blob: 470e98653792f97a2492bc14d68cf6759937c72b [file] [log] [blame]
import os, md5
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import utils
from autotest_lib.tko import utils as tko_utils
class job(object):
def __init__(self, dir, user, label, machine, queued_time,
started_time, finished_time, machine_owner):
self.dir = dir
self.tests = []
self.user = user
self.label = label
self.machine = machine
self.queued_time = queued_time
self.started_time = started_time
self.finished_time = finished_time
self.machine_owner = machine_owner
class kernel(object):
def __init__(self, base, patches, kernel_hash):
self.base = base
self.patches = patches
self.kernel_hash = kernel_hash
def compute_hash(base, hashes):
key_string = ','.join([base] + hashes)
class test(object):
def __init__(self, subdir, testname, status, reason, test_kernel,
machine, started_time, finished_time, iterations,
self.subdir = subdir
self.testname = testname
self.status = status
self.reason = reason
self.kernel = test_kernel
self.machine = machine
self.started_time = started_time
self.finished_time = finished_time
self.iterations = iterations
self.attributes = attributes
def load_iterations(keyval_path):
"""Abstract method to load a list of iterations from a keyval
raise NotImplementedError
def parse_test(cls, job, subdir, testname, status, reason, test_kernel,
started_time, finished_time, existing_instance=None):
"""Given a job and the basic metadata about the test that
can be extracted from the status logs, parse the test
keyval files and use it to construct a complete test
tko_utils.dprint("parsing test %s %s" % (subdir, testname))
if subdir:
# grab iterations from the results keyval
iteration_keyval = os.path.join(job.dir, subdir,
"results", "keyval")
iterations = cls.load_iterations(iteration_keyval)
# grab test attributes from the subdir keyval
test_keyval = os.path.join(job.dir, subdir, "keyval")
attributes = test.load_attributes(test_keyval)
iterations = []
attributes = {}
# grab test+host attributes from the host keyval
attributes.update(cls.parse_host_keyval(job.dir, job.machine))
if existing_instance:
def constructor(*args, **dargs):
existing_instance.__init__(*args, **dargs)
return existing_instance
constructor = cls
return constructor(subdir, testname, status, reason, test_kernel,
job.machine, started_time, finished_time,
iterations, attributes)
def parse_partial_test(cls, job, subdir, testname, reason, test_kernel,
"""Given a job and the basic metadata available when a test is
started, create a test instance representing the partial result.
Assume that since the test is not complete there are no results files
actually available for parsing."""
tko_utils.dprint("parsing partial test %s %s" % (subdir, testname))
return cls(subdir, testname, "RUNNING", reason, test_kernel,
job.machine, started_time, None, [], {})
def load_attributes(keyval_path):
"""Load the test attributes into a dictionary from a test
keyval path. Does not assume that the path actually exists."""
if not os.path.exists(keyval_path):
return {}
return utils.read_keyval(keyval_path)
def parse_host_keyval(job_dir, hostname):
# the "real" job dir may be higher up in the directory tree
while not os.path.exists(os.path.join(job_dir, ".autoserv_execute")):
if job_dir == "/":
return {} # we can't find the "real" job dir
job_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(job_dir, ".."))
# the keyval is <job_dir>/host_keyvals/<hostname> if it exists
keyval_path = os.path.join(job_dir, "host_keyvals", hostname)
if os.path.isfile(keyval_path):
keyval = utils.read_keyval(keyval_path)
return dict(("host-%s" % k, v) for k, v in keyval.iteritems())
return {}
class patch(object):
def __init__(self, spec, reference, hash):
self.spec = spec
self.reference = reference
self.hash = hash
class iteration(object):
def __init__(self, index, attr_keyval, perf_keyval):
self.index = index
self.attr_keyval = attr_keyval
self.perf_keyval = perf_keyval
def parse_line_into_dicts(line, attr_dict, perf_dict):
"""Abstract method to parse a keyval line and insert it into
the appropriate dictionary.
attr_dict: generic iteration attributes
perf_dict: iteration performance results
raise NotImplementedError
def load_from_keyval(cls, keyval_path):
"""Load a list of iterations from an iteration keyval file.
Keyval data from separate iterations is separated by blank
lines. Makes use of the parse_line_into_dicts method to
actually parse the individual lines."""
if not os.path.exists(keyval_path):
return []
iterations = []
index = 1
attr, perf = {}, {}
for line in file(keyval_path):
line = line.strip()
if line:
cls.parse_line_into_dicts(line, attr, perf)
iterations.append(cls(index, attr, perf))
index += 1
attr, perf = {}, {}
if attr or perf:
iterations.append(cls(index, attr, perf))
return iterations