blob: cf890c7edc8759d9ce8b80f717e4e7408646669b [file] [log] [blame]
/* Capstone Disassembler Engine */
/* By Nguyen Anh Quynh <>, 2013> */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "diet.h" // CAPSTONE_DIET
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable:4201)
#pragma warning(disable:4100)
// Capstone API version
#define CS_API_MAJOR 2
#define CS_API_MINOR 2
// Macro to create combined version which can be compared to
// result of cs_version() API.
#define CS_MAKE_VERSION(major, minor) ((major << 8) + minor)
// Handle using with all API
typedef size_t csh;
// Architecture type
typedef enum cs_arch {
CS_ARCH_ARM = 0, // ARM architecture (including Thumb, Thumb-2)
CS_ARCH_ARM64, // ARM-64, also called AArch64
CS_ARCH_MIPS, // Mips architecture
CS_ARCH_X86, // X86 architecture (including x86 & x86-64)
CS_ARCH_PPC, // PowerPC architecture
CS_ARCH_SPARC, // Sparc architecture
CS_ARCH_SYSZ, // SystemZ architecture
} cs_arch;
// Support value to verify diet mode of the engine.
// If cs_support(CS_SUPPORT_DIET) return True, the engine was compiled
// in diet mode.
// Support value to verify X86 compact mode of the engine.
// If cs_support(CS_SUPPORT_X86_COMPACT) return True, the engine was compiled
// in X86 compact mode.
// Mode type
typedef enum cs_mode {
CS_MODE_LITTLE_ENDIAN = 0, // little endian mode (default mode)
CS_MODE_ARM = 0, // 32-bit ARM
CS_MODE_16 = 1 << 1, // 16-bit mode
CS_MODE_32 = 1 << 2, // 32-bit mode
CS_MODE_64 = 1 << 3, // 64-bit mode
CS_MODE_THUMB = 1 << 4, // ARM's Thumb mode, including Thumb-2
CS_MODE_MICRO = 1 << 4, // MicroMips mode (MIPS architecture)
CS_MODE_N64 = 1 << 5, // Nintendo-64 mode (MIPS architecture)
CS_MODE_V9 = 1 << 4, // SparcV9 mode (Sparc architecture)
CS_MODE_BIG_ENDIAN = 1 << 31 // big endian mode
} cs_mode;
typedef void* (*cs_malloc_t)(size_t size);
typedef void* (*cs_calloc_t)(size_t nmemb, size_t size);
typedef void* (*cs_realloc_t)(void *ptr, size_t size);
typedef void (*cs_free_t)(void *ptr);
typedef int (*cs_vsnprintf_t)(char *str, size_t size, const char *format, va_list ap);
// User-defined dynamic memory related functions: malloc/calloc/realloc/free/vsnprintf()
// By default, Capstone uses system's malloc(), calloc(), realloc(), free() & vsnprintf().
typedef struct cs_opt_mem {
cs_malloc_t malloc;
cs_calloc_t calloc;
cs_realloc_t realloc;
cs_free_t free;
cs_vsnprintf_t vsnprintf;
} cs_opt_mem;
// Runtime option for the disassembled engine
typedef enum cs_opt_type {
CS_OPT_SYNTAX = 1, // Asssembly output syntax
CS_OPT_DETAIL, // Break down instruction structure into details
CS_OPT_MODE, // Change engine's mode at run-time
CS_OPT_MEM, // User-defined dynamic memory related functions
} cs_opt_type;
// Runtime option value (associated with option type above)
typedef enum cs_opt_value {
CS_OPT_OFF = 0, // Turn OFF an option - default option for CS_OPT_DETAIL.
CS_OPT_ON = 3, // Turn ON an option (CS_OPT_DETAIL).
CS_OPT_SYNTAX_DEFAULT = 0, // Default asm syntax (CS_OPT_SYNTAX).
CS_OPT_SYNTAX_INTEL, // X86 Intel asm syntax - default on X86 (CS_OPT_SYNTAX).
CS_OPT_SYNTAX_NOREGNAME, // Prints register name with only number (CS_OPT_SYNTAX)
} cs_opt_value;
#include "arm.h"
#include "arm64.h"
#include "mips.h"
#include "ppc.h"
#include "sparc.h"
#include "systemz.h"
#include "x86.h"
// NOTE: All information in cs_detail is only available when CS_OPT_DETAIL = CS_OPT_ON
typedef struct cs_detail {
uint8_t regs_read[12]; // list of implicit registers read by this insn
uint8_t regs_read_count; // number of implicit registers read by this insn
uint8_t regs_write[20]; // list of implicit registers modified by this insn
uint8_t regs_write_count; // number of implicit registers modified by this insn
uint8_t groups[8]; // list of group this instruction belong to
uint8_t groups_count; // number of groups this insn belongs to
// Architecture-specific instruction info
union {
cs_x86 x86; // X86 architecture, including 16-bit, 32-bit & 64-bit mode
cs_arm64 arm64; // ARM64 architecture (aka AArch64)
cs_arm arm; // ARM architecture (including Thumb/Thumb2)
cs_mips mips; // MIPS architecture
cs_ppc ppc; // PowerPC architecture
cs_sparc sparc; // Sparc architecture
cs_sysz sysz; // SystemZ architecture
} cs_detail;
// Detail information of disassembled instruction
typedef struct cs_insn {
// Instruction ID
// Find the instruction id from header file of corresponding architecture,
// such as arm.h for ARM, x86.h for X86, etc...
// This information is available even when CS_OPT_DETAIL = CS_OPT_OFF
unsigned int id;
// Address (EIP) of this instruction
// This information is available even when CS_OPT_DETAIL = CS_OPT_OFF
uint64_t address;
// Size of this instruction
// This information is available even when CS_OPT_DETAIL = CS_OPT_OFF
uint16_t size;
// Machine bytes of this instruction, with number of bytes indicated by @size above
// This information is available even when CS_OPT_DETAIL = CS_OPT_OFF
uint8_t bytes[16];
// Ascii text of instruction mnemonic
// This information is available even when CS_OPT_DETAIL = CS_OPT_OFF
char mnemonic[32];
// Ascii text of instruction operands
// This information is available even when CS_OPT_DETAIL = CS_OPT_OFF
char op_str[160];
// Pointer to cs_detail.
// NOTE: detail pointer is only valid (not NULL) when CS_OP_DETAIL = CS_OPT_ON
// Otherwise, if CS_OPT_DETAIL = CS_OPT_OFF, @detail = NULL
cs_detail *detail;
} cs_insn;
// Calculate the offset of a disassembled instruction in its buffer, given its position
// in its array of disassembled insn
// NOTE: this macro works with position (>=1), not index
#define CS_INSN_OFFSET(insns, post) (insns[post - 1].address - insns[0].address)
// All type of errors encountered by Capstone API.
// These are values returned by cs_errno()
typedef enum cs_err {
CS_ERR_OK = 0, // No error: everything was fine
CS_ERR_MEM, // Out-Of-Memory error: cs_open(), cs_disasm_ex()
CS_ERR_ARCH, // Unsupported architecture: cs_open()
CS_ERR_HANDLE, // Invalid handle: cs_op_count(), cs_op_index()
CS_ERR_CSH, // Invalid csh argument: cs_close(), cs_errno(), cs_option()
CS_ERR_MODE, // Invalid/unsupported mode: cs_open()
CS_ERR_OPTION, // Invalid/unsupported option: cs_option()
CS_ERR_DETAIL, // Information is unavailable because detail option is OFF
CS_ERR_MEMSETUP, // Dynamic memory management uninitialized (see CS_OPT_MEM)
CS_ERR_VERSION, // Unsupported version (bindings)
CS_ERR_DIET, // Access irrelevant data in "diet" engine
} cs_err;
Return combined API version & major and minor version numbers.
@major: major number of API version
@minor: minor number of API version
@return hexical number as (major << 8 | minor), which encodes both
major & minor versions.
NOTE: This returned value can be compared with version number made
with macro CS_MAKE_VERSION
For example, second API version would return 1 in @major, and 1 in @minor
The return value would be 0x0101
NOTE: if you only care about returned value, but not major and minor values,
set both @major & @minor arguments to NULL.
unsigned int cs_version(int *major, int *minor);
This API can be used to either ask for archs supported by this library,
or check to see if the library was compile with 'diet' option (or called
in 'diet' mode).
To check if a particular arch is supported by this library, set @query to
arch mode (CS_ARCH_* value).
To verify if this library supports all the archs, use CS_ARCH_ALL.
To check if this library is in 'diet' mode, set @query to CS_SUPPORT_DIET.
@return True if this library supports the given arch, or in 'diet' mode.
bool cs_support(int query);
Initialize CS handle: this must be done before any usage of CS.
@arch: architecture type (CS_ARCH_*)
@mode: hardware mode. This is combined of CS_MODE_*
@handle: pointer to handle, which will be updated at return time
@return CS_ERR_OK on success, or other value on failure (refer to cs_err enum
for detailed error).
cs_err cs_open(cs_arch arch, cs_mode mode, csh *handle);
Close CS handle: MUST do to release the handle when it is not used anymore.
NOTE: this must be only called when there is no longer usage of Capstone,
not even access to cs_insn array. The reason is the this API releases some
cached memory, thus access to any Capstone API after cs_close() might crash
your application.
In fact,this API invalidate @handle by ZERO out its value (i.e *handle = 0).
@handle: pointer to a handle returned by cs_open()
@return CS_ERR_OK on success, or other value on failure (refer to cs_err enum
for detailed error).
cs_err cs_close(csh *handle);
Set option for disassembling engine at runtime
@handle: handle returned by cs_open()
@type: type of option to be set
@value: option value corresponding with @type
@return CS_ERR_OK on success, or other value on failure.
Refer to cs_err enum for detailed error.
NOTE: in the case of CS_OPT_MEM, handle's value can be anything,
so that cs_option(handle, CS_OPT_MEM, value) can (i.e must) be called
even before cs_open()
cs_err cs_option(csh handle, cs_opt_type type, size_t value);
Report the last error number when some API function fail.
Like glibc's errno, cs_errno might not retain its old value once accessed.
@handle: handle returned by cs_open()
@return: error code of cs_err enum type (CS_ERR_*, see above)
cs_err cs_errno(csh handle);
Return a string describing given error code.
@code: error code (see CS_ERR_* above)
@return: returns a pointer to a string that describes the error code
passed in the argument @code
const char *cs_strerror(cs_err code);
Dynamicly allocate memory to contain disasm insn
Disassembled instructions will be put into @*insn
NOTE 1: this API will automatically determine memory needed to contain
output disassembled instructions in @insn.
NOTE 2: caller must free() the allocated memory itself to avoid memory leaking
@handle: handle returned by cs_open()
@code: buffer containing raw binary code to be disassembled
@code_size: size of above code
@address: address of the first insn in given raw code buffer
@insn: array of insn filled in by this function
NOTE: @insn will be allocated by this function, and should be freed
with cs_free() API.
@count: number of instrutions to be disassembled, or 0 to get all of them
@return: the number of succesfully disassembled instructions,
or 0 if this function failed to disassemble the given code
On failure, call cs_errno() for error code.
size_t cs_disasm_ex(csh handle,
const uint8_t *code, size_t code_size,
uint64_t address,
size_t count,
cs_insn **insn);
Free memory allocated in @insn by cs_disasm_ex()
@insn: pointer returned by @insn argument in cs_disasm_ex()
@count: number of cs_insn structures returned by cs_disasm_ex()
void cs_free(cs_insn *insn, size_t count);
Return friendly name of regiser in a string
Find the instruction id from header file of corresponding architecture (arm.h for ARM,
x86.h for X86, ...)
WARN: when in 'diet' mode, this API is irrelevant because engine does not
store register name.
@handle: handle returned by cs_open()
@reg: register id
@return: string name of the register, or NULL if @reg_id is invalid.
const char *cs_reg_name(csh handle, unsigned int reg_id);
Return friendly name of an instruction in a string
Find the instruction id from header file of corresponding architecture (arm.h for ARM, x86.h for X86, ...)
WARN: when in 'diet' mode, this API is irrelevant because the engine does not
store instruction name.
@handle: handle returned by cs_open()
@insn: instruction id
@return: string name of the instruction, or NULL if @insn_id is invalid.
const char *cs_insn_name(csh handle, unsigned int insn_id);
Check if a disassembled instruction belong to a particular group.
Find the group id from header file of corresponding architecture (arm.h for ARM, x86.h for X86, ...)
Internally, this simply verifies if @group_id matches any member of insn->groups array.
NOTE: this API is only valid when detail option is ON (which is OFF by default).
WARN: when in 'diet' mode, this API is irrelevant because the engine does not
update @groups array.
@handle: handle returned by cs_open()
@insn: disassembled instruction structure received from cs_disasm() or cs_disasm_ex()
@group_id: group that you want to check if this instruction belong to.
@return: true if this instruction indeed belongs to aboved group, or false otherwise.
bool cs_insn_group(csh handle, cs_insn *insn, unsigned int group_id);
Check if a disassembled instruction IMPLICITLY used a particular register.
Find the register id from header file of corresponding architecture (arm.h for ARM, x86.h for X86, ...)
Internally, this simply verifies if @reg_id matches any member of insn->regs_read array.
NOTE: this API is only valid when detail option is ON (which is OFF by default)
WARN: when in 'diet' mode, this API is irrelevant because the engine does not
update @regs_read array.
@insn: disassembled instruction structure received from cs_disasm() or cs_disasm_ex()
@reg_id: register that you want to check if this instruction used it.
@return: true if this instruction indeed implicitly used aboved register, or false otherwise.
bool cs_reg_read(csh handle, cs_insn *insn, unsigned int reg_id);
Check if a disassembled instruction IMPLICITLY modified a particular register.
Find the register id from header file of corresponding architecture (arm.h for ARM, x86.h for X86, ...)
Internally, this simply verifies if @reg_id matches any member of insn->regs_write array.
NOTE: this API is only valid when detail option is ON (which is OFF by default)
WARN: when in 'diet' mode, this API is irrelevant because the engine does not
update @regs_write array.
@insn: disassembled instruction structure received from cs_disasm() or cs_disasm_ex()
@reg_id: register that you want to check if this instruction modified it.
@return: true if this instruction indeed implicitly modified aboved register, or false otherwise.
bool cs_reg_write(csh handle, cs_insn *insn, unsigned int reg_id);
Count the number of operands of a given type.
Find the operand type in header file of corresponding architecture (arm.h for ARM, x86.h for X86, ...)
NOTE: this API is only valid when detail option is ON (which is OFF by default)
@handle: handle returned by cs_open()
@insn: disassembled instruction structure received from cs_disasm() or cs_disasm_ex()
@op_type: Operand type to be found.
@return: number of operands of given type @op_type in instruction @insn,
or -1 on failure.
int cs_op_count(csh handle, cs_insn *insn, unsigned int op_type);
Retrieve the position of operand of given type in arch.op_info[] array.
Later, the operand can be accessed using the returned position.
Find the operand type in header file of corresponding architecture (arm.h for ARM, x86.h for X86, ...)
NOTE: this API is only valid when detail option is ON (which is OFF by default)
@handle: handle returned by cs_open()
@insn: disassembled instruction structure received from cs_disasm() or cs_disasm_ex()
@op_type: Operand type to be found.
@position: position of the operand to be found. This must be in the range
[1, cs_op_count(handle, insn, op_type)]
@return: index of operand of given type @op_type in arch.op_info[] array
in instruction @insn, or -1 on failure.
int cs_op_index(csh handle, cs_insn *insn, unsigned int op_type,
unsigned int position);
#ifdef __cplusplus