blob: 33f382cb12be205d99bf8e17f77f15e93eda5704 [file] [log] [blame]
// Check that ASan prints the faulting instruction bytes on
// dump_instruction_bytes=1
// RUN: %clangxx_asan %s -o %t
// RUN: env ASAN_OPTIONS=$ASAN_OPTIONS:dump_instruction_bytes=1 not %run %t 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-DUMP
// RUN: not %run %t 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-NODUMP
// REQUIRES: x86_64-supported-target,i386-supported-target
int main() {
#if defined(__x86_64__)
asm("movq $0, %rax");
asm("movl $0xcafebabe, 0x0(%rax)");
#elif defined(i386)
asm("movl $0, %eax");
asm("movl $0xcafebabe, 0x0(%eax)");
// CHECK-DUMP: First 16 instruction bytes at pc: c7 00 be ba fe ca
// CHECK-NODUMP-NOT: First 16 instruction bytes
return 0;