blob: f050e6c3a65a4f991447868d3c8a3a74e79849b7 [file] [log] [blame]
import os, itertools, shutil, tempfile
import common
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import utils, error
from autotest_lib.server import autotest
PROFILER_TMPDIR = "/tmp/profilers"
# control file template for running a job that uses profiler 'name'
run_profiler_control = """\
def get_unpassable_types(arg):
""" Given an argument, returns a set of types contained in arg that are
unpassable. If arg is an atomic type (e.g. int) it either returns an
empty set (if the type is passable) or a singleton of the type (if the
type is not passable). """
if isinstance(arg, (basestring, int, long)):
return set()
elif isinstance(arg, (list, tuple, set, frozenset, dict)):
if isinstance(arg, dict):
# keys and values must both be passable
parts = itertools.chain(arg.iterkeys(), arg.itervalues())
# for all other containers we just iterate
parts = iter(arg)
types = set()
for part in parts:
types |= get_unpassable_types(part)
return types
return set([type(arg)])
def validate_args(args):
""" Validates arguments. Lists and dictionaries are valid argument types,
so you can pass *args and **dargs in directly, rather than having to
iterate over them yourself. """
unpassable_types = get_unpassable_types(args)
if unpassable_types:
msg = "arguments of type '%s' cannot be passed to remote profilers"
msg %= ", ".join(t.__name__ for t in unpassable_types)
raise TypeError(msg)
def encode_args(profiler, args, dargs):
parts = [repr(profiler)]
parts += [repr(arg) for arg in dargs]
parts += ["%s=%r" % darg for darg in dargs.iteritems()]
return ", ".join(parts)
def get_profiler_results_dir(autodir):
""" Given the directory of the autotest client used to run a profiler,
return the remote path where profiler results will be stored."""
return os.path.join(PROFILER_TMPDIR, autodir, "results", "default",
"profiler_test", "profiling")
class profiler_proxy(object):
""" This is a server-side class that acts as a proxy to a real client-side
profiler class."""
def __init__(self, job, profiler_name):
self.job = job = profiler_name
self.installed_hosts = {}
self.current_test = None
# does the profiler support rebooting?
profiler_module = common.setup_modules.import_module(
profiler_name, "autotest_lib.client.profilers.%s" % profiler_name)
profiler_class = getattr(profiler_module, profiler_name)
self.supports_reboot = profiler_class.supports_reboot
def _install(self):
""" Install autotest on any current job hosts. """
current_job_hosts = set(host for host in self.job.hosts
if not host.get_autodir() or
current_profiler_hosts = set(self.installed_hosts.keys())
# install autotest on any new hosts in job.hosts
for host in current_job_hosts - current_profiler_hosts:
tmp_dir = host.get_tmp_dir(parent=PROFILER_TMPDIR)
at = autotest.Autotest(host)
self.installed_hosts[host] = (at, tmp_dir)
# drop any installs from hosts no longer in job.hosts
for host in current_profiler_hosts - current_job_hosts:
del self.installed_hosts[host]
def initialize(self, *args, **dargs):
self.args, self.dargs = args, dargs
def setup(self, *args, **dargs):
assert self.args == args and self.dargs == dargs
# the actual setup happens lazily at start()
def _signal_client(self, host, autodir, command):
""" Signal to a client that it should execute profilers.command
by writing a byte into AUTODIR/profilers.command. """
path = os.path.join(autodir, "profiler.%s" % command)"echo A > %s" % path)
def _wait_on_client(self, host, autodir, command):
""" Wait for the client to signal that it's finished by writing
a byte into AUTODIR/profilers.command. Only waits for 30 seconds
before giving up. """
path = os.path.join(autodir, "profiler.%s" % command)
try:"cat %s" % path, ignore_status=True, timeout=30)
except error.AutoservSSHTimeout:
pass # even if it times out, just give up and go ahead anyway
def _get_hosts(self, host=None):
""" Returns a dictionary of Host->Autotest mappings currently
supported by this profiler. If 'host' is not None, all entries
not matching that host object are filtered out of the dictionary."""
if host is None:
return self.installed_hosts
elif host in self.installed_hosts:
return {host: self.installed_hosts[host]}
return {}
def start(self, test, host=None):
encoded_args = encode_args(, self.args, self.dargs)
control_script = run_profiler_control % (encoded_args,
for host, (at, autodir) in self._get_hosts(host).iteritems():
fifo_pattern = os.path.join(autodir, "profiler.*")"rm -f %s" % fifo_pattern)"mkfifo %s" % os.path.join(autodir, "profiler.ready")), background=True)
self._wait_on_client(host, autodir, "ready")
self._signal_client(host, autodir, "start")
self.current_test = test
def stop(self, test, host=None):
assert self.current_test == test
for host, (at, autodir) in self._get_hosts(host).iteritems():
self._signal_client(host, autodir, "stop")
def report(self, test, host=None, wait_on_client=True):
assert self.current_test == test
self.current_test = None
# signal to all the clients that they should report
if wait_on_client:
for host, (at, autodir) in self._get_hosts(host).iteritems():
self._signal_client(host, autodir, "report")
# pull back all the results
for host, (at, autodir) in self._get_hosts(host).iteritems():
if wait_on_client:
self._wait_on_client(host, autodir, "finished")
results_dir = get_profiler_results_dir(autodir) + "/"
local_dir = os.path.join(test.profdir, host.hostname)
if not os.path.exists(local_dir):
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.job.tmpdir)
host.get_file(results_dir, tempdir)
except error.AutoservRunError:
pass # no files to pull back, nothing we can do
utils.merge_trees(tempdir, local_dir)
shutil.rmtree(tempdir, ignore_errors=True)
def handle_reboot(self, host):
if self.current_test:
test = self.current_test
if not self.supports_reboot:
msg = "profiler '%s' does not support rebooting during tests"
msg %=
self.job.record("WARN", os.path.basename(test.outputdir),
None, msg), host, wait_on_client=False)
self.start(test, host)