| language: android |
| |
| os: linux |
| dist: precise |
| sudo: required |
| addons: |
| apt: |
| sources: |
| - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test |
| packages: |
| - libstdc++-4.9-dev # https://github.com/nodegit/nodegit/issues/853 |
| - gcc-4.8 |
| - g++-4.8 |
| |
| jdk: |
| - &jdk_for_publishing oraclejdk8 |
| |
| android: |
| components: |
| - tools |
| - tools # Duplicated as per https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/6040#issuecomment-219367943 |
| - build-tools-26.0.2 |
| - android-26 |
| - platform-tools |
| - extra-android-m2repository |
| |
| before_install: |
| - wget https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases/download/"${BAZEL_VERSION}"/bazel_"${BAZEL_VERSION}"-linux-x86_64.deb |
| - sudo dpkg -i bazel_"${BAZEL_VERSION}"-linux-x86_64.deb |
| - sudo rm -f /etc/mavenrc |
| - wget http://www.us.apache.org/dist/maven/maven-3/3.1.1/binaries/apache-maven-3.1.1-bin.tar.gz |
| - tar -zxf apache-maven-3.1.1-bin.tar.gz |
| - export PATH="$PWD/apache-maven-3.1.1/bin:$PATH" |
| - mkdir travis_bin |
| - ln -s $(which gcc-4.8) travis_bin/gcc |
| - ln -s $(which g++-4.8) travis_bin/g++ |
| - export PATH="${PWD}/travis_bin:${PATH}" |
| |
| script: |
| - bazel test --test_output errors //... |
| - pushd examples && mvn compile && popd |
| |
| env: |
| global: |
| # Encrypted credentials for deploying snapshots. |
| - secure: eGc3LHBRIPmTnXLM1YoIqG1do9BkpFI2pJm3fz5Cd8UaXtf7Oefa+Ts3rcn4ipee5A+lf8kEouPshSoaQs81KZ2/qf8rSTCIqeFjHR8hzmOVYo/0zRfS/VSUT0yqN+jeRhuNk3+A49RTPlcfJqPv3tyddtrM1vF7axhCJPQIRJM= |
| - secure: LTzrlqcSNeZTOV52D3ibY9RBdxY4Yu8dUOYhAonrWLE+eDTzuoyCzcPw8pEcYVNUi1rG6Q7v3QBDTnBztsPoCbcN5tEGjw5cQEbfEzSTkWaNCFjncWn36cLwx9lgbF+5Db/L0mYJ36unDKUpKVC8AgOtxQibfv/ffugfxxj8ohY= |
| |
| # Encrypted GitHub access token to allow util/generate-latest-docs.sh to |
| # push Javadoc to gh-pages. |
| # This uses an access token created by cgdecker and will need to be updated |
| # (see util/generate-latest-docs.sh for a link) if he no longer has |
| # permission to push to the repo. |
| - secure: "UpTUhCQzAGbr5JetRg2GZxp/dPDep/7Il3yGeyDECopciWdx41OPk/QNqAXBhNtKuEaMVsmASyoteuhgaTryQdV4qUIGVOMhES6kbOlYy3nwK44VdsNeeepwVospyDyZbxMtXq5LuHWuTADmAl1mdjNPNoziXc523zjnUzUx/EQ=" |
| - JDK_FOR_PUBLISHING: *jdk_for_publishing |
| - BAZEL_VERSION="0.19.2" |
| |
| after_success: |
| - util/generate-latest-docs.sh |
| - util/publish-snapshot-on-commit.sh |
| |
| branches: |
| only: |
| - master |
| - /^release.*$/ |