blob: 4f492946a015d8d19fefcc0c3ac0121b2f34e068 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- PCHReader.h - Precompiled Headers Reader ---------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines the PCHReader class, which reads a precompiled header.
#include "clang/Frontend/PCHBitCodes.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclarationName.h"
#include "clang/Sema/ExternalSemaSource.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclObjC.h"
#include "clang/AST/Type.h"
#include "clang/AST/TemplateBase.h"
#include "clang/Lex/ExternalPreprocessorSource.h"
#include "clang/Lex/PreprocessingRecord.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
#include "clang/Basic/IdentifierTable.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/APFloat.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/APInt.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/APSInt.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/OwningPtr.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Bitcode/BitstreamReader.h"
#include "llvm/System/DataTypes.h"
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
namespace llvm {
class MemoryBuffer;
namespace clang {
class AddrLabelExpr;
class ASTConsumer;
class ASTContext;
class Attr;
class Decl;
class DeclContext;
class NestedNameSpecifier;
class CXXBaseSpecifier;
class CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer;
class GotoStmt;
class LabelStmt;
class MacroDefinition;
class NamedDecl;
class Preprocessor;
class Sema;
class SwitchCase;
class PCHReader;
struct HeaderFileInfo;
/// \brief Abstract interface for callback invocations by the PCHReader.
/// While reading a PCH file, the PCHReader will call the methods of the
/// listener to pass on specific information. Some of the listener methods can
/// return true to indicate to the PCHReader that the information (and
/// consequently the PCH file) is invalid.
class PCHReaderListener {
virtual ~PCHReaderListener();
/// \brief Receives the language options.
/// \returns true to indicate the options are invalid or false otherwise.
virtual bool ReadLanguageOptions(const LangOptions &LangOpts) {
return false;
/// \brief Receives the target triple.
/// \returns true to indicate the target triple is invalid or false otherwise.
virtual bool ReadTargetTriple(llvm::StringRef Triple) {
return false;
/// \brief Receives the contents of the predefines buffer.
/// \param PCHPredef The start of the predefines buffer in the PCH
/// file.
/// \param PCHBufferID The FileID for the PCH predefines buffer.
/// \param OriginalFileName The original file name for the PCH, which will
/// appear as an entry in the predefines buffer.
/// \param SuggestedPredefines If necessary, additional definitions are added
/// here.
/// \returns true to indicate the predefines are invalid or false otherwise.
virtual bool ReadPredefinesBuffer(llvm::StringRef PCHPredef,
FileID PCHBufferID,
llvm::StringRef OriginalFileName,
std::string &SuggestedPredefines) {
return false;
/// \brief Receives a HeaderFileInfo entry.
virtual void ReadHeaderFileInfo(const HeaderFileInfo &HFI, unsigned ID) {}
/// \brief Receives __COUNTER__ value.
virtual void ReadCounter(unsigned Value) {}
/// \brief PCHReaderListener implementation to validate the information of
/// the PCH file against an initialized Preprocessor.
class PCHValidator : public PCHReaderListener {
Preprocessor &PP;
PCHReader &Reader;
unsigned NumHeaderInfos;
PCHValidator(Preprocessor &PP, PCHReader &Reader)
: PP(PP), Reader(Reader), NumHeaderInfos(0) {}
virtual bool ReadLanguageOptions(const LangOptions &LangOpts);
virtual bool ReadTargetTriple(llvm::StringRef Triple);
virtual bool ReadPredefinesBuffer(llvm::StringRef PCHPredef,
FileID PCHBufferID,
llvm::StringRef OriginalFileName,
std::string &SuggestedPredefines);
virtual void ReadHeaderFileInfo(const HeaderFileInfo &HFI, unsigned ID);
virtual void ReadCounter(unsigned Value);
void Error(const char *Msg);
/// \brief Reads a precompiled head containing the contents of a
/// translation unit.
/// The PCHReader class reads a bitstream (produced by the PCHWriter
/// class) containing the serialized representation of a given
/// abstract syntax tree and its supporting data structures. An
/// instance of the PCHReader can be attached to an ASTContext object,
/// which will provide access to the contents of the PCH file.
/// The PCH reader provides lazy de-serialization of declarations, as
/// required when traversing the AST. Only those AST nodes that are
/// actually required will be de-serialized.
class PCHReader
: public ExternalPreprocessorSource,
public ExternalPreprocessingRecordSource,
public ExternalSemaSource,
public IdentifierInfoLookup,
public ExternalIdentifierLookup,
public ExternalSLocEntrySource {
enum PCHReadResult { Success, Failure, IgnorePCH };
friend class PCHValidator;
/// \ brief The receiver of some callbacks invoked by PCHReader.
llvm::OwningPtr<PCHReaderListener> Listener;
SourceManager &SourceMgr;
FileManager &FileMgr;
Diagnostic &Diags;
/// \brief The semantic analysis object that will be processing the
/// PCH file and the translation unit that uses it.
Sema *SemaObj;
/// \brief The preprocessor that will be loading the source file.
Preprocessor *PP;
/// \brief The AST context into which we'll read the PCH file.
ASTContext *Context;
/// \brief The PCH stat cache installed by this PCHReader, if any.
/// The dynamic type of this stat cache is always PCHStatCache
void *StatCache;
/// \brief The AST consumer.
ASTConsumer *Consumer;
/// \brief The bitstream reader from which we'll read the PCH file.
llvm::BitstreamReader StreamFile;
llvm::BitstreamCursor Stream;
/// \brief The cursor to the start of the preprocessor block, which stores
/// all of the macro definitions.
llvm::BitstreamCursor MacroCursor;
/// DeclsCursor - This is a cursor to the start of the DECLS_BLOCK block. It
/// has read all the abbreviations at the start of the block and is ready to
/// jump around with these in context.
llvm::BitstreamCursor DeclsCursor;
/// \brief The file name of the PCH file.
std::string FileName;
/// \brief The memory buffer that stores the data associated with
/// this PCH file.
llvm::OwningPtr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> Buffer;
/// \brief Offset type for all of the source location entries in the
/// PCH file.
const uint32_t *SLocOffsets;
/// \brief The number of source location entries in the PCH file.
unsigned TotalNumSLocEntries;
/// \brief Cursor used to read source location entries.
llvm::BitstreamCursor SLocEntryCursor;
/// \brief Offset of each type within the bitstream, indexed by the
/// type ID, or the representation of a Type*.
const uint32_t *TypeOffsets;
/// \brief Types that have already been loaded from the PCH file.
/// When the pointer at index I is non-NULL, the type with
/// ID = (I + 1) << 3 has already been loaded from the PCH file.
std::vector<QualType> TypesLoaded;
/// \brief Offset of each declaration within the bitstream, indexed
/// by the declaration ID (-1).
const uint32_t *DeclOffsets;
/// \brief Declarations that have already been loaded from the PCH file.
/// When the pointer at index I is non-NULL, the declaration with ID
/// = I + 1 has already been loaded.
std::vector<Decl *> DeclsLoaded;
typedef llvm::DenseMap<const DeclContext *, std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t> >
/// \brief Offsets of the lexical and visible declarations for each
/// DeclContext.
DeclContextOffsetsMap DeclContextOffsets;
/// \brief Actual data for the on-disk hash table.
// This pointer points into a memory buffer, where the on-disk hash
// table for identifiers actually lives.
const char *IdentifierTableData;
/// \brief A pointer to an on-disk hash table of opaque type
/// IdentifierHashTable.
void *IdentifierLookupTable;
/// \brief Offsets into the identifier table data.
/// This array is indexed by the identifier ID (-1), and provides
/// the offset into IdentifierTableData where the string data is
/// stored.
const uint32_t *IdentifierOffsets;
/// \brief A vector containing identifiers that have already been
/// loaded.
/// If the pointer at index I is non-NULL, then it refers to the
/// IdentifierInfo for the identifier with ID=I+1 that has already
/// been loaded.
std::vector<IdentifierInfo *> IdentifiersLoaded;
/// \brief A pointer to an on-disk hash table of opaque type
/// PCHMethodPoolLookupTable.
/// This hash table provides the instance and factory methods
/// associated with every selector known in the PCH file.
void *MethodPoolLookupTable;
/// \brief A pointer to the character data that comprises the method
/// pool.
/// The SelectorOffsets table refers into this memory.
const unsigned char *MethodPoolLookupTableData;
/// \brief The number of selectors stored in the method pool itself.
unsigned TotalSelectorsInMethodPool;
/// \brief Offsets into the method pool lookup table's data array
/// where each selector resides.
const uint32_t *SelectorOffsets;
/// \brief The total number of selectors stored in the PCH file.
unsigned TotalNumSelectors;
/// \brief A vector containing selectors that have already been loaded.
/// This vector is indexed by the Selector ID (-1). NULL selector
/// entries indicate that the particular selector ID has not yet
/// been loaded.
llvm::SmallVector<Selector, 16> SelectorsLoaded;
/// \brief Offsets of all of the macro definitions in the preprocessing
/// record in the PCH file.
const uint32_t *MacroDefinitionOffsets;
/// \brief The macro definitions we have already loaded.
llvm::SmallVector<MacroDefinition *, 16> MacroDefinitionsLoaded;
/// \brief The number of preallocated preprocessing entities in the
/// preprocessing record.
unsigned NumPreallocatedPreprocessingEntities;
/// \brief The set of external definitions stored in the the PCH
/// file.
llvm::SmallVector<uint64_t, 16> ExternalDefinitions;
/// \brief The set of tentative definitions stored in the the PCH
/// file.
llvm::SmallVector<uint64_t, 16> TentativeDefinitions;
/// \brief The set of tentative definitions stored in the the PCH
/// file.
llvm::SmallVector<uint64_t, 16> UnusedStaticFuncs;
/// \brief The set of locally-scoped external declarations stored in
/// the the PCH file.
llvm::SmallVector<uint64_t, 16> LocallyScopedExternalDecls;
/// \brief The set of ext_vector type declarations stored in the the
/// PCH file.
llvm::SmallVector<uint64_t, 4> ExtVectorDecls;
/// \brief The set of Objective-C category definitions stored in the
/// the PCH file.
llvm::SmallVector<uint64_t, 4> ObjCCategoryImpls;
/// \brief The original file name that was used to build the PCH file, which
/// may have been modified for relocatable-pch support.
std::string OriginalFileName;
/// \brief The actual original file name that was used to build the PCH file.
std::string ActualOriginalFileName;
/// \brief Whether this precompiled header is a relocatable PCH file.
bool RelocatablePCH;
/// \brief The system include root to be used when loading the
/// precompiled header.
const char *isysroot;
/// \brief Mapping from switch-case IDs in the PCH file to
/// switch-case statements.
std::map<unsigned, SwitchCase *> SwitchCaseStmts;
/// \brief Mapping from label statement IDs in the PCH file to label
/// statements.
std::map<unsigned, LabelStmt *> LabelStmts;
/// \brief Mapping from label IDs to the set of "goto" statements
/// that point to that label before the label itself has been
/// de-serialized.
std::multimap<unsigned, GotoStmt *> UnresolvedGotoStmts;
/// \brief Mapping from label IDs to the set of address label
/// expressions that point to that label before the label itself has
/// been de-serialized.
std::multimap<unsigned, AddrLabelExpr *> UnresolvedAddrLabelExprs;
/// \brief The number of stat() calls that hit/missed the stat
/// cache.
unsigned NumStatHits, NumStatMisses;
/// \brief The number of source location entries de-serialized from
/// the PCH file.
unsigned NumSLocEntriesRead;
/// \brief The number of statements (and expressions) de-serialized
/// from the PCH file.
unsigned NumStatementsRead;
/// \brief The total number of statements (and expressions) stored
/// in the PCH file.
unsigned TotalNumStatements;
/// \brief The number of macros de-serialized from the PCH file.
unsigned NumMacrosRead;
/// \brief The number of method pool entries that have been read.
unsigned NumMethodPoolSelectorsRead;
/// \brief The number of times we have looked into the global method
/// pool and not found anything.
unsigned NumMethodPoolMisses;
/// \brief The total number of macros stored in the PCH file.
unsigned TotalNumMacros;
/// Number of lexical decl contexts read/total.
unsigned NumLexicalDeclContextsRead, TotalLexicalDeclContexts;
/// Number of visible decl contexts read/total.
unsigned NumVisibleDeclContextsRead, TotalVisibleDeclContexts;
/// \brief When a type or declaration is being loaded from the PCH file, an
/// instantance of this RAII object will be available on the stack to
/// indicate when we are in a recursive-loading situation.
class LoadingTypeOrDecl {
PCHReader &Reader;
LoadingTypeOrDecl *Parent;
LoadingTypeOrDecl(const LoadingTypeOrDecl&); // do not implement
LoadingTypeOrDecl &operator=(const LoadingTypeOrDecl&); // do not implement
explicit LoadingTypeOrDecl(PCHReader &Reader);
friend class LoadingTypeOrDecl;
/// \brief If we are currently loading a type or declaration, points to the
/// most recent LoadingTypeOrDecl object on the stack.
LoadingTypeOrDecl *CurrentlyLoadingTypeOrDecl;
/// \brief An IdentifierInfo that has been loaded but whose top-level
/// declarations of the same name have not (yet) been loaded.
struct PendingIdentifierInfo {
IdentifierInfo *II;
llvm::SmallVector<uint32_t, 4> DeclIDs;
/// \brief The set of identifiers that were read while the PCH reader was
/// (recursively) loading declarations.
/// The declarations on the identifier chain for these identifiers will be
/// loaded once the recursive loading has completed.
std::deque<PendingIdentifierInfo> PendingIdentifierInfos;
/// \brief FIXME: document!
llvm::SmallVector<uint64_t, 16> SpecialTypes;
/// \brief Contains declarations and definitions that will be
/// "interesting" to the ASTConsumer, when we get that AST consumer.
/// "Interesting" declarations are those that have data that may
/// need to be emitted, such as inline function definitions or
/// Objective-C protocols.
llvm::SmallVector<Decl *, 16> InterestingDecls;
/// \brief When reading a Stmt tree, Stmt operands are placed in this stack.
llvm::SmallVector<Stmt *, 16> StmtStack;
/// \brief What kind of records we are reading.
enum ReadingKind {
Read_Decl, Read_Type, Read_Stmt
/// \brief What kind of records we are reading.
ReadingKind ReadingKind;
/// \brief RAII object to change the reading kind.
class ReadingKindTracker {
PCHReader &Reader;
enum ReadingKind PrevKind;
ReadingKindTracker(const ReadingKindTracker&); // do not implement
ReadingKindTracker &operator=(const ReadingKindTracker&);// do not implement
ReadingKindTracker(enum ReadingKind newKind, PCHReader &reader)
: Reader(reader), PrevKind(Reader.ReadingKind) {
Reader.ReadingKind = newKind;
~ReadingKindTracker() { Reader.ReadingKind = PrevKind; }
/// \brief The file ID for the predefines buffer in the PCH file.
FileID PCHPredefinesBufferID;
/// \brief Pointer to the beginning of the predefines buffer in the
/// PCH file.
const char *PCHPredefines;
/// \brief Length of the predefines buffer in the PCH file.
unsigned PCHPredefinesLen;
/// \brief Suggested contents of the predefines buffer, after this
/// PCH file has been processed.
/// In most cases, this string will be empty, because the predefines
/// buffer computed to build the PCH file will be identical to the
/// predefines buffer computed from the command line. However, when
/// there are differences that the PCH reader can work around, this
/// predefines buffer may contain additional definitions.
std::string SuggestedPredefines;
/// \brief Reads a statement from the specified cursor.
Stmt *ReadStmtFromStream(llvm::BitstreamCursor &Cursor);
void MaybeAddSystemRootToFilename(std::string &Filename);
PCHReadResult ReadPCHBlock();
bool CheckPredefinesBuffer(llvm::StringRef PCHPredef, FileID PCHBufferID);
bool ParseLineTable(llvm::SmallVectorImpl<uint64_t> &Record);
PCHReadResult ReadSourceManagerBlock();
PCHReadResult ReadSLocEntryRecord(unsigned ID);
bool ParseLanguageOptions(const llvm::SmallVectorImpl<uint64_t> &Record);
QualType ReadTypeRecord(uint64_t Offset);
void LoadedDecl(unsigned Index, Decl *D);
Decl *ReadDeclRecord(uint64_t Offset, unsigned Index);
/// \brief Produce an error diagnostic and return true.
/// This routine should only be used for fatal errors that have to
/// do with non-routine failures (e.g., corrupted PCH file).
void Error(const char *Msg);
PCHReader(const PCHReader&); // do not implement
PCHReader &operator=(const PCHReader &); // do not implement
typedef llvm::SmallVector<uint64_t, 64> RecordData;
/// \brief Load the PCH file and validate its contents against the given
/// Preprocessor.
/// \param PP the preprocessor associated with the context in which this
/// precompiled header will be loaded.
/// \param Context the AST context that this precompiled header will be
/// loaded into.
/// \param isysroot If non-NULL, the system include path specified by the
/// user. This is only used with relocatable PCH files. If non-NULL,
/// a relocatable PCH file will use the default path "/".
PCHReader(Preprocessor &PP, ASTContext *Context, const char *isysroot = 0);
/// \brief Load the PCH file without using any pre-initialized Preprocessor.
/// The necessary information to initialize a Preprocessor later can be
/// obtained by setting a PCHReaderListener.
/// \param SourceMgr the source manager into which the precompiled header
/// will be loaded.
/// \param FileMgr the file manager into which the precompiled header will
/// be loaded.
/// \param Diags the diagnostics system to use for reporting errors and
/// warnings relevant to loading the precompiled header.
/// \param isysroot If non-NULL, the system include path specified by the
/// user. This is only used with relocatable PCH files. If non-NULL,
/// a relocatable PCH file will use the default path "/".
PCHReader(SourceManager &SourceMgr, FileManager &FileMgr,
Diagnostic &Diags, const char *isysroot = 0);
/// \brief Load the precompiled header designated by the given file
/// name.
PCHReadResult ReadPCH(const std::string &FileName);
/// \brief Set the PCH callbacks listener.
void setListener(PCHReaderListener *listener) {
/// \brief Set the Preprocessor to use.
void setPreprocessor(Preprocessor &pp);
/// \brief Sets and initializes the given Context.
void InitializeContext(ASTContext &Context);
/// \brief Retrieve the name of the PCH file
const std::string &getFileName() { return FileName; }
/// \brief Retrieve the name of the original source file name
const std::string &getOriginalSourceFile() { return OriginalFileName; }
/// \brief Retrieve the name of the original source file name
/// directly from the PCH file, without actually loading the PCH
/// file.
static std::string getOriginalSourceFile(const std::string &PCHFileName,
Diagnostic &Diags);
/// \brief Returns the suggested contents of the predefines buffer,
/// which contains a (typically-empty) subset of the predefines
/// build prior to including the precompiled header.
const std::string &getSuggestedPredefines() { return SuggestedPredefines; }
/// \brief Read preprocessed entities into the
virtual void ReadPreprocessedEntities();
/// \brief Reads a TemplateArgumentLocInfo appropriate for the
/// given TemplateArgument kind.
GetTemplateArgumentLocInfo(TemplateArgument::ArgKind Kind,
const RecordData &Record, unsigned &Idx);
/// \brief Reads a TemplateArgumentLoc.
TemplateArgumentLoc ReadTemplateArgumentLoc(const RecordData &Record,
unsigned &Idx);
/// \brief Reads a declarator info from the given record.
TypeSourceInfo *GetTypeSourceInfo(const RecordData &Record,
unsigned &Idx);
/// \brief Resolve a type ID into a type, potentially building a new
/// type.
QualType GetType(pch::TypeID ID);
/// \brief Resolve a declaration ID into a declaration, potentially
/// building a new declaration.
Decl *GetDecl(pch::DeclID ID);
virtual Decl *GetExternalDecl(uint32_t ID);
/// \brief Resolve the offset of a statement into a statement.
/// This operation will read a new statement from the external
/// source each time it is called, and is meant to be used via a
/// LazyOffsetPtr (which is used by Decls for the body of functions, etc).
virtual Stmt *GetExternalDeclStmt(uint64_t Offset);
/// ReadBlockAbbrevs - Enter a subblock of the specified BlockID with the
/// specified cursor. Read the abbreviations that are at the top of the block
/// and then leave the cursor pointing into the block.
bool ReadBlockAbbrevs(llvm::BitstreamCursor &Cursor, unsigned BlockID);
/// \brief Finds all the visible declarations with a given name.
/// The current implementation of this method just loads the entire
/// lookup table as unmaterialized references.
virtual DeclContext::lookup_result
FindExternalVisibleDeclsByName(const DeclContext *DC,
DeclarationName Name);
/// \brief Read all of the declarations lexically stored in a
/// declaration context.
/// \param DC The declaration context whose declarations will be
/// read.
/// \param Decls Vector that will contain the declarations loaded
/// from the external source. The caller is responsible for merging
/// these declarations with any declarations already stored in the
/// declaration context.
/// \returns true if there was an error while reading the
/// declarations for this declaration context.
virtual bool FindExternalLexicalDecls(const DeclContext *DC,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<Decl*> &Decls);
/// \brief Function that will be invoked when we begin parsing a new
/// translation unit involving this external AST source.
/// This function will provide all of the external definitions to
/// the ASTConsumer.
virtual void StartTranslationUnit(ASTConsumer *Consumer);
/// \brief Print some statistics about PCH usage.
virtual void PrintStats();
/// \brief Initialize the semantic source with the Sema instance
/// being used to perform semantic analysis on the abstract syntax
/// tree.
virtual void InitializeSema(Sema &S);
/// \brief Inform the semantic consumer that Sema is no longer available.
virtual void ForgetSema() { SemaObj = 0; }
/// \brief Retrieve the IdentifierInfo for the named identifier.
/// This routine builds a new IdentifierInfo for the given identifier. If any
/// declarations with this name are visible from translation unit scope, their
/// declarations will be deserialized and introduced into the declaration
/// chain of the identifier.
virtual IdentifierInfo *get(const char *NameStart, const char *NameEnd);
IdentifierInfo *get(llvm::StringRef Name) {
return get(Name.begin(), Name.end());
/// \brief Load the contents of the global method pool for a given
/// selector.
/// \returns a pair of Objective-C methods lists containing the
/// instance and factory methods, respectively, with this selector.
virtual std::pair<ObjCMethodList, ObjCMethodList>
ReadMethodPool(Selector Sel);
void SetIdentifierInfo(unsigned ID, IdentifierInfo *II);
void SetGloballyVisibleDecls(IdentifierInfo *II,
const llvm::SmallVectorImpl<uint32_t> &DeclIDs,
bool Nonrecursive = false);
/// \brief Report a diagnostic.
DiagnosticBuilder Diag(unsigned DiagID);
/// \brief Report a diagnostic.
DiagnosticBuilder Diag(SourceLocation Loc, unsigned DiagID);
IdentifierInfo *DecodeIdentifierInfo(unsigned Idx);
IdentifierInfo *GetIdentifierInfo(const RecordData &Record, unsigned &Idx) {
return DecodeIdentifierInfo(Record[Idx++]);
virtual IdentifierInfo *GetIdentifier(unsigned ID) {
return DecodeIdentifierInfo(ID);
/// \brief Read the source location entry with index ID.
virtual void ReadSLocEntry(unsigned ID);
Selector DecodeSelector(unsigned Idx);
virtual Selector GetExternalSelector(uint32_t ID);
uint32_t GetNumExternalSelectors();
Selector GetSelector(const RecordData &Record, unsigned &Idx) {
return DecodeSelector(Record[Idx++]);
/// \brief Read a declaration name.
DeclarationName ReadDeclarationName(const RecordData &Record, unsigned &Idx);
NestedNameSpecifier *ReadNestedNameSpecifier(const RecordData &Record,
unsigned &Idx);
/// \brief Read a template name.
TemplateName ReadTemplateName(const RecordData &Record, unsigned &Idx);
/// \brief Read a template argument.
TemplateArgument ReadTemplateArgument(const RecordData &Record,unsigned &Idx);
/// \brief Read a template parameter list.
TemplateParameterList *ReadTemplateParameterList(const RecordData &Record,
unsigned &Idx);
/// \brief Read a template argument array.
ReadTemplateArgumentList(llvm::SmallVector<TemplateArgument, 8> &TemplArgs,
const RecordData &Record, unsigned &Idx);
/// \brief Read a UnresolvedSet structure.
void ReadUnresolvedSet(UnresolvedSetImpl &Set,
const RecordData &Record, unsigned &Idx);
/// \brief Read a source location.
SourceLocation ReadSourceLocation(const RecordData &Record, unsigned& Idx) {
return SourceLocation::getFromRawEncoding(Record[Idx++]);
/// \brief Read a source range.
SourceRange ReadSourceRange(const RecordData &Record, unsigned& Idx);
/// \brief Read an integral value
llvm::APInt ReadAPInt(const RecordData &Record, unsigned &Idx);
/// \brief Read a signed integral value
llvm::APSInt ReadAPSInt(const RecordData &Record, unsigned &Idx);
/// \brief Read a floating-point value
llvm::APFloat ReadAPFloat(const RecordData &Record, unsigned &Idx);
// \brief Read a string
std::string ReadString(const RecordData &Record, unsigned &Idx);
CXXTemporary *ReadCXXTemporary(const RecordData &Record, unsigned &Idx);
/// \brief Reads attributes from the current stream position.
Attr *ReadAttributes();
/// \brief Reads a statement.
Stmt *ReadStmt();
/// \brief Reads an expression.
Expr *ReadExpr();
/// \brief Reads a sub-statement operand during statement reading.
Stmt *ReadSubStmt() {
assert(ReadingKind == Read_Stmt &&
"Should be called only during statement reading!");
// Subexpressions are stored from last to first, so the next Stmt we need
// is at the back of the stack.
assert(!StmtStack.empty() && "Read too many sub statements!");
return StmtStack.pop_back_val();
/// \brief Reads a sub-expression operand during statement reading.
Expr *ReadSubExpr();
/// \brief Reads the macro record located at the given offset.
void ReadMacroRecord(uint64_t Offset);
/// \brief Read the set of macros defined by this external macro source.
virtual void ReadDefinedMacros();
/// \brief Retrieve the macro definition with the given ID.
MacroDefinition *getMacroDefinition(pch::IdentID ID);
/// \brief Retrieve the AST context that this PCH reader
/// supplements.
ASTContext *getContext() { return Context; }
// \brief Contains declarations that were loaded before we have
// access to a Sema object.
llvm::SmallVector<NamedDecl *, 16> PreloadedDecls;
/// \brief Retrieve the semantic analysis object used to analyze the
/// translation unit in which the precompiled header is being
/// imported.
Sema *getSema() { return SemaObj; }
/// \brief Retrieve the stream that this PCH reader is reading from.
llvm::BitstreamCursor &getStream() { return Stream; }
llvm::BitstreamCursor &getDeclsCursor() { return DeclsCursor; }
/// \brief Retrieve the identifier table associated with the
/// preprocessor.
IdentifierTable &getIdentifierTable();
/// \brief Record that the given ID maps to the given switch-case
/// statement.
void RecordSwitchCaseID(SwitchCase *SC, unsigned ID);
/// \brief Retrieve the switch-case statement with the given ID.
SwitchCase *getSwitchCaseWithID(unsigned ID);
/// \brief Record that the given label statement has been
/// deserialized and has the given ID.
void RecordLabelStmt(LabelStmt *S, unsigned ID);
/// \brief Set the label of the given statement to the label
/// identified by ID.
/// Depending on the order in which the label and other statements
/// referencing that label occur, this operation may complete
/// immediately (updating the statement) or it may queue the
/// statement to be back-patched later.
void SetLabelOf(GotoStmt *S, unsigned ID);
/// \brief Set the label of the given expression to the label
/// identified by ID.
/// Depending on the order in which the label and other statements
/// referencing that label occur, this operation may complete
/// immediately (updating the statement) or it may queue the
/// statement to be back-patched later.
void SetLabelOf(AddrLabelExpr *S, unsigned ID);
/// \brief Helper class that saves the current stream position and
/// then restores it when destroyed.
struct SavedStreamPosition {
explicit SavedStreamPosition(llvm::BitstreamCursor &Cursor)
: Cursor(Cursor), Offset(Cursor.GetCurrentBitNo()) { }
~SavedStreamPosition() {
llvm::BitstreamCursor &Cursor;
uint64_t Offset;
inline void PCHValidator::Error(const char *Msg) {
} // end namespace clang