blob: e8c24ab0a715c7f3af4acc4b441e6fdd6d2a8d6d [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Diagnostic.cpp - C Language Family Diagnostic Handling -----------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file implements the Diagnostic-related interfaces.
#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <cstring>
using namespace clang;
// Builtin Diagnostic information
/// Flag values for diagnostics.
enum {
// Diagnostic classes.
NOTE = 0x01,
WARNING = 0x02,
EXTWARN = 0x04,
ERROR = 0x05,
class_mask = 0x07
/// DiagnosticFlags - A set of flags, or'd together, that describe the
/// diagnostic.
static unsigned char DiagnosticFlags[] = {
#include "clang/Basic/DiagnosticKinds.def"
/// getDiagClass - Return the class field of the diagnostic.
static unsigned getBuiltinDiagClass(unsigned DiagID) {
assert(DiagID < diag::NUM_BUILTIN_DIAGNOSTICS &&
"Diagnostic ID out of range!");
return DiagnosticFlags[DiagID] & class_mask;
/// DiagnosticText - An english message to print for the diagnostic. These
/// should be localized.
static const char * const DiagnosticText[] = {
#include "clang/Basic/DiagnosticKinds.def"
// Custom Diagnostic information
namespace clang {
namespace diag {
class CustomDiagInfo {
typedef std::pair<Diagnostic::Level, std::string> DiagDesc;
std::vector<DiagDesc> DiagInfo;
std::map<DiagDesc, unsigned> DiagIDs;
/// getDescription - Return the description of the specified custom
/// diagnostic.
const char *getDescription(unsigned DiagID) const {
assert(this && DiagID-diag::NUM_BUILTIN_DIAGNOSTICS < DiagInfo.size() &&
"Invalid diagnosic ID");
return DiagInfo[DiagID-diag::NUM_BUILTIN_DIAGNOSTICS].second.c_str();
/// getLevel - Return the level of the specified custom diagnostic.
Diagnostic::Level getLevel(unsigned DiagID) const {
assert(this && DiagID-diag::NUM_BUILTIN_DIAGNOSTICS < DiagInfo.size() &&
"Invalid diagnosic ID");
return DiagInfo[DiagID-diag::NUM_BUILTIN_DIAGNOSTICS].first;
unsigned getOrCreateDiagID(Diagnostic::Level L, const char *Message,
Diagnostic &Diags) {
DiagDesc D(L, Message);
// Check to see if it already exists.
std::map<DiagDesc, unsigned>::iterator I = DiagIDs.lower_bound(D);
if (I != DiagIDs.end() && I->first == D)
return I->second;
// If not, assign a new ID.
unsigned ID = DiagInfo.size()+diag::NUM_BUILTIN_DIAGNOSTICS;
DiagIDs.insert(std::make_pair(D, ID));
// If this is a warning, and all warnings are supposed to map to errors,
// insert the mapping now.
if (L == Diagnostic::Warning && Diags.getWarningsAsErrors())
Diags.setDiagnosticMapping((diag::kind)ID, diag::MAP_ERROR);
return ID;
} // end diag namespace
} // end clang namespace
// Common Diagnostic implementation
Diagnostic::Diagnostic(DiagnosticClient *client) : Client(client) {
IgnoreAllWarnings = false;
WarningsAsErrors = false;
WarnOnExtensions = false;
ErrorOnExtensions = false;
SuppressSystemWarnings = false;
// Clear all mappings, setting them to MAP_DEFAULT.
memset(DiagMappings, 0, sizeof(DiagMappings));
ErrorOccurred = false;
NumDiagnostics = 0;
NumErrors = 0;
CustomDiagInfo = 0;
NumDiagArgs = -1;
Diagnostic::~Diagnostic() {
delete CustomDiagInfo;
/// getCustomDiagID - Return an ID for a diagnostic with the specified message
/// and level. If this is the first request for this diagnosic, it is
/// registered and created, otherwise the existing ID is returned.
unsigned Diagnostic::getCustomDiagID(Level L, const char *Message) {
if (CustomDiagInfo == 0)
CustomDiagInfo = new diag::CustomDiagInfo();
return CustomDiagInfo->getOrCreateDiagID(L, Message, *this);
/// isBuiltinNoteWarningOrExtension - Return true if the unmapped diagnostic
/// level of the specified diagnostic ID is a Note, Warning, or Extension.
/// Note that this only works on builtin diagnostics, not custom ones.
bool Diagnostic::isBuiltinNoteWarningOrExtension(unsigned DiagID) {
return DiagID < diag::NUM_BUILTIN_DIAGNOSTICS &&
getBuiltinDiagClass(DiagID) < ERROR;
/// getDescription - Given a diagnostic ID, return a description of the
/// issue.
const char *Diagnostic::getDescription(unsigned DiagID) const {
return DiagnosticText[DiagID];
return CustomDiagInfo->getDescription(DiagID);
/// getDiagnosticLevel - Based on the way the client configured the Diagnostic
/// object, classify the specified diagnostic ID into a Level, consumable by
/// the DiagnosticClient.
Diagnostic::Level Diagnostic::getDiagnosticLevel(unsigned DiagID) const {
// Handle custom diagnostics, which cannot be mapped.
return CustomDiagInfo->getLevel(DiagID);
unsigned DiagClass = getBuiltinDiagClass(DiagID);
// Specific non-error diagnostics may be mapped to various levels from ignored
// to error.
if (DiagClass < ERROR) {
switch (getDiagnosticMapping((diag::kind)DiagID)) {
case diag::MAP_DEFAULT: break;
case diag::MAP_IGNORE: return Diagnostic::Ignored;
case diag::MAP_WARNING: DiagClass = WARNING; break;
case diag::MAP_ERROR: DiagClass = ERROR; break;
// Map diagnostic classes based on command line argument settings.
if (DiagClass == EXTENSION) {
if (ErrorOnExtensions)
DiagClass = ERROR;
else if (WarnOnExtensions)
DiagClass = WARNING;
return Ignored;
} else if (DiagClass == EXTWARN) {
DiagClass = ErrorOnExtensions ? ERROR : WARNING;
// If warnings are globally mapped to ignore or error, do it.
if (DiagClass == WARNING) {
if (IgnoreAllWarnings)
return Diagnostic::Ignored;
if (WarningsAsErrors)
DiagClass = ERROR;
switch (DiagClass) {
default: assert(0 && "Unknown diagnostic class!");
case NOTE: return Diagnostic::Note;
case WARNING: return Diagnostic::Warning;
case ERROR: return Diagnostic::Error;
/// ProcessDiag - This is the method used to report a diagnostic that is
/// finally fully formed.
void Diagnostic::ProcessDiag(const DiagnosticInfo &Info) {
// Figure out the diagnostic level of this message.
Diagnostic::Level DiagLevel = getDiagnosticLevel(Info.getID());
// If the client doesn't care about this message, don't issue it.
if (DiagLevel == Diagnostic::Ignored)
// If this is not an error and we are in a system header, ignore it. We
// have to check on the original Diag ID here, because we also want to
// ignore extensions and warnings in -Werror and -pedantic-errors modes,
// which *map* warnings/extensions to errors.
if (SuppressSystemWarnings &&
getBuiltinDiagClass(Info.getID()) != ERROR &&
Info.getLocation().isValid() &&
if (DiagLevel >= Diagnostic::Error) {
ErrorOccurred = true;
// Finally, report it.
Client->HandleDiagnostic(DiagLevel, Info);
DiagnosticClient::~DiagnosticClient() {}
/// FormatDiagnostic - Format this diagnostic into a string, substituting the
/// formal arguments into the %0 slots. The result is appended onto the Str
/// array.
void DiagnosticInfo::
FormatDiagnostic(llvm::SmallVectorImpl<char> &OutStr) const {
const char *DiagStr = getDiags()->getDescription(getID());
const char *DiagEnd = DiagStr+strlen(DiagStr);
while (DiagStr != DiagEnd) {
if (DiagStr[0] != '%') {
// Append non-%0 substrings to Str if we have one.
const char *StrEnd = std::find(DiagStr, DiagEnd, '%');
OutStr.append(DiagStr, StrEnd);
DiagStr = StrEnd;
} else if (DiagStr[1] == '%') {
OutStr.push_back('%'); // %% -> %.
DiagStr += 2;
} else {
assert(isdigit(DiagStr[1]) && "Must escape % with %%");
unsigned StrNo = DiagStr[1] - '0';
switch (getArgKind(StrNo)) {
case DiagnosticInfo::ak_std_string: {
const std::string &S = getArgStdStr(StrNo);
OutStr.append(S.begin(), S.end());
case DiagnosticInfo::ak_c_string: {
const char *S = getArgCStr(StrNo);
OutStr.append(S, S + strlen(S));
DiagStr += 2;