blob: 13039bb5063e19fa60360d062372b25727c0c2cc [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- DiagnosticOptions.h ------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace clang {
/// DiagnosticOptions - Options for controlling the compiler diagnostics
/// engine.
class DiagnosticOptions {
unsigned IgnoreWarnings : 1; /// -w
unsigned NoRewriteMacros : 1; /// -Wno-rewrite-macros
unsigned Pedantic : 1; /// -pedantic
unsigned PedanticErrors : 1; /// -pedantic-errors
unsigned ShowColumn : 1; /// Show column number on diagnostics.
unsigned ShowLocation : 1; /// Show source location information.
unsigned ShowCarets : 1; /// Show carets in diagnostics.
unsigned ShowFixits : 1; /// Show fixit information.
unsigned ShowSourceRanges : 1; /// Show source ranges in numeric form.
unsigned ShowOptionNames : 1; /// Show the diagnostic name for mappable
/// diagnostics.
unsigned ShowColors : 1; /// Show diagnostics with ANSI color sequences.
unsigned VerifyDiagnostics; /// Check that diagnostics match the expected
/// diagnostics, indicated by markers in the
/// input source file.
/// The distance between tab stops.
unsigned TabStop;
enum { DefaultTabStop = 8, MaxTabStop = 100 };
/// Column limit for formatting message diagnostics, or 0 if unused.
unsigned MessageLength;
/// If non-empty, a file to log extended build information to, for development
/// testing and analysis.
std::string DumpBuildInformation;
/// The list of -W... options used to alter the diagnostic mappings, with the
/// prefixes removed.
std::vector<std::string> Warnings;
DiagnosticOptions() {
IgnoreWarnings = 0;
TabStop = DefaultTabStop;
MessageLength = 0;
NoRewriteMacros = 0;
Pedantic = 0;
PedanticErrors = 0;
ShowCarets = 1;
ShowColors = 0;
ShowColumn = 1;
ShowFixits = 1;
ShowLocation = 1;
ShowOptionNames = 0;
ShowSourceRanges = 0;
VerifyDiagnostics = 0;
} // end namespace clang