
return False
elif other.ssl != self.ssl:
return False
elif other.path != self.path:
return False
elif other.body != self.body:
return False
elif other._match_headers != self._match_headers:
return False
return True
def __getstate__(self):
state = self.__dict__.copy()
del state['_match_headers']
return state
def __setstate__(self, state):
self._match_headers = self._MatchHeaders(state['headers'])
def _MatchHeaders(cls, headers):
match_headers = set()
for header, value in headers:
header = header.title()
if header in cls.unmatchable_headers:
match_headers.add((header, value))
return match_headers
def _cookies(self):
"""Values of all cookies present in the request.
Returns all values from all Cookie headers, including those that provide
multiple values.
cookies = set()
for header, value in self.headers:
if header.title() == 'Cookie':
for cookie in value.split(';'):
return cookies
def getheader(self, name, default=None):
"""Retrieve value of header."""
for header, value in self.headers:
if header.title() == name.title():
return value
return default
def MatchScore(self, other):
"""Compare request with another and return a match score.
The hash of an HTTPRequest object may match multiple other HTTPRequest
objects, in which case you should calculate the MatchScore of the request
you're seeking against those present and pick the highest one.
# These numbers are randomly picked and seem to work ok for now
score = len(self._cookies.intersection(other._cookies)) * 10
if self.getheader('referer') == other.getheader('referer'):
score += 1000
return score
class HTTPClient(object):
"""Generic HTTP Client.
This class implements an HTTP Client that fetches the results using
the Python httplib library. HTTP Client objects are picklable.
client = HTTPClient()
request = HTTPRequest('', 'GET', '/')
response = client(request)
def __call__(self, request):
"""Lookup the request.
request: HTTPRequest to lookup.
HTTPResponse reply, which may include an error response.
if request.ssl:
connection = HTTPSConnection(
connection = HTTPConnection(
connection.putrequest(request.command, request.path,
send_host = True
send_accept_encoding = True
for header, value in request.headers:
if header.title() == 'Host':
send_host = False
elif header.title() == 'Accept-Encoding':
send_accept_encoding = False
connection.putheader(header, value)
if send_host:
if send_accept_encoding:
connection.putheader('Accept-Encoding', '')
if request.body is not None:
return connection.getresponse()
class HTTPMiddleware(object):
"""Base class for HTTP Client middleware.
This class is a base class for HTTPClient-compatible classes that
accept a HTTPClient argument to their constructor and surround it
with their own processing.
HTTP Middleware objects are picklable.
When creating your subclass, if it will work without a HTTP Client
you can set the client_optional class member to True; an instance
may raise KeyError in the case where it cannot proceed further
without one.
client_optional = False
def __init__(self, http_client=HTTPClient()):
"""Create the client middleware instance.
http_client: HTTP Client object to wrap, defaults to plain HTTPClient()
and may be None if client_optional is True for the class.
self.http_client = http_client
def http_client(self):
return self._http_client
def http_client(self, http_client):
assert http_client is not None or self.client_optional
self._http_client = http_client
def http_client(self):
assert self.client_optional
self._http_client = None
def __call__(self, request):
"""Lookup the request.
Subclasses should override this function replacing it with their
own, there is no need to call the superclass version.
request: HTTPRequest to lookup.
HTTPResponse reply, which may include an error response.
if not self._http_client:
raise KeyError
response = self._http_client(request)
return response
class ArchivingHTTPClient(HTTPMiddleware):
"""Archiving HTTP Client middleware.
This HTTP Client middleware wraps an HTTP Client and archives all of its
responses. If a request is found in the archive, that is returned in
place of using the HTTP Client given to the constructor.
The archive may be initialised with None as the HTTP Client in which
case KeyError will be raised if the request is not found in the archive.
Matching is done using HTTPRequest smart matching.
client_optional = True
logger = logging.getLogger("ArchivingHTTPClient")
def __init__(self, http_client=HTTPClient()):
super(ArchivingHTTPClient, self).__init__(http_client)
self._responses = {}
self._lock = threading.Lock()
def __getstate__(self):
state = self.__dict__.copy()
del state['_lock']
return state
def __setstate__(self, state):
self._lock = threading.Lock()
def __call__(self, request):
"""Lookup the request.
Returns an archived response if one exists, otherwise uses the next
HTTP Client in the middleware stack to resolve it, throwing KeyError
if no further client exists.
request: HTTPRequest to lookup.
HTTPResponse reply, which may include an error response.
with self._lock:
best_response, best_score = None, 0
for original_request, response in self._responses[request]:
score = request.MatchScore(original_request)
if score >= best_score:
best_response, best_score = response, score"HIT %s", request)
return best_response
except KeyError:"MISS %s", request)
if not self._http_client:
response = self._http_client(request)
with self._lock:
self._responses[request].append((request, response))
except KeyError:
self._responses[request] = [ (request, response) ]
return response