blob: c2c6504c831c35eee303c4ea41801be4c9db97cb [file] [log] [blame]
import re
import sys
import getopt
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from pprint import pprint as ppr
import os
def Usage(s):
print 'Usage: {} -t <cstest_path> [-f <file_name.cs>] [-d <directory>]'.format(s)
def get_report_file(toolpath, filepath, getDetails, cmt_out):
cmd = [toolpath, '-f', filepath]
process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
# stdout
failed_tests = []
# print '---> stdout\n', stdout
# print '---> stderr\n', stderr
matches = re.finditer(r'\[\s+RUN\s+\]\s+(.*)\n\[\s+FAILED\s+\]', stdout)
for match in matches:
# stderr
counter = 0
details = []
for line in stderr.split('\n'):
if '[ PASSED ] 0 test(s).' in line:
elif 'LINE' in line:
elif 'ERROR' in line and ' --- ' in line:
parts = line.split(' --- ')
details.append((parts[1], failed_tests[counter], parts[2]))
except IndexError:
details.append(('', 'Unknown test', line.split(' --- ')[1]))
counter += 1
print '\n[-] There are/is {} failed test(s)'.format(len(details))
if len(details) > 0 and getDetails:
print '[-] Detailed report for {}:\n'.format(filepath)
for c, f, d in details:
print '\t[+] {}: {}\n\t\t{}\n'.format(f, c, d)
if len(f) > 0 and cmt_out is True:
tmp_cmd = ['sed', '-E', '-i.bak', 's/({})(.*)/\/\/ \\1\\2/g'.format(c), filepath]
sed_proc = Popen(tmp_cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
sed_out, sed_err = sed_proc.communicate()
print sed_out
print sed_err
print '\n'
def get_report_folder(toolpath, folderpath, details, cmt_out):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folderpath):
path = root.split(os.sep)
for f in files:
if f.split('.')[-1] == 'cs':
print '[-] Target:', f,
get_report_file(toolpath, os.sep.join(x for x in path) + os.sep + f, details, cmt_out)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Done = False
details = False
toolpath = ''
cmt_out = False
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "c:t:f:d:D")
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == '-f':
get_report_file(toolpath, arg, details, cmt_out)
Done = True
elif opt == '-d':
get_report_folder(toolpath, arg, details, cmt_out)
Done = True
elif opt == '-t':
toolpath = arg
elif opt == '-D':
details = True
elif opt == 'c':
cmt_out = True
except getopt.GetoptError:
if Done is False: