blob: 57ffb6a10d6ce38acf5d0ed14b6cab0bbd6693f0 [file] [log] [blame]
import base64, os, tempfile, operator, pickle, datetime, django.db
from math import sqrt
os.environ['HOME'] = tempfile.gettempdir()
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.figure, matplotlib.backends.backend_agg
import StringIO, colorsys, PIL.Image, PIL.ImageChops
from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import readonly_connection
from autotest_lib.frontend.afe.model_logic import ValidationError
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config
from new_tko.tko import models, tko_rpc_utils
class NoDataError(Exception):
Exception to raise if the graphing query returned an empty resultset.
def _colors(n):
Returns a generator function for creating n colors. The return value is a
tuple representing the RGB of the color.
incr = 1.0 / n
hue = 0.0
for i in xrange(n):
yield colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hue, 1.0, 1.0)
hue += incr
def _resort(kernel_labels, list_to_sort):
Resorts a list, using a list of kernel strings as the keys. Returns the
resorted list.
labels = [tko_rpc_utils.KernelString(label) for label in kernel_labels]
resorted_pairs = sorted(zip(labels, list_to_sort))
# We only want the resorted list; we are not interested in the kernel
# strings.
resorted_list = [pair[1] for pair in resorted_pairs]
return resorted_list
_tmpl = """\
<img src="data:image/png;base64,%s" usemap="#%s"
border="0" alt="graph">
<map name="%s">%s</map>
_area = """\
<area shape="rect" coords="%i,%i,%i,%i" title="%s"
onclick="%s(%s); return false;">"""
def _create_figure(height_inches):
Creates an instance of matplotlib.figure.Figure, given the height in inches.
Returns the figure and the height in pixels.
dpi = 100;
fig = matplotlib.figure.Figure(figsize=(10, 2 + height_inches),
dpi=dpi, facecolor='white')
return (fig, fig.get_figheight() * dpi)
def _create_line(plots, labels, queries, invert, single):
Given all the data for the metrics, create a line plot.
plots: dictionary containing the plot data.
x: list of x-values for the plot
y: list of corresponding y-values
errors: errors for each data point, or None if no error information
label: plot title
labels: x-tick labels
queries: dictionary containing the relevant drilldown queries for series
invert: list of series that should have an inverted y-axis
single: True if this should be a single plot, False for multiple subplots
area_data = []
lines = []
if single:
h = 6
h = 4 * len(plots)
fig, height = _create_figure(h)
plot_index = 1
if single:
sub = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
# Plot all the data
for plot, color in zip(plots, _colors(len(plots))):
needs_invert = (plot['label'] in invert)
# Add a new subplot, if user wants multiple subplots
# Also handle axis inversion for subplots here
if not single:
sub = fig.add_subplot(len(plots), 1, plot_index)
if needs_invert:
elif needs_invert:
plot['y'] = [-y for y in plot['y']]
# Plot the series
sub.set_xticks(range(0, len(labels)))
sub.set_xlim(-1, len(labels))
if single:
lines += sub.plot(plot['x'], plot['y'], label=plot['label'],
marker='o', markersize=4)
color = lines[-1].get_color()
lines += sub.plot(plot['x'], plot['y'], 'bs-', label=plot['label'])
color = 'r'
if plot['errors']:
sub.errorbar(plot['x'], plot['y'], linestyle='None',
yerr=plot['errors'], color=color)
plot_index += 1
# Construct the information for the drilldowns
for line in lines:
# Get the pixel coordinates of each point on the figure
x = line.get_xdata()
y = line.get_ydata()
label = line.get_label()
icoords = line.get_transform().transform(zip(x,y))
# Get the appropriate drilldown query
drill = "'%s'" % (queries['__' + label + '__'].replace("'", "\\'"))
# Set the title attributes (hover-over tool-tips)
x_labels = [labels[x_val] for x_val in x]
titles = ['%s - %s: %f' % (label, x_label, y_val)
for x_label, y_val in zip(x_labels, y)]
# Get the appropriate parameters for the drilldown query
params = [[drill, "'%s'" % (line.get_label()), "'%s'" % x_label]
for x_label in x_labels]
area_data += [(ix - 5, height - iy - 5, ix + 5, height - iy + 5,
title, 'showMetricsDrilldown', ','.join(param))
for (ix, iy), title, param
in zip(icoords, titles, params)]
sub.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=90, size='x-small')
# Show the legend if there are not multiple subplots
if single:
prop = matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(size='xx-small')
legend = fig.legend(lines, [plot['label'] for plot in plots],
prop=prop, handlelen=0.03, numpoints=3)
# workaround for matplotlib not keeping all line markers in the legend
lines = legend.get_lines()
for line in lines:
return (fig, area_data)
def _get_adjusted_bar(x, width, index, num_plots):
Adjust the list 'x' to take the multiple series into account. Each series
should be shifted to the right by the width of a bar.
adjust = width * (index - 0.5 * num_plots - 1)
return [x_val + adjust for x_val in x]
def _create_bar(plots, labels, queries, invert):
Given all the data for the metrics, create a line plot.
plots: dictionary containing the plot data.
x: list of x-values for the plot
y: list of corresponding y-values
errors: errors for each data point, or None if no error information
label: plot title
labels: x-tick labels
queries: dictionary containing the relevant drilldown queries for series
invert: list of series that should have an inverted y-axis
area_data = []
bars = []
fig, height = _create_figure(6)
# Set up the plot
sub = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
sub.set_xticks(range(0, len(labels)))
sub.set_xlim(-1, len(labels))
sub.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=90, size=8)
sub.axhline(linewidth=2, color='black')
# width here is the width for each bar in the plot. Matplotlib default is
# 0.8.
width = 0.8 / len(plots)
plot_index = 1
# Plot the data
for plot, color in zip(plots, _colors(len(plots))):
# Invert the y-axis if needed
if plot['label'] in invert:
plot['y'] = [-y for y in plot['y']]
adjusted_x = _get_adjusted_bar(plot['x'], width, plot_index, len(plots))
bars.append(, plot['y'],
width=width, yerr=plot['errors'], facecolor=color,
plot_index += 1
# Construct the information for the drilldowns
plot_index = 1
for plot in plots:
adjusted_x = _get_adjusted_bar(plot['x'], width, plot_index, len(plots))
# Let matplotlib plot the data, so that we can get the data-to-image
# coordinate transforms
line = sub.plot(adjusted_x, plot['y'], linestyle='None')[0]
ulcoords = line.get_transform().transform(zip(adjusted_x, plot['y']))
brcoords = line.get_transform().transform(
[(x + width, 0) for x in adjusted_x])
# Get the drilldown query
key = '__' + plot['label'] + '__'
drill = "'%s'" % (queries[key].replace("'", "\\'"))
# Set the title attributes
x_labels = [labels[x] for x in plot['x']]
titles = ['%s - %s: %f' % (plot['label'], label, y)
for label, y in zip(x_labels, plot['y'])]
params = [[drill, "'%s'" % plot['label'], "'%s'" % x_label]
for x_label in x_labels]
area_data += [(ulx, height - uly, brx, height - bry,
title, 'showMetricsDrilldown', ','.join(param))
for (ulx, uly), (brx, bry), title, param
in zip(ulcoords, brcoords, titles, params)]
plot_index += 1
fig.legend(bars, [plot['label'] for plot in plots])
return (fig, area_data)
def _normalize(data_values, data_errors, base_values, base_errors):
Normalize the data against a baseline.
data_values: y-values for the to-be-normalized data
data_errors: standard deviations for the to-be-normalized data
base_values: list of values normalize against
base_errors: list of standard deviations for those base values
values = [100 * (value - base) / base
for value, base in zip(data_values, base_values)]
# Based on error for f(x,y) = 100 * (x - y) / y
if data_errors:
if not base_errors:
base_errors = [0] * len(data_errors)
errors = [sqrt(error**2 * (100 / base_value)**2
+ base_error**2 * (100 * data / base_value**2)**2
+ error * base_error * (100 / base_value**2)**2)
for data, error, base_value, base_error
in zip(data_values, data_errors, base_values, base_errors)]
errors = None
return (values, errors)
def _create_png(fig):
Given the matplotlib figure, generate the PNG data for it.
# Draw the image
canvas = matplotlib.backends.backend_agg.FigureCanvasAgg(fig)
size = canvas.get_renderer().get_canvas_width_height()
buf = canvas.tostring_rgb()
im = PIL.Image.fromstring('RGB', size, buf, 'raw', 'RGB', 0, 1)
bg =, im.size, fig.get_facecolor())
# Crop the image to remove surrounding whitespace
diff = PIL.ImageChops.difference(im, bg)
bbox = diff.getbbox()
im = im.crop(bbox)
imdata = StringIO.StringIO(), format='PNG')
return imdata.getvalue(), bbox
def _create_image_html(fig, area_data, name):
Given the figure and drilldown data, construct the HTML that will render the
graph as a PNG image, and attach the image map to that image.
fig: figure containing the drawn plot(s)
area_data: list of parameters for each area of the image map. See the
definition of the template string '_area'
name: name to give the image map in the HTML
png, bbox = _create_png(fig)
# Construct the list of image map areas
areas = [_area % (data[0] - bbox[0], data[1] - bbox[1],
data[2] - bbox[0], data[3] - bbox[1],
data[4], data[5], data[6])
for data in area_data]
return _tmpl % (base64.b64encode(png), name,
name, '\n'.join(areas))
def _create_metrics_plot_helper(queries, plot, invert, normalize=None,
Create a metrics plot of the given data.
queries: dictionary containing the main query and the drilldown queries
plot: 'Line' or 'Bar', depending on the plot type the user wants
invert: list of series that should be plotted on an inverted y-axis
normalize: None - do not normalize
'first' - normalize against the first data point
'x__%s' - normalize against the x-axis value %s
'series__%s' - normalize against the series %s
extra_text: text to show at the uppper-left of the graph
if normalize is None:
normalize = ''
query = queries['__main__']
cursor = readonly_connection.connection.cursor()
if not cursor.rowcount:
raise NoDataError('query did not return any data')
if plot == 'Line':
line = True
elif plot == 'Bar':
line = False
raise ValidationError({
'Plot' : 'Plot must be either Line or Bar'
plots = []
labels = [str(row[0]) for row in cursor.fetchall()]
needs_resort = (cursor.description[0][0] == 'kernel')
# Collect all the data for the plot
col = 1
while col < len(cursor.description):
y = [row[col] for row in cursor.fetchall()]
label = cursor.description[col][0]
col += 1
if (col < len(cursor.description) and
'errors-' + label == cursor.description[col][0]):
errors = [row[col] for row in cursor.fetchall()]
col += 1
errors = None
if needs_resort:
y = _resort(labels, y)
if errors:
errors = _resort(labels, errors)
x = [enum[0] for enum in enumerate(y) if enum[1] is not None]
y = [y[i] for i in x]
if errors:
errors = [error for error in errors if error is not None]
'label': label,
'x': x,
'y': y,
'errors': errors
if needs_resort:
labels = _resort(labels, labels)
# Normalize the data if necessary
if normalize == 'first' or normalize.startswith('x__'):
if normalize != 'first':
baseline = normalize[3:]
baseline_index = labels.index(baseline)
except ValueError:
raise ValidationError({
'Normalize' : 'Invalid baseline %s' % baseline
for plot in plots:
if normalize == 'first':
plot_index = 0
plot_index = plot['x'].index(baseline_index)
# if the value is not found, then we cannot normalize
except ValueError:
raise ValidationError({
'Normalize' : ('%s does not have a value for %s'
% (plot['label'], normalize[3:]))
base_values = [plot['y'][plot_index]] * len(plot['y'])
if plot['errors']:
base_errors = [plot['errors'][plot_index]] * len(plot['errors'])
plot['y'], plot['errors'] = _normalize(plot['y'], plot['errors'],
None or base_errors)
elif normalize.startswith('series__'):
series = normalize[8:]
series_index = [plot['label'] for plot in plots].index(series)
plot = plots[series_index]
base_x = plot['x']
base_values = plot['y']
base_errors = plot['errors']
del plots[series_index]
for plot in plots:
# Remove all points in the to-be-normalized data that do not
# have a corresponding baseline value
to_remove = []
for index, data in enumerate(plot['x']):
if not data in base_x:
for index in to_remove:
del plot['x'][index]
del plot['y'][index]
if plot['errors']:
del plot['errors'][index]
plot['y'], plot['errors'] = _normalize(plot['y'], plot['errors'],
base_values, base_errors)
# Call the appropriate function to draw the line or bar plot
params = [plots, labels, queries, invert]
if line:
func = _create_line
func = _create_bar
fig, area_data = func(*params)
if extra_text:
text_y = .95 - .0075 * len(plots)
fig.text(.1, text_y, extra_text, size='xx-small')
return (fig, area_data, 'metrics_drilldown')
def create_metrics_plot(queries, plot, invert, normalize, extra_text=None):
Wrapper for _create_metrics_plot_helper
fig, area_data, name = _create_metrics_plot_helper(queries, plot,
invert, normalize,
return _create_image_html(fig, area_data, name)
def _get_hostnames_in_bucket(hist_data, bucket):
Get all the hostnames that constitute a particular bucket in the histogram.
hist_data: list containing tuples of (hostname, pass_rate)
bucket: tuple containing the (low, high) values of the target bucket
return [data[0] for data in hist_data
if data[1] >= bucket[0] and data[1] < bucket[1]]
def _create_qual_histogram_helper(query, filter_string, interval, extra_text=None):
Create a machine qualification histogram of the given data.
query: the main query to retrieve the pass rate information
filter_string: filter to apply to the common global filter to show the Table
View drilldown of a histogram bucket
interval: interval for each bucket. E.g., 10 means that buckets should be
0-10%, 10%-20%, ...
extra_text: text to show at the upper-left of the graph
cursor = readonly_connection.connection.cursor()
if not cursor.rowcount:
raise NoDataError('query did not return any data')
# Lists to store the plot data.
# hist_data store tuples of (hostname, pass_rate) for machines that have
# pass rates between 0 and 100%, exclusive.
# no_tests is a list of machines that have run none of the selected tests
# no_pass is a list of machines with 0% pass rate
# perfect is a list of machines with a 100% pass rate
hist_data = []
no_tests = []
no_pass = []
perfect = []
# Construct the lists of data to plot
for hostname, total, good in cursor.fetchall():
if total != 0:
if good == 0:
elif good == total:
percentage = 100.0 * good / total
hist_data.append((hostname, percentage))
bins = range(0, 100, interval)
if bins[-1] != 100:
bins.append(bins[-1] + interval)
fig, height = _create_figure(6)
sub = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
# Plot the data and get all the bars plotted
_,_, bars = sub.hist([data[1] for data in hist_data],
bins=bins, align='left')
bars +=[-interval], len(no_pass),
width=interval, align='center')
bars +=[bins[-1]], len(perfect),
width=interval, align='center')
bars +=[-3 * interval], len(no_tests),
width=interval, align='center')
buckets = [(bin, min(bin + interval, 100)) for bin in bins[:-1]]
sub.set_xlim(-4 * interval, bins[-1] + interval)
sub.set_xticks([-3 * interval, -interval] + bins + [100 + interval])
sub.set_xticklabels(['N/A', '0%'] +
['%d%% - <%d%%' % bucket for bucket in buckets] +
['100%'], rotation=90, size='small')
# Find the coordinates on the image for each bar
x = []
y = []
for bar in bars:
f = sub.plot(x, y, linestyle='None')[0]
ulcoords = f.get_transform().transform(zip(x, y))
brcoords = f.get_transform().transform(
[(x_val + interval, 0) for x_val in x])
filter_string_base = filter_string.replace("'", "\\'").replace('%', '%%')
# Set the title attributes
titles = ['%d%% - <%d%%: %d machines' % (bucket[0], bucket[1], y_val)
for bucket, y_val in zip(buckets, y)]
titles.append('0%%: %d machines' % len(no_pass))
titles.append('100%%: %d machines' % len(perfect))
titles.append('N/A: %d machines' % len(no_tests))
# Get the hostnames for each bucket in the histogram
names_list = [_get_hostnames_in_bucket(hist_data, bucket)
for bucket in buckets]
names_list += [no_pass, perfect]
if filter_string_base:
filter_string_base += ' AND '
# Construct the list of JavaScript functions to be called when the user
# clicks on the bar.
funcs = []
params = []
for names in names_list:
if names:
s_string = ','.join(["\\'%s\\'"] * len(names))
filter_tmpl = '%shostname IN (%s)' % (filter_string_base, s_string)
filter_string = filter_tmpl % tuple(names)
params.append("'%s'" % filter_string)
params.append("<html>%s</html>" % ('<br />'.join(no_tests)))
area_data = [(ulx, height - uly, brx, height - bry,
title, func, param)
for (ulx, uly), (brx, bry), title, func, param
in zip(ulcoords, brcoords, titles, funcs, params)]
if extra_text:
fig.text(.1, .95, extra_text, size='xx-small')
return (fig, area_data, 'qual_drilldown')
def create_qual_histogram(query, filter_string, interval, extra_text=None):
Wrapper for _create_qual_histogram_helper
fig, area_data, name = _create_qual_histogram_helper(query, filter_string,
interval, extra_text)
return _create_image_html(fig, area_data, name)
def create_embedded_plot(model, update_time):
Given an EmbeddedGraphingQuery object, generate the PNG image for it.
model: EmbeddedGraphingQuery object
update_time: 'Last updated' time
if model.graph_type == 'metrics':
func = _create_metrics_plot_helper
elif model.graph_type == 'qual':
func = _create_qual_histogram_helper
params = pickle.loads(model.params)
params['extra_text'] = 'Last updated: %s' % update_time
fig, _, _ = func(**params)
img, _ = _create_png(fig)
return img
_cache_timeout = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
'TKO', 'graph_cache_creation_timeout_minutes')
def handle_plot_request(id, max_age):
Given the embedding id of a graph, generate a PNG of the embedded graph
associated with that id.
id: id of the embedded graph
max_age: maximum age, in minutes, that a cached version should be held
model = models.EmbeddedGraphingQuery.objects.get(id=id)
# Check if the cached image needs to be updated
now =
update_time = model.last_updated + datetime.timedelta(minutes=int(max_age))
if now > update_time:
cursor = django.db.connection.cursor()
# We want this query to update the refresh_time only once, even if
# multiple threads are running it at the same time. That is, only the
# first thread will win the race, and it will be the one to update the
# cached image; all other threads will show that they updated 0 rows
query = """
UPDATE embedded_graphing_queries
SET refresh_time = NOW()
WHERE id = %s AND (
refresh_time IS NULL OR
refresh_time + INTERVAL %s MINUTE < NOW()
cursor.execute(query, (id, _cache_timeout))
# Only refresh the cached image if we were successful in updating the
# refresh time
if cursor.rowcount:
model.cached_png = create_embedded_plot(model, now.ctime())
model.last_updated = now
model.refresh_time = None
return model.cached_png