blob: f2de48c6bd45b763618de8060852dac7a92c9085 [file] [log] [blame]
__author__ = " (John Admanski)"
import os, sys, new
def _create_module(name):
"""Create a single top-level module"""
module = new.module(name)
sys.modules[name] = module
return module
def _create_module_and_parents(name):
"""Create a module, and all the necessary parents"""
parts = name.split(".")
# first create the top-level module
parent = _create_module(parts[0])
created_parts = [parts[0]]
# now, create any remaining child modules
while parts:
child_name = parts.pop(0)
module = new.module(child_name)
setattr(parent, child_name, module)
sys.modules[".".join(created_parts)] = module
parent = module
def _import_children_into_module(parent_module_name, path):
"""Import all the packages on a path into a parent module"""
# find all the packages at 'path'
names = []
for filename in os.listdir(path):
full_name = os.path.join(path, filename)
if not os.path.isdir(full_name):
continue # skip files
if "" in os.listdir(full_name):
# import all the packages and insert them into 'parent_module'
sys.path.insert(0, path)
for name in names:
module = __import__(name)
# add the package to the parent
parent_module = sys.modules[parent_module_name]
setattr(parent_module, name, module)
full_name = parent_module_name + "." + name
sys.modules[full_name] = module
# restore the system path
def _setup_common_library(root_module_name):
Setup aliases for all the common libraries, e.g.
common -> autotest_lib.client.common_lib
common.error -> autotest_lib.client.common_lib.error
# convert the root_module_name into a client module name
parts = root_module_name.split(".")
if parts[-1] == "client":
client_name = root_module_name
client_name = root_module_name + ".client"
# import the top-level common library
common_lib = __import__(client_name, globals(), locals(),
sys.modules["common"] = common_lib
# patch up all the root_module_name.*.common libs
for module_name in sys.modules.iterkeys():
if (module_name.startswith(root_module_name + ".") and
sys.modules[module_name] = common_lib
# import the specific common libraries
for library in common_lib.__all__:
module = __import__(client_name + ".common_lib", globals(),
locals(), [library])
module = getattr(module, library)
setattr(common_lib, library, module)
sys.modules["common.%s" % library] = module
def setup(base_path, root_module_name=""):
Perform all the necessary setup so that all the packages at
'base_path' can be imported via "import root_module_name.package".
If root_module_name is empty, then all the packages at base_path
are inserted as top-level packages.
Also, setup all the common.* aliases for modules in the common
_import_children_into_module(root_module_name, base_path)
# This must run on Python versions less than 2.4.
dirname = os.path.dirname(sys.modules[__name__].__file__)
common_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirname, "common_lib"))
sys.path.insert(0, common_dir)
import check_version