blob: 66806dba65837e372531d0eecfd2c424744fb6fa [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: clang %s -verify -pedantic -fsyntax-only
// PR1966
_Complex double test1() {
return __extension__ 1.0if;
_Complex double test2() {
return 1.0if; // expected-warning {{imaginary constants are an extension}}
// rdar://6097308
void test3() {
int x;
(__extension__ x) = 10;
// rdar://6162726
void test4() {
static int var;
var =+ 5; // expected-warning {{use of unary operator that may be intended as compound assignment (+=)}}
var =- 5; // expected-warning {{use of unary operator that may be intended as compound assignment (-=)}}
var = +5;
var = -5;
// rdar://6319320
void test5(int *X, float *P) {
(float*)X = P; // expected-error {{assignment to cast is illegal, lvalue casts are not supported}}
void test6() {
int X;
X(); // expected-error {{called object type 'int' is not a function or function pointer}}