| hlsl.flattenOpaque.frag |
| WARNING: AST will form illegal SPIR-V; need to transform to legalize |
| // Module Version 10000 |
| // Generated by (magic number): 80005 |
| // Id's are bound by 185 |
| |
| Capability Shader |
| 1: ExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450" |
| MemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| EntryPoint Fragment 4 "main" 120 |
| ExecutionMode 4 OriginUpperLeft |
| Source HLSL 500 |
| Name 4 "main" |
| Name 38 "tex" |
| Name 82 "s.s2D" |
| Name 97 "s2.s2D" |
| Name 100 "s2.tex" |
| Name 120 "@entryPointOutput" |
| Decorate 38(tex) DescriptorSet 0 |
| Decorate 82(s.s2D) DescriptorSet 0 |
| Decorate 97(s2.s2D) DescriptorSet 0 |
| Decorate 100(s2.tex) DescriptorSet 0 |
| Decorate 120(@entryPointOutput) Location 0 |
| 2: TypeVoid |
| 3: TypeFunction 2 |
| 6: TypeSampler |
| 9: TypeFloat 32 |
| 10: TypeVector 9(float) 4 |
| 15: TypeVector 9(float) 2 |
| 22: TypeImage 9(float) 2D sampled format:Unknown |
| 37: TypePointer UniformConstant 22 |
| 38(tex): 37(ptr) Variable UniformConstant |
| 45: TypeSampledImage 22 |
| 47: 9(float) Constant 1045220557 |
| 48: 9(float) Constant 1050253722 |
| 49: 15(fvec2) ConstantComposite 47 48 |
| 81: TypePointer UniformConstant 6 |
| 82(s.s2D): 81(ptr) Variable UniformConstant |
| 97(s2.s2D): 81(ptr) Variable UniformConstant |
| 100(s2.tex): 37(ptr) Variable UniformConstant |
| 119: TypePointer Output 10(fvec4) |
| 120(@entryPointOutput): 119(ptr) Variable Output |
| 4(main): 2 Function None 3 |
| 5: Label |
| 134: 6 Load 82(s.s2D) |
| 158: 22 Load 38(tex) |
| 161: 45 SampledImage 158 134 |
| 162: 10(fvec4) ImageSampleImplicitLod 161 49 |
| 138: 6 Load 82(s.s2D) |
| 164: 22 Load 38(tex) |
| 167: 45 SampledImage 164 138 |
| 169: 10(fvec4) ImageSampleImplicitLod 167 49 |
| 142: 10(fvec4) FAdd 162 169 |
| 143: 6 Load 97(s2.s2D) |
| 145: 22 Load 100(s2.tex) |
| 175: 45 SampledImage 145 143 |
| 176: 10(fvec4) ImageSampleImplicitLod 175 49 |
| 149: 10(fvec4) FAdd 142 176 |
| 150: 6 Load 97(s2.s2D) |
| 152: 22 Load 100(s2.tex) |
| 182: 45 SampledImage 152 150 |
| 184: 10(fvec4) ImageSampleImplicitLod 182 49 |
| 156: 10(fvec4) FAdd 149 184 |
| Store 120(@entryPointOutput) 156 |
| Return |
| FunctionEnd |