blob: 200062f10528f24b396aedd942b9d092ceb61010 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) PLUMgrid, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
# This example shows a unique way to use a BPF program to demux any ethernet
# traffic into a pool of worker veth+namespaces (or any ifindex-based
# destination) depending on a configurable mapping of src-mac to ifindex. As
# part of the ingress processing, the program will dynamically learn the source
# ifindex of the matched source mac.
# Simulate a physical network with a vlan aware switch and clients that may
# connect to any vlan. The program will detect the known clients and pass the
# traffic through to a dedicated namespace for processing. Clients may have
# overlapping IP spaces and the traffic will still work.
# | bpf program |
# cli0 --| | /--|-- worker0 |
# cli1 --| trunk | +->--->-handle_p2v(pkt)-> /---|-- worker1 |
# cli2 --|=======|=+ /----|-- worker2 |
# ... --| | +-<---<-handle_v2p(pkt)-<-----|-- ... |
# cliN --| | \----|-- workerM |
# | | ^ |
# phys | veth |
# switch | |
from bcc import BPF
from builtins import input
from pyroute2 import IPRoute, NetNS, IPDB, NSPopen
from random import shuffle
from time import sleep
from simulation import Simulation
import sys
ipr = IPRoute()
ipdb = IPDB(nl=ipr)
num_clients = 3
num_vlans = 16
# load the bpf program
b = BPF(src_file="vlan_learning.c", debug=0)
phys_fn = b.load_func("handle_phys2virt", BPF.SCHED_CLS)
virt_fn = b.load_func("handle_virt2phys", BPF.SCHED_CLS)
ingress = b.get_table("ingress")
egress = b.get_table("egress")
class VlanSimulation(Simulation):
def __init__(self, ipdb):
super(VlanSimulation, self).__init__(ipdb)
def start(self):
# start identical workers each in a namespace
for i in range(0, num_clients):
httpmod = ("SimpleHTTPServer" if sys.version_info[0] < 3
else "http.server")
cmd = ["python", "-m", httpmod, "80"]
self._create_ns("worker%d" % i, cmd=cmd, fn=virt_fn, action="drop",
# simulate a physical eth vlan trunk
with self.ipdb.create(ifname="eth0a", kind="veth", peer="eth0b") as v:
# eth0a will be hooked to clients with vlan interfaces
# add the bpf program to eth0b for demuxing phys2virt packets
v = self.ipdb.interfaces["eth0b"]"add", "ingress", v["index"], "ffff:")"add-filter", "bpf", v["index"], ":1", fd=phys_fn.fd,, parent="ffff:", action="drop", classid=1)
# allocate vlans randomly
available_vlans = [i for i in range(2, 2 + num_vlans)]
available_ips = [[i for i in range(100, 105)] for i in range(0, num_clients)]
# these are simulations of physical clients
for i in range(0, num_clients):
macaddr = ("02:00:00:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x" %
((i >> 16) & 0xff, (i >> 8) & 0xff, i & 0xff))
# assign this client to the given worker
idx = self.ipdb.interfaces["worker%da" % i]["index"]
mac = int(macaddr.replace(":", ""), 16)
ingress[ingress.Key(mac)] = ingress.Leaf(idx, 0, 0, 0, 0)
# test traffic with curl loop
cmd = ["bash", "-c",
"for i in {1..8}; do curl -o /dev/null; sleep 1; done"]
client_ifc = self.ipdb.create(ifname="eth0a.%d" % i, kind="vlan",
(out_ifc, in_ifc) = self._create_ns("client%d" % i, in_ifc=client_ifc,
macaddr=macaddr, cmd=cmd)[1:3]
sim = VlanSimulation(ipdb)
input("Press enter to exit: ")
stats_collect = {}
for key, leaf in ingress.items():
stats_collect[key.value] = [leaf.tx_pkts, leaf.tx_bytes, 0, 0]
for key, leaf in egress.items():
x = stats_collect.get(key.value, [0, 0, 0, 0])
x[2] = leaf.tx_pkts
x[3] = leaf.tx_bytes
for k, v in stats_collect.items():
print("mac %.12x rx pkts = %u, rx bytes = %u" % (k, v[0], v[1]))
print(" tx pkts = %u, tx bytes = %u" % (v[2], v[3]))
if "eth0a" in ipdb.interfaces: ipdb.interfaces.eth0a.remove().commit()
if "sim" in locals(): sim.release()