blob: b8ed34ace5a16b0641ba66b7bae63bc83cd33f74 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Capstone Disassembler Engine */
/* By Nguyen Anh Quynh <>, 2013> */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable:4201)
#pragma warning(disable:4100)
// Capstone API version
#define CS_API_MAJOR 2
#define CS_API_MINOR 1
// Macro to create combined version which can be compared to
// result of cs_version() API.
#define CS_MAKE_VERSION(major, minor) ((major << 8) + minor)
// Handle using with all API
typedef size_t csh;
// Architecture type
typedef enum cs_arch {
CS_ARCH_ARM = 0, // ARM architecture (including Thumb, Thumb-2)
CS_ARCH_ARM64, // ARM-64, also called AArch64
CS_ARCH_MIPS, // Mips architecture
CS_ARCH_X86, // X86 architecture (including x86 & x86-64)
CS_ARCH_PPC, // PowerPC architecture
} cs_arch;
// Mode type
typedef enum cs_mode {
CS_MODE_LITTLE_ENDIAN = 0, // little endian mode (default mode)
CS_MODE_ARM = 0, // 32-bit ARM
CS_MODE_16 = 1 << 1, // 16-bit mode
CS_MODE_32 = 1 << 2, // 32-bit mode
CS_MODE_64 = 1 << 3, // 64-bit mode
CS_MODE_THUMB = 1 << 4, // ARM's Thumb mode, including Thumb-2
CS_MODE_MICRO = 1 << 4, // MicroMips mode (MIPS architecture)
CS_MODE_N64 = 1 << 5, // Nintendo-64 mode (MIPS architecture)
CS_MODE_BIG_ENDIAN = 1 << 31 // big endian mode
} cs_mode;
typedef void* (*cs_malloc_t)(size_t size);
typedef void* (*cs_calloc_t)(size_t nmemb, size_t size);
typedef void* (*cs_realloc_t)(void *ptr, size_t size);
typedef void (*cs_free_t)(void *ptr);
typedef int (*cs_vsnprintf_t)(char *str, size_t size, const char *format, va_list ap);
// User-defined dynamic memory related functions: malloc/calloc/realloc/free/vsnprintf()
// By default, Capstone uses system's malloc(), calloc(), realloc(), free() & vsnprintf().
typedef struct cs_opt_mem {
cs_malloc_t malloc;
cs_calloc_t calloc;
cs_realloc_t realloc;
cs_free_t free;
cs_vsnprintf_t vsnprintf;
} cs_opt_mem;
// Runtime option for the disassembled engine
typedef enum cs_opt_type {
CS_OPT_SYNTAX = 1, // Asssembly output syntax
CS_OPT_DETAIL, // Break down instruction structure into details
CS_OPT_MODE, // Change engine's mode at run-time
CS_OPT_MEM, // User-defined dynamic memory related functions
} cs_opt_type;
// Runtime option value (associated with option type above)
typedef enum cs_opt_value {
CS_OPT_OFF = 0, // Turn OFF an option - default option for CS_OPT_DETAIL.
CS_OPT_ON = 3, // Turn ON an option (CS_OPT_DETAIL).
CS_OPT_SYNTAX_DEFAULT = 0, // Default asm syntax (CS_OPT_SYNTAX).
CS_OPT_SYNTAX_INTEL, // X86 Intel asm syntax - default on X86 (CS_OPT_SYNTAX).
CS_OPT_SYNTAX_NOREGNAME, // PPC asm syntax: Prints register name with only number (CS_OPT_SYNTAX)
} cs_opt_value;
#include "arm.h"
#include "arm64.h"
#include "mips.h"
#include "x86.h"
#include "ppc.h"
// NOTE: All information in cs_detail is only available when CS_OPT_DETAIL = CS_OPT_ON
typedef struct cs_detail {
uint8_t regs_read[12]; // list of implicit registers read by this insn
uint8_t regs_read_count; // number of implicit registers read by this insn
uint8_t regs_write[20]; // list of implicit registers modified by this insn
uint8_t regs_write_count; // number of implicit registers modified by this insn
uint8_t groups[8]; // list of group this instruction belong to
uint8_t groups_count; // number of groups this insn belongs to
// Architecture-specific instruction info
union {
cs_x86 x86; // X86 architecture, including 16-bit, 32-bit & 64-bit mode
cs_arm64 arm64; // ARM64 architecture (aka AArch64)
cs_arm arm; // ARM architecture (including Thumb/Thumb2)
cs_mips mips; // MIPS architecture
cs_ppc ppc; // PowerPC architecture
} cs_detail;
// Detail information of disassembled instruction
typedef struct cs_insn {
// Instruction ID
// Find the instruction id from header file of corresponding architecture,
// such as arm.h for ARM, x86.h for X86, etc...
// This information is available even when CS_OPT_DETAIL = CS_OPT_OFF
unsigned int id;
// Address (EIP) of this instruction
// This information is available even when CS_OPT_DETAIL = CS_OPT_OFF
uint64_t address;
// Size of this instruction
// This information is available even when CS_OPT_DETAIL = CS_OPT_OFF
uint16_t size;
// Machine bytes of this instruction, with number of bytes indicated by @size above
// This information is available even when CS_OPT_DETAIL = CS_OPT_OFF
uint8_t bytes[16];
// Ascii text of instruction mnemonic
// This information is available even when CS_OPT_DETAIL = CS_OPT_OFF
char mnemonic[32];
// Ascii text of instruction operands
// This information is available even when CS_OPT_DETAIL = CS_OPT_OFF
char op_str[160];
// Pointer to cs_detail.
// NOTE: detail pointer is only valid (not NULL) when CS_OP_DETAIL = CS_OPT_ON
// Otherwise, if CS_OPT_DETAIL = CS_OPT_OFF, @detail = NULL
cs_detail *detail;
} cs_insn;
// Calculate the offset of a disassembled instruction in its buffer, given its position
// in its array of disassembled insn
// NOTE: this macro works with position (>=1), not index
#define CS_INSN_OFFSET(insns, post) (insns[post - 1].address - insns[0].address)
// All type of errors encountered by Capstone API.
// These are values returned by cs_errno()
typedef enum cs_err {
CS_ERR_OK = 0, // No error: everything was fine
CS_ERR_MEM, // Out-Of-Memory error: cs_open(), cs_disasm_ex()
CS_ERR_ARCH, // Unsupported architecture: cs_open()
CS_ERR_HANDLE, // Invalid handle: cs_op_count(), cs_op_index()
CS_ERR_CSH, // Invalid csh argument: cs_close(), cs_errno(), cs_option()
CS_ERR_MODE, // Invalid/unsupported mode: cs_open()
CS_ERR_OPTION, // Invalid/unsupported option: cs_option()
CS_ERR_DETAIL, // Information is unavailable because detail option is OFF
CS_ERR_MEMSETUP, // Dynamic memory management uninitialized (see CS_OPT_MEM)
CS_ERR_VERSION, // Unsupported version (bindings)
} cs_err;
Return combined API version & major and minor version numbers.
@major: major number of API version
@minor: minor number of API version
@return hexical number as (major << 8 | minor), which encodes both
major & minor versions.
NOTE: This returned value can be compared with version number made
with macro CS_MAKE_VERSION
For example, second API version would return 1 in @major, and 1 in @minor
The return value would be 0x0101
NOTE: if you only care about returned value, but not major and minor values,
set both @major & @minor arguments to NULL.
unsigned int cs_version(int *major, int *minor);
Check if a particular arch is supported by this library.
@arch: the architecture to be checked.
To verify if this library supports everything, use CS_ARCH_ALL
@return True if this library supports the given arch.
bool cs_support(int arch);
Initialize CS handle: this must be done before any usage of CS.
@arch: architecture type (CS_ARCH_*)
@mode: hardware mode. This is combined of CS_MODE_*
@handle: pointer to handle, which will be updated at return time
@return CS_ERR_OK on success, or other value on failure (refer to cs_err enum
for detailed error).
cs_err cs_open(cs_arch arch, cs_mode mode, csh *handle);
Close CS handle: MUST do to release the handle when it is not used anymore.
NOTE: this must be only called when there is no longer usage of Capstone,
not even access to cs_insn array. The reason is the this API releases some
cached memory, thus access to any Capstone API after cs_close() might crash
your application.
@handle: handle returned by cs_open()
@return CS_ERR_OK on success, or other value on failure (refer to cs_err enum
for detailed error).
cs_err cs_close(csh handle);
Set option for disassembling engine at runtime
@handle: handle returned by cs_open()
@type: type of option to be set
@value: option value corresponding with @type
@return CS_ERR_OK on success, or other value on failure.
Refer to cs_err enum for detailed error.
NOTE: in the case of CS_OPT_MEM, handle's value can be anything,
so that cs_option(handle, CS_OPT_MEM, value) can (i.e must) be called
even before cs_open()
cs_err cs_option(csh handle, cs_opt_type type, size_t value);
Report the last error number when some API function fail.
Like glibc's errno, cs_errno might not retain its old value once accessed.
@handle: handle returned by cs_open()
@return: error code of cs_err enum type (CS_ERR_*, see above)
cs_err cs_errno(csh handle);
Return a string describing given error code.
@code: error code (see CS_ERR_* above)
@return: returns a pointer to a string that describes the error code
passed in the argument @code
const char *cs_strerror(cs_err code);
Dynamicly allocate memory to contain disasm insn
Disassembled instructions will be put into @*insn
NOTE 1: this API will automatically determine memory needed to contain
output disassembled instructions in @insn.
NOTE 2: caller must free() the allocated memory itself to avoid memory leaking
@handle: handle returned by cs_open()
@code: buffer containing raw binary code to be disassembled
@code_size: size of above code
@address: address of the first insn in given raw code buffer
@insn: array of insn filled in by this function
NOTE: @insn will be allocated by this function, and should be freed
with cs_free() API.
@count: number of instrutions to be disassembled, or 0 to get all of them
@return: the number of succesfully disassembled instructions,
or 0 if this function failed to disassemble the given code
On failure, call cs_errno() for error code.
size_t cs_disasm_ex(csh handle,
const uint8_t *code, size_t code_size,
uint64_t address,
size_t count,
cs_insn **insn);
Free memory allocated in @insn by cs_disasm_ex()
@insn: pointer returned by @insn argument in cs_disasm_ex()
@count: number of cs_insn structures returned by cs_disasm_ex()
void cs_free(cs_insn *insn, size_t count);
Return friendly name of regiser in a string
Find the instruction id from header file of corresponding architecture (arm.h for ARM, x86.h for X86, ...)
@handle: handle returned by cs_open()
@reg: register id
@return: string name of the register, or NULL if @reg_id is invalid.
const char *cs_reg_name(csh handle, unsigned int reg_id);
Return friendly name of an instruction in a string
Find the instruction id from header file of corresponding architecture (arm.h for ARM, x86.h for X86, ...)
@handle: handle returned by cs_open()
@insn: instruction id
@return: string name of the instruction, or NULL if @insn_id is invalid.
const char *cs_insn_name(csh handle, unsigned int insn_id);
Check if a disassembled instruction belong to a particular group.
Find the group id from header file of corresponding architecture (arm.h for ARM, x86.h for X86, ...)
Internally, this simply verifies if @group_id matches any member of insn->groups array.
NOTE: this API is only valid when detail option is ON (which is OFF by default)
@handle: handle returned by cs_open()
@insn: disassembled instruction structure received from cs_disasm() or cs_disasm_ex()
@group_id: group that you want to check if this instruction belong to.
@return: true if this instruction indeed belongs to aboved group, or false otherwise.
bool cs_insn_group(csh handle, cs_insn *insn, unsigned int group_id);
Check if a disassembled instruction IMPLICITLY used a particular register.
Find the register id from header file of corresponding architecture (arm.h for ARM, x86.h for X86, ...)
Internally, this simply verifies if @reg_id matches any member of insn->regs_read array.
NOTE: this API is only valid when detail option is ON (which is OFF by default)
@insn: disassembled instruction structure received from cs_disasm() or cs_disasm_ex()
@reg_id: register that you want to check if this instruction used it.
@return: true if this instruction indeed implicitly used aboved register, or false otherwise.
bool cs_reg_read(csh handle, cs_insn *insn, unsigned int reg_id);
Check if a disassembled instruction IMPLICITLY modified a particular register.
Find the register id from header file of corresponding architecture (arm.h for ARM, x86.h for X86, ...)
Internally, this simply verifies if @reg_id matches any member of insn->regs_write array.
NOTE: this API is only valid when detail option is ON (which is OFF by default)
@insn: disassembled instruction structure received from cs_disasm() or cs_disasm_ex()
@reg_id: register that you want to check if this instruction modified it.
@return: true if this instruction indeed implicitly modified aboved register, or false otherwise.
bool cs_reg_write(csh handle, cs_insn *insn, unsigned int reg_id);
Count the number of operands of a given type.
Find the operand type in header file of corresponding architecture (arm.h for ARM, x86.h for X86, ...)
NOTE: this API is only valid when detail option is ON (which is OFF by default)
@handle: handle returned by cs_open()
@insn: disassembled instruction structure received from cs_disasm() or cs_disasm_ex()
@op_type: Operand type to be found.
@return: number of operands of given type @op_type in instruction @insn,
or -1 on failure.
int cs_op_count(csh handle, cs_insn *insn, unsigned int op_type);
Retrieve the position of operand of given type in arch.op_info[] array.
Later, the operand can be accessed using the returned position.
Find the operand type in header file of corresponding architecture (arm.h for ARM, x86.h for X86, ...)
NOTE: this API is only valid when detail option is ON (which is OFF by default)
@handle: handle returned by cs_open()
@insn: disassembled instruction structure received from cs_disasm() or cs_disasm_ex()
@op_type: Operand type to be found.
@position: position of the operand to be found. This must be in the range
[1, cs_op_count(handle, insn, op_type)]
@return: index of operand of given type @op_type in arch.op_info[] array
in instruction @insn, or -1 on failure.
int cs_op_index(csh handle, cs_insn *insn, unsigned int op_type,
unsigned int position);
#ifdef __cplusplus