blob: 5610e7a803d3af230341da00ddd6cc2e27afa7cf [file] [log] [blame]
Extensions to Django's model logic.
import itertools
from django.db import models as dbmodels, backend, connection
from django.utils import datastructures
from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import readonly_connection
class ValidationError(Exception):
Data validation error in adding or updating an object. The associated
value is a dictionary mapping field names to error strings.
def _wrap_with_readonly(method):
def wrapper_method(*args, **kwargs):
return method(*args, **kwargs)
wrapper_method.__name__ = method.__name__
return wrapper_method
def _wrap_generator_with_readonly(generator):
We have to wrap generators specially. Assume it performs
the query on the first call to next().
def wrapper_generator(*args, **kwargs):
generator_obj = generator(*args, **kwargs)
first_value =
yield first_value
while True:
wrapper_generator.__name__ = generator.__name__
return wrapper_generator
def _make_queryset_readonly(queryset):
Wrap all methods that do database queries with a readonly connection.
db_query_methods = ['count', 'get', 'get_or_create', 'latest', 'in_bulk',
for method_name in db_query_methods:
method = getattr(queryset, method_name)
wrapped_method = _wrap_with_readonly(method)
setattr(queryset, method_name, wrapped_method)
queryset.iterator = _wrap_generator_with_readonly(queryset.iterator)
class ReadonlyQuerySet(dbmodels.query.QuerySet):
QuerySet object that performs all database queries with the read-only
def __init__(self, model=None):
super(ReadonlyQuerySet, self).__init__(model)
def values(self, *fields):
return self._clone(klass=ReadonlyValuesQuerySet, _fields=fields)
class ReadonlyValuesQuerySet(dbmodels.query.ValuesQuerySet):
def __init__(self, model=None):
super(ReadonlyValuesQuerySet, self).__init__(model)
class ExtendedManager(dbmodels.Manager):
Extended manager supporting subquery filtering.
class _CustomJoinQ(dbmodels.Q):
Django "Q" object supporting a custom suffix for join aliases.See
filter_custom_join() for why this can be useful.
def __init__(self, join_suffix, **kwargs):
super(ExtendedManager._CustomJoinQ, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self._join_suffix = join_suffix
def _substitute_aliases(renamed_aliases, condition):
for old_alias, new_alias in renamed_aliases:
condition = condition.replace(backend.quote_name(old_alias),
return condition
def _unquote_name(name):
'This may be MySQL specific'
if backend.quote_name(name) == name:
return name[1:-1]
return name
def get_sql(self, opts):
joins, where, params = (
super(ExtendedManager._CustomJoinQ, self).get_sql(opts))
new_joins = datastructures.SortedDict()
# rename all join aliases and correct references in later joins
renamed_tables = []
# using iteritems seems to mess up the ordering here
for alias, (table, join_type, condition) in joins.items():
alias = self._unquote_name(alias)
new_alias = alias + self._join_suffix
renamed_tables.append((alias, new_alias))
condition = self._substitute_aliases(renamed_tables, condition)
new_alias = backend.quote_name(new_alias)
new_joins[new_alias] = (table, join_type, condition)
# correct references in where
new_where = []
for clause in where:
self._substitute_aliases(renamed_tables, clause))
return new_joins, new_where, params
class _CustomSqlQ(dbmodels.Q):
def __init__(self):
self._joins = datastructures.SortedDict()
self._where, self._params = [], []
def add_join(self, table, condition, join_type, alias=None):
if alias is None:
alias = table
self._joins[alias] = (table, join_type, condition)
def add_where(self, where, params=[]):
def get_sql(self, opts):
return self._joins, self._where, self._params
def add_join(self, query_set, join_table, join_key,
join_condition='', suffix='', exclude=False,
Add a join to query_set.
@param join_table table to join to
@param join_key field referencing back to this model to use for the join
@param join_condition extra condition for the ON clause of the join
@param suffix suffix to add to join_table for the join alias
@param exclude if true, exclude rows that match this join (will use a
LEFT JOIN and an appropriate WHERE condition)
@param force_left_join - if true, a LEFT JOIN will be used instead of an
INNER JOIN regardless of other options
join_from_table = self.model._meta.db_table
join_from_key =
join_alias = join_table + suffix
full_join_key = join_alias + '.' + join_key
full_join_condition = '%s = %s.%s' % (full_join_key, join_from_table,
if join_condition:
full_join_condition += ' AND (' + join_condition + ')'
if exclude or force_left_join:
join_type = 'LEFT JOIN'
join_type = 'INNER JOIN'
filter_object = self._CustomSqlQ()
if exclude:
filter_object.add_where(full_join_key + ' IS NULL')
return query_set.filter(filter_object).distinct()
def filter_custom_join(self, join_suffix, **kwargs):
Just like Django filter(), but allows the user to specify a custom
suffix for the join aliases involves in the filter. This makes it
possible to join against a table multiple times (as long as a different
suffix is used each time), which is necessary for certain queries.
filter_object = self._CustomJoinQ(join_suffix, **kwargs)
return self.complex_filter(filter_object)
def _get_quoted_field(self, table, field):
return (backend.quote_name(table) + '.' + backend.quote_name(field))
def get_key_on_this_table(self, key_field=None):
if key_field is None:
# default to primary key
key_field =
return self._get_quoted_field(self.model._meta.db_table, key_field)
def escape_user_sql(self, sql):
return sql.replace('%', '%%')
def _custom_select_query(self, query_set, selects):
query_selects, where, params = query_set._get_sql_clause()
if query_set._distinct:
distinct = 'DISTINCT '
distinct = ''
sql_query = 'SELECT ' + distinct + ','.join(selects) + where
cursor = readonly_connection.connection().cursor()
cursor.execute(sql_query, params)
return cursor.fetchall()
def _is_relation_to(self, field, model_class):
return field.rel and is model_class
def _determine_pivot_table(self, related_model):
Determine the pivot table for this relationship and return a tuple
(pivot_table, pivot_from_field, pivot_to_field). See
_query_pivot_table() for more info.
Note -- this depends on Django model internals and will likely need to
be updated when we move to Django 1.x.
# look for a field on related_model relating to this model
for field in related_model._meta.fields:
if self._is_relation_to(field, self.model):
# many-to-one -- the related table itself is the pivot table
return (related_model._meta.db_table, field.column,
for field in related_model._meta.many_to_many:
if self._is_relation_to(field, self.model):
# many-to-many
return (field.m2m_db_table(), field.m2m_reverse_name(),
# maybe this model has the many-to-many field
for field in self.model._meta.many_to_many:
if self._is_relation_to(field, related_model):
return (field.m2m_db_table(), field.m2m_column_name(),
raise ValueError('%s has no relation to %s' %
(related_model, self.model))
def _query_pivot_table(self, id_list, pivot_table, pivot_from_field,
@param id_list list of IDs of self.model objects to include
@param pivot_table the name of the pivot table
@param pivot_from_field a field name on pivot_table referencing
@param pivot_to_field a field name on pivot_table referencing the
related model.
@returns a dict mapping each IDs from id_list to a list of IDs of
related objects.
query = """
SELECT %(from_field)s, %(to_field)s
FROM %(table)s
WHERE %(from_field)s IN (%(id_list)s)
""" % dict(from_field=pivot_from_field,
id_list=','.join(str(id_) for id_ in id_list))
cursor = readonly_connection.connection().cursor()
related_ids = {}
for model_id, related_id in cursor.fetchall():
related_ids.setdefault(model_id, []).append(related_id)
return related_ids
def populate_relationships(self, model_objects, related_model,
For each instance in model_objects, add a field named related_list_name
listing all the related objects of type related_model. related_model
must be in a many-to-one or many-to-many relationship with this model.
if not model_objects:
# if we don't bail early, we'll get a SQL error later
id_list = (item._get_pk_val() for item in model_objects)
pivot_table, pivot_from_field, pivot_to_field = (
related_ids = self._query_pivot_table(id_list, pivot_table,
pivot_from_field, pivot_to_field)
all_related_ids = list(set(itertools.chain(*related_ids.itervalues())))
related_objects_by_id = related_model.objects.in_bulk(all_related_ids)
for item in model_objects:
related_ids_for_item = related_ids.get(item._get_pk_val(), [])
related_objects = [related_objects_by_id[related_id]
for related_id in related_ids_for_item]
setattr(item, related_list_name, related_objects)
class ValidObjectsManager(ExtendedManager):
Manager returning only objects with invalid=False.
def get_query_set(self):
queryset = super(ValidObjectsManager, self).get_query_set()
return queryset.filter(invalid=False)
class ModelExtensions(object):
Mixin with convenience functions for models, built on top of the
default Django model functions.
# TODO: at least some of these functions really belong in a custom
# Manager class
field_dict = None
# subclasses should override if they want to support smart_get() by name
name_field = None
def get_field_dict(cls):
if cls.field_dict is None:
cls.field_dict = {}
for field in cls._meta.fields:
cls.field_dict[] = field
return cls.field_dict
def clean_foreign_keys(cls, data):
-Convert foreign key fields in data from <field>_id to just
-replace foreign key objects with their IDs
This method modifies data in-place.
for field in cls._meta.fields:
if not field.rel:
if (field.attname != and
field.attname in data):
data[] = data[field.attname]
del data[field.attname]
if not in data:
value = data[]
if isinstance(value, dbmodels.Model):
data[] = value._get_pk_val()
def _convert_booleans(cls, data):
Ensure BooleanFields actually get bool values. The Django MySQL
backend returns ints for BooleanFields, which is almost always not
a problem, but it can be annoying in certain situations.
for field in cls._meta.fields:
if type(field) == dbmodels.BooleanField and in data:
data[] = bool(data[])
# TODO(showard) - is there a way to not have to do this?
def provide_default_values(cls, data):
Provide default values for fields with default values which have
nothing passed in.
For CharField and TextField fields with "blank=True", if nothing
is passed, we fill in an empty string value, even if there's no
default set.
new_data = dict(data)
field_dict = cls.get_field_dict()
for name, obj in field_dict.iteritems():
if data.get(name) is not None:
if obj.default is not dbmodels.fields.NOT_PROVIDED:
new_data[name] = obj.default
elif (isinstance(obj, dbmodels.CharField) or
isinstance(obj, dbmodels.TextField)):
new_data[name] = ''
return new_data
def convert_human_readable_values(cls, data, to_human_readable=False):
Performs conversions on user-supplied field data, to make it
easier for users to pass human-readable data.
For all fields that have choice sets, convert their values
from human-readable strings to enum values, if necessary. This
allows users to pass strings instead of the corresponding
integer values.
For all foreign key fields, call smart_get with the supplied
data. This allows the user to pass either an ID value or
the name of the object as a string.
If to_human_readable=True, perform the inverse - i.e. convert
numeric values to human readable values.
This method modifies data in-place.
field_dict = cls.get_field_dict()
for field_name in data:
if field_name not in field_dict or data[field_name] is None:
field_obj = field_dict[field_name]
# convert enum values
if field_obj.choices:
for choice_data in field_obj.choices:
# choice_data is (value, name)
if to_human_readable:
from_val, to_val = choice_data
to_val, from_val = choice_data
if from_val == data[field_name]:
data[field_name] = to_val
# convert foreign key values
elif field_obj.rel:
dest_obj =[field_name],
if to_human_readable:
if dest_obj.name_field is not None:
data[field_name] = getattr(dest_obj,
data[field_name] = dest_obj
def validate_field_names(cls, data):
'Checks for extraneous fields in data.'
errors = {}
field_dict = cls.get_field_dict()
for field_name in data:
if field_name not in field_dict:
errors[field_name] = 'No field of this name'
return errors
def prepare_data_args(cls, data, kwargs):
'Common preparation for add_object and update_object'
data = dict(data) # don't modify the default keyword arg
# must check for extraneous field names here, while we have the
# data in a dict
errors = cls.validate_field_names(data)
if errors:
raise ValidationError(errors)
return data
def validate_unique(self):
Validate that unique fields are unique. Django manipulators do
this too, but they're a huge pain to use manually. Trust me.
errors = {}
cls = type(self)
field_dict = self.get_field_dict()
manager = cls.get_valid_manager()
for field_name, field_obj in field_dict.iteritems():
if not field_obj.unique:
value = getattr(self, field_name)
existing_objs = manager.filter(**{field_name : value})
num_existing = existing_objs.count()
if num_existing == 0:
if num_existing == 1 and existing_objs[0].id ==
errors[field_name] = (
'This value must be unique (%s)' % (value))
return errors
def do_validate(self):
errors = self.validate()
unique_errors = self.validate_unique()
for field_name, error in unique_errors.iteritems():
errors.setdefault(field_name, error)
if errors:
raise ValidationError(errors)
# actually (externally) useful methods follow
def add_object(cls, data={}, **kwargs):
Returns a new object created with the given data (a dictionary
mapping field names to values). Merges any extra keyword args
into data.
data = cls.prepare_data_args(data, kwargs)
data = cls.provide_default_values(data)
obj = cls(**data)
return obj
def update_object(self, data={}, **kwargs):
Updates the object with the given data (a dictionary mapping
field names to values). Merges any extra keyword args into
data = self.prepare_data_args(data, kwargs)
for field_name, value in data.iteritems():
setattr(self, field_name, value)
def query_objects(cls, filter_data, valid_only=True, initial_query=None):
Returns a QuerySet object for querying the given model_class
with the given filter_data. Optional special arguments in
filter_data include:
-query_start: index of first return to return
-query_limit: maximum number of results to return
-sort_by: list of fields to sort on. prefixing a '-' onto a
field name changes the sort to descending order.
-extra_args: keyword args to pass to query.extra() (see Django
DB layer documentation)
-extra_where: extra WHERE clause to append
query_start = filter_data.pop('query_start', None)
query_limit = filter_data.pop('query_limit', None)
if query_start and not query_limit:
raise ValueError('Cannot pass query_start without '
sort_by = filter_data.pop('sort_by', [])
extra_args = filter_data.pop('extra_args', {})
extra_where = filter_data.pop('extra_where', None)
if extra_where:
# escape %'s
extra_where = cls.objects.escape_user_sql(extra_where)
extra_args.setdefault('where', []).append(extra_where)
use_distinct = not filter_data.pop('no_distinct', False)
if initial_query is None:
if valid_only:
initial_query = cls.get_valid_manager()
initial_query = cls.objects
query = initial_query.filter(**filter_data)
if use_distinct:
query = query.distinct()
# other arguments
if extra_args:
query = query.extra(**extra_args)
query = query._clone(klass=ReadonlyQuerySet)
# sorting + paging
assert isinstance(sort_by, list) or isinstance(sort_by, tuple)
query = query.order_by(*sort_by)
if query_start is not None and query_limit is not None:
query_limit += query_start
return query[query_start:query_limit]
def query_count(cls, filter_data, initial_query=None):
Like query_objects, but retreive only the count of results.
filter_data.pop('query_start', None)
filter_data.pop('query_limit', None)
query = cls.query_objects(filter_data, initial_query=initial_query)
return query.count()
def clean_object_dicts(cls, field_dicts):
Take a list of dicts corresponding to object (as returned by
query.values()) and clean the data to be more suitable for
returning to the user.
for field_dict in field_dicts:
def list_objects(cls, filter_data, initial_query=None, fields=None):
Like query_objects, but return a list of dictionaries.
query = cls.query_objects(filter_data, initial_query=initial_query)
field_dicts = [model_object.get_object_dict(fields)
for model_object in query]
return field_dicts
def smart_get(cls, id_or_name, valid_only=True):
smart_get(integer) -> get object by ID
smart_get(string) -> get object by name_field
if valid_only:
manager = cls.get_valid_manager()
manager = cls.objects
if isinstance(id_or_name, (int, long)):
return manager.get(pk=id_or_name)
if isinstance(id_or_name, basestring):
return manager.get(**{cls.name_field : id_or_name})
raise ValueError(
'Invalid positional argument: %s (%s)' % (id_or_name,
def smart_get_bulk(cls, id_or_name_list):
invalid_inputs = []
result_objects = []
for id_or_name in id_or_name_list:
except cls.DoesNotExist:
if invalid_inputs:
raise cls.DoesNotExist('The following %ss do not exist: %s'
% (cls.__name__.lower(),
', '.join(invalid_inputs)))
return result_objects
def get_object_dict(self, fields=None):
Return a dictionary mapping fields to this object's values.
if fields is None:
fields = self.get_field_dict().iterkeys()
object_dict = dict((field_name, getattr(self, field_name))
for field_name in fields)
return object_dict
def _postprocess_object_dict(self, object_dict):
"""For subclasses to override."""
def get_valid_manager(cls):
return cls.objects
def _record_attributes(self, attributes):
See on_attribute_changed.
assert not isinstance(attributes, basestring)
self._recorded_attributes = dict((attribute, getattr(self, attribute))
for attribute in attributes)
def _check_for_updated_attributes(self):
See on_attribute_changed.
for attribute, original_value in self._recorded_attributes.iteritems():
new_value = getattr(self, attribute)
if original_value != new_value:
self.on_attribute_changed(attribute, original_value)
def on_attribute_changed(self, attribute, old_value):
Called whenever an attribute is updated. To be overridden.
To use this method, you must:
* call _record_attributes() from __init__() (after making the super
call) with a list of attributes for which you want to be notified upon
* call _check_for_updated_attributes() from save().
class ModelWithInvalid(ModelExtensions):
Overrides model methods save() and delete() to support invalidation in
place of actual deletion. Subclasses must have a boolean "invalid"
def save(self):
first_time = ( is None)
if first_time:
# see if this object was previously added and invalidated
my_name = getattr(self, self.name_field)
filters = {self.name_field : my_name, 'invalid' : True}
old_object = self.__class__.objects.get(**filters) =
except self.DoesNotExist:
# no existing object
super(ModelWithInvalid, self).save()
def clean_object(self):
This method is called when an object is marked invalid.
Subclasses should override this to clean up relationships that
should no longer exist if the object were deleted."""
def delete(self):
assert not self.invalid
self.invalid = True
def get_valid_manager(cls):
return cls.valid_objects
class Manipulator(object):
Force default manipulators to look only at valid objects -
otherwise they will match against invalid objects when checking
def _prepare(cls, model):
super(ModelWithInvalid.Manipulator, cls)._prepare(model)
cls.manager = model.valid_objects
class ModelWithAttributes(object):
Mixin class for models that have an attribute model associated with them.
The attribute model is assumed to have its value field named "value".
def _get_attribute_model_and_args(self, attribute):
Subclasses should override this to return a tuple (attribute_model,
keyword_args), where attribute_model is a model class and keyword_args
is a dict of args to pass to attribute_model.objects.get() to get an
instance of the given attribute on this object.
raise NotImplemented
def set_attribute(self, attribute, value):
attribute_model, get_args = self._get_attribute_model_and_args(
attribute_object, _ = attribute_model.objects.get_or_create(**get_args)
attribute_object.value = value
def delete_attribute(self, attribute):
attribute_model, get_args = self._get_attribute_model_and_args(
except HostAttribute.DoesNotExist:
def set_or_delete_attribute(self, attribute, value):
if value is None:
self.set_attribute(attribute, value)