blob: 1c6e93682780dd2e8f0bd790a06b8e61fb5a50ff [file] [log] [blame]
//===--------------------- SemaLookup.cpp - Name Lookup ------------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file implements name lookup for C, C++, Objective-C, and
// Objective-C++.
#include "Sema.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/AST/CXXInheritance.h"
#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclObjC.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclTemplate.h"
#include "clang/AST/Expr.h"
#include "clang/AST/ExprCXX.h"
#include "clang/Parse/DeclSpec.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Builtins.h"
#include "clang/Basic/LangOptions.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace clang;
typedef llvm::SmallVector<UsingDirectiveDecl*, 4> UsingDirectivesTy;
typedef llvm::DenseSet<NamespaceDecl*> NamespaceSet;
/// UsingDirAncestorCompare - Implements strict weak ordering of
/// UsingDirectives. It orders them by address of its common ancestor.
struct UsingDirAncestorCompare {
/// @brief Compares UsingDirectiveDecl common ancestor with DeclContext.
bool operator () (UsingDirectiveDecl *U, const DeclContext *Ctx) const {
return U->getCommonAncestor() < Ctx;
/// @brief Compares UsingDirectiveDecl common ancestor with DeclContext.
bool operator () (const DeclContext *Ctx, UsingDirectiveDecl *U) const {
return Ctx < U->getCommonAncestor();
/// @brief Compares UsingDirectiveDecl common ancestors.
bool operator () (UsingDirectiveDecl *U1, UsingDirectiveDecl *U2) const {
return U1->getCommonAncestor() < U2->getCommonAncestor();
/// AddNamespaceUsingDirectives - Adds all UsingDirectiveDecl's to heap UDirs
/// (ordered by common ancestors), found in namespace NS,
/// including all found (recursively) in their nominated namespaces.
void AddNamespaceUsingDirectives(ASTContext &Context,
DeclContext *NS,
UsingDirectivesTy &UDirs,
NamespaceSet &Visited) {
DeclContext::udir_iterator I, End;
for (llvm::tie(I, End) = NS->getUsingDirectives(); I !=End; ++I) {
std::push_heap(UDirs.begin(), UDirs.end(), UsingDirAncestorCompare());
NamespaceDecl *Nominated = (*I)->getNominatedNamespace();
if (Visited.insert(Nominated).second)
AddNamespaceUsingDirectives(Context, Nominated, UDirs, /*ref*/ Visited);
/// AddScopeUsingDirectives - Adds all UsingDirectiveDecl's found in Scope S,
/// including all found in the namespaces they nominate.
static void AddScopeUsingDirectives(ASTContext &Context, Scope *S,
UsingDirectivesTy &UDirs) {
NamespaceSet VisitedNS;
if (DeclContext *Ctx = static_cast<DeclContext*>(S->getEntity())) {
if (NamespaceDecl *NS = dyn_cast<NamespaceDecl>(Ctx))
AddNamespaceUsingDirectives(Context, Ctx, UDirs, /*ref*/ VisitedNS);
} else {
Scope::udir_iterator I = S->using_directives_begin(),
End = S->using_directives_end();
for (; I != End; ++I) {
UsingDirectiveDecl *UD = I->getAs<UsingDirectiveDecl>();
std::push_heap(UDirs.begin(), UDirs.end(), UsingDirAncestorCompare());
NamespaceDecl *Nominated = UD->getNominatedNamespace();
if (!VisitedNS.count(Nominated)) {
AddNamespaceUsingDirectives(Context, Nominated, UDirs,
/*ref*/ VisitedNS);
// Retrieve the set of identifier namespaces that correspond to a
// specific kind of name lookup.
inline unsigned
getIdentifierNamespacesFromLookupNameKind(Sema::LookupNameKind NameKind,
bool CPlusPlus) {
unsigned IDNS = 0;
switch (NameKind) {
case Sema::LookupOrdinaryName:
case Sema::LookupOperatorName:
case Sema::LookupRedeclarationWithLinkage:
IDNS = Decl::IDNS_Ordinary;
if (CPlusPlus)
IDNS |= Decl::IDNS_Tag | Decl::IDNS_Member;
case Sema::LookupTagName:
IDNS = Decl::IDNS_Tag;
case Sema::LookupMemberName:
IDNS = Decl::IDNS_Member;
if (CPlusPlus)
IDNS |= Decl::IDNS_Tag | Decl::IDNS_Ordinary;
case Sema::LookupNestedNameSpecifierName:
case Sema::LookupNamespaceName:
IDNS = Decl::IDNS_Ordinary | Decl::IDNS_Tag | Decl::IDNS_Member;
case Sema::LookupObjCProtocolName:
IDNS = Decl::IDNS_ObjCProtocol;
case Sema::LookupObjCImplementationName:
IDNS = Decl::IDNS_ObjCImplementation;
case Sema::LookupObjCCategoryImplName:
IDNS = Decl::IDNS_ObjCCategoryImpl;
return IDNS;
// Necessary because CXXBasePaths is not complete in Sema.h
void Sema::LookupResult::deletePaths(CXXBasePaths *Paths) {
delete Paths;
void Sema::LookupResult::resolveKind() {
unsigned N = Decls.size();
// Fast case: no possible ambiguity.
if (N <= 1) return;
llvm::SmallPtrSet<NamedDecl*, 16> Unique;
bool Ambiguous = false;
bool HasTag = false, HasFunction = false, HasNonFunction = false;
unsigned UniqueTagIndex = 0;
unsigned I = 0;
while (I < N) {
NamedDecl *D = Decls[I];
assert(D == D->getUnderlyingDecl());
NamedDecl *CanonD = cast<NamedDecl>(D->getCanonicalDecl());
if (!Unique.insert(CanonD)) {
// If it's not unique, pull something off the back (and
// continue at this index).
Decls[I] = Decls[--N];
} else if (isa<UnresolvedUsingDecl>(D)) {
// FIXME: proper support for UnresolvedUsingDecls.
Decls[I] = Decls[--N];
} else {
// Otherwise, do some decl type analysis and then continue.
if (isa<TagDecl>(D)) {
if (HasTag)
Ambiguous = true;
UniqueTagIndex = I;
HasTag = true;
} else if (D->isFunctionOrFunctionTemplate()) {
HasFunction = true;
} else {
if (HasNonFunction)
Ambiguous = true;
HasNonFunction = true;
// C++ [basic.scope.hiding]p2:
// A class name or enumeration name can be hidden by the name of
// an object, function, or enumerator declared in the same
// scope. If a class or enumeration name and an object, function,
// or enumerator are declared in the same scope (in any order)
// with the same name, the class or enumeration name is hidden
// wherever the object, function, or enumerator name is visible.
// But it's still an error if there are distinct tag types found,
// even if they're not visible. (ref?)
if (HasTag && !Ambiguous && (HasFunction || HasNonFunction))
Decls[UniqueTagIndex] = Decls[--N];
if (HasFunction && HasNonFunction)
Ambiguous = true;
if (Ambiguous)
Kind = AmbiguousReference;
else if (N > 1)
Kind = FoundOverloaded;
Kind = Found;
/// @brief Converts the result of name lookup into a single (possible
/// NULL) pointer to a declaration.
/// The resulting declaration will either be the declaration we found
/// (if only a single declaration was found), an
/// OverloadedFunctionDecl (if an overloaded function was found), or
/// NULL (if no declaration was found). This conversion must not be
/// used anywhere where name lookup could result in an ambiguity.
/// The OverloadedFunctionDecl conversion is meant as a stop-gap
/// solution, since it causes the OverloadedFunctionDecl to be
/// leaked. FIXME: Eventually, there will be a better way to iterate
/// over the set of overloaded functions returned by name lookup.
NamedDecl *Sema::LookupResult::getAsSingleDecl(ASTContext &C) const {
size_t size = Decls.size();
if (size == 0) return 0;
if (size == 1) return *begin();
if (isAmbiguous()) return 0;
iterator I = begin(), E = end();
OverloadedFunctionDecl *Ovl
= OverloadedFunctionDecl::Create(C, (*I)->getDeclContext(),
for (; I != E; ++I) {
NamedDecl *ND = *I;
assert(ND->getUnderlyingDecl() == ND
&& "decls in lookup result should have redirections stripped");
if (isa<FunctionDecl>(ND))
// FIXME: UnresolvedUsingDecls.
return Ovl;
void Sema::LookupResult::addDeclsFromBasePaths(const CXXBasePaths &P) {
CXXBasePaths::paths_iterator I, E;
DeclContext::lookup_iterator DI, DE;
for (I = P.begin(), E = P.end(); I != E; ++I)
for (llvm::tie(DI,DE) = I->Decls; DI != DE; ++DI)
void Sema::LookupResult::setAmbiguousBaseSubobjects(CXXBasePaths &P) {
Paths = new CXXBasePaths;
Kind = AmbiguousBaseSubobjects;
void Sema::LookupResult::setAmbiguousBaseSubobjectTypes(CXXBasePaths &P) {
Paths = new CXXBasePaths;
Kind = AmbiguousBaseSubobjectTypes;
void Sema::LookupResult::print(llvm::raw_ostream &Out) {
Out << Decls.size() << " result(s)";
if (isAmbiguous()) Out << ", ambiguous";
if (Paths) Out << ", base paths present";
for (iterator I = begin(), E = end(); I != E; ++I) {
Out << "\n";
(*I)->print(Out, 2);
// Adds all qualifying matches for a name within a decl context to the
// given lookup result. Returns true if any matches were found.
static bool LookupDirect(Sema::LookupResult &R, DeclContext *DC,
DeclarationName Name,
Sema::LookupNameKind NameKind,
unsigned IDNS) {
bool Found = false;
DeclContext::lookup_iterator I, E;
for (llvm::tie(I, E) = DC->lookup(Name); I != E; ++I)
if (Sema::isAcceptableLookupResult(*I, NameKind, IDNS))
R.addDecl(*I), Found = true;
return Found;
static bool
CppNamespaceLookup(Sema::LookupResult &R, ASTContext &Context, DeclContext *NS,
DeclarationName Name, Sema::LookupNameKind NameKind,
unsigned IDNS, UsingDirectivesTy *UDirs = 0) {
assert(NS && NS->isFileContext() && "CppNamespaceLookup() requires namespace!");
// Perform qualified name lookup into the LookupCtx.
bool Found = LookupDirect(R, NS, Name, NameKind, IDNS);
if (UDirs) {
// For each UsingDirectiveDecl, which common ancestor is equal
// to NS, we preform qualified name lookup into namespace nominated by it.
UsingDirectivesTy::const_iterator UI, UEnd;
llvm::tie(UI, UEnd) =
std::equal_range(UDirs->begin(), UDirs->end(), NS,
for (; UI != UEnd; ++UI)
if (LookupDirect(R, (*UI)->getNominatedNamespace(), Name, NameKind, IDNS))
Found = true;
return Found;
static bool isNamespaceOrTranslationUnitScope(Scope *S) {
if (DeclContext *Ctx = static_cast<DeclContext*>(S->getEntity()))
return Ctx->isFileContext();
return false;
// Find the next outer declaration context corresponding to this scope.
static DeclContext *findOuterContext(Scope *S) {
for (S = S->getParent(); S; S = S->getParent())
if (S->getEntity())
return static_cast<DeclContext *>(S->getEntity())->getPrimaryContext();
return 0;
Sema::CppLookupName(LookupResult &R, Scope *S, DeclarationName Name,
LookupNameKind NameKind, bool RedeclarationOnly) {
assert(getLangOptions().CPlusPlus &&
"Can perform only C++ lookup");
unsigned IDNS
= getIdentifierNamespacesFromLookupNameKind(NameKind, /*CPlusPlus*/ true);
// If we're testing for redeclarations, also look in the friend namespaces.
if (RedeclarationOnly) {
if (IDNS & Decl::IDNS_Tag) IDNS |= Decl::IDNS_TagFriend;
if (IDNS & Decl::IDNS_Ordinary) IDNS |= Decl::IDNS_OrdinaryFriend;
Scope *Initial = S;
I = IdResolver.begin(Name),
IEnd = IdResolver.end();
// First we lookup local scope.
// We don't consider using-directives, as per 7.3.4.p1 [namespace.udir]
// ...During unqualified name lookup (3.4.1), the names appear as if
// they were declared in the nearest enclosing namespace which contains
// both the using-directive and the nominated namespace.
// [Note: in this context, "contains" means "contains directly or
// indirectly".
// For example:
// namespace A { int i; }
// void foo() {
// int i;
// {
// using namespace A;
// ++i; // finds local 'i', A::i appears at global scope
// }
// }
for (; S && !isNamespaceOrTranslationUnitScope(S); S = S->getParent()) {
// Check whether the IdResolver has anything in this scope.
bool Found = false;
for (; I != IEnd && S->isDeclScope(DeclPtrTy::make(*I)); ++I) {
if (isAcceptableLookupResult(*I, NameKind, IDNS)) {
Found = true;
if (Found) {
return true;
if (DeclContext *Ctx = static_cast<DeclContext*>(S->getEntity())) {
DeclContext *OuterCtx = findOuterContext(S);
for (; Ctx && Ctx->getPrimaryContext() != OuterCtx;
Ctx = Ctx->getLookupParent()) {
if (Ctx->isFunctionOrMethod())
// Perform qualified name lookup into this context.
// FIXME: In some cases, we know that every name that could be found by
// this qualified name lookup will also be on the identifier chain. For
// example, inside a class without any base classes, we never need to
// perform qualified lookup because all of the members are on top of the
// identifier chain.
if (LookupQualifiedName(R, Ctx, Name, NameKind, RedeclarationOnly))
return true;
// Collect UsingDirectiveDecls in all scopes, and recursively all
// nominated namespaces by those using-directives.
// UsingDirectives are pushed to heap, in common ancestor pointer value order.
// FIXME: Cache this sorted list in Scope structure, and DeclContext, so we
// don't build it for each lookup!
UsingDirectivesTy UDirs;
for (Scope *SC = Initial; SC; SC = SC->getParent())
if (SC->getFlags() & Scope::DeclScope)
AddScopeUsingDirectives(Context, SC, UDirs);
// Sort heapified UsingDirectiveDecls.
std::sort_heap(UDirs.begin(), UDirs.end(), UsingDirAncestorCompare());
// Lookup namespace scope, and global scope.
// Unqualified name lookup in C++ requires looking into scopes
// that aren't strictly lexical, and therefore we walk through the
// context as well as walking through the scopes.
for (; S; S = S->getParent()) {
DeclContext *Ctx = static_cast<DeclContext *>(S->getEntity());
if (Ctx->isTransparentContext())
assert(Ctx && Ctx->isFileContext() &&
"We should have been looking only at file context here already.");
// Check whether the IdResolver has anything in this scope.
bool Found = false;
for (; I != IEnd && S->isDeclScope(DeclPtrTy::make(*I)); ++I) {
if (isAcceptableLookupResult(*I, NameKind, IDNS)) {
// We found something. Look for anything else in our scope
// with this same name and in an acceptable identifier
// namespace, so that we can construct an overload set if we
// need to.
Found = true;
// Look into context considering using-directives.
if (CppNamespaceLookup(R, Context, Ctx, Name, NameKind, IDNS, &UDirs))
Found = true;
if (Found) {
return true;
if (RedeclarationOnly && !Ctx->isTransparentContext())
return false;
return !R.empty();
/// @brief Perform unqualified name lookup starting from a given
/// scope.
/// Unqualified name lookup (C++ [basic.lookup.unqual], C99 6.2.1) is
/// used to find names within the current scope. For example, 'x' in
/// @code
/// int x;
/// int f() {
/// return x; // unqualified name look finds 'x' in the global scope
/// }
/// @endcode
/// Different lookup criteria can find different names. For example, a
/// particular scope can have both a struct and a function of the same
/// name, and each can be found by certain lookup criteria. For more
/// information about lookup criteria, see the documentation for the
/// class LookupCriteria.
/// @param S The scope from which unqualified name lookup will
/// begin. If the lookup criteria permits, name lookup may also search
/// in the parent scopes.
/// @param Name The name of the entity that we are searching for.
/// @param Loc If provided, the source location where we're performing
/// name lookup. At present, this is only used to produce diagnostics when
/// C library functions (like "malloc") are implicitly declared.
/// @returns The result of name lookup, which includes zero or more
/// declarations and possibly additional information used to diagnose
/// ambiguities.
bool Sema::LookupName(LookupResult &R, Scope *S, DeclarationName Name,
LookupNameKind NameKind, bool RedeclarationOnly,
bool AllowBuiltinCreation, SourceLocation Loc) {
if (!Name) return false;
if (!getLangOptions().CPlusPlus) {
// Unqualified name lookup in C/Objective-C is purely lexical, so
// search in the declarations attached to the name.
unsigned IDNS = 0;
switch (NameKind) {
case Sema::LookupOrdinaryName:
IDNS = Decl::IDNS_Ordinary;
case Sema::LookupTagName:
IDNS = Decl::IDNS_Tag;
case Sema::LookupMemberName:
IDNS = Decl::IDNS_Member;
case Sema::LookupOperatorName:
case Sema::LookupNestedNameSpecifierName:
case Sema::LookupNamespaceName:
assert(false && "C does not perform these kinds of name lookup");
case Sema::LookupRedeclarationWithLinkage:
// Find the nearest non-transparent declaration scope.
while (!(S->getFlags() & Scope::DeclScope) ||
(S->getEntity() &&
static_cast<DeclContext *>(S->getEntity())
S = S->getParent();
IDNS = Decl::IDNS_Ordinary;
case Sema::LookupObjCProtocolName:
IDNS = Decl::IDNS_ObjCProtocol;
case Sema::LookupObjCImplementationName:
IDNS = Decl::IDNS_ObjCImplementation;
case Sema::LookupObjCCategoryImplName:
IDNS = Decl::IDNS_ObjCCategoryImpl;
// Scan up the scope chain looking for a decl that matches this
// identifier that is in the appropriate namespace. This search
// should not take long, as shadowing of names is uncommon, and
// deep shadowing is extremely uncommon.
bool LeftStartingScope = false;
for (IdentifierResolver::iterator I = IdResolver.begin(Name),
IEnd = IdResolver.end();
I != IEnd; ++I)
if ((*I)->isInIdentifierNamespace(IDNS)) {
if (NameKind == LookupRedeclarationWithLinkage) {
// Determine whether this (or a previous) declaration is
// out-of-scope.
if (!LeftStartingScope && !S->isDeclScope(DeclPtrTy::make(*I)))
LeftStartingScope = true;
// If we found something outside of our starting scope that
// does not have linkage, skip it.
if (LeftStartingScope && !((*I)->hasLinkage()))
if ((*I)->getAttr<OverloadableAttr>()) {
// If this declaration has the "overloadable" attribute, we
// might have a set of overloaded functions.
// Figure out what scope the identifier is in.
while (!(S->getFlags() & Scope::DeclScope) ||
S = S->getParent();
// Find the last declaration in this scope (with the same
// name, naturally).
IdentifierResolver::iterator LastI = I;
for (++LastI; LastI != IEnd; ++LastI) {
if (!S->isDeclScope(DeclPtrTy::make(*LastI)))
return true;
} else {
// Perform C++ unqualified name lookup.
if (CppLookupName(R, S, Name, NameKind, RedeclarationOnly))
return true;
// If we didn't find a use of this identifier, and if the identifier
// corresponds to a compiler builtin, create the decl object for the builtin
// now, injecting it into translation unit scope, and return it.
if (NameKind == LookupOrdinaryName ||
NameKind == LookupRedeclarationWithLinkage) {
IdentifierInfo *II = Name.getAsIdentifierInfo();
if (II && AllowBuiltinCreation) {
// If this is a builtin on this (or all) targets, create the decl.
if (unsigned BuiltinID = II->getBuiltinID()) {
// In C++, we don't have any predefined library functions like
// 'malloc'. Instead, we'll just error.
if (getLangOptions().CPlusPlus &&
return false;
NamedDecl *D = LazilyCreateBuiltin((IdentifierInfo *)II, BuiltinID,
S, RedeclarationOnly, Loc);
if (D) R.addDecl(D);
return (D != NULL);
return false;
/// @brief Perform qualified name lookup into a given context.
/// Qualified name lookup (C++ [basic.lookup.qual]) is used to find
/// names when the context of those names is explicit specified, e.g.,
/// "std::vector" or "x->member".
/// Different lookup criteria can find different names. For example, a
/// particular scope can have both a struct and a function of the same
/// name, and each can be found by certain lookup criteria. For more
/// information about lookup criteria, see the documentation for the
/// class LookupCriteria.
/// @param LookupCtx The context in which qualified name lookup will
/// search. If the lookup criteria permits, name lookup may also search
/// in the parent contexts or (for C++ classes) base classes.
/// @param Name The name of the entity that we are searching for.
/// @param Criteria The criteria that this routine will use to
/// determine which names are visible and which names will be
/// found. Note that name lookup will find a name that is visible by
/// the given criteria, but the entity itself may not be semantically
/// correct or even the kind of entity expected based on the
/// lookup. For example, searching for a nested-name-specifier name
/// might result in an EnumDecl, which is visible but is not permitted
/// as a nested-name-specifier in C++03.
/// @returns The result of name lookup, which includes zero or more
/// declarations and possibly additional information used to diagnose
/// ambiguities.
bool Sema::LookupQualifiedName(LookupResult &R, DeclContext *LookupCtx,
DeclarationName Name, LookupNameKind NameKind,
bool RedeclarationOnly) {
assert(LookupCtx && "Sema::LookupQualifiedName requires a lookup context");
if (!Name)
return false;
// If we're performing qualified name lookup (e.g., lookup into a
// struct), find fields as part of ordinary name lookup.
unsigned IDNS
= getIdentifierNamespacesFromLookupNameKind(NameKind,
if (NameKind == LookupOrdinaryName)
IDNS |= Decl::IDNS_Member;
// Make sure that the declaration context is complete.
assert((!isa<TagDecl>(LookupCtx) ||
LookupCtx->isDependentContext() ||
cast<TagDecl>(LookupCtx)->isDefinition() ||
->isBeingDefined()) &&
"Declaration context must already be complete!");
// Perform qualified name lookup into the LookupCtx.
if (LookupDirect(R, LookupCtx, Name, NameKind, IDNS)) {
return true;
// If this isn't a C++ class, we aren't allowed to look into base
// classes, we're done.
if (RedeclarationOnly || !isa<CXXRecordDecl>(LookupCtx))
return false;
// Perform lookup into our base classes.
CXXRecordDecl *LookupRec = cast<CXXRecordDecl>(LookupCtx);
CXXBasePaths Paths;
// Look for this member in our base classes
CXXRecordDecl::BaseMatchesCallback *BaseCallback = 0;
switch (NameKind) {
case LookupOrdinaryName:
case LookupMemberName:
case LookupRedeclarationWithLinkage:
BaseCallback = &CXXRecordDecl::FindOrdinaryMember;
case LookupTagName:
BaseCallback = &CXXRecordDecl::FindTagMember;
case LookupOperatorName:
case LookupNamespaceName:
case LookupObjCProtocolName:
case LookupObjCImplementationName:
case LookupObjCCategoryImplName:
// These lookups will never find a member in a C++ class (or base class).
return false;
case LookupNestedNameSpecifierName:
BaseCallback = &CXXRecordDecl::FindNestedNameSpecifierMember;
if (!LookupRec->lookupInBases(BaseCallback, Name.getAsOpaquePtr(), Paths))
return false;
// C++ [class.member.lookup]p2:
// [...] If the resulting set of declarations are not all from
// sub-objects of the same type, or the set has a nonstatic member
// and includes members from distinct sub-objects, there is an
// ambiguity and the program is ill-formed. Otherwise that set is
// the result of the lookup.
// FIXME: support using declarations!
QualType SubobjectType;
int SubobjectNumber = 0;
for (CXXBasePaths::paths_iterator Path = Paths.begin(), PathEnd = Paths.end();
Path != PathEnd; ++Path) {
const CXXBasePathElement &PathElement = Path->back();
// Determine whether we're looking at a distinct sub-object or not.
if (SubobjectType.isNull()) {
// This is the first subobject we've looked at. Record its type.
SubobjectType = Context.getCanonicalType(PathElement.Base->getType());
SubobjectNumber = PathElement.SubobjectNumber;
} else if (SubobjectType
!= Context.getCanonicalType(PathElement.Base->getType())) {
// We found members of the given name in two subobjects of
// different types. This lookup is ambiguous.
return true;
} else if (SubobjectNumber != PathElement.SubobjectNumber) {
// We have a different subobject of the same type.
// C++ [class.member.lookup]p5:
// A static member, a nested type or an enumerator defined in
// a base class T can unambiguously be found even if an object
// has more than one base class subobject of type T.
Decl *FirstDecl = *Path->Decls.first;
if (isa<VarDecl>(FirstDecl) ||
isa<TypeDecl>(FirstDecl) ||
if (isa<CXXMethodDecl>(FirstDecl)) {
// Determine whether all of the methods are static.
bool AllMethodsAreStatic = true;
for (DeclContext::lookup_iterator Func = Path->Decls.first;
Func != Path->Decls.second; ++Func) {
if (!isa<CXXMethodDecl>(*Func)) {
assert(isa<TagDecl>(*Func) && "Non-function must be a tag decl");
if (!cast<CXXMethodDecl>(*Func)->isStatic()) {
AllMethodsAreStatic = false;
if (AllMethodsAreStatic)
// We have found a nonstatic member name in multiple, distinct
// subobjects. Name lookup is ambiguous.
return true;
// Lookup in a base class succeeded; return these results.
DeclContext::lookup_iterator I, E;
for (llvm::tie(I,E) = Paths.front().Decls; I != E; ++I)
return true;
/// @brief Performs name lookup for a name that was parsed in the
/// source code, and may contain a C++ scope specifier.
/// This routine is a convenience routine meant to be called from
/// contexts that receive a name and an optional C++ scope specifier
/// (e.g., "N::M::x"). It will then perform either qualified or
/// unqualified name lookup (with LookupQualifiedName or LookupName,
/// respectively) on the given name and return those results.
/// @param S The scope from which unqualified name lookup will
/// begin.
/// @param SS An optional C++ scope-specifier, e.g., "::N::M".
/// @param Name The name of the entity that name lookup will
/// search for.
/// @param Loc If provided, the source location where we're performing
/// name lookup. At present, this is only used to produce diagnostics when
/// C library functions (like "malloc") are implicitly declared.
/// @param EnteringContext Indicates whether we are going to enter the
/// context of the scope-specifier SS (if present).
/// @returns True if any decls were found (but possibly ambiguous)
bool Sema::LookupParsedName(LookupResult &R, Scope *S, const CXXScopeSpec *SS,
DeclarationName Name, LookupNameKind NameKind,
bool RedeclarationOnly, bool AllowBuiltinCreation,
SourceLocation Loc,
bool EnteringContext) {
if (SS && SS->isInvalid()) {
// When the scope specifier is invalid, don't even look for
// anything.
return false;
if (SS && SS->isSet()) {
if (DeclContext *DC = computeDeclContext(*SS, EnteringContext)) {
// We have resolved the scope specifier to a particular declaration
// contex, and will perform name lookup in that context.
if (!DC->isDependentContext() && RequireCompleteDeclContext(*SS))
return false;
return LookupQualifiedName(R, DC, Name, NameKind, RedeclarationOnly);
// We could not resolve the scope specified to a specific declaration
// context, which means that SS refers to an unknown specialization.
// Name lookup can't find anything in this case.
return false;
// Perform unqualified name lookup starting in the given scope.
return LookupName(R, S, Name, NameKind, RedeclarationOnly,
AllowBuiltinCreation, Loc);
/// @brief Produce a diagnostic describing the ambiguity that resulted
/// from name lookup.
/// @param Result The ambiguous name lookup result.
/// @param Name The name of the entity that name lookup was
/// searching for.
/// @param NameLoc The location of the name within the source code.
/// @param LookupRange A source range that provides more
/// source-location information concerning the lookup itself. For
/// example, this range might highlight a nested-name-specifier that
/// precedes the name.
/// @returns true
bool Sema::DiagnoseAmbiguousLookup(LookupResult &Result, DeclarationName Name,
SourceLocation NameLoc,
SourceRange LookupRange) {
assert(Result.isAmbiguous() && "Lookup result must be ambiguous");
if (CXXBasePaths *Paths = Result.getBasePaths()) {
if (Result.getKind() == LookupResult::AmbiguousBaseSubobjects) {
QualType SubobjectType = Paths->front().back().Base->getType();
Diag(NameLoc, diag::err_ambiguous_member_multiple_subobjects)
<< Name << SubobjectType << getAmbiguousPathsDisplayString(*Paths)
<< LookupRange;
DeclContext::lookup_iterator Found = Paths->front().Decls.first;
while (isa<CXXMethodDecl>(*Found) &&
Diag((*Found)->getLocation(), diag::note_ambiguous_member_found);
return true;
assert(Result.getKind() == LookupResult::AmbiguousBaseSubobjectTypes &&
"Unhandled form of name lookup ambiguity");
Diag(NameLoc, diag::err_ambiguous_member_multiple_subobject_types)
<< Name << LookupRange;
std::set<Decl *> DeclsPrinted;
for (CXXBasePaths::paths_iterator Path = Paths->begin(), PathEnd = Paths->end();
Path != PathEnd; ++Path) {
Decl *D = *Path->Decls.first;
if (DeclsPrinted.insert(D).second)
Diag(D->getLocation(), diag::note_ambiguous_member_found);
return true;
assert(Result.getKind() == LookupResult::AmbiguousReference &&
"unhandled form of name lookup ambiguity");
Diag(NameLoc, diag::err_ambiguous_reference) << Name << LookupRange;
LookupResult::iterator DI = Result.begin(), DE = Result.end();
for (; DI != DE; ++DI)
Diag((*DI)->getLocation(), diag::note_ambiguous_candidate) << *DI;
return true;
static void
addAssociatedClassesAndNamespaces(QualType T,
ASTContext &Context,
Sema::AssociatedNamespaceSet &AssociatedNamespaces,
Sema::AssociatedClassSet &AssociatedClasses);
static void CollectNamespace(Sema::AssociatedNamespaceSet &Namespaces,
DeclContext *Ctx) {
if (Ctx->isFileContext())
// \brief Add the associated classes and namespaces for argument-dependent
// lookup that involves a template argument (C++ [basic.lookup.koenig]p2).
static void
addAssociatedClassesAndNamespaces(const TemplateArgument &Arg,
ASTContext &Context,
Sema::AssociatedNamespaceSet &AssociatedNamespaces,
Sema::AssociatedClassSet &AssociatedClasses) {
// C++ [basic.lookup.koenig]p2, last bullet:
// -- [...] ;
switch (Arg.getKind()) {
case TemplateArgument::Null:
case TemplateArgument::Type:
// [...] the namespaces and classes associated with the types of the
// template arguments provided for template type parameters (excluding
// template template parameters)
addAssociatedClassesAndNamespaces(Arg.getAsType(), Context,
case TemplateArgument::Declaration:
// [...] the namespaces in which any template template arguments are
// defined; and the classes in which any member templates used as
// template template arguments are defined.
if (ClassTemplateDecl *ClassTemplate
= dyn_cast<ClassTemplateDecl>(Arg.getAsDecl())) {
DeclContext *Ctx = ClassTemplate->getDeclContext();
if (CXXRecordDecl *EnclosingClass = dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(Ctx))
// Add the associated namespace for this class.
while (Ctx->isRecord())
Ctx = Ctx->getParent();
CollectNamespace(AssociatedNamespaces, Ctx);
case TemplateArgument::Integral:
case TemplateArgument::Expression:
// [Note: non-type template arguments do not contribute to the set of
// associated namespaces. ]
case TemplateArgument::Pack:
for (TemplateArgument::pack_iterator P = Arg.pack_begin(),
PEnd = Arg.pack_end();
P != PEnd; ++P)
addAssociatedClassesAndNamespaces(*P, Context,
// \brief Add the associated classes and namespaces for
// argument-dependent lookup with an argument of class type
// (C++ [basic.lookup.koenig]p2).
static void
addAssociatedClassesAndNamespaces(CXXRecordDecl *Class,
ASTContext &Context,
Sema::AssociatedNamespaceSet &AssociatedNamespaces,
Sema::AssociatedClassSet &AssociatedClasses) {
// C++ [basic.lookup.koenig]p2:
// [...]
// -- If T is a class type (including unions), its associated
// classes are: the class itself; the class of which it is a
// member, if any; and its direct and indirect base
// classes. Its associated namespaces are the namespaces in
// which its associated classes are defined.
// Add the class of which it is a member, if any.
DeclContext *Ctx = Class->getDeclContext();
if (CXXRecordDecl *EnclosingClass = dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(Ctx))
// Add the associated namespace for this class.
while (Ctx->isRecord())
Ctx = Ctx->getParent();
CollectNamespace(AssociatedNamespaces, Ctx);
// Add the class itself. If we've already seen this class, we don't
// need to visit base classes.
if (!AssociatedClasses.insert(Class))
// -- If T is a template-id, its associated namespaces and classes are
// the namespace in which the template is defined; for member
// templates, the member template’s class; the namespaces and classes
// associated with the types of the template arguments provided for
// template type parameters (excluding template template parameters); the
// namespaces in which any template template arguments are defined; and
// the classes in which any member templates used as template template
// arguments are defined. [Note: non-type template arguments do not
// contribute to the set of associated namespaces. ]
if (ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl *Spec
= dyn_cast<ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl>(Class)) {
DeclContext *Ctx = Spec->getSpecializedTemplate()->getDeclContext();
if (CXXRecordDecl *EnclosingClass = dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(Ctx))
// Add the associated namespace for this class.
while (Ctx->isRecord())
Ctx = Ctx->getParent();
CollectNamespace(AssociatedNamespaces, Ctx);
const TemplateArgumentList &TemplateArgs = Spec->getTemplateArgs();
for (unsigned I = 0, N = TemplateArgs.size(); I != N; ++I)
addAssociatedClassesAndNamespaces(TemplateArgs[I], Context,
// Add direct and indirect base classes along with their associated
// namespaces.
llvm::SmallVector<CXXRecordDecl *, 32> Bases;
while (!Bases.empty()) {
// Pop this class off the stack.
Class = Bases.back();
// Visit the base classes.
for (CXXRecordDecl::base_class_iterator Base = Class->bases_begin(),
BaseEnd = Class->bases_end();
Base != BaseEnd; ++Base) {
const RecordType *BaseType = Base->getType()->getAs<RecordType>();
CXXRecordDecl *BaseDecl = cast<CXXRecordDecl>(BaseType->getDecl());
if (AssociatedClasses.insert(BaseDecl)) {
// Find the associated namespace for this base class.
DeclContext *BaseCtx = BaseDecl->getDeclContext();
while (BaseCtx->isRecord())
BaseCtx = BaseCtx->getParent();
CollectNamespace(AssociatedNamespaces, BaseCtx);
// Make sure we visit the bases of this base class.
if (BaseDecl->bases_begin() != BaseDecl->bases_end())
// \brief Add the associated classes and namespaces for
// argument-dependent lookup with an argument of type T
// (C++ [basic.lookup.koenig]p2).
static void
addAssociatedClassesAndNamespaces(QualType T,
ASTContext &Context,
Sema::AssociatedNamespaceSet &AssociatedNamespaces,
Sema::AssociatedClassSet &AssociatedClasses) {
// C++ [basic.lookup.koenig]p2:
// For each argument type T in the function call, there is a set
// of zero or more associated namespaces and a set of zero or more
// associated classes to be considered. The sets of namespaces and
// classes is determined entirely by the types of the function
// arguments (and the namespace of any template template
// argument). Typedef names and using-declarations used to specify
// the types do not contribute to this set. The sets of namespaces
// and classes are determined in the following way:
T = Context.getCanonicalType(T).getUnqualifiedType();
// -- If T is a pointer to U or an array of U, its associated
// namespaces and classes are those associated with U.
// We handle this by unwrapping pointer and array types immediately,
// to avoid unnecessary recursion.
while (true) {
if (const PointerType *Ptr = T->getAs<PointerType>())
T = Ptr->getPointeeType();
else if (const ArrayType *Ptr = Context.getAsArrayType(T))
T = Ptr->getElementType();
// -- If T is a fundamental type, its associated sets of
// namespaces and classes are both empty.
if (T->getAs<BuiltinType>())
// -- If T is a class type (including unions), its associated
// classes are: the class itself; the class of which it is a
// member, if any; and its direct and indirect base
// classes. Its associated namespaces are the namespaces in
// which its associated classes are defined.
if (const RecordType *ClassType = T->getAs<RecordType>())
if (CXXRecordDecl *ClassDecl
= dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(ClassType->getDecl())) {
addAssociatedClassesAndNamespaces(ClassDecl, Context,
// -- If T is an enumeration type, its associated namespace is
// the namespace in which it is defined. If it is class
// member, its associated class is the member’s class; else
// it has no associated class.
if (const EnumType *EnumT = T->getAs<EnumType>()) {
EnumDecl *Enum = EnumT->getDecl();
DeclContext *Ctx = Enum->getDeclContext();
if (CXXRecordDecl *EnclosingClass = dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(Ctx))
// Add the associated namespace for this class.
while (Ctx->isRecord())
Ctx = Ctx->getParent();
CollectNamespace(AssociatedNamespaces, Ctx);
// -- If T is a function type, its associated namespaces and
// classes are those associated with the function parameter
// types and those associated with the return type.
if (const FunctionType *FnType = T->getAs<FunctionType>()) {
// Return type
AssociatedNamespaces, AssociatedClasses);
const FunctionProtoType *Proto = dyn_cast<FunctionProtoType>(FnType);
if (!Proto)
// Argument types
for (FunctionProtoType::arg_type_iterator Arg = Proto->arg_type_begin(),
ArgEnd = Proto->arg_type_end();
Arg != ArgEnd; ++Arg)
addAssociatedClassesAndNamespaces(*Arg, Context,
AssociatedNamespaces, AssociatedClasses);
// -- If T is a pointer to a member function of a class X, its
// associated namespaces and classes are those associated
// with the function parameter types and return type,
// together with those associated with X.
// -- If T is a pointer to a data member of class X, its
// associated namespaces and classes are those associated
// with the member type together with those associated with
// X.
if (const MemberPointerType *MemberPtr = T->getAs<MemberPointerType>()) {
// Handle the type that the pointer to member points to.
// Handle the class type into which this points.
if (const RecordType *Class = MemberPtr->getClass()->getAs<RecordType>())
// FIXME: What about block pointers?
// FIXME: What about Objective-C message sends?
/// \brief Find the associated classes and namespaces for
/// argument-dependent lookup for a call with the given set of
/// arguments.
/// This routine computes the sets of associated classes and associated
/// namespaces searched by argument-dependent lookup
/// (C++ [basic.lookup.argdep]) for a given set of arguments.
Sema::FindAssociatedClassesAndNamespaces(Expr **Args, unsigned NumArgs,
AssociatedNamespaceSet &AssociatedNamespaces,
AssociatedClassSet &AssociatedClasses) {
// C++ [basic.lookup.koenig]p2:
// For each argument type T in the function call, there is a set
// of zero or more associated namespaces and a set of zero or more
// associated classes to be considered. The sets of namespaces and
// classes is determined entirely by the types of the function
// arguments (and the namespace of any template template
// argument).
for (unsigned ArgIdx = 0; ArgIdx != NumArgs; ++ArgIdx) {
Expr *Arg = Args[ArgIdx];
if (Arg->getType() != Context.OverloadTy) {
addAssociatedClassesAndNamespaces(Arg->getType(), Context,
// [...] In addition, if the argument is the name or address of a
// set of overloaded functions and/or function templates, its
// associated classes and namespaces are the union of those
// associated with each of the members of the set: the namespace
// in which the function or function template is defined and the
// classes and namespaces associated with its (non-dependent)
// parameter types and return type.
DeclRefExpr *DRE = 0;
TemplateIdRefExpr *TIRE = 0;
Arg = Arg->IgnoreParens();
if (UnaryOperator *unaryOp = dyn_cast<UnaryOperator>(Arg)) {
if (unaryOp->getOpcode() == UnaryOperator::AddrOf) {
DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(unaryOp->getSubExpr());
TIRE = dyn_cast<TemplateIdRefExpr>(unaryOp->getSubExpr());
} else {
DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(Arg);
TIRE = dyn_cast<TemplateIdRefExpr>(Arg);
OverloadedFunctionDecl *Ovl = 0;
if (DRE)
Ovl = dyn_cast<OverloadedFunctionDecl>(DRE->getDecl());
else if (TIRE)
Ovl = TIRE->getTemplateName().getAsOverloadedFunctionDecl();
if (!Ovl)
for (OverloadedFunctionDecl::function_iterator Func = Ovl->function_begin(),
FuncEnd = Ovl->function_end();
Func != FuncEnd; ++Func) {
FunctionDecl *FDecl = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(*Func);
if (!FDecl)
FDecl = cast<FunctionTemplateDecl>(*Func)->getTemplatedDecl();
// Add the namespace in which this function was defined. Note
// that, if this is a member function, we do *not* consider the
// enclosing namespace of its class.
DeclContext *Ctx = FDecl->getDeclContext();
CollectNamespace(AssociatedNamespaces, Ctx);
// Add the classes and namespaces associated with the parameter
// types and return type of this function.
addAssociatedClassesAndNamespaces(FDecl->getType(), Context,
/// IsAcceptableNonMemberOperatorCandidate - Determine whether Fn is
/// an acceptable non-member overloaded operator for a call whose
/// arguments have types T1 (and, if non-empty, T2). This routine
/// implements the check in C++ [over.match.oper]p3b2 concerning
/// enumeration types.
static bool
IsAcceptableNonMemberOperatorCandidate(FunctionDecl *Fn,
QualType T1, QualType T2,
ASTContext &Context) {
if (T1->isDependentType() || (!T2.isNull() && T2->isDependentType()))
return true;
if (T1->isRecordType() || (!T2.isNull() && T2->isRecordType()))
return true;
const FunctionProtoType *Proto = Fn->getType()->getAs<FunctionProtoType>();
if (Proto->getNumArgs() < 1)
return false;
if (T1->isEnumeralType()) {
QualType ArgType = Proto->getArgType(0).getNonReferenceType();
if (Context.getCanonicalType(T1).getUnqualifiedType()
== Context.getCanonicalType(ArgType).getUnqualifiedType())
return true;
if (Proto->getNumArgs() < 2)
return false;
if (!T2.isNull() && T2->isEnumeralType()) {
QualType ArgType = Proto->getArgType(1).getNonReferenceType();
if (Context.getCanonicalType(T2).getUnqualifiedType()
== Context.getCanonicalType(ArgType).getUnqualifiedType())
return true;
return false;
/// \brief Find the protocol with the given name, if any.
ObjCProtocolDecl *Sema::LookupProtocol(IdentifierInfo *II) {
Decl *D = LookupSingleName(TUScope, II, LookupObjCProtocolName);
return cast_or_null<ObjCProtocolDecl>(D);
/// \brief Find the Objective-C category implementation with the given
/// name, if any.
ObjCCategoryImplDecl *Sema::LookupObjCCategoryImpl(IdentifierInfo *II) {
Decl *D = LookupSingleName(TUScope, II, LookupObjCCategoryImplName);
return cast_or_null<ObjCCategoryImplDecl>(D);
// Attempts to find a declaration in the given declaration context
// with exactly the given type. Returns null if no such declaration
// was found.
Decl *Sema::LookupQualifiedNameWithType(DeclContext *DC,
DeclarationName Name,
QualType T) {
LookupResult result;
LookupQualifiedName(result, DC, Name, LookupOrdinaryName, true);
CanQualType CQT = Context.getCanonicalType(T);
for (LookupResult::iterator ir = result.begin(), ie = result.end();
ir != ie; ++ir)
if (FunctionDecl *CurFD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(*ir))
if (Context.getCanonicalType(CurFD->getType()) == CQT)
return CurFD;
return NULL;
void Sema::LookupOverloadedOperatorName(OverloadedOperatorKind Op, Scope *S,
QualType T1, QualType T2,
FunctionSet &Functions) {
// C++ [over.match.oper]p3:
// -- The set of non-member candidates is the result of the
// unqualified lookup of operator@ in the context of the
// expression according to the usual rules for name lookup in
// unqualified function calls (3.4.2) except that all member
// functions are ignored. However, if no operand has a class
// type, only those non-member functions in the lookup set
// that have a first parameter of type T1 or "reference to
// (possibly cv-qualified) T1", when T1 is an enumeration
// type, or (if there is a right operand) a second parameter
// of type T2 or "reference to (possibly cv-qualified) T2",
// when T2 is an enumeration type, are candidate functions.
DeclarationName OpName = Context.DeclarationNames.getCXXOperatorName(Op);
LookupResult Operators;
LookupName(Operators, S, OpName, LookupOperatorName);
assert(!Operators.isAmbiguous() && "Operator lookup cannot be ambiguous");
if (Operators.empty())
for (LookupResult::iterator Op = Operators.begin(), OpEnd = Operators.end();
Op != OpEnd; ++Op) {
if (FunctionDecl *FD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(*Op)) {
if (IsAcceptableNonMemberOperatorCandidate(FD, T1, T2, Context))
Functions.insert(FD); // FIXME: canonical FD
} else if (FunctionTemplateDecl *FunTmpl
= dyn_cast<FunctionTemplateDecl>(*Op)) {
// FIXME: friend operators?
// FIXME: do we need to check IsAcceptableNonMemberOperatorCandidate,
// later?
if (!FunTmpl->getDeclContext()->isRecord())
static void CollectFunctionDecl(Sema::FunctionSet &Functions,
Decl *D) {
if (FunctionDecl *Func = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(D))
else if (FunctionTemplateDecl *FunTmpl = dyn_cast<FunctionTemplateDecl>(D))
void Sema::ArgumentDependentLookup(DeclarationName Name,
Expr **Args, unsigned NumArgs,
FunctionSet &Functions) {
// Find all of the associated namespaces and classes based on the
// arguments we have.
AssociatedNamespaceSet AssociatedNamespaces;
AssociatedClassSet AssociatedClasses;
FindAssociatedClassesAndNamespaces(Args, NumArgs,
// C++ [basic.lookup.argdep]p3:
// Let X be the lookup set produced by unqualified lookup (3.4.1)
// and let Y be the lookup set produced by argument dependent
// lookup (defined as follows). If X contains [...] then Y is
// empty. Otherwise Y is the set of declarations found in the
// namespaces associated with the argument types as described
// below. The set of declarations found by the lookup of the name
// is the union of X and Y.
// Here, we compute Y and add its members to the overloaded
// candidate set.
for (AssociatedNamespaceSet::iterator NS = AssociatedNamespaces.begin(),
NSEnd = AssociatedNamespaces.end();
NS != NSEnd; ++NS) {
// When considering an associated namespace, the lookup is the
// same as the lookup performed when the associated namespace is
// used as a qualifier ( except that:
// -- Any using-directives in the associated namespace are
// ignored.
// -- Any namespace-scope friend functions declared in
// associated classes are visible within their respective
// namespaces even if they are not visible during an ordinary
// lookup (11.4).
DeclContext::lookup_iterator I, E;
for (llvm::tie(I, E) = (*NS)->lookup(Name); I != E; ++I) {
Decl *D = *I;
// If the only declaration here is an ordinary friend, consider
// it only if it was declared in an associated classes.
if (D->getIdentifierNamespace() == Decl::IDNS_OrdinaryFriend) {
DeclContext *LexDC = D->getLexicalDeclContext();
if (!AssociatedClasses.count(cast<CXXRecordDecl>(LexDC)))
CollectFunctionDecl(Functions, D);