Finalized $entry, $latency, and $retval implementation including examples and man
diff --git a/man/man8/argdist.8 b/man/man8/argdist.8
index 2f74597..63669b8 100644
--- a/man/man8/argdist.8
+++ b/man/man8/argdist.8
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 argdist \- Trace a function and display a histogram or frequency count of its parameter values. Uses Linux eBPF/bcc.
-.B argdist [-h] [-p PID] [-z STRING_SIZE] [-i INTERVAL] [-n COUNT] [-H specifier [specifier ...]] [-C specifier [specifier ...]]
+.B argdist [-h] [-p PID] [-z STRING_SIZE] [-i INTERVAL] [-n COUNT] [-v] [-T TOP] [-H specifier [specifier ...]] [-C specifier [specifier ...]]
 argdist attaches to function entry and exit points, collects specified parameter
 values, and stores them in a histogram or a frequency collection that counts
@@ -30,6 +30,12 @@
 Print the collected data COUNT times and then exit.
+Display the generated BPF program, for debugging purposes.
+\-T TOP
+When collecting frequency counts, display only the top TOP entries.
 One or more probe specifications that instruct argdist which functions to
 probe, which parameters to collect, how to aggregate them, and whether to perform
@@ -47,8 +53,7 @@
 probes will collect the number of times every parameter value was observed,
 whereas histogram probes will collect the parameter values into a histogram.
 Only integral types can be used with histogram probes; there is no such limitation
-for counting probes. Return probes can only use the pseudo-variable $retval, which
-is an alias for the function's return value.
+for counting probes.
 .B [library]
 Library containing the probe.
@@ -73,11 +78,20 @@
 These are the values that are assigned to the histogram or raw event collection.
 You may use the parameters directly, or valid C expressions that involve the
 parameters, such as "size % 10".
+Return probes can use the argument values received by the
+function when it was entered, through the $entry(paramname) special variable.
+Return probes can also access the function's return value in $retval, and the
+function's execution time in nanoseconds in $latency. Note that adding the
+$latency or $entry(paramname) variables to the expression will introduce an
+additional probe at the function's entry to collect this data, and therefore
+introduce additional overhead.
 .B [filter]
 The filter applied to the captured data.
 Only parameter values that pass the filter will be collected. This is any valid
 C expression that refers to the parameter values, such as "fd == 1 && length > 16".
+The $entry, $retval, and $latency variables can be used here as well, in return
 .B [label]
 The label that will be displayed when printing the probed values. By default,
@@ -96,6 +110,10 @@
 .B -C 'r:c:gets():char*:$retval'
+Print a histogram of read sizes that were longer than 1ms:
+.B -H 'r::__vfs_read(void *file, void *buf, size_t count):size_t:$entry(count):$latency > 1000000'
 Print frequency counts of how many times writes were issued to a particular file descriptor number, in process 1005:
 .B -p 1005 -C 'p:c:write(int fd):int:fd'
@@ -114,7 +132,7 @@
 Print histograms of sleep() and nanosleep() parameter values:
-.B -H 'p:c:sleep(u32 seconds):u32:seconds' -H 'p:c:nanosleep(struct timespec { time_t tv_sec; long tv_nsec; } *req):long:req->tv_nsec'
+.B -H 'p:c:sleep(u32 seconds):u32:seconds' 'p:c:nanosleep(struct timespec { time_t tv_sec; long tv_nsec; } *req):long:req->tv_nsec'
 Spy on writes to STDOUT performed by process 2780, up to a string size of 120 characters:
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index b258827..dd111f7 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -74,22 +74,30 @@
                 text = text.replace("PID_FILTER", pid_filter)
                 collect = ""
                 for pname in self.args_to_probe:
-                        collect += "%s.update(&pid, &%s);\n" % \
-                                   (self.hashname_prefix + pname, pname)
+                        param_hash = self.hashname_prefix + pname
+                        if pname == "__latency":
+                                collect += """
+u64 __time = bpf_ktime_get_ns();
+%s.update(&pid, &__time);
+"""                             % param_hash
+                        else:
+                                collect += "%s.update(&pid, &%s);\n" % \
+                                           (param_hash, pname)
                 text = text.replace("COLLECT", collect)
                 return text
         def _generate_entry_probe(self):
-                # TODO $latency as a special keyword that should be traced
                 # Any $entry(name) expressions result in saving that argument
                 # when entering the function.
                 self.args_to_probe = set()
                 regex = r"\$entry\((\w+)\)"
-                for arg in re.finditer(regex, self.expr or ""):
+                for arg in re.finditer(regex, self.expr):
-                for arg in re.finditer(regex, self.filter or ""):
+                for arg in re.finditer(regex, self.filter):
+                if "$latency" in self.expr or "$latency" in self.filter:
+                        self.args_to_probe.add("__latency")
+                        self.param_types["__latency"] = "u64"    # nanoseconds
                 for pname in self.args_to_probe:
                         if pname not in self.param_types:
                                 raise ValueError("$entry(%s): no such param" \
@@ -124,12 +132,15 @@
         def _replace_entry_exprs(self):
                 for pname, vname in self.param_val_names.items():
-                        entry_expr = "$entry(%s)" % pname
-                        val_expr = "*" + vname   # dereference the pointer
+                        if pname == "__latency":
+                                entry_expr = "$latency"
+                                val_expr = "(bpf_ktime_get_ns() - *%s)" % vname
+                        else:
+                                entry_expr = "$entry(%s)" % pname
+                                val_expr = "(*%s)" % vname
                         self.expr = self.expr.replace(entry_expr, val_expr)
-                        if self.filter is not None:
-                                self.filter = self.filter.replace(entry_expr,
-                                                                  val_expr)
+                        self.filter = self.filter.replace(entry_expr,
+                                                          val_expr)
         def _attach_entry_probe(self):
                 if self.is_user:
@@ -177,14 +188,14 @@
                         self.expr_type = \
                                 "u64" if not self.is_ret_probe else "int"
                         self.expr = "1" if not self.is_ret_probe else "$retval"
-                self.filter = None if len(parts) != 6 else parts[5]
+                self.filter = "" if len(parts) != 6 else parts[5]
                 # Do we need to attach an entry probe so that we can collect an 
                 # argument that is required for an exit (return) probe?
                 self.entry_probe_required = self.is_ret_probe and \
-                       ("$entry" in self.expr or \
-                        "$entry" in (self.filter or ""))
+                       ("$entry" in self.expr or "$entry" in self.filter or
+                        "$latency" in self.expr or "$latency" in self.filter)
        = pid
                 # Generating unique names for probes means we can attach
@@ -198,9 +209,8 @@
         def _substitute_exprs(self):
                 self.expr = self.expr.replace("$retval",
                                               "(%s)ctx->ax" % self.expr_type)
-                if self.filter is not None:
-                        self.filter = self.filter.replace("$retval",
-                                "(%s)ctx->ax" % self.expr_type)
+                self.filter = self.filter.replace("$retval",
+                                              "(%s)ctx->ax" % self.expr_type)
                 self.expr = self._substitute_aliases(self.expr)
                 self.filter = self._substitute_aliases(self.filter)
@@ -264,7 +274,8 @@
                                    (self.expr_type, self.expr)
                 program = program.replace("DATA_DECL", decl)
                 program = program.replace("KEY_EXPR", key_expr) 
-                program = program.replace("FILTER", self.filter or "1") 
+                program = program.replace("FILTER",
+                        "1" if len(self.filter) == 0 else self.filter) 
                 program = program.replace("COLLECT", collect)
                 program = program.replace("PREFIX", prefix)
                 return program
@@ -293,9 +304,9 @@
         def display(self, top):
-                print(self.label or self.raw_spec)
                 data = self.bpf.get_table(self.probe_hash_name)
                 if self.type == "freq":
+                        print(self.label or self.raw_spec)
                         print("\t%-10s %s" % ("COUNT", "EVENT"))
                         data = sorted(data.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1].value)
                         if top is not None:
@@ -317,8 +328,9 @@
                                 print("\t%-10s %s" % \
                                       (str(value.value), key_str))
                 elif self.type == "hist":
-                        label = self.expr if not self.is_default_expr \
-                                          else "retval"
+                        label = self.label or \
+                                (self.expr if not self.is_default_expr \
+                                           else "retval")
 examples = """
@@ -326,7 +338,7 @@
         p,r        -- probe at function entry or at function exit
-                      in exit probes, only $retval is accessible
+                      in exit probes: can use $retval, $entry(param), $latency
         library    -- the library that contains the function
                       (leave empty for kernel functions)
         function   -- the function name to trace
@@ -348,6 +360,9 @@ -C 'r:c:gets():char*:$retval;snooped strings'
         Snoop on all strings returned by gets() -H 'r::__kmalloc(size_t size):u64:$latency/$entry(size);ns per byte'
+        Print a histogram of nanoseconds per byte from kmalloc allocations
+ -p 1005 -C 'p:c:write(int fd):int:fd' -T 5
         Print frequency counts of how many times writes were issued to a
         particular file descriptor number, in process 1005, but only show
@@ -356,6 +371,12 @@ -p 1005 -H 'r:c:read()'
         Print a histogram of error codes returned by read() in process 1005 -C 'r::__vfs_read():u32:$PID:$latency > 100000'
+        Print frequency of reads by process where the latency was >0.1ms
+ -H 'r::__vfs_read(void *file, void *buf, size_t count):size_t:$entry(count):$latency > 1000000' 
+        Print a histogram of read sizes that were longer than 1ms
+ -H \\
         'p:c:write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count):size_t:count:fd==1'
         Print a histogram of buffer sizes passed to write() across all
diff --git a/tools/argdist_examples.txt b/tools/argdist_examples.txt
index 46cb8d9..999b927 100644
--- a/tools/argdist_examples.txt
+++ b/tools/argdist_examples.txt
@@ -183,6 +183,54 @@
       1024 -> 2047       : 0        |                                        |
       2048 -> 4095       : 2        |**                                      |
+In return probes, you can also trace the latency of the function (unless it is
+recursive) and the parameters it had on entry. For example, we can identify
+which processes are performing slow synchronous filesystem reads -- say,
+longer than 0.1ms (100,000ns):
+# ./ -C 'r::__vfs_read():u32:$PID:$latency > 100000'
+r::__vfs_read():u32:$PID:$latency > 100000
+        COUNT      EVENT
+        1          bpf_get_current_pid_tgid() = 10457
+        21         bpf_get_current_pid_tgid() = 2780
+r::__vfs_read():u32:$PID:$latency > 100000
+        COUNT      EVENT
+        1          bpf_get_current_pid_tgid() = 10457
+        21         bpf_get_current_pid_tgid() = 2780
+As you see, the $PID alias is expanded to the BPF function bpf_get_current_pid_tgid(),
+which returns the current process' pid. It looks like process 2780 performed
+21 slow reads.
+Occasionally, entry parameter values are also interesting. For example, you
+might be curious how long it takes malloc() to allocate memory -- nanoseconds
+per byte allocated. Let's go:
+# ./ -H 'r:c:malloc(size_t size):u64:$latency/$entry(size);ns per byte' -n 1 -i 10
+     ns per byte         : count     distribution
+         0 -> 1          : 0        |                                        |
+         2 -> 3          : 4        |*****************                       |
+         4 -> 7          : 3        |*************                           |
+         8 -> 15         : 2        |********                                |
+        16 -> 31         : 1        |****                                    |
+        32 -> 63         : 0        |                                        |
+        64 -> 127        : 7        |*******************************         |
+       128 -> 255        : 1        |****                                    |
+       256 -> 511        : 0        |                                        |
+       512 -> 1023       : 1        |****                                    |
+      1024 -> 2047       : 1        |****                                    |
+      2048 -> 4095       : 9        |****************************************|
+      4096 -> 8191       : 1        |****                                    | 
+It looks like a tri-modal distribution. Some allocations are extremely cheap,
+and take 2-15 nanoseconds per byte. Other allocations are slower, and take
+64-127 nanoseconds per byte. And some allocations are slower still, and take
+multiple microseconds per byte.
 Here's a final example that finds how many write() system calls are performed
 by each process on the system:
@@ -200,15 +248,13 @@
         23         bpf_get_current_pid_tgid() = 7615
         23         bpf_get_current_pid_tgid() = 2480
-As you see, the $PID alias is expanded to the BPF function bpf_get_current_pid_tgid(),
-which returns the current process' pid.
 USAGE message:
-usage: [-h] [-p PID] [-z STRING_SIZE] [-i INTERVAL] [-n COUNT]
-                  [-H [HISTSPECIFIER [HISTSPECIFIER ...]]]
-                  [-C [COUNTSPECIFIER [COUNTSPECIFIER ...]]] [-v]
+# -h
+usage: [-h] [-p PID] [-z STRING_SIZE] [-i INTERVAL] [-n COUNT] [-v]
+                  [-T TOP] [-H [HISTSPECIFIER [HISTSPECIFIER ...]]]
+                  [-C [COUNTSPECIFIER [COUNTSPECIFIER ...]]]
 Trace a function and display a summary of its parameter values.
@@ -221,19 +267,21 @@
                         output interval, in seconds
   -n COUNT, --number COUNT
                         number of outputs
+  -v, --verbose         print resulting BPF program code before executing
+  -T TOP, --top TOP     number of top results to show (not applicable to
+                        histograms)
                         probe specifier to capture histogram of (see examples
                         probe specifier to capture count of (see examples
-  -v, --verbose         print resulting BPF program code before executing
 Probe specifier syntax:
         p,r        -- probe at function entry or at function exit
-                      in exit probes, only $retval is accessible
+                      in exit probes: can use $retval, $entry(param), $latency
         library    -- the library that contains the function
                       (leave empty for kernel functions)
         function   -- the function name to trace
@@ -255,13 +303,23 @@ -C 'r:c:gets():char*:$retval;snooped strings'
         Snoop on all strings returned by gets() -p 1005 -C 'p:c:write(int fd):int:fd' -H 'r::__kmalloc(size_t size):u64:$latency/$entry(size);ns per byte'
+        Print a histogram of nanoseconds per byte from kmalloc allocations
+ -p 1005 -C 'p:c:write(int fd):int:fd' -T 5
         Print frequency counts of how many times writes were issued to a
-        particular file descriptor number, in process 1005
+        particular file descriptor number, in process 1005, but only show
+        the top 5 busiest fds -p 1005 -H 'r:c:read()'
         Print a histogram of error codes returned by read() in process 1005 -C 'r::__vfs_read():u32:$PID:$latency > 100000'
+        Print frequency of reads by process where the latency was >0.1ms
+ -H 'r::__vfs_read(void *file, void *buf, size_t count):size_t:$entry(count):$latency > 1000000' 
+        Print a histogram of read sizes that were longer than 1ms
+ -H \
         'p:c:write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count):size_t:count:fd==1'
         Print a histogram of buffer sizes passed to write() across all
@@ -269,15 +327,15 @@ -C 'p:c:fork();fork calls'
         Count fork() calls in libc across all processes
-        Can also use, which is easier and more flexible
+        Can also use, which is easier and more flexible \
-        -H 'p:c:sleep(u32 seconds):u32:seconds' \
-        -H 'p:c:nanosleep(struct timespec { time_t tv_sec; long tv_nsec; } *req):long:req->tv_nsec' -H \
+        'p:c:sleep(u32 seconds):u32:seconds' \
+        'p:c:nanosleep(struct timespec { time_t tv_sec; long tv_nsec; } *req):long:req->tv_nsec'
         Print histograms of sleep() and nanosleep() parameter values -p 2780 -z 120 \
         -C 'p:c:write(int fd, char* buf, size_t len):char*:buf:fd==1'
         Spy on writes to STDOUT performed by process 2780, up to a string size
-        of 120 characters
+        of 120 characters