blob: e35ca4671e3e788a80d375bf0e5003965078e4f8 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Stmt.h - Classes for representing statements -----------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file was developed by Chris Lattner and is distributed under
// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines the Stmt interface and subclasses.
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
#include "clang/AST/StmtIterator.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/iterator"
#include "llvm/Bitcode/SerializationFwd.h"
#include <iosfwd>
using llvm::dyn_cast_or_null;
namespace clang {
class Expr;
class Decl;
class ScopedDecl;
class IdentifierInfo;
class SourceManager;
class SwitchStmt;
class PrinterHelper;
/// Stmt - This represents one statement.
class Stmt {
enum StmtClass {
#define STMT(N, CLASS, PARENT) CLASS##Class = N,
#define FIRST_STMT(N) firstStmtConstant = N,
#define LAST_STMT(N) lastStmtConstant = N,
#define FIRST_EXPR(N) firstExprConstant = N,
#define LAST_EXPR(N) lastExprConstant = N
#include "clang/AST/StmtNodes.def"
const StmtClass sClass;
Stmt(StmtClass SC) : sClass(SC) {
if (Stmt::CollectingStats()) Stmt::addStmtClass(SC);
virtual ~Stmt() {}
StmtClass getStmtClass() const { return sClass; }
const char *getStmtClassName() const;
/// SourceLocation tokens are not useful in isolation - they are low level
/// value objects created/interpreted by SourceManager. We assume AST
/// clients will have a pointer to the respective SourceManager.
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const = 0;
SourceLocation getLocStart() const { return getSourceRange().getBegin(); }
SourceLocation getLocEnd() const { return getSourceRange().getEnd(); }
// global temp stats (until we have a per-module visitor)
static void addStmtClass(const StmtClass s);
static bool CollectingStats(bool enable=false);
static void PrintStats();
/// dump - This does a local dump of the specified AST fragment. It dumps the
/// specified node and a few nodes underneath it, but not the whole subtree.
/// This is useful in a debugger.
void dump() const;
void dump(SourceManager &SM) const;
/// dumpAll - This does a dump of the specified AST fragment and all subtrees.
void dumpAll() const;
void dumpAll(SourceManager &SM) const;
/// dumpPretty/printPretty - These two methods do a "pretty print" of the AST
/// back to its original source language syntax.
void dumpPretty() const;
void printPretty(std::ostream &OS, PrinterHelper* = NULL) const;
/// viewAST - Visualize an AST rooted at this Stmt* using GraphViz. Only
/// works on systems with GraphViz (Mac OS X) or dot+gv installed.
void viewAST() const;
// Implement isa<T> support.
static bool classof(const Stmt *) { return true; }
/// hasImplicitControlFlow - Some statements (e.g. short circuited operations)
/// contain implicit control-flow in the order their subexpressions
/// are evaluated. This predicate returns true if this statement has
/// such implicit control-flow. Such statements are also specially handled
/// within CFGs.
bool hasImplicitControlFlow() const;
/// Child Iterators: All subclasses must implement child_begin and child_end
/// to permit easy iteration over the substatements/subexpessions of an
/// AST node. This permits easy iteration over all nodes in the AST.
typedef StmtIterator child_iterator;
typedef ConstStmtIterator const_child_iterator;
virtual child_iterator child_begin() = 0;
virtual child_iterator child_end() = 0;
const_child_iterator child_begin() const {
return const_child_iterator(const_cast<Stmt*>(this)->child_begin());
const_child_iterator child_end() const {
return const_child_iterator(const_cast<Stmt*>(this)->child_end());
void Emit(llvm::Serializer& S) const;
static Stmt* Materialize(llvm::Deserializer& D);
virtual void directEmit(llvm::Serializer& S) const {
// This method will eventually be a pure-virtual function.
assert (false && "Not implemented.");
/// DeclStmt - Adaptor class for mixing declarations with statements and
/// expressions. For example, CompoundStmt mixes statements, expressions
/// and declarations (variables, types). Another example is ForStmt, where
/// the first statement can be an expression or a declaration.
class DeclStmt : public Stmt {
ScopedDecl *TheDecl;
DeclStmt(ScopedDecl *D) : Stmt(DeclStmtClass), TheDecl(D) {}
const ScopedDecl *getDecl() const { return TheDecl; }
ScopedDecl *getDecl() { return TheDecl; }
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const { return SourceRange(); }
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == DeclStmtClass;
static bool classof(const DeclStmt *) { return true; }
// Iterators
virtual child_iterator child_begin();
virtual child_iterator child_end();
virtual void directEmit(llvm::Serializer& S) const;
static DeclStmt* directMaterialize(llvm::Deserializer& D);
/// NullStmt - This is the null statement ";": C99 6.8.3p3.
class NullStmt : public Stmt {
SourceLocation SemiLoc;
NullStmt(SourceLocation L) : Stmt(NullStmtClass), SemiLoc(L) {}
SourceLocation getSemiLoc() const { return SemiLoc; }
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const { return SourceRange(SemiLoc); }
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == NullStmtClass;
static bool classof(const NullStmt *) { return true; }
// Iterators
virtual child_iterator child_begin();
virtual child_iterator child_end();
virtual void directEmit(llvm::Serializer& S) const;
static NullStmt* directMaterialize(llvm::Deserializer& D);
/// CompoundStmt - This represents a group of statements like { stmt stmt }.
class CompoundStmt : public Stmt {
llvm::SmallVector<Stmt*, 16> Body;
SourceLocation LBracLoc, RBracLoc;
CompoundStmt(Stmt **StmtStart, unsigned NumStmts,
SourceLocation LB, SourceLocation RB)
: Stmt(CompoundStmtClass), Body(StmtStart, StmtStart+NumStmts),
LBracLoc(LB), RBracLoc(RB) {}
bool body_empty() const { return Body.empty(); }
typedef llvm::SmallVector<Stmt*, 16>::iterator body_iterator;
body_iterator body_begin() { return Body.begin(); }
body_iterator body_end() { return Body.end(); }
Stmt *body_back() { return Body.back(); }
typedef llvm::SmallVector<Stmt*, 16>::const_iterator const_body_iterator;
const_body_iterator body_begin() const { return Body.begin(); }
const_body_iterator body_end() const { return Body.end(); }
const Stmt *body_back() const { return Body.back(); }
typedef llvm::SmallVector<Stmt*, 16>::reverse_iterator reverse_body_iterator;
reverse_body_iterator body_rbegin() { return Body.rbegin(); }
reverse_body_iterator body_rend() { return Body.rend(); }
typedef llvm::SmallVector<Stmt*, 16>::const_reverse_iterator
const_reverse_body_iterator body_rbegin() const { return Body.rbegin(); }
const_reverse_body_iterator body_rend() const { return Body.rend(); }
void push_back(Stmt *S) { Body.push_back(S); }
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const {
return SourceRange(LBracLoc, RBracLoc);
SourceLocation getLBracLoc() const { return LBracLoc; }
SourceLocation getRBracLoc() const { return RBracLoc; }
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == CompoundStmtClass;
static bool classof(const CompoundStmt *) { return true; }
// Iterators
virtual child_iterator child_begin();
virtual child_iterator child_end();
virtual void directEmit(llvm::Serializer& S) const;
static CompoundStmt* directMaterialize(llvm::Deserializer& D);
// SwitchCase is the base class for CaseStmt and DefaultStmt,
class SwitchCase : public Stmt {
// A pointer to the following CaseStmt or DefaultStmt class,
// used by SwitchStmt.
SwitchCase *NextSwitchCase;
SwitchCase(StmtClass SC) : Stmt(SC), NextSwitchCase(0) {}
const SwitchCase *getNextSwitchCase() const { return NextSwitchCase; }
SwitchCase *getNextSwitchCase() { return NextSwitchCase; }
void setNextSwitchCase(SwitchCase *SC) { NextSwitchCase = SC; }
virtual Stmt* v_getSubStmt() = 0;
Stmt *getSubStmt() { return v_getSubStmt(); }
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const { return SourceRange(); }
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == CaseStmtClass ||
T->getStmtClass() == DefaultStmtClass;
static bool classof(const SwitchCase *) { return true; }
class CaseStmt : public SwitchCase {
Stmt* SubExprs[END_EXPR]; // The expression for the RHS is Non-null for
// GNU "case 1 ... 4" extension
SourceLocation CaseLoc;
CaseStmt(Expr *lhs, Expr *rhs, Stmt *substmt, SourceLocation caseLoc)
: SwitchCase(CaseStmtClass) {
SubExprs[SUBSTMT] = substmt;
SubExprs[LHS] = reinterpret_cast<Stmt*>(lhs);
SubExprs[RHS] = reinterpret_cast<Stmt*>(rhs);
CaseLoc = caseLoc;
SourceLocation getCaseLoc() const { return CaseLoc; }
Expr *getLHS() { return reinterpret_cast<Expr*>(SubExprs[LHS]); }
Expr *getRHS() { return reinterpret_cast<Expr*>(SubExprs[RHS]); }
Stmt *getSubStmt() { return SubExprs[SUBSTMT]; }
virtual Stmt* v_getSubStmt() { return getSubStmt(); }
const Expr *getLHS() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const Expr*>(SubExprs[LHS]);
const Expr *getRHS() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const Expr*>(SubExprs[RHS]);
const Stmt *getSubStmt() const { return SubExprs[SUBSTMT]; }
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const {
return SourceRange(CaseLoc, SubExprs[SUBSTMT]->getLocEnd());
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == CaseStmtClass;
static bool classof(const CaseStmt *) { return true; }
// Iterators
virtual child_iterator child_begin();
virtual child_iterator child_end();
virtual void directEmit(llvm::Serializer& S) const;
static CaseStmt* directMaterialize(llvm::Deserializer& D);
class DefaultStmt : public SwitchCase {
Stmt* SubStmt;
SourceLocation DefaultLoc;
DefaultStmt(SourceLocation DL, Stmt *substmt) :
SwitchCase(DefaultStmtClass), SubStmt(substmt), DefaultLoc(DL) {}
Stmt *getSubStmt() { return SubStmt; }
virtual Stmt* v_getSubStmt() { return getSubStmt(); }
const Stmt *getSubStmt() const { return SubStmt; }
SourceLocation getDefaultLoc() const { return DefaultLoc; }
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const {
return SourceRange(DefaultLoc, SubStmt->getLocEnd());
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == DefaultStmtClass;
static bool classof(const DefaultStmt *) { return true; }
// Iterators
virtual child_iterator child_begin();
virtual child_iterator child_end();
virtual void directEmit(llvm::Serializer& S) const;
static DefaultStmt* directMaterialize(llvm::Deserializer& D);
class LabelStmt : public Stmt {
IdentifierInfo *Label;
Stmt *SubStmt;
SourceLocation IdentLoc;
LabelStmt(SourceLocation IL, IdentifierInfo *label, Stmt *substmt)
: Stmt(LabelStmtClass), Label(label),
SubStmt(substmt), IdentLoc(IL) {}
SourceLocation getIdentLoc() const { return IdentLoc; }
IdentifierInfo *getID() const { return Label; }
const char *getName() const;
Stmt *getSubStmt() { return SubStmt; }
const Stmt *getSubStmt() const { return SubStmt; }
void setIdentLoc(SourceLocation L) { IdentLoc = L; }
void setSubStmt(Stmt *SS) { SubStmt = SS; }
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const {
return SourceRange(IdentLoc, SubStmt->getLocEnd());
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == LabelStmtClass;
static bool classof(const LabelStmt *) { return true; }
// Iterators
virtual child_iterator child_begin();
virtual child_iterator child_end();
virtual void directEmit(llvm::Serializer& S) const;
static LabelStmt* directMaterialize(llvm::Deserializer& D);
/// IfStmt - This represents an if/then/else.
class IfStmt : public Stmt {
Stmt* SubExprs[END_EXPR];
SourceLocation IfLoc;
IfStmt(SourceLocation IL, Expr *cond, Stmt *then, Stmt *elsev = 0)
: Stmt(IfStmtClass) {
SubExprs[COND] = reinterpret_cast<Stmt*>(cond);
SubExprs[THEN] = then;
SubExprs[ELSE] = elsev;
IfLoc = IL;
const Expr *getCond() const { return reinterpret_cast<Expr*>(SubExprs[COND]);}
const Stmt *getThen() const { return SubExprs[THEN]; }
const Stmt *getElse() const { return SubExprs[ELSE]; }
Expr *getCond() { return reinterpret_cast<Expr*>(SubExprs[COND]); }
Stmt *getThen() { return SubExprs[THEN]; }
Stmt *getElse() { return SubExprs[ELSE]; }
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const {
if (SubExprs[ELSE])
return SourceRange(IfLoc, SubExprs[ELSE]->getLocEnd());
return SourceRange(IfLoc, SubExprs[THEN]->getLocEnd());
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == IfStmtClass;
static bool classof(const IfStmt *) { return true; }
// Iterators
virtual child_iterator child_begin();
virtual child_iterator child_end();
virtual void directEmit(llvm::Serializer& S) const;
static IfStmt* directMaterialize(llvm::Deserializer& D);
/// SwitchStmt - This represents a 'switch' stmt.
class SwitchStmt : public Stmt {
enum { COND, BODY, END_EXPR };
Stmt* SubExprs[END_EXPR];
// This points to a linked list of case and default statements.
SwitchCase *FirstCase;
SourceLocation SwitchLoc;
SwitchStmt(Expr *cond) : Stmt(SwitchStmtClass), FirstCase(0) {
SubExprs[COND] = reinterpret_cast<Stmt*>(cond);
SubExprs[BODY] = NULL;
const Expr *getCond() const { return reinterpret_cast<Expr*>(SubExprs[COND]);}
const Stmt *getBody() const { return SubExprs[BODY]; }
const SwitchCase *getSwitchCaseList() const { return FirstCase; }
Expr *getCond() { return reinterpret_cast<Expr*>(SubExprs[COND]);}
Stmt *getBody() { return SubExprs[BODY]; }
SwitchCase *getSwitchCaseList() { return FirstCase; }
void setBody(Stmt *S, SourceLocation SL) {
SubExprs[BODY] = S;
SwitchLoc = SL;
void addSwitchCase(SwitchCase *SC) {
if (FirstCase)
FirstCase = SC;
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const {
return SourceRange(SwitchLoc, SubExprs[BODY]->getLocEnd());
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == SwitchStmtClass;
static bool classof(const SwitchStmt *) { return true; }
// Iterators
virtual child_iterator child_begin();
virtual child_iterator child_end();
virtual void directEmit(llvm::Serializer& S) const;
static SwitchStmt* directMaterialize(llvm::Deserializer& D);
/// WhileStmt - This represents a 'while' stmt.
class WhileStmt : public Stmt {
enum { COND, BODY, END_EXPR };
Stmt* SubExprs[END_EXPR];
SourceLocation WhileLoc;
WhileStmt(Expr *cond, Stmt *body, SourceLocation WL) : Stmt(WhileStmtClass) {
SubExprs[COND] = reinterpret_cast<Stmt*>(cond);
SubExprs[BODY] = body;
WhileLoc = WL;
Expr *getCond() { return reinterpret_cast<Expr*>(SubExprs[COND]); }
const Expr *getCond() const { return reinterpret_cast<Expr*>(SubExprs[COND]);}
Stmt *getBody() { return SubExprs[BODY]; }
const Stmt *getBody() const { return SubExprs[BODY]; }
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const {
return SourceRange(WhileLoc, SubExprs[BODY]->getLocEnd());
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == WhileStmtClass;
static bool classof(const WhileStmt *) { return true; }
// Iterators
virtual child_iterator child_begin();
virtual child_iterator child_end();
virtual void directEmit(llvm::Serializer& S) const;
static WhileStmt* directMaterialize(llvm::Deserializer& D);
/// DoStmt - This represents a 'do/while' stmt.
class DoStmt : public Stmt {
enum { COND, BODY, END_EXPR };
Stmt* SubExprs[END_EXPR];
SourceLocation DoLoc;
DoStmt(Stmt *body, Expr *cond, SourceLocation DL)
: Stmt(DoStmtClass), DoLoc(DL) {
SubExprs[COND] = reinterpret_cast<Stmt*>(cond);
SubExprs[BODY] = body;
DoLoc = DL;
Expr *getCond() { return reinterpret_cast<Expr*>(SubExprs[COND]); }
const Expr *getCond() const { return reinterpret_cast<Expr*>(SubExprs[COND]);}
Stmt *getBody() { return SubExprs[BODY]; }
const Stmt *getBody() const { return SubExprs[BODY]; }
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const {
return SourceRange(DoLoc, SubExprs[BODY]->getLocEnd());
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == DoStmtClass;
static bool classof(const DoStmt *) { return true; }
// Iterators
virtual child_iterator child_begin();
virtual child_iterator child_end();
virtual void directEmit(llvm::Serializer& S) const;
static DoStmt* directMaterialize(llvm::Deserializer& D);
/// ForStmt - This represents a 'for (init;cond;inc)' stmt. Note that any of
/// the init/cond/inc parts of the ForStmt will be null if they were not
/// specified in the source.
class ForStmt : public Stmt {
Stmt* SubExprs[END_EXPR]; // SubExprs[INIT] is an expression or declstmt.
SourceLocation ForLoc;
ForStmt(Stmt *Init, Expr *Cond, Expr *Inc, Stmt *Body, SourceLocation FL)
: Stmt(ForStmtClass) {
SubExprs[INIT] = Init;
SubExprs[COND] = reinterpret_cast<Stmt*>(Cond);
SubExprs[INC] = reinterpret_cast<Stmt*>(Inc);
SubExprs[BODY] = Body;
ForLoc = FL;
Stmt *getInit() { return SubExprs[INIT]; }
Expr *getCond() { return reinterpret_cast<Expr*>(SubExprs[COND]); }
Expr *getInc() { return reinterpret_cast<Expr*>(SubExprs[INC]); }
Stmt *getBody() { return SubExprs[BODY]; }
const Stmt *getInit() const { return SubExprs[INIT]; }
const Expr *getCond() const { return reinterpret_cast<Expr*>(SubExprs[COND]);}
const Expr *getInc() const { return reinterpret_cast<Expr*>(SubExprs[INC]); }
const Stmt *getBody() const { return SubExprs[BODY]; }
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const {
return SourceRange(ForLoc, SubExprs[BODY]->getLocEnd());
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == ForStmtClass;
static bool classof(const ForStmt *) { return true; }
// Iterators
virtual child_iterator child_begin();
virtual child_iterator child_end();
virtual void directEmit(llvm::Serializer& S) const;
static ForStmt* directMaterialize(llvm::Deserializer& D);
/// GotoStmt - This represents a direct goto.
class GotoStmt : public Stmt {
LabelStmt *Label;
SourceLocation GotoLoc;
SourceLocation LabelLoc;
GotoStmt(LabelStmt *label, SourceLocation GL, SourceLocation LL)
: Stmt(GotoStmtClass), Label(label), GotoLoc(GL), LabelLoc(LL) {}
LabelStmt *getLabel() const { return Label; }
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const {
return SourceRange(GotoLoc, LabelLoc);
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == GotoStmtClass;
static bool classof(const GotoStmt *) { return true; }
// Iterators
virtual child_iterator child_begin();
virtual child_iterator child_end();
virtual void directEmit(llvm::Serializer& S) const;
static GotoStmt* directMaterialize(llvm::Deserializer& D);
/// IndirectGotoStmt - This represents an indirect goto.
class IndirectGotoStmt : public Stmt {
Expr *Target;
IndirectGotoStmt(Expr *target) : Stmt(IndirectGotoStmtClass), Target(target){}
Expr *getTarget() { return Target; }
const Expr *getTarget() const { return Target; }
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const { return SourceRange(); }
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == IndirectGotoStmtClass;
static bool classof(const IndirectGotoStmt *) { return true; }
// Iterators
virtual child_iterator child_begin();
virtual child_iterator child_end();
/// ContinueStmt - This represents a continue.
class ContinueStmt : public Stmt {
SourceLocation ContinueLoc;
ContinueStmt(SourceLocation CL) : Stmt(ContinueStmtClass), ContinueLoc(CL) {}
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const {
return SourceRange(ContinueLoc);
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == ContinueStmtClass;
static bool classof(const ContinueStmt *) { return true; }
// Iterators
virtual child_iterator child_begin();
virtual child_iterator child_end();
/// BreakStmt - This represents a break.
class BreakStmt : public Stmt {
SourceLocation BreakLoc;
BreakStmt(SourceLocation BL) : Stmt(BreakStmtClass), BreakLoc(BL) {}
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const { return SourceRange(BreakLoc); }
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == BreakStmtClass;
static bool classof(const BreakStmt *) { return true; }
// Iterators
virtual child_iterator child_begin();
virtual child_iterator child_end();
virtual void directEmit(llvm::Serializer& S) const;
static BreakStmt* directMaterialize(llvm::Deserializer& D);
/// ReturnStmt - This represents a return, optionally of an expression.
class ReturnStmt : public Stmt {
Expr *RetExpr;
SourceLocation RetLoc;
ReturnStmt(SourceLocation RL, Expr *E = 0) : Stmt(ReturnStmtClass),
RetExpr(E), RetLoc(RL) {}
const Expr *getRetValue() const { return RetExpr; }
Expr *getRetValue() { return RetExpr; }
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const;
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == ReturnStmtClass;
static bool classof(const ReturnStmt *) { return true; }
// Iterators
virtual child_iterator child_begin();
virtual child_iterator child_end();
virtual void directEmit(llvm::Serializer& S) const;
static ReturnStmt* directMaterialize(llvm::Deserializer& D);
/// AsmStmt - This represents a GNU inline-assembly statement extension.
class AsmStmt : public Stmt {
SourceLocation AsmLoc, RParenLoc;
// FIXME: This doesn't capture most of the interesting pieces.
AsmStmt(SourceLocation asmloc, SourceLocation rparenloc)
: Stmt(AsmStmtClass), AsmLoc(asmloc), RParenLoc(rparenloc) {}
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const {
return SourceRange(AsmLoc, RParenLoc);
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {return T->getStmtClass() == AsmStmtClass;}
static bool classof(const AsmStmt *) { return true; }
virtual child_iterator child_begin();
virtual child_iterator child_end();
/// ObjcAtCatchStmt - This represents objective-c's @catch statement.
class ObjcAtCatchStmt : public Stmt {
// Points to next @catch statement, or null
ObjcAtCatchStmt *NextAtCatchStmt;
Stmt *SubExprs[END_EXPR];
SourceLocation AtCatchLoc, RParenLoc;
ObjcAtCatchStmt(SourceLocation atCatchLoc, SourceLocation rparenloc,
Stmt *catchVarStmtDecl, Stmt *atCatchStmt, Stmt *atCatchList)
: Stmt(ObjcAtCatchStmtClass) {
SubExprs[SELECTOR] = catchVarStmtDecl;
SubExprs[BODY] = atCatchStmt;
SubExprs[END_EXPR] = NULL;
if (!atCatchList)
NextAtCatchStmt = NULL;
else {
ObjcAtCatchStmt *AtCatchList =
while (AtCatchList->NextAtCatchStmt)
AtCatchList = AtCatchList->NextAtCatchStmt;
AtCatchList->NextAtCatchStmt = this;
AtCatchLoc = atCatchLoc;
RParenLoc = rparenloc;
const Stmt *getCatchBody() const { return SubExprs[BODY]; }
Stmt *getCatchBody() { return SubExprs[BODY]; }
const ObjcAtCatchStmt *getNextCatchStmt() const { return NextAtCatchStmt; }
ObjcAtCatchStmt *getNextCatchStmt() { return NextAtCatchStmt; }
const Stmt *getCatchParamStmt() const { return SubExprs[SELECTOR]; }
Stmt *getCatchParamStmt() { return SubExprs[SELECTOR]; }
SourceLocation getRParenLoc() const { return RParenLoc; }
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const {
return SourceRange(AtCatchLoc, SubExprs[BODY]->getLocEnd());
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == ObjcAtCatchStmtClass;
static bool classof(const ObjcAtCatchStmt *) { return true; }
virtual child_iterator child_begin();
virtual child_iterator child_end();
/// ObjcAtFinallyStmt - This represent objective-c's @finally Statement
class ObjcAtFinallyStmt : public Stmt {
Stmt *AtFinallyStmt;
SourceLocation AtFinallyLoc;
ObjcAtFinallyStmt(SourceLocation atFinallyLoc, Stmt *atFinallyStmt)
: Stmt(ObjcAtFinallyStmtClass),
AtFinallyStmt(atFinallyStmt), AtFinallyLoc(atFinallyLoc) {}
const Stmt *getFinallyBody () const { return AtFinallyStmt; }
Stmt *getFinallyBody () { return AtFinallyStmt; }
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const {
return SourceRange(AtFinallyLoc, AtFinallyStmt->getLocEnd());
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == ObjcAtFinallyStmtClass;
static bool classof(const ObjcAtFinallyStmt *) { return true; }
virtual child_iterator child_begin();
virtual child_iterator child_end();
/// ObjcAtTryStmt - This represent objective-c's over-all
/// @try ... @catch ... @finally statement.
class ObjcAtTryStmt : public Stmt {
Stmt* SubStmts[END_TRY];
SourceLocation AtTryLoc;
ObjcAtTryStmt(SourceLocation atTryLoc, Stmt *atTryStmt,
Stmt *atCatchStmt,
Stmt *atFinallyStmt)
: Stmt(ObjcAtTryStmtClass) {
SubStmts[TRY] = atTryStmt;
SubStmts[CATCH] = atCatchStmt;
SubStmts[FINALLY] = atFinallyStmt;
SubStmts[END_TRY] = NULL;
AtTryLoc = atTryLoc;
const Stmt *getTryBody() const { return SubStmts[TRY]; }
Stmt *getTryBody() { return SubStmts[TRY]; }
const ObjcAtCatchStmt *getCatchStmts() const {
return dyn_cast_or_null<ObjcAtCatchStmt>(SubStmts[CATCH]);
ObjcAtCatchStmt *getCatchStmts() {
return dyn_cast_or_null<ObjcAtCatchStmt>(SubStmts[CATCH]);
const ObjcAtFinallyStmt *getFinallyStmt() const {
return dyn_cast_or_null<ObjcAtFinallyStmt>(SubStmts[FINALLY]);
ObjcAtFinallyStmt *getFinallyStmt() {
return dyn_cast_or_null<ObjcAtFinallyStmt>(SubStmts[FINALLY]);
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const {
return SourceRange(AtTryLoc, SubStmts[TRY]->getLocEnd());
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == ObjcAtTryStmtClass;
static bool classof(const ObjcAtTryStmt *) { return true; }
virtual child_iterator child_begin();
virtual child_iterator child_end();
/// ObjcAtThrowStmt - This represents objective-c's @throw statement.
class ObjcAtThrowStmt : public Stmt {
Stmt *Throw;
SourceLocation AtThrowLoc;
ObjcAtThrowStmt(SourceLocation atThrowLoc, Stmt *throwExpr)
: Stmt(ObjcAtThrowStmtClass), Throw(throwExpr) {
AtThrowLoc = atThrowLoc;
Expr *const getThrowExpr() const { return reinterpret_cast<Expr*>(Throw); }
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const {
return SourceRange(AtThrowLoc, Throw->getLocEnd());
static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
return T->getStmtClass() == ObjcAtThrowStmtClass;
static bool classof(const ObjcAtThrowStmt *) { return true; }
virtual child_iterator child_begin();
virtual child_iterator child_end();
} // end namespace clang