blob: 2bbed541fd6638e7bf2c4e6fb884707dd4374d7a [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# test program to count the packets sent to a device in a .5
# second period
import time
import netaddr
from ctypes import *
from src.bpf import BPF
prog = BPF("socket1", "tests/test2.dp", "tests/proto.dph")
class Key(Structure):
_fields_ = [("dip", c_uint),
("sip", c_uint)]
class Leaf(Structure):
_fields_ = [("rx_pkts", c_ulong),
("tx_pkts", c_ulong)]
stats = prog.table("stats", Key, Leaf)
for key in stats.iter():
leaf = stats.get(key)
print(netaddr.IPAddress(key.sip), "=>", netaddr.IPAddress(key.dip),
"rx", leaf.rx_pkts, "tx", leaf.tx_pkts)