| spv.pp.line.frag |
| WARNING: spv.pp.line.frag:6: varying deprecated in version 130; may be removed in future release |
| WARNING: spv.pp.line.frag:7: varying deprecated in version 130; may be removed in future release |
| |
| // Module Version 10000 |
| // Generated by (magic number): 80008 |
| // Id's are bound by 65 |
| |
| Capability Shader |
| Capability Sampled1D |
| 2: ExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450" |
| MemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| EntryPoint Fragment 5 "main" 41 53 56 59 |
| ExecutionMode 5 OriginUpperLeft |
| 1: String "spv.pp.line.frag" |
| Source GLSL 140 1 "// OpModuleProcessed auto-map-locations |
| // OpModuleProcessed auto-map-bindings |
| // OpModuleProcessed client vulkan100 |
| // OpModuleProcessed target-env vulkan1.0 |
| // OpModuleProcessed keep-uncalled |
| // OpModuleProcessed entry-point main |
| #line 1 |
| #version 140 |
| |
| uniform sampler1D texSampler1D; |
| uniform sampler2D texSampler2D; |
| |
| varying float blend; |
| varying vec4 u; |
| |
| in vec2 coords2D; |
| |
| void main() |
| { |
| float blendscale = 1.789; |
| float bias = 2.0; |
| float coords1D = 1.789; |
| vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); |
| #line 53 |
| color += texture (texSampler1D, coords1D); |
| color += texture (texSampler1D, coords1D, bias); |
| #line 102 |
| color += texture (texSampler2D, coords2D); |
| color += texture (texSampler2D, coords2D, bias); |
| |
| gl_FragColor = mix(color, u, blend * blendscale); |
| } |
| " |
| Name 5 "main" |
| Name 9 "blendscale" |
| Name 11 "bias" |
| Name 13 "coords1D" |
| Name 16 "color" |
| Name 22 "texSampler1D" |
| Name 37 "texSampler2D" |
| Name 41 "coords2D" |
| Name 53 "gl_FragColor" |
| Name 56 "u" |
| Name 59 "blend" |
| Decorate 22(texSampler1D) DescriptorSet 0 |
| Decorate 22(texSampler1D) Binding 0 |
| Decorate 37(texSampler2D) DescriptorSet 0 |
| Decorate 37(texSampler2D) Binding 0 |
| Decorate 53(gl_FragColor) Location 0 |
| 3: TypeVoid |
| 4: TypeFunction 3 |
| 7: TypeFloat 32 |
| 8: TypePointer Function 7(float) |
| 10: 7(float) Constant 1071971828 |
| 12: 7(float) Constant 1073741824 |
| 14: TypeVector 7(float) 4 |
| 15: TypePointer Function 14(fvec4) |
| 17: 7(float) Constant 0 |
| 18: 14(fvec4) ConstantComposite 17 17 17 17 |
| 19: TypeImage 7(float) 1D sampled format:Unknown |
| 20: TypeSampledImage 19 |
| 21: TypePointer UniformConstant 20 |
| 22(texSampler1D): 21(ptr) Variable UniformConstant |
| 34: TypeImage 7(float) 2D sampled format:Unknown |
| 35: TypeSampledImage 34 |
| 36: TypePointer UniformConstant 35 |
| 37(texSampler2D): 36(ptr) Variable UniformConstant |
| 39: TypeVector 7(float) 2 |
| 40: TypePointer Input 39(fvec2) |
| 41(coords2D): 40(ptr) Variable Input |
| 52: TypePointer Output 14(fvec4) |
| 53(gl_FragColor): 52(ptr) Variable Output |
| 55: TypePointer Input 14(fvec4) |
| 56(u): 55(ptr) Variable Input |
| 58: TypePointer Input 7(float) |
| 59(blend): 58(ptr) Variable Input |
| 5(main): 3 Function None 4 |
| 6: Label |
| 9(blendscale): 8(ptr) Variable Function |
| 11(bias): 8(ptr) Variable Function |
| 13(coords1D): 8(ptr) Variable Function |
| 16(color): 15(ptr) Variable Function |
| Line 1 13 0 |
| Store 9(blendscale) 10 |
| Line 1 14 0 |
| Store 11(bias) 12 |
| Line 1 15 0 |
| Store 13(coords1D) 10 |
| Line 1 16 0 |
| Store 16(color) 18 |
| Line 1 54 0 |
| 23: 20 Load 22(texSampler1D) |
| 24: 7(float) Load 13(coords1D) |
| 25: 14(fvec4) ImageSampleImplicitLod 23 24 |
| 26: 14(fvec4) Load 16(color) |
| 27: 14(fvec4) FAdd 26 25 |
| Store 16(color) 27 |
| Line 1 55 0 |
| 28: 20 Load 22(texSampler1D) |
| 29: 7(float) Load 13(coords1D) |
| 30: 7(float) Load 11(bias) |
| 31: 14(fvec4) ImageSampleImplicitLod 28 29 Bias 30 |
| 32: 14(fvec4) Load 16(color) |
| 33: 14(fvec4) FAdd 32 31 |
| Store 16(color) 33 |
| Line 1 103 0 |
| 38: 35 Load 37(texSampler2D) |
| 42: 39(fvec2) Load 41(coords2D) |
| 43: 14(fvec4) ImageSampleImplicitLod 38 42 |
| 44: 14(fvec4) Load 16(color) |
| 45: 14(fvec4) FAdd 44 43 |
| Store 16(color) 45 |
| Line 1 104 0 |
| 46: 35 Load 37(texSampler2D) |
| 47: 39(fvec2) Load 41(coords2D) |
| 48: 7(float) Load 11(bias) |
| 49: 14(fvec4) ImageSampleImplicitLod 46 47 Bias 48 |
| 50: 14(fvec4) Load 16(color) |
| 51: 14(fvec4) FAdd 50 49 |
| Store 16(color) 51 |
| Line 1 106 0 |
| 54: 14(fvec4) Load 16(color) |
| 57: 14(fvec4) Load 56(u) |
| 60: 7(float) Load 59(blend) |
| 61: 7(float) Load 9(blendscale) |
| 62: 7(float) FMul 60 61 |
| 63: 14(fvec4) CompositeConstruct 62 62 62 62 |
| 64: 14(fvec4) ExtInst 2(GLSL.std.450) 46(FMix) 54 57 63 |
| Store 53(gl_FragColor) 64 |
| Return |
| FunctionEnd |