blob: 9b0b9a1197c0b6317b30c330fd6614e6b9cd1eeb [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %clangxx -fsanitize=alignment %s -O3 -o %t
// RUN: %t l0 && %t s0 && %t r0 && %t m0 && %t f0 && %t n0
// RUN: %t l1 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-LOAD --strict-whitespace
// RUN: %t s1 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-STORE
// RUN: %t r1 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-REFERENCE
// RUN: %t m1 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-MEMBER
// RUN: %t f1 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-MEMFUN
// RUN: %t n1 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-NEW
#include <new>
struct S {
S() {}
int f() { return 0; }
int k;
int main(int, char **argv) {
char c[] __attribute__((aligned(8))) = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
// Pointer value may be unspecified here, but behavior is not undefined.
int *p = (int*)&c[4 + argv[1][1] - '0'];
S *s = (S*)p;
(void)*p; // ok!
switch (argv[1][0]) {
case 'l':
// CHECK-LOAD: misaligned.cpp:[[@LINE+4]]:12: runtime error: load of misaligned address [[PTR:0x[0-9a-f]*]] for type 'int', which requires 4 byte alignment
// CHECK-LOAD-NEXT: [[PTR]]: note: pointer points here
// CHECK-LOAD-NEXT: {{^ 00 00 00 01 02 03 04 05}}
// CHECK-LOAD-NEXT: {{^ \^}}
return *p && 0;
case 's':
// CHECK-STORE: misaligned.cpp:[[@LINE+4]]:5: runtime error: store to misaligned address [[PTR:0x[0-9a-f]*]] for type 'int', which requires 4 byte alignment
// CHECK-STORE-NEXT: [[PTR]]: note: pointer points here
// CHECK-STORE-NEXT: {{^ 00 00 00 01 02 03 04 05}}
// CHECK-STORE-NEXT: {{^ \^}}
*p = 1;
case 'r':
// CHECK-REFERENCE: misaligned.cpp:[[@LINE+4]]:15: runtime error: reference binding to misaligned address [[PTR:0x[0-9a-f]*]] for type 'int', which requires 4 byte alignment
// CHECK-REFERENCE-NEXT: [[PTR]]: note: pointer points here
// CHECK-REFERENCE-NEXT: {{^ 00 00 00 01 02 03 04 05}}
{int &r = *p;}
case 'm':
// CHECK-MEMBER: misaligned.cpp:[[@LINE+4]]:15: runtime error: member access within misaligned address [[PTR:0x[0-9a-f]*]] for type 'S', which requires 4 byte alignment
// CHECK-MEMBER-NEXT: [[PTR]]: note: pointer points here
// CHECK-MEMBER-NEXT: {{^ 00 00 00 01 02 03 04 05}}
// CHECK-MEMBER-NEXT: {{^ \^}}
return s->k && 0;
case 'f':
// CHECK-MEMFUN: misaligned.cpp:[[@LINE+4]]:12: runtime error: member call on misaligned address [[PTR:0x[0-9a-f]*]] for type 'S', which requires 4 byte alignment
// CHECK-MEMFUN-NEXT: [[PTR]]: note: pointer points here
// CHECK-MEMFUN-NEXT: {{^ 00 00 00 01 02 03 04 05}}
// CHECK-MEMFUN-NEXT: {{^ \^}}
return s->f() && 0;
case 'n':
// FIXME: Provide a better source location here.
// CHECK-NEW: misaligned{{.*}}+0x{{[0-9a-f]*}}): runtime error: constructor call on misaligned address [[PTR:0x[0-9a-f]*]] for type 'S', which requires 4 byte alignment
// CHECK-NEW-NEXT: [[PTR]]: note: pointer points here
// CHECK-NEW-NEXT: {{^ 00 00 00 01 02 03 04 05}}
// CHECK-NEW-NEXT: {{^ \^}}
return (new (s) S)->k && 0;