blob: 3974e9167e23c511663efd9b174978548328d6a8 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple i686--windows -fms-compatibility -Oz -emit-llvm %s -o - | FileCheck %s -check-prefix CHECK -check-prefix CHECK-I386
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple thumbv7--windows -fms-compatibility -Oz -emit-llvm %s -o - | FileCheck %s
void *test_InterlockedExchangePointer(void * volatile *Target, void *Value) {
return _InterlockedExchangePointer(Target, Value);
// CHECK: define{{.*}}i8* @test_InterlockedExchangePointer(i8** %Target, i8* %Value){{.*}}{
// CHECK: %[[TARGET:[0-9]+]] = bitcast i8** %Target to i32*
// CHECK: %[[VALUE:[0-9]+]] = ptrtoint i8* %Value to i32
// CHECK: %[[EXCHANGE:[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xchg i32* %[[TARGET]], i32 %[[VALUE]] seq_cst
// CHECK: %[[RESULT:[0-9]+]] = inttoptr i32 %[[EXCHANGE]] to i8*
// CHECK: ret i8* %[[RESULT]]
// CHECK: }
void *test_InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(void * volatile *Destination,
void *Exchange, void *Comparand) {
return _InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(Destination, Exchange, Comparand);
// CHECK: define{{.*}}i8* @test_InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(i8** %Destination, i8* %Exchange, i8* %Comparand){{.*}}{
// CHECK: %[[DEST:[0-9]+]] = bitcast i8** %Destination to i32*
// CHECK: %[[EXCHANGE:[0-9]+]] = ptrtoint i8* %Exchange to i32
// CHECK: %[[COMPARAND:[0-9]+]] = ptrtoint i8* %Comparand to i32
// CHECK: %[[XCHG:[0-9]+]] = cmpxchg volatile i32* %[[DEST:[0-9]+]], i32 %[[COMPARAND:[0-9]+]], i32 %[[EXCHANGE:[0-9]+]] seq_cst seq_cst
// CHECK: %[[EXTRACT:[0-9]+]] = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %[[XCHG]], 0
// CHECK: %[[RESULT:[0-9]+]] = inttoptr i32 %[[EXTRACT]] to i8*
// CHECK: ret i8* %[[RESULT:[0-9]+]]
// CHECK: }
long test_InterlockedExchange(long *Target, long Value) {
return _InterlockedExchange(Target, Value);
// CHECK: define{{.*}}i32 @test_InterlockedExchange(i32* %Target, i32 %Value){{.*}}{
// CHECK: %[[EXCHANGE:[0-9]+]] = atomicrmw xchg i32* %Target, i32 %Value seq_cst
// CHECK: ret i32 %[[EXCHANGE:[0-9]+]]
// CHECK: }
#if defined(__i386__)
long test__readfsdword(unsigned long Offset) {
return __readfsdword(Offset);
// CHECK-I386: define i32 @test__readfsdword(i32 %Offset){{.*}}{
// CHECK-I386: [[PTR:%[0-9]+]] = inttoptr i32 %Offset to i32 addrspace(257)*
// CHECK-I386: [[VALUE:%[0-9]+]] = load volatile i32 addrspace(257)* [[PTR]], align 4
// CHECK-I386: ret i32 [[VALUE:%[0-9]+]]
// CHECK-I386: }