blob: 5b265f1b573378b5eb69f59ee82f0e5125a4412e [file] [log] [blame]
//Copyright (C) 2016 Google, Inc.
//Copyright (C) 2016 LunarG, Inc.
//All rights reserved.
//Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
//modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
//are met:
// Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
// disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
// with the distribution.
// Neither the name of 3Dlabs Inc. Ltd. nor the names of its
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
// from this software without specific prior written permission.
#include "hlslParseHelper.h"
#include "hlslScanContext.h"
#include "hlslGrammar.h"
#include "../glslang/MachineIndependent/Scan.h"
#include "../glslang/MachineIndependent/preprocessor/PpContext.h"
#include "../glslang/OSDependent/osinclude.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <algorithm>
namespace glslang {
HlslParseContext::HlslParseContext(TSymbolTable& symbolTable, TIntermediate& interm, bool /*parsingBuiltins*/,
int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvVersion, EShLanguage language, TInfoSink& infoSink,
bool forwardCompatible, EShMessages messages) :
TParseContextBase(symbolTable, interm, version, profile, spvVersion, language, infoSink, forwardCompatible, messages),
contextPragma(true, false), loopNestingLevel(0), structNestingLevel(0), controlFlowNestingLevel(0),
// ensure we always have a linkage node, even if empty, to simplify tree topology algorithms
linkage = new TIntermAggregate;
globalUniformDefaults.layoutMatrix = ElmColumnMajor;
globalUniformDefaults.layoutPacking = ElpStd140;
globalBufferDefaults.layoutMatrix = ElmColumnMajor;
globalBufferDefaults.layoutPacking = ElpStd430;
// "Shaders in the transform
// feedback capturing mode have an initial global default of
// layout(xfb_buffer = 0) out;"
if (language == EShLangVertex ||
language == EShLangTessControl ||
language == EShLangTessEvaluation ||
language == EShLangGeometry)
globalOutputDefaults.layoutXfbBuffer = 0;
if (language == EShLangGeometry)
globalOutputDefaults.layoutStream = 0;
void HlslParseContext::setLimits(const TBuiltInResource& r)
resources = r;
// Parse an array of strings using the parser in HlslRules.
// Returns true for successful acceptance of the shader, false if any errors.
bool HlslParseContext::parseShaderStrings(TPpContext& ppContext, TInputScanner& input, bool versionWillBeError)
currentScanner = &input;
ppContext.setInput(input, versionWillBeError);
HlslScanContext::fillInKeywordMap(); // TODO: right place, and include the delete too
HlslScanContext scanContext(*this, ppContext);
HlslGrammar grammar(scanContext, *this);
if (! grammar.parse())
printf("HLSL translation failed.\n");
return numErrors == 0;
void HlslParseContext::handlePragma(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TVector<TString>& tokens)
if (pragmaCallback)
pragmaCallback(loc.line, tokens);
if (tokens.size() == 0)
// Look at a '.' field selector string and change it into offsets
// for a vector or scalar
// Returns true if there is no error.
bool HlslParseContext::parseVectorFields(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TString& compString, int vecSize, TVectorFields& fields)
fields.num = (int)compString.size();
if (fields.num > 4) {
error(loc, "illegal vector field selection", compString.c_str(), "");
return false;
enum {
} fieldSet[4];
for (int i = 0; i < fields.num; ++i) {
switch (compString[i]) {
case 'x':
fields.offsets[i] = 0;
fieldSet[i] = exyzw;
case 'r':
fields.offsets[i] = 0;
fieldSet[i] = ergba;
case 's':
fields.offsets[i] = 0;
fieldSet[i] = estpq;
case 'y':
fields.offsets[i] = 1;
fieldSet[i] = exyzw;
case 'g':
fields.offsets[i] = 1;
fieldSet[i] = ergba;
case 't':
fields.offsets[i] = 1;
fieldSet[i] = estpq;
case 'z':
fields.offsets[i] = 2;
fieldSet[i] = exyzw;
case 'b':
fields.offsets[i] = 2;
fieldSet[i] = ergba;
case 'p':
fields.offsets[i] = 2;
fieldSet[i] = estpq;
case 'w':
fields.offsets[i] = 3;
fieldSet[i] = exyzw;
case 'a':
fields.offsets[i] = 3;
fieldSet[i] = ergba;
case 'q':
fields.offsets[i] = 3;
fieldSet[i] = estpq;
error(loc, "illegal vector field selection", compString.c_str(), "");
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < fields.num; ++i) {
if (fields.offsets[i] >= vecSize) {
error(loc, "vector field selection out of range", compString.c_str(), "");
return false;
if (i > 0) {
if (fieldSet[i] != fieldSet[i - 1]) {
error(loc, "illegal - vector component fields not from the same set", compString.c_str(), "");
return false;
return true;
// Used to output syntax, parsing, and semantic errors.
void HlslParseContext::outputMessage(const TSourceLoc& loc, const char* szReason,
const char* szToken,
const char* szExtraInfoFormat,
TPrefixType prefix, va_list args)
const int maxSize = MaxTokenLength + 200;
char szExtraInfo[maxSize];
safe_vsprintf(szExtraInfo, maxSize, szExtraInfoFormat, args);;; << "'" << szToken << "' : " << szReason << " " << szExtraInfo << "\n";
if (prefix == EPrefixError) {
void C_DECL HlslParseContext::error(const TSourceLoc& loc, const char* szReason, const char* szToken,
const char* szExtraInfoFormat, ...)
if (messages & EShMsgOnlyPreprocessor)
va_list args;
va_start(args, szExtraInfoFormat);
outputMessage(loc, szReason, szToken, szExtraInfoFormat, EPrefixError, args);
void C_DECL HlslParseContext::warn(const TSourceLoc& loc, const char* szReason, const char* szToken,
const char* szExtraInfoFormat, ...)
if (suppressWarnings())
va_list args;
va_start(args, szExtraInfoFormat);
outputMessage(loc, szReason, szToken, szExtraInfoFormat, EPrefixWarning, args);
void C_DECL HlslParseContext::ppError(const TSourceLoc& loc, const char* szReason, const char* szToken,
const char* szExtraInfoFormat, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, szExtraInfoFormat);
outputMessage(loc, szReason, szToken, szExtraInfoFormat, EPrefixError, args);
void C_DECL HlslParseContext::ppWarn(const TSourceLoc& loc, const char* szReason, const char* szToken,
const char* szExtraInfoFormat, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, szExtraInfoFormat);
outputMessage(loc, szReason, szToken, szExtraInfoFormat, EPrefixWarning, args);
// Handle seeing a variable identifier in the grammar.
TIntermTyped* HlslParseContext::handleVariable(const TSourceLoc& loc, TSymbol* symbol, const TString* string)
if (symbol == nullptr)
symbol = symbolTable.find(*string);
if (symbol && symbol->getAsVariable() && symbol->getAsVariable()->isUserType()) {
error(loc, "expected symbol, not user-defined type", string->c_str(), "");
return nullptr;
// Error check for requiring specific extensions present.
if (symbol && symbol->getNumExtensions())
requireExtensions(loc, symbol->getNumExtensions(), symbol->getExtensions(), symbol->getName().c_str());
if (symbol && symbol->isReadOnly()) {
// All shared things containing an implicitly sized array must be copied up
// on first use, so that all future references will share its array structure,
// so that editing the implicit size will effect all nodes consuming it,
// and so that editing the implicit size won't change the shared one.
// If this is a variable or a block, check it and all it contains, but if this
// is a member of an anonymous block, check the whole block, as the whole block
// will need to be copied up if it contains an implicitly-sized array.
if (symbol->getType().containsImplicitlySizedArray() || (symbol->getAsAnonMember() && symbol->getAsAnonMember()->getAnonContainer().getType().containsImplicitlySizedArray()))
const TVariable* variable;
const TAnonMember* anon = symbol ? symbol->getAsAnonMember() : nullptr;
TIntermTyped* node = nullptr;
if (anon) {
// It was a member of an anonymous container.
// Create a subtree for its dereference.
variable = anon->getAnonContainer().getAsVariable();
TIntermTyped* container = intermediate.addSymbol(*variable, loc);
TIntermTyped* constNode = intermediate.addConstantUnion(anon->getMemberNumber(), loc);
node = intermediate.addIndex(EOpIndexDirectStruct, container, constNode, loc);
if (node->getType().hiddenMember())
error(loc, "member of nameless block was not redeclared", string->c_str(), "");
} else {
// Not a member of an anonymous container.
// The symbol table search was done in the lexical phase.
// See if it was a variable.
variable = symbol ? symbol->getAsVariable() : nullptr;
if (variable) {
if ((variable->getType().getBasicType() == EbtBlock ||
variable->getType().getBasicType() == EbtStruct) && variable->getType().getStruct() == nullptr) {
error(loc, "cannot be used (maybe an instance name is needed)", string->c_str(), "");
variable = nullptr;
} else {
if (symbol)
error(loc, "variable name expected", string->c_str(), "");
// Recovery, if it wasn't found or was not a variable.
if (! variable)
variable = new TVariable(string, TType(EbtVoid));
if (variable->getType().getQualifier().isFrontEndConstant())
node = intermediate.addConstantUnion(variable->getConstArray(), variable->getType(), loc);
node = intermediate.addSymbol(*variable, loc);
if (variable->getType().getQualifier().isIo())
return node;
// Handle seeing a base[index] dereference in the grammar.
TIntermTyped* HlslParseContext::handleBracketDereference(const TSourceLoc& loc, TIntermTyped* base, TIntermTyped* index)
TIntermTyped* result = nullptr;
int indexValue = 0;
if (index->getQualifier().storage == EvqConst) {
indexValue = index->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[0].getIConst();
checkIndex(loc, base->getType(), indexValue);
if (! base->isArray() && ! base->isMatrix() && ! base->isVector()) {
if (base->getAsSymbolNode())
error(loc, " left of '[' is not of type array, matrix, or vector ", base->getAsSymbolNode()->getName().c_str(), "");
error(loc, " left of '[' is not of type array, matrix, or vector ", "expression", "");
} else if (base->getType().getQualifier().storage == EvqConst && index->getQualifier().storage == EvqConst)
return intermediate.foldDereference(base, indexValue, loc);
else {
// at least one of base and index is variable...
if (base->getAsSymbolNode() && isIoResizeArray(base->getType()))
handleIoResizeArrayAccess(loc, base);
if (index->getQualifier().storage == EvqConst) {
if (base->getType().isImplicitlySizedArray())
updateImplicitArraySize(loc, base, indexValue);
result = intermediate.addIndex(EOpIndexDirect, base, index, loc);
} else {
result = intermediate.addIndex(EOpIndexIndirect, base, index, loc);
if (result == nullptr) {
// Insert dummy error-recovery result
result = intermediate.addConstantUnion(0.0, EbtFloat, loc);
} else {
// Insert valid dereferenced result
TType newType(base->getType(), 0); // dereferenced type
if (base->getType().getQualifier().storage == EvqConst && index->getQualifier().storage == EvqConst)
newType.getQualifier().storage = EvqConst;
newType.getQualifier().storage = EvqTemporary;
return result;
void HlslParseContext::checkIndex(const TSourceLoc& /*loc*/, const TType& /*type*/, int& /*index*/)
// HLSL todo: any rules for index fixups?
// Make a shared symbol have a non-shared version that can be edited by the current
// compile, such that editing its type will not change the shared version and will
// effect all nodes sharing it.
void HlslParseContext::makeEditable(TSymbol*& symbol)
// copyUp() does a deep copy of the type.
symbol = symbolTable.copyUp(symbol);
// Also, see if it's tied to IO resizing
if (isIoResizeArray(symbol->getType()))
// Also, save it in the AST for linker use.
intermediate.addSymbolLinkageNode(linkage, *symbol);
TVariable* HlslParseContext::getEditableVariable(const char* name)
bool builtIn;
TSymbol* symbol = symbolTable.find(name, &builtIn);
if (builtIn)
return symbol->getAsVariable();
// Return true if this is a geometry shader input array or tessellation control output array.
bool HlslParseContext::isIoResizeArray(const TType& type) const
return type.isArray() &&
((language == EShLangGeometry && type.getQualifier().storage == EvqVaryingIn) ||
(language == EShLangTessControl && type.getQualifier().storage == EvqVaryingOut && ! type.getQualifier().patch));
// If an array is not isIoResizeArray() but is an io array, make sure it has the right size
void HlslParseContext::fixIoArraySize(const TSourceLoc& loc, TType& type)
if (! type.isArray() || type.getQualifier().patch || symbolTable.atBuiltInLevel())
assert(! isIoResizeArray(type));
if (type.getQualifier().storage != EvqVaryingIn || type.getQualifier().patch)
if (language == EShLangTessControl || language == EShLangTessEvaluation) {
if (type.getOuterArraySize() != resources.maxPatchVertices) {
if (type.isExplicitlySizedArray())
error(loc, "tessellation input array size must be gl_MaxPatchVertices or implicitly sized", "[]", "");
// Handle a dereference of a geometry shader input array or tessellation control output array.
// See ioArraySymbolResizeList comment in ParseHelper.h.
void HlslParseContext::handleIoResizeArrayAccess(const TSourceLoc& /*loc*/, TIntermTyped* base)
TIntermSymbol* symbolNode = base->getAsSymbolNode();
if (! symbolNode)
// fix array size, if it can be fixed and needs to be fixed (will allow variable indexing)
if (symbolNode->getType().isImplicitlySizedArray()) {
int newSize = getIoArrayImplicitSize();
if (newSize > 0)
// If there has been an input primitive declaration (geometry shader) or an output
// number of vertices declaration(tessellation shader), make sure all input array types
// match it in size. Types come either from nodes in the AST or symbols in the
// symbol table.
// Types without an array size will be given one.
// Types already having a size that is wrong will get an error.
void HlslParseContext::checkIoArraysConsistency(const TSourceLoc& loc, bool tailOnly)
int requiredSize = getIoArrayImplicitSize();
if (requiredSize == 0)
const char* feature;
if (language == EShLangGeometry)
feature = TQualifier::getGeometryString(intermediate.getInputPrimitive());
else if (language == EShLangTessControl)
feature = "vertices";
feature = "unknown";
if (tailOnly) {
checkIoArrayConsistency(loc, requiredSize, feature, ioArraySymbolResizeList.back()->getWritableType(), ioArraySymbolResizeList.back()->getName());
for (size_t i = 0; i < ioArraySymbolResizeList.size(); ++i)
checkIoArrayConsistency(loc, requiredSize, feature, ioArraySymbolResizeList[i]->getWritableType(), ioArraySymbolResizeList[i]->getName());
int HlslParseContext::getIoArrayImplicitSize() const
if (language == EShLangGeometry)
return TQualifier::mapGeometryToSize(intermediate.getInputPrimitive());
else if (language == EShLangTessControl)
return intermediate.getVertices() != TQualifier::layoutNotSet ? intermediate.getVertices() : 0;
return 0;
void HlslParseContext::checkIoArrayConsistency(const TSourceLoc& /*loc*/, int requiredSize, const char* /*feature*/, TType& type, const TString& /*name*/)
if (type.isImplicitlySizedArray())
// Handle seeing a binary node with a math operation.
TIntermTyped* HlslParseContext::handleBinaryMath(const TSourceLoc& loc, const char* str, TOperator op, TIntermTyped* left, TIntermTyped* right)
TIntermTyped* result = intermediate.addBinaryMath(op, left, right, loc);
if (! result)
binaryOpError(loc, str, left->getCompleteString(), right->getCompleteString());
return result;
// Handle seeing a unary node with a math operation.
TIntermTyped* HlslParseContext::handleUnaryMath(const TSourceLoc& loc, const char* str, TOperator op, TIntermTyped* childNode)
TIntermTyped* result = intermediate.addUnaryMath(op, childNode, loc);
if (result)
return result;
unaryOpError(loc, str, childNode->getCompleteString());
return childNode;
// Handle seeing a base.field dereference in the grammar.
TIntermTyped* HlslParseContext::handleDotDereference(const TSourceLoc& loc, TIntermTyped* base, const TString& field)
// methods can't be resolved until we later see the function-calling syntax.
// Save away the name in the AST for now. Processing is completed in
// handleLengthMethod(), etc.
if (field == "length") {
return intermediate.addMethod(base, TType(EbtInt), &field, loc);
} else if (field == "CalculateLevelOfDetail" ||
field == "CalculateLevelOfDetailUnclamped" ||
field == "Gather" ||
field == "GetDimensions" ||
field == "GetSamplePosition" ||
field == "Load" ||
field == "Sample" ||
field == "SampleBias" ||
field == "SampleCmp" ||
field == "SampleCmpLevelZero" ||
field == "SampleGrad" ||
field == "SampleLevel") {
// If it's not a method on a sampler object, we fall through in case it is a struct member.
if (base->getType().getBasicType() == EbtSampler) {
const TSampler& texType = base->getType().getSampler();
if (! texType.isPureSampler()) {
const int vecSize = texType.isShadow() ? 1 : 4;
return intermediate.addMethod(base, TType(texType.type, EvqTemporary, vecSize), &field, loc);
// It's not .length() if we get to here.
if (base->isArray()) {
error(loc, "cannot apply to an array:", ".", field.c_str());
return base;
// It's neither an array nor .length() if we get here,
// leaving swizzles and struct/block dereferences.
TIntermTyped* result = base;
if (base->isVector() || base->isScalar()) {
TVectorFields fields;
if (! parseVectorFields(loc, field, base->getVectorSize(), fields)) {
fields.num = 1;
fields.offsets[0] = 0;
if (base->isScalar()) {
if (fields.num == 1)
return result;
else {
TType type(base->getBasicType(), EvqTemporary, fields.num);
return addConstructor(loc, base, type, mapTypeToConstructorOp(type));
if (base->getType().getQualifier().isFrontEndConstant())
result = intermediate.foldSwizzle(base, fields, loc);
else {
if (fields.num == 1) {
TIntermTyped* index = intermediate.addConstantUnion(fields.offsets[0], loc);
result = intermediate.addIndex(EOpIndexDirect, base, index, loc);
result->setType(TType(base->getBasicType(), EvqTemporary, base->getType().getQualifier().precision));
} else {
TString vectorString = field;
TIntermTyped* index = intermediate.addSwizzle(fields, loc);
result = intermediate.addIndex(EOpVectorSwizzle, base, index, loc);
result->setType(TType(base->getBasicType(), EvqTemporary, base->getType().getQualifier().precision, (int)vectorString.size()));
} else if (base->getBasicType() == EbtStruct || base->getBasicType() == EbtBlock) {
const TTypeList* fields = base->getType().getStruct();
bool fieldFound = false;
int member;
for (member = 0; member < (int)fields->size(); ++member) {
if ((*fields)[member].type->getFieldName() == field) {
fieldFound = true;
if (fieldFound) {
if (base->getType().getQualifier().storage == EvqConst)
result = intermediate.foldDereference(base, member, loc);
else {
TIntermTyped* index = intermediate.addConstantUnion(member, loc);
result = intermediate.addIndex(EOpIndexDirectStruct, base, index, loc);
} else
error(loc, "no such field in structure", field.c_str(), "");
} else
error(loc, "does not apply to this type:", field.c_str(), base->getType().getCompleteString().c_str());
return result;
// Handle seeing a function declarator in the grammar. This is the precursor
// to recognizing a function prototype or function definition.
TFunction* HlslParseContext::handleFunctionDeclarator(const TSourceLoc& loc, TFunction& function, bool prototype)
// Multiple declarations of the same function name are allowed.
// If this is a definition, the definition production code will check for redefinitions
// (we don't know at this point if it's a definition or not).
bool builtIn;
TSymbol* symbol = symbolTable.find(function.getMangledName(), &builtIn);
const TFunction* prevDec = symbol ? symbol->getAsFunction() : 0;
if (prototype) {
// All built-in functions are defined, even though they don't have a body.
// Count their prototype as a definition instead.
if (symbolTable.atBuiltInLevel())
else {
if (prevDec && ! builtIn)
symbol->getAsFunction()->setPrototyped(); // need a writable one, but like having prevDec as a const
// This insert won't actually insert it if it's a duplicate signature, but it will still check for
// other forms of name collisions.
if (! symbolTable.insert(function))
error(loc, "function name is redeclaration of existing name", function.getName().c_str(), "");
// If this is a redeclaration, it could also be a definition,
// in which case, we need to use the parameter names from this one, and not the one that's
// being redeclared. So, pass back this declaration, not the one in the symbol table.
return &function;
// Handle seeing the function prototype in front of a function definition in the grammar.
// The body is handled after this function returns.
TIntermAggregate* HlslParseContext::handleFunctionDefinition(const TSourceLoc& loc, TFunction& function)
currentCaller = function.getMangledName();
TSymbol* symbol = symbolTable.find(function.getMangledName());
TFunction* prevDec = symbol ? symbol->getAsFunction() : nullptr;
if (! prevDec)
error(loc, "can't find function", function.getName().c_str(), "");
// Note: 'prevDec' could be 'function' if this is the first time we've seen function
// as it would have just been put in the symbol table. Otherwise, we're looking up
// an earlier occurrence.
if (prevDec && prevDec->isDefined()) {
// Then this function already has a body.
error(loc, "function already has a body", function.getName().c_str(), "");
if (prevDec && ! prevDec->isDefined()) {
// Remember the return type for later checking for RETURN statements.
currentFunctionType = &(prevDec->getType());
} else
currentFunctionType = new TType(EbtVoid);
functionReturnsValue = false;
inEntrypoint = (function.getName() == intermediate.getEntryPoint().c_str());
if (inEntrypoint) {
// parameters are actually shader-level inputs
for (int i = 0; i < function.getParamCount(); i++)
function[i].type->getQualifier().storage = EvqVaryingIn;
// New symbol table scope for body of function plus its arguments
// Insert parameters into the symbol table.
// If the parameter has no name, it's not an error, just don't insert it
// (could be used for unused args).
// Also, accumulate the list of parameters into the HIL, so lower level code
// knows where to find parameters.
TIntermAggregate* paramNodes = new TIntermAggregate;
for (int i = 0; i < function.getParamCount(); i++) {
TParameter& param = function[i];
if ( != nullptr) {
TVariable *variable = new TVariable(, *param.type);
// Insert the parameters with name in the symbol table.
if (! symbolTable.insert(*variable))
error(loc, "redefinition", variable->getName().c_str(), "");
else {
// Transfer ownership of name pointer to symbol table. = nullptr;
// Add the parameter to the HIL
paramNodes = intermediate.growAggregate(paramNodes,
intermediate.addSymbol(*variable, loc),
} else
paramNodes = intermediate.growAggregate(paramNodes, intermediate.addSymbol(*param.type, loc), loc);
intermediate.setAggregateOperator(paramNodes, EOpParameters, TType(EbtVoid), loc);
loopNestingLevel = 0;
controlFlowNestingLevel = 0;
postMainReturn = false;
return paramNodes;
void HlslParseContext::handleFunctionArgument(TFunction* function, TIntermTyped*& arguments, TIntermTyped* newArg)
TParameter param = { 0, new TType };
if (arguments)
arguments = intermediate.growAggregate(arguments, newArg);
arguments = newArg;
// HLSL atomic operations have slightly different arguments than
// GLSL/AST/SPIRV. The semantics are converted below in decomposeIntrinsic.
// This provides the post-decomposition equivalent opcode.
TOperator HlslParseContext::mapAtomicOp(const TSourceLoc& loc, TOperator op, bool isImage)
switch (op) {
case EOpInterlockedAdd: return isImage ? EOpImageAtomicAdd : EOpAtomicAdd;
case EOpInterlockedAnd: return isImage ? EOpImageAtomicAnd : EOpAtomicAnd;
case EOpInterlockedCompareExchange: return isImage ? EOpImageAtomicCompSwap : EOpAtomicCompSwap;
case EOpInterlockedMax: return isImage ? EOpImageAtomicMax : EOpAtomicMax;
case EOpInterlockedMin: return isImage ? EOpImageAtomicMin : EOpAtomicMin;
case EOpInterlockedOr: return isImage ? EOpImageAtomicOr : EOpAtomicOr;
case EOpInterlockedXor: return isImage ? EOpImageAtomicXor : EOpAtomicXor;
case EOpInterlockedExchange: return isImage ? EOpImageAtomicExchange : EOpAtomicExchange;
case EOpInterlockedCompareStore: // TODO: ...
error(loc, "unknown atomic operation", "unknown op", "");
return EOpNull;
// Create a combined sampler/texture from separate sampler and texture.
TIntermAggregate* HlslParseContext::handleSamplerTextureCombine(const TSourceLoc& loc, TIntermTyped* argTex, TIntermTyped* argSampler)
TIntermAggregate* txcombine = new TIntermAggregate(EOpConstructTextureSampler);
TSampler samplerType = argTex->getType().getSampler();
samplerType.combined = true;
samplerType.shadow = argSampler->getType().getSampler().shadow;
txcombine->setType(TType(samplerType, EvqTemporary));
return txcombine;
// Decompose DX9 and DX10 sample intrinsics & object methods into AST
void HlslParseContext::decomposeSampleMethods(const TSourceLoc& loc, TIntermTyped*& node, TIntermNode* arguments)
if (!node || !node->getAsOperator())
const TOperator op = node->getAsOperator()->getOp();
const TIntermAggregate* argAggregate = arguments ? arguments->getAsAggregate() : nullptr;
switch (op) {
// **** DX9 intrinsics: ****
case EOpTexture:
// Texture with ddx & ddy is really gradient form in HLSL
if (argAggregate->getSequence().size() == 4) {
case EOpTextureBias:
TIntermTyped* arg0 = argAggregate->getSequence()[0]->getAsTyped(); // sampler
TIntermTyped* arg1 = argAggregate->getSequence()[1]->getAsTyped(); // coord
// HLSL puts bias in W component of coordinate. We extract it and add it to
// the argument list, instead
TIntermTyped* w = intermediate.addConstantUnion(3, loc, true);
TIntermTyped* bias = intermediate.addIndex(EOpIndexDirect, arg1, w, loc);
TOperator constructOp = EOpNull;
switch (arg0->getType().getSampler().dim) {
case Esd1D: constructOp = EOpConstructFloat; break; // 1D
case Esd2D: constructOp = EOpConstructVec2; break; // 2D
case Esd3D: constructOp = EOpConstructVec3; break; // 3D
case EsdCube: constructOp = EOpConstructVec3; break; // also 3D
default: break;
TIntermAggregate* constructCoord = new TIntermAggregate(constructOp);
TIntermAggregate* tex = new TIntermAggregate(EOpTexture);
tex->getSequence().push_back(arg0); // sampler
tex->getSequence().push_back(constructCoord); // coordinate
tex->getSequence().push_back(bias); // bias
node = tex;
// **** DX10 methods: ****
case EOpMethodSample: // fall through
case EOpMethodSampleBias: // ...
TIntermTyped* argTex = argAggregate->getSequence()[0]->getAsTyped();
TIntermTyped* argSamp = argAggregate->getSequence()[1]->getAsTyped();
TIntermTyped* argCoord = argAggregate->getSequence()[2]->getAsTyped();
TIntermTyped* argBias = nullptr;
TIntermTyped* argOffset = nullptr;
int nextArg = 3;
if (op == EOpMethodSampleBias) // SampleBias has a bias arg
argBias = argAggregate->getSequence()[nextArg++]->getAsTyped();
TOperator textureOp = EOpTexture;
if ((int)argAggregate->getSequence().size() == (nextArg+1)) { // last parameter is offset form
textureOp = EOpTextureOffset;
argOffset = argAggregate->getSequence()[nextArg++]->getAsTyped();
TIntermAggregate* txcombine = handleSamplerTextureCombine(loc, argTex, argSamp);
TIntermAggregate* txsample = new TIntermAggregate(textureOp);
if (argBias != nullptr)
if (argOffset != nullptr)
node = txsample;
case EOpMethodSampleGrad: // ...
TIntermTyped* argTex = argAggregate->getSequence()[0]->getAsTyped();
TIntermTyped* argSamp = argAggregate->getSequence()[1]->getAsTyped();
TIntermTyped* argCoord = argAggregate->getSequence()[2]->getAsTyped();
TIntermTyped* argDDX = argAggregate->getSequence()[3]->getAsTyped();
TIntermTyped* argDDY = argAggregate->getSequence()[4]->getAsTyped();
TIntermTyped* argOffset = nullptr;
TOperator textureOp = EOpTextureGrad;
if (argAggregate->getSequence().size() == 6) { // last parameter is offset form
textureOp = EOpTextureGradOffset;
argOffset = argAggregate->getSequence()[5]->getAsTyped();
TIntermAggregate* txcombine = handleSamplerTextureCombine(loc, argTex, argSamp);
TIntermAggregate* txsample = new TIntermAggregate(textureOp);
if (argOffset != nullptr)
node = txsample;
case EOpMethodGetDimensions:
// AST returns a vector of results, which we break apart component-wise into
// separate values to assign to the HLSL method's outputs, ala:
// tx . GetDimensions(width, height);
// float2 sizeQueryTemp = EOpTextureQuerySize
// width = sizeQueryTemp.X;
// height = sizeQueryTemp.Y;
TIntermTyped* argTex = argAggregate->getSequence()[0]->getAsTyped();
const TType& texType = argTex->getType();
assert(texType.getBasicType() == EbtSampler);
const TSampler& texSampler = texType.getSampler();
const TSamplerDim dim = texSampler.dim;
const int numArgs = argAggregate->getSequence().size();
int numDims = 0;
switch (dim) {
case Esd1D: numDims = 1; break; // W
case Esd2D: numDims = 2; break; // W, H
case Esd3D: numDims = 3; break; // W, H, D
case EsdCube: numDims = 2; break; // W, H (cube)
assert(0 && "unhandled texture dimension");
// Arrayed adds another dimension for the number of array elements
if (texSampler.isArrayed())
// Establish whether we're querying mip levels
const bool mipQuery = numArgs > (numDims + 1);
// AST assumes integer return. Will be converted to float if required.
TIntermAggregate* sizeQuery = new TIntermAggregate(EOpTextureQuerySize);
// If we're querying an explicit LOD, add the LOD, which is always arg #1
if (mipQuery) {
TIntermTyped* queryLod = argAggregate->getSequence()[1]->getAsTyped();
sizeQuery->setType(TType(EbtUint, EvqTemporary, numDims));
// Return value from size query
TVariable* tempArg = makeInternalVariable("sizeQueryTemp", sizeQuery->getType());
TIntermSymbol* sizeQueryReturn = intermediate.addSymbol(*tempArg, loc);
TIntermTyped* sizeQueryAssign = intermediate.addAssign(EOpAssign, sizeQueryReturn, sizeQuery, loc);
// Compound statement for assigning outputs
TIntermAggregate* compoundStatement = intermediate.makeAggregate(sizeQueryAssign, loc);
// Index of first output parameter
const int outParamBase = mipQuery ? 2 : 1;
for (int compNum = 0; compNum < numDims; ++compNum) {
TIntermTyped* indexedOut = nullptr;
if (numDims > 1) {
TIntermTyped* component = intermediate.addConstantUnion(compNum, loc, true);
indexedOut = intermediate.addIndex(EOpIndexDirect, sizeQueryReturn, component, loc);
indexedOut->setType(TType(EbtUint, EvqTemporary, 1));
} else {
indexedOut = sizeQueryReturn;
TIntermTyped* outParam = argAggregate->getSequence()[outParamBase + compNum]->getAsTyped();
TIntermTyped* compAssign = intermediate.addAssign(EOpAssign, outParam, indexedOut, loc);
compoundStatement = intermediate.growAggregate(compoundStatement, compAssign);
// handle mip level parameter
if (mipQuery) {
TIntermTyped* outParam = argAggregate->getSequence()[outParamBase + numDims]->getAsTyped();
TIntermAggregate* levelsQuery = new TIntermAggregate(EOpTextureQueryLevels);
levelsQuery->setType(TType(EbtUint, EvqTemporary, 1));
TIntermTyped* compAssign = intermediate.addAssign(EOpAssign, outParam, levelsQuery, loc);
compoundStatement = intermediate.growAggregate(compoundStatement, compAssign);
node = compoundStatement;
case EOpMethodSampleCmp: // fall through...
case EOpMethodSampleCmpLevelZero:
TIntermTyped* argTex = argAggregate->getSequence()[0]->getAsTyped();
TIntermTyped* argSamp = argAggregate->getSequence()[1]->getAsTyped();
TIntermTyped* argCoord = argAggregate->getSequence()[2]->getAsTyped();
TIntermTyped* argCmpVal = argAggregate->getSequence()[3]->getAsTyped();
TIntermTyped* argOffset = nullptr;
// optional offset value
if (argAggregate->getSequence().size() > 4)
argOffset = argAggregate->getSequence()[4]->getAsTyped();
const int coordDimWithCmpVal = argCoord->getType().getVectorSize() + 1; // +1 for cmp
// AST wants comparison value as one of the texture coordinates
TOperator constructOp = EOpNull;
switch (coordDimWithCmpVal) {
// 1D can't happen: there's always at least 1 coordinate dimension + 1 cmp val
case 2: constructOp = EOpConstructVec2; break;
case 3: constructOp = EOpConstructVec3; break;
case 4: constructOp = EOpConstructVec4; break;
case 5: constructOp = EOpConstructVec4; break; // cubeArrayShadow, cmp value is separate arg.
default: assert(0); break;
TIntermAggregate* coordWithCmp = new TIntermAggregate(constructOp);
if (coordDimWithCmpVal != 5) // cube array shadow is special.
TOperator textureOp = (op == EOpMethodSampleCmpLevelZero ? EOpTextureLod : EOpTexture);
if (argOffset != nullptr)
textureOp = (op == EOpMethodSampleCmpLevelZero ? EOpTextureLodOffset : EOpTextureOffset);
// Create combined sampler & texture op
TIntermAggregate* txcombine = handleSamplerTextureCombine(loc, argTex, argSamp);
TIntermAggregate* txsample = new TIntermAggregate(textureOp);
if (coordDimWithCmpVal == 5) // cube array shadow is special: cmp val follows coord.
// the LevelZero form uses 0 as an explicit LOD
if (op == EOpMethodSampleCmpLevelZero)
txsample->getSequence().push_back(intermediate.addConstantUnion(0.0, EbtFloat, loc, true));
// Add offset if present
if (argOffset != nullptr)
node = txsample;
case EOpMethodLoad:
TIntermTyped* argTex = argAggregate->getSequence()[0]->getAsTyped();
TIntermTyped* argCoord = argAggregate->getSequence()[1]->getAsTyped();
TIntermTyped* argOffset = nullptr;
TIntermTyped* lodComponent = nullptr;
TIntermTyped* coordSwizzle = nullptr;
const bool isMS = argTex->getType().getSampler().isMultiSample();
const TBasicType coordBaseType = argCoord->getType().getBasicType();
// Last component of coordinate is the mip level, for non-MS. we separate them here:
if (isMS) {
// MS has no LOD
coordSwizzle = argTex;
} else {
// Extract coordinate
TVectorFields coordFields(0,1,2,3);
coordFields.num = argCoord->getType().getVectorSize() - (isMS ? 0 : 1);
TIntermTyped* coordIdx = intermediate.addSwizzle(coordFields, loc);
coordSwizzle = intermediate.addIndex(EOpVectorSwizzle, argCoord, coordIdx, loc);
coordSwizzle->setType(TType(coordBaseType, EvqTemporary, coordFields.num));
// Extract LOD
TIntermTyped* lodIdx = intermediate.addConstantUnion(coordFields.num, loc, true);
lodComponent = intermediate.addIndex(EOpIndexDirect, argCoord, lodIdx, loc);
lodComponent->setType(TType(coordBaseType, EvqTemporary, 1));
const int numArgs = argAggregate->getSequence().size();
const bool hasOffset = ((!isMS && numArgs == 3) || (isMS && numArgs == 4));
// Obtain offset arg, if there is one.
if (hasOffset) {
const int offsetPos = (isMS ? 3 : 2);
argOffset = argAggregate->getSequence()[offsetPos]->getAsTyped();
// Create texel fetch
const TOperator fetchOp = (hasOffset ? EOpTextureFetchOffset : EOpTextureFetch);
TIntermAggregate* txfetch = new TIntermAggregate(fetchOp);
const TSamplerDim dim = argTex->getType().getSampler().dim;
if (dim == EsdBuffer) // TODO: buffers
if (isMS) // TODO: 2DMS sample number
// Build up the fetch
if (!isMS) // MS has no LOD
if (hasOffset)
node = txfetch;
case EOpMethodSampleLevel:
TIntermTyped* argTex = argAggregate->getSequence()[0]->getAsTyped();
TIntermTyped* argSamp = argAggregate->getSequence()[1]->getAsTyped();
TIntermTyped* argCoord = argAggregate->getSequence()[2]->getAsTyped();
TIntermTyped* argLod = argAggregate->getSequence()[3]->getAsTyped();
TIntermTyped* argOffset = nullptr;
const int numArgs = argAggregate->getSequence().size();
if (numArgs == 5) // offset, if present
argOffset = argAggregate->getSequence()[4]->getAsTyped();
const TOperator textureOp = (argOffset == nullptr ? EOpTextureLod : EOpTextureLodOffset);
TIntermAggregate* txsample = new TIntermAggregate(textureOp);
TIntermAggregate* txcombine = handleSamplerTextureCombine(loc, argTex, argSamp);
if (argOffset != nullptr)
node = txsample;
break; // most pass through unchanged
// Optionally decompose intrinsics to AST opcodes.
void HlslParseContext::decomposeIntrinsic(const TSourceLoc& loc, TIntermTyped*& node, TIntermNode* arguments)
// HLSL intrinsics can be pass through to native AST opcodes, or decomposed here to existing AST
// opcodes for compatibility with existing software stacks.
static const bool decomposeHlslIntrinsics = true;
if (!decomposeHlslIntrinsics || !node || !node->getAsOperator())
const TIntermAggregate* argAggregate = arguments ? arguments->getAsAggregate() : nullptr;
TIntermUnary* fnUnary = node->getAsUnaryNode();
const TOperator op = node->getAsOperator()->getOp();
switch (op) {
case EOpGenMul:
// mul(a,b) -> MatrixTimesMatrix, MatrixTimesVector, MatrixTimesScalar, VectorTimesScalar, Dot, Mul
TIntermTyped* arg0 = argAggregate->getSequence()[0]->getAsTyped();
TIntermTyped* arg1 = argAggregate->getSequence()[1]->getAsTyped();
if (arg0->isVector() && arg1->isVector()) { // vec * vec
} else {
node = handleBinaryMath(loc, "mul", EOpMul, arg0, arg1);
case EOpRcp:
// rcp(a) -> 1 / a
TIntermTyped* arg0 = fnUnary->getOperand();
TBasicType type0 = arg0->getBasicType();
TIntermTyped* one = intermediate.addConstantUnion(1, type0, loc, true);
node = handleBinaryMath(loc, "rcp", EOpDiv, one, arg0);
case EOpSaturate:
// saturate(a) -> clamp(a,0,1)
TIntermTyped* arg0 = fnUnary->getOperand();
TBasicType type0 = arg0->getBasicType();
TIntermAggregate* clamp = new TIntermAggregate(EOpClamp);
clamp->getSequence().push_back(intermediate.addConstantUnion(0, type0, loc, true));
clamp->getSequence().push_back(intermediate.addConstantUnion(1, type0, loc, true));
node = clamp;
case EOpSinCos:
// sincos(a,b,c) -> b = sin(a), c = cos(a)
TIntermTyped* arg0 = argAggregate->getSequence()[0]->getAsTyped();
TIntermTyped* arg1 = argAggregate->getSequence()[1]->getAsTyped();
TIntermTyped* arg2 = argAggregate->getSequence()[2]->getAsTyped();
TIntermTyped* sinStatement = handleUnaryMath(loc, "sin", EOpSin, arg0);
TIntermTyped* cosStatement = handleUnaryMath(loc, "cos", EOpCos, arg0);
TIntermTyped* sinAssign = intermediate.addAssign(EOpAssign, arg1, sinStatement, loc);
TIntermTyped* cosAssign = intermediate.addAssign(EOpAssign, arg2, cosStatement, loc);
TIntermAggregate* compoundStatement = intermediate.makeAggregate(sinAssign, loc);
compoundStatement = intermediate.growAggregate(compoundStatement, cosAssign);
node = compoundStatement;
case EOpClip:
// clip(a) -> if (any(a<0)) discard;
TIntermTyped* arg0 = fnUnary->getOperand();
TBasicType type0 = arg0->getBasicType();
TIntermTyped* compareNode = nullptr;
// For non-scalars: per experiment with FXC compiler, discard if any component < 0.
if (!arg0->isScalar()) {
// component-wise compare: a < 0
TIntermAggregate* less = new TIntermAggregate(EOpLessThan);
// make vec or mat of bool matching dimensions of input
less->setType(TType(EbtBool, EvqTemporary,
// calculate # of components for comparison const
const int constComponentCount =
std::max(arg0->getType().getVectorSize(), 1) *
std::max(arg0->getType().getMatrixCols(), 1) *
std::max(arg0->getType().getMatrixRows(), 1);
TConstUnion zero;
TConstUnionArray zeros(constComponentCount, zero);
less->getSequence().push_back(intermediate.addConstantUnion(zeros, arg0->getType(), loc, true));
compareNode = intermediate.addBuiltInFunctionCall(loc, EOpAny, true, less, TType(EbtBool));
} else {
TIntermTyped* zero = intermediate.addConstantUnion(0, type0, loc, true);
compareNode = handleBinaryMath(loc, "clip", EOpLessThan, arg0, zero);
TIntermBranch* killNode = intermediate.addBranch(EOpKill, loc);
node = new TIntermSelection(compareNode, killNode, nullptr);
case EOpLog10:
// log10(a) -> log2(a) * 0.301029995663981 (== 1/log2(10))
TIntermTyped* arg0 = fnUnary->getOperand();
TIntermTyped* log2 = handleUnaryMath(loc, "log2", EOpLog2, arg0);
TIntermTyped* base = intermediate.addConstantUnion(0.301029995663981f, EbtFloat, loc, true);
node = handleBinaryMath(loc, "mul", EOpMul, log2, base);
case EOpDst:
// dest.x = 1;
// dest.y = src0.y * src1.y;
// dest.z = src0.z;
// dest.w = src1.w;
TIntermTyped* arg0 = argAggregate->getSequence()[0]->getAsTyped();
TIntermTyped* arg1 = argAggregate->getSequence()[1]->getAsTyped();
TIntermTyped* y = intermediate.addConstantUnion(1, loc, true);
TIntermTyped* z = intermediate.addConstantUnion(2, loc, true);
TIntermTyped* w = intermediate.addConstantUnion(3, loc, true);
TIntermTyped* src0y = intermediate.addIndex(EOpIndexDirect, arg0, y, loc);
TIntermTyped* src1y = intermediate.addIndex(EOpIndexDirect, arg1, y, loc);
TIntermTyped* src0z = intermediate.addIndex(EOpIndexDirect, arg0, z, loc);
TIntermTyped* src1w = intermediate.addIndex(EOpIndexDirect, arg1, w, loc);
TIntermAggregate* dst = new TIntermAggregate(EOpConstructVec4);
dst->getSequence().push_back(intermediate.addConstantUnion(1.0, EbtFloat, loc, true));
dst->getSequence().push_back(handleBinaryMath(loc, "mul", EOpMul, src0y, src1y));
dst->setType(TType(EbtFloat, EvqTemporary, 4));
node = dst;
case EOpInterlockedAdd: // optional last argument (if present) is assigned from return value
case EOpInterlockedMin: // ...
case EOpInterlockedMax: // ...
case EOpInterlockedAnd: // ...
case EOpInterlockedOr: // ...
case EOpInterlockedXor: // ...
case EOpInterlockedExchange: // always has output arg
TIntermTyped* arg0 = argAggregate->getSequence()[0]->getAsTyped();
TIntermTyped* arg1 = argAggregate->getSequence()[1]->getAsTyped();
const bool isImage = arg0->getType().isImage();
const TOperator atomicOp = mapAtomicOp(loc, op, isImage);
if (argAggregate->getSequence().size() > 2) {
// optional output param is present. return value goes to arg2.
TIntermTyped* arg2 = argAggregate->getSequence()[2]->getAsTyped();
TIntermAggregate* atomic = new TIntermAggregate(atomicOp);
node = intermediate.addAssign(EOpAssign, arg2, atomic, loc);
} else {
// Set the matching operator. Since output is absent, this is all we need to do.
case EOpInterlockedCompareExchange:
TIntermTyped* arg0 = argAggregate->getSequence()[0]->getAsTyped(); // dest
TIntermTyped* arg1 = argAggregate->getSequence()[1]->getAsTyped(); // cmp
TIntermTyped* arg2 = argAggregate->getSequence()[2]->getAsTyped(); // value
TIntermTyped* arg3 = argAggregate->getSequence()[3]->getAsTyped(); // orig
const bool isImage = arg0->getType().isImage();
TIntermAggregate* atomic = new TIntermAggregate(mapAtomicOp(loc, op, isImage));
node = intermediate.addAssign(EOpAssign, arg3, atomic, loc);
case EOpEvaluateAttributeSnapped:
// SPIR-V InterpolateAtOffset uses float vec2 offset in pixels
// HLSL uses int2 offset on a 16x16 grid in [-8..7] on x & y:
// iU = (iU<<28)>>28
// fU = ((float)iU)/16
// Targets might handle this natively, in which case they can disable
// decompositions.
TIntermTyped* arg0 = argAggregate->getSequence()[0]->getAsTyped(); // value
TIntermTyped* arg1 = argAggregate->getSequence()[1]->getAsTyped(); // offset
TIntermTyped* i28 = intermediate.addConstantUnion(28, loc, true);
TIntermTyped* iU = handleBinaryMath(loc, ">>", EOpRightShift,
handleBinaryMath(loc, "<<", EOpLeftShift, arg1, i28),
TIntermTyped* recip16 = intermediate.addConstantUnion((1.0/16.0), EbtFloat, loc, true);
TIntermTyped* floatOffset = handleBinaryMath(loc, "mul", EOpMul,
TType(EbtFloat, EvqTemporary, 2), iU),
TIntermAggregate* interp = new TIntermAggregate(EOpInterpolateAtOffset);
node = interp;
case EOpLit:
TIntermTyped* n_dot_l = argAggregate->getSequence()[0]->getAsTyped();
TIntermTyped* n_dot_h = argAggregate->getSequence()[1]->getAsTyped();
TIntermTyped* m = argAggregate->getSequence()[2]->getAsTyped();
TIntermAggregate* dst = new TIntermAggregate(EOpConstructVec4);
// Ambient
dst->getSequence().push_back(intermediate.addConstantUnion(1.0, EbtFloat, loc, true));
// Diffuse:
TIntermTyped* zero = intermediate.addConstantUnion(0.0, EbtFloat, loc, true);
TIntermAggregate* diffuse = new TIntermAggregate(EOpMax);
// Specular:
TIntermAggregate* min_ndot = new TIntermAggregate(EOpMin);
TIntermTyped* compare = handleBinaryMath(loc, "<", EOpLessThan, min_ndot, zero);
TIntermTyped* n_dot_h_m = handleBinaryMath(loc, "mul", EOpMul, n_dot_h, m); // n_dot_h * m
dst->getSequence().push_back(intermediate.addSelection(compare, zero, n_dot_h_m, loc));
// One:
dst->getSequence().push_back(intermediate.addConstantUnion(1.0, EbtFloat, loc, true));
dst->setType(TType(EbtFloat, EvqTemporary, 4));
node = dst;
case EOpAsDouble:
// asdouble accepts two 32 bit ints. we can use EOpUint64BitsToDouble, but must
// first construct a uint64.
TIntermTyped* arg0 = argAggregate->getSequence()[0]->getAsTyped();
TIntermTyped* arg1 = argAggregate->getSequence()[1]->getAsTyped();
if (arg0->getType().isVector()) { // TODO: ...
error(loc, "double2 conversion not implemented", "asdouble", "");
TIntermAggregate* uint64 = new TIntermAggregate(EOpConstructUVec2);
uint64->setType(TType(EbtUint, EvqTemporary, 2)); // convert 2 uints to a uint2
// bitcast uint2 to a double
TIntermTyped* convert = new TIntermUnary(EOpUint64BitsToDouble);
convert->setType(TType(EbtDouble, EvqTemporary));
node = convert;
case EOpF16tof32:
case EOpF32tof16:
// Temporary until decomposition is available.
error(loc, "unimplemented intrinsic: handle natively", "f32tof16", "");
break; // most pass through unchanged
// Handle seeing function call syntax in the grammar, which could be any of
// - .length() method
// - constructor
// - a call to a built-in function mapped to an operator
// - a call to a built-in function that will remain a function call (e.g., texturing)
// - user function
// - subroutine call (not implemented yet)
TIntermTyped* HlslParseContext::handleFunctionCall(const TSourceLoc& loc, TFunction* function, TIntermNode* arguments)
TIntermTyped* result = nullptr;
TOperator op = function->getBuiltInOp();
if (op == EOpArrayLength)
result = handleLengthMethod(loc, function, arguments);
else if (op != EOpNull) {
// Then this should be a constructor.
// Don't go through the symbol table for constructors.
// Their parameters will be verified algorithmically.
TType type(EbtVoid); // use this to get the type back
if (! constructorError(loc, arguments, *function, op, type)) {
// It's a constructor, of type 'type'.
result = addConstructor(loc, arguments, type, op);
if (result == nullptr)
error(loc, "cannot construct with these arguments", type.getCompleteString().c_str(), "");
} else {
// Find it in the symbol table.
const TFunction* fnCandidate;
bool builtIn;
fnCandidate = findFunction(loc, *function, builtIn);
if (fnCandidate) {
// This is a declared function that might map to
// - a built-in operator,
// - a built-in function not mapped to an operator, or
// - a user function.
// Error check for a function requiring specific extensions present.
if (builtIn && fnCandidate->getNumExtensions())
requireExtensions(loc, fnCandidate->getNumExtensions(), fnCandidate->getExtensions(), fnCandidate->getName().c_str());
if (arguments) {
// Make sure qualifications work for these arguments.
//TIntermAggregate* aggregate = arguments->getAsAggregate();
//for (int i = 0; i < fnCandidate->getParamCount(); ++i) {
// // At this early point there is a slight ambiguity between whether an aggregate 'arguments'
// // is the single argument itself or its children are the arguments. Only one argument
// // means take 'arguments' itself as the one argument.
// TIntermNode* arg = fnCandidate->getParamCount() == 1 ? arguments : (aggregate ? aggregate->getSequence()[i] : arguments);
// TQualifier& formalQualifier = (*fnCandidate)[i].type->getQualifier();
// TQualifier& argQualifier = arg->getAsTyped()->getQualifier();
// Convert 'in' arguments
addInputArgumentConversions(*fnCandidate, arguments); // arguments may be modified if it's just a single argument node
op = fnCandidate->getBuiltInOp();
if (builtIn && op != EOpNull) {
// A function call mapped to a built-in operation.
result = intermediate.addBuiltInFunctionCall(loc, op, fnCandidate->getParamCount() == 1, arguments, fnCandidate->getType());
if (result == nullptr) {
error(arguments->getLoc(), " wrong operand type", "Internal Error",
"built in unary operator function. Type: %s",
} else if (result->getAsOperator()) {
builtInOpCheck(loc, *fnCandidate, *result->getAsOperator());
} else {
// This is a function call not mapped to built-in operator.
// It could still be a built-in function, but only if PureOperatorBuiltins == false.
result = intermediate.setAggregateOperator(arguments, EOpFunctionCall, fnCandidate->getType(), loc);
TIntermAggregate* call = result->getAsAggregate();
// this is how we know whether the given function is a built-in function or a user-defined function
// if builtIn == false, it's a userDefined -> could be an overloaded built-in function also
// if builtIn == true, it's definitely a built-in function with EOpNull
if (! builtIn) {
intermediate.addToCallGraph(infoSink, currentCaller, fnCandidate->getMangledName());
// Convert 'out' arguments. If it was a constant folded built-in, it won't be an aggregate anymore.
// Built-ins with a single argument aren't called with an aggregate, but they also don't have an output.
// Also, build the qualifier list for user function calls, which are always called with an aggregate.
if (result->getAsAggregate()) {
TQualifierList& qualifierList = result->getAsAggregate()->getQualifierList();
for (int i = 0; i < fnCandidate->getParamCount(); ++i) {
TStorageQualifier qual = (*fnCandidate)[i].type->getQualifier().storage;
result = addOutputArgumentConversions(*fnCandidate, *result->getAsAggregate());
decomposeIntrinsic(loc, result, arguments); // HLSL->AST intrinsic decompositions
decomposeSampleMethods(loc, result, arguments); // HLSL->AST sample method decompositions
// generic error recovery
// TODO: simplification: localize all the error recoveries that look like this, and taking type into account to reduce cascades
if (result == nullptr)
result = intermediate.addConstantUnion(0.0, EbtFloat, loc);
return result;
// Finish processing object.length(). This started earlier in handleDotDereference(), where
// the ".length" part was recognized and semantically checked, and finished here where the
// function syntax "()" is recognized.
// Return resulting tree node.
TIntermTyped* HlslParseContext::handleLengthMethod(const TSourceLoc& loc, TFunction* function, TIntermNode* intermNode)
int length = 0;
if (function->getParamCount() > 0)
error(loc, "method does not accept any arguments", function->getName().c_str(), "");
else {
const TType& type = intermNode->getAsTyped()->getType();
if (type.isArray()) {
if (type.isRuntimeSizedArray()) {
// Create a unary op and let the back end handle it
return intermediate.addBuiltInFunctionCall(loc, EOpArrayLength, true, intermNode, TType(EbtInt));
} else if (type.isImplicitlySizedArray()) {
if (intermNode->getAsSymbolNode() && isIoResizeArray(type)) {
// We could be between a layout declaration that gives a built-in io array implicit size and
// a user redeclaration of that array, meaning we have to substitute its implicit size here
// without actually redeclaring the array. (It is an error to use a member before the
// redeclaration, but not an error to use the array name itself.)
const TString& name = intermNode->getAsSymbolNode()->getName();
if (name == "gl_in" || name == "gl_out")
length = getIoArrayImplicitSize();
if (length == 0) {
if (intermNode->getAsSymbolNode() && isIoResizeArray(type))
error(loc, "", function->getName().c_str(), "array must first be sized by a redeclaration or layout qualifier");
error(loc, "", function->getName().c_str(), "array must be declared with a size before using this method");
} else
length = type.getOuterArraySize();
} else if (type.isMatrix())
length = type.getMatrixCols();
else if (type.isVector())
length = type.getVectorSize();
else {
// we should not get here, because earlier semantic checking should have prevented this path
error(loc, ".length()", "unexpected use of .length()", "");
if (length == 0)
length = 1;
return intermediate.addConstantUnion(length, loc);
// Add any needed implicit conversions for function-call arguments to input parameters.
void HlslParseContext::addInputArgumentConversions(const TFunction& function, TIntermNode*& arguments) const
TIntermAggregate* aggregate = arguments->getAsAggregate();
// Process each argument's conversion
for (int i = 0; i < function.getParamCount(); ++i) {
// At this early point there is a slight ambiguity between whether an aggregate 'arguments'
// is the single argument itself or its children are the arguments. Only one argument
// means take 'arguments' itself as the one argument.
TIntermTyped* arg = function.getParamCount() == 1 ? arguments->getAsTyped() : (aggregate ? aggregate->getSequence()[i]->getAsTyped() : arguments->getAsTyped());
if (*function[i].type != arg->getType()) {
if (function[i].type->getQualifier().isParamInput()) {
// In-qualified arguments just need an extra node added above the argument to
// convert to the correct type.
arg = intermediate.addConversion(EOpFunctionCall, *function[i].type, arg);
if (arg) {
if (function.getParamCount() == 1)
arguments = arg;
else {
if (aggregate)
aggregate->getSequence()[i] = arg;
arguments = arg;
// Add any needed implicit output conversions for function-call arguments. This
// can require a new tree topology, complicated further by whether the function
// has a return value.
// Returns a node of a subtree that evaluates to the return value of the function.
TIntermTyped* HlslParseContext::addOutputArgumentConversions(const TFunction& function, TIntermAggregate& intermNode) const
TIntermSequence& arguments = intermNode.getSequence();
// Will there be any output conversions?
bool outputConversions = false;
for (int i = 0; i < function.getParamCount(); ++i) {
if (*function[i].type != arguments[i]->getAsTyped()->getType() && function[i].type->getQualifier().storage == EvqOut) {
outputConversions = true;
if (! outputConversions)
return &intermNode;
// Setup for the new tree, if needed:
// Output conversions need a different tree topology.
// Out-qualified arguments need a temporary of the correct type, with the call
// followed by an assignment of the temporary to the original argument:
// void: function(arg, ...) -> ( function(tempArg, ...), arg = tempArg, ...)
// ret = function(arg, ...) -> ret = (tempRet = function(tempArg, ...), arg = tempArg, ..., tempRet)
// Where the "tempArg" type needs no conversion as an argument, but will convert on assignment.
TIntermTyped* conversionTree = nullptr;
TVariable* tempRet = nullptr;
if (intermNode.getBasicType() != EbtVoid) {
// do the "tempRet = function(...), " bit from above
tempRet = makeInternalVariable("tempReturn", intermNode.getType());
TIntermSymbol* tempRetNode = intermediate.addSymbol(*tempRet, intermNode.getLoc());
conversionTree = intermediate.addAssign(EOpAssign, tempRetNode, &intermNode, intermNode.getLoc());
} else
conversionTree = &intermNode;
conversionTree = intermediate.makeAggregate(conversionTree);
// Process each argument's conversion
for (int i = 0; i < function.getParamCount(); ++i) {
if (*function[i].type != arguments[i]->getAsTyped()->getType()) {
if (function[i].type->getQualifier().isParamOutput()) {
// Out-qualified arguments need to use the topology set up above.
// do the " ...(tempArg, ...), arg = tempArg" bit from above
TVariable* tempArg = makeInternalVariable("tempArg", *function[i].type);
TIntermSymbol* tempArgNode = intermediate.addSymbol(*tempArg, intermNode.getLoc());
TIntermTyped* tempAssign = intermediate.addAssign(EOpAssign, arguments[i]->getAsTyped(), tempArgNode, arguments[i]->getLoc());
conversionTree = intermediate.growAggregate(conversionTree, tempAssign, arguments[i]->getLoc());
// replace the argument with another node for the same tempArg variable
arguments[i] = intermediate.addSymbol(*tempArg, intermNode.getLoc());
// Finalize the tree topology (see bigger comment above).
if (tempRet) {
// do the "..., tempRet" bit from above
TIntermSymbol* tempRetNode = intermediate.addSymbol(*tempRet, intermNode.getLoc());
conversionTree = intermediate.growAggregate(conversionTree, tempRetNode, intermNode.getLoc());
conversionTree = intermediate.setAggregateOperator(conversionTree, EOpComma, intermNode.getType(), intermNode.getLoc());
return conversionTree;
// Do additional checking of built-in function calls that is not caught
// by normal semantic checks on argument type, extension tagging, etc.
// Assumes there has been a semantically correct match to a built-in function prototype.
void HlslParseContext::builtInOpCheck(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TFunction& fnCandidate, TIntermOperator& callNode)
// Set up convenience accessors to the argument(s). There is almost always
// multiple arguments for the cases below, but when there might be one,
// check the unaryArg first.
const TIntermSequence* argp = nullptr; // confusing to use [] syntax on a pointer, so this is to help get a reference
const TIntermTyped* unaryArg = nullptr;
const TIntermTyped* arg0 = nullptr;
if (callNode.getAsAggregate()) {
argp = &callNode.getAsAggregate()->getSequence();
if (argp->size() > 0)
arg0 = (*argp)[0]->getAsTyped();
} else {
unaryArg = callNode.getAsUnaryNode()->getOperand();
arg0 = unaryArg;
const TIntermSequence& aggArgs = *argp; // only valid when unaryArg is nullptr
// built-in texturing functions get their return value precision from the precision of the sampler
if (fnCandidate.getType().getQualifier().precision == EpqNone &&
fnCandidate.getParamCount() > 0 && fnCandidate[0].type->getBasicType() == EbtSampler)
callNode.getQualifier().precision = arg0->getQualifier().precision;
switch (callNode.getOp()) {
case EOpTextureGather:
case EOpTextureGatherOffset:
case EOpTextureGatherOffsets:
// Figure out which variants are allowed by what extensions,
// and what arguments must be constant for which situations.
TString featureString = fnCandidate.getName() + "(...)";
const char* feature = featureString.c_str();
int compArg = -1; // track which argument, if any, is the constant component argument
switch (callNode.getOp()) {
case EOpTextureGather:
// More than two arguments needs gpu_shader5, and rectangular or shadow needs gpu_shader5,
// otherwise, need GL_ARB_texture_gather.
if (fnCandidate.getParamCount() > 2 || fnCandidate[0].type->getSampler().dim == EsdRect || fnCandidate[0].type->getSampler().shadow) {
if (! fnCandidate[0].type->getSampler().shadow)
compArg = 2;
case EOpTextureGatherOffset:
// GL_ARB_texture_gather is good enough for 2D non-shadow textures with no component argument
if (! fnCandidate[0].type->getSampler().shadow)
compArg = 3;
case EOpTextureGatherOffsets:
if (! fnCandidate[0].type->getSampler().shadow)
compArg = 3;
if (compArg > 0 && compArg < fnCandidate.getParamCount()) {
if (aggArgs[compArg]->getAsConstantUnion()) {
int value = aggArgs[compArg]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[0].getIConst();
if (value < 0 || value > 3)
error(loc, "must be 0, 1, 2, or 3:", feature, "component argument");
} else
error(loc, "must be a compile-time constant:", feature, "component argument");
case EOpTextureOffset:
case EOpTextureFetchOffset:
case EOpTextureProjOffset:
case EOpTextureLodOffset:
case EOpTextureProjLodOffset:
case EOpTextureGradOffset:
case EOpTextureProjGradOffset:
// Handle texture-offset limits checking
// Pick which argument has to hold constant offsets
int arg = -1;
switch (callNode.getOp()) {
case EOpTextureOffset: arg = 2; break;
case EOpTextureFetchOffset: arg = (arg0->getType().getSampler().dim != EsdRect) ? 3 : 2; break;
case EOpTextureProjOffset: arg = 2; break;
case EOpTextureLodOffset: arg = 3; break;
case EOpTextureProjLodOffset: arg = 3; break;
case EOpTextureGradOffset: arg = 4; break;
case EOpTextureProjGradOffset: arg = 4; break;
if (arg > 0) {
if (! aggArgs[arg]->getAsConstantUnion())
error(loc, "argument must be compile-time constant", "texel offset", "");
else {
const TType& type = aggArgs[arg]->getAsTyped()->getType();
for (int c = 0; c < type.getVectorSize(); ++c) {
int offset = aggArgs[arg]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[c].getIConst();
if (offset > resources.maxProgramTexelOffset || offset < resources.minProgramTexelOffset)
error(loc, "value is out of range:", "texel offset", "[gl_MinProgramTexelOffset, gl_MaxProgramTexelOffset]");
case EOpTextureQuerySamples:
case EOpImageQuerySamples:
case EOpImageAtomicAdd:
case EOpImageAtomicMin:
case EOpImageAtomicMax:
case EOpImageAtomicAnd:
case EOpImageAtomicOr:
case EOpImageAtomicXor:
case EOpImageAtomicExchange:
case EOpImageAtomicCompSwap:
case EOpInterpolateAtCentroid:
case EOpInterpolateAtSample:
case EOpInterpolateAtOffset:
// "For the interpolateAt* functions, the call will return a precision
// qualification matching the precision of the 'interpolant' argument to
// the function call."
callNode.getQualifier().precision = arg0->getQualifier().precision;
// Make sure the first argument is an interpolant, or an array element of an interpolant
if (arg0->getType().getQualifier().storage != EvqVaryingIn) {
// It might still be an array element.
// We could check more, but the semantics of the first argument are already met; the
// only way to turn an array into a float/vec* is array dereference and swizzle.
// ES and desktop 4.3 and earlier: swizzles may not be used
// desktop 4.4 and later: swizzles may be used
const TIntermTyped* base = TIntermediate::findLValueBase(arg0, true);
if (base == nullptr || base->getType().getQualifier().storage != EvqVaryingIn)
error(loc, "first argument must be an interpolant, or interpolant-array element", fnCandidate.getName().c_str(), "");
// Handle seeing a built-in constructor in a grammar production.
TFunction* HlslParseContext::handleConstructorCall(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TType& type)
TOperator op = mapTypeToConstructorOp(type);
if (op == EOpNull) {
error(loc, "cannot construct this type", type.getBasicString(), "");
return nullptr;
TString empty("");
return new TFunction(&empty, type, op);
// Handle seeing a "COLON semantic" at the end of a type declaration,
// by updating the type according to the semantic.
void HlslParseContext::handleSemantic(TType& type, const TString& semantic)
// TODO: need to know if it's an input or an output
// The following sketches what needs to be done, but can't be right
// without taking into account stage and input/output.
if (semantic == "PSIZE")
type.getQualifier().builtIn = EbvPointSize;
else if (semantic == "POSITION")
type.getQualifier().builtIn = EbvPosition;
else if (semantic == "FOG")
type.getQualifier().builtIn = EbvFogFragCoord;
else if (semantic == "DEPTH" || semantic == "SV_Depth")
type.getQualifier().builtIn = EbvFragDepth;
else if (semantic == "VFACE" || semantic == "SV_IsFrontFace")
type.getQualifier().builtIn = EbvFace;
else if (semantic == "VPOS" || semantic == "SV_Position")
type.getQualifier().builtIn = EbvFragCoord;
else if (semantic == "SV_ClipDistance")
type.getQualifier().builtIn = EbvClipDistance;
else if (semantic == "SV_CullDistance")
type.getQualifier().builtIn = EbvCullDistance;
else if (semantic == "SV_VertexID")
type.getQualifier().builtIn = EbvVertexId;
else if (semantic == "SV_ViewportArrayIndex")
type.getQualifier().builtIn = EbvViewportIndex;
// Given a type, find what operation would fully construct it.
TOperator HlslParseContext::mapTypeToConstructorOp(const TType& type) const
TOperator op = EOpNull;
switch (type.getBasicType()) {
case EbtStruct:
op = EOpConstructStruct;
case EbtSampler:
if (type.getSampler().combined)
op = EOpConstructTextureSampler;
case EbtFloat:
if (type.isMatrix()) {
switch (type.getMatrixCols()) {
case 2:
switch (type.getMatrixRows()) {
case 2: op = EOpConstructMat2x2; break;
case 3: op = EOpConstructMat2x3; break;
case 4: op = EOpConstructMat2x4; break;
default: break; // some compilers want this
case 3:
switch (type.getMatrixRows()) {
case 2: op = EOpConstructMat3x2; break;
case 3: op = EOpConstructMat3x3; break;
case 4: op = EOpConstructMat3x4; break;
default: break; // some compilers want this
case 4:
switch (type.getMatrixRows()) {
case 2: op = EOpConstructMat4x2; break;
case 3: op = EOpConstructMat4x3; break;
case 4: op = EOpConstructMat4x4; break;
default: break; // some compilers want this
default: break; // some compilers want this
} else {
switch (type.getVectorSize()) {
case 1: op = EOpConstructFloat; break;
case 2: op = EOpConstructVec2; break;
case 3: op = EOpConstructVec3; break;
case 4: op = EOpConstructVec4; break;
default: break; // some compilers want this
case EbtDouble:
if (type.getMatrixCols()) {
switch (type.getMatrixCols()) {
case 2:
switch (type.getMatrixRows()) {
case 2: op = EOpConstructDMat2x2; break;
case 3: op = EOpConstructDMat2x3; break;
case 4: op = EOpConstructDMat2x4; break;
default: break; // some compilers want this
case 3:
switch (type.getMatrixRows()) {
case 2: op = EOpConstructDMat3x2; break;
case 3: op = EOpConstructDMat3x3; break;
case 4: op = EOpConstructDMat3x4; break;
default: break; // some compilers want this
case 4:
switch (type.getMatrixRows()) {
case 2: op = EOpConstructDMat4x2; break;
case 3: op = EOpConstructDMat4x3; break;
case 4: op = EOpConstructDMat4x4; break;
default: break; // some compilers want this
} else {
switch (type.getVectorSize()) {
case 1: op = EOpConstructDouble; break;
case 2: op = EOpConstructDVec2; break;
case 3: op = EOpConstructDVec3; break;
case 4: op = EOpConstructDVec4; break;
default: break; // some compilers want this
case EbtInt:
switch (type.getVectorSize()) {
case 1: op = EOpConstructInt; break;
case 2: op = EOpConstructIVec2; break;
case 3: op = EOpConstructIVec3; break;
case 4: op = EOpConstructIVec4; break;
default: break; // some compilers want this
case EbtUint:
switch (type.getVectorSize()) {
case 1: op = EOpConstructUint; break;
case 2: op = EOpConstructUVec2; break;
case 3: op = EOpConstructUVec3; break;
case 4: op = EOpConstructUVec4; break;
default: break; // some compilers want this
case EbtBool:
switch (type.getVectorSize()) {
case 1: op = EOpConstructBool; break;
case 2: op = EOpConstructBVec2; break;
case 3: op = EOpConstructBVec3; break;
case 4: op = EOpConstructBVec4; break;
default: break; // some compilers want this
return op;
// Same error message for all places assignments don't work.
void HlslParseContext::assignError(const TSourceLoc& loc, const char* op, TString left, TString right)
error(loc, "", op, "cannot convert from '%s' to '%s'",
right.c_str(), left.c_str());
// Same error message for all places unary operations don't work.
void HlslParseContext::unaryOpError(const TSourceLoc& loc, const char* op, TString operand)
error(loc, " wrong operand type", op,
"no operation '%s' exists that takes an operand of type %s (or there is no acceptable conversion)",
op, operand.c_str());
// Same error message for all binary operations don't work.
void HlslParseContext::binaryOpError(const TSourceLoc& loc, const char* op, TString left, TString right)
error(loc, " wrong operand types:", op,
"no operation '%s' exists that takes a left-hand operand of type '%s' and "
"a right operand of type '%s' (or there is no acceptable conversion)",
op, left.c_str(), right.c_str());
// A basic type of EbtVoid is a key that the name string was seen in the source, but
// it was not found as a variable in the symbol table. If so, give the error
// message and insert a dummy variable in the symbol table to prevent future errors.
void HlslParseContext::variableCheck(TIntermTyped*& nodePtr)
TIntermSymbol* symbol = nodePtr->getAsSymbolNode();
if (! symbol)
if (symbol->getType().getBasicType() == EbtVoid) {
error(symbol->getLoc(), "undeclared identifier", symbol->getName().c_str(), "");
// Add to symbol table to prevent future error messages on the same name
if (symbol->getName().size() > 0) {
TVariable* fakeVariable = new TVariable(&symbol->getName(), TType(EbtFloat));
// substitute a symbol node for this new variable
nodePtr = intermediate.addSymbol(*fakeVariable, symbol->getLoc());
// Both test, and if necessary spit out an error, to see if the node is really
// a constant.
void HlslParseContext::constantValueCheck(TIntermTyped* node, const char* token)
if (node->getQualifier().storage != EvqConst)
error(node->getLoc(), "constant expression required", token, "");
// Both test, and if necessary spit out an error, to see if the node is really
// an integer.
void HlslParseContext::integerCheck(const TIntermTyped* node, const char* token)
if ((node->getBasicType() == EbtInt || node->getBasicType() == EbtUint) && node->isScalar())
error(node->getLoc(), "scalar integer expression required", token, "");
// Both test, and if necessary spit out an error, to see if we are currently
// globally scoped.
void HlslParseContext::globalCheck(const TSourceLoc& loc, const char* token)
if (! symbolTable.atGlobalLevel())
error(loc, "not allowed in nested scope", token, "");
bool HlslParseContext::builtInName(const TString& /*identifier*/)
return false;
// Make sure there is enough data and not too many arguments provided to the
// constructor to build something of the type of the constructor. Also returns
// the type of the constructor.
// Returns true if there was an error in construction.
bool HlslParseContext::constructorError(const TSourceLoc& loc, TIntermNode* /*node*/, TFunction& function,
TOperator op, TType& type)
bool constructingMatrix = false;
switch (op) {
case EOpConstructTextureSampler:
return constructorTextureSamplerError(loc, function);
case EOpConstructMat2x2:
case EOpConstructMat2x3:
case EOpConstructMat2x4:
case EOpConstructMat3x2:
case EOpConstructMat3x3:
case EOpConstructMat3x4:
case EOpConstructMat4x2:
case EOpConstructMat4x3:
case EOpConstructMat4x4:
case EOpConstructDMat2x2:
case EOpConstructDMat2x3:
case EOpConstructDMat2x4:
case EOpConstructDMat3x2:
case EOpConstructDMat3x3:
case EOpConstructDMat3x4:
case EOpConstructDMat4x2:
case EOpConstructDMat4x3:
case EOpConstructDMat4x4:
constructingMatrix = true;
// Walk the arguments for first-pass checks and collection of information.
int size = 0;
bool constType = true;
bool full = false;
bool overFull = false;
bool matrixInMatrix = false;
bool arrayArg = false;
for (int arg = 0; arg < function.getParamCount(); ++arg) {
if (function[arg].type->isArray()) {
if (! function[arg].type->isExplicitlySizedArray()) {
// Can't construct from an unsized array.
error(loc, "array argument must be sized", "constructor", "");
return true;
arrayArg = true;
if (constructingMatrix && function[arg].type->isMatrix())
matrixInMatrix = true;
// 'full' will go to true when enough args have been seen. If we loop
// again, there is an extra argument.
if (full) {
// For vectors and matrices, it's okay to have too many components
// available, but not okay to have unused arguments.
overFull = true;
size += function[arg].type->computeNumComponents();
if (op != EOpConstructStruct && ! type.isArray() && size >= type.computeNumComponents())
full = true;
if (function[arg].type->getQualifier().storage != EvqConst)
constType = false;
if (constType)
type.getQualifier().storage = EvqConst;
if (type.isArray()) {
if (function.getParamCount() == 0) {
error(loc, "array constructor must have at least one argument", "constructor", "");
return true;
if (type.isImplicitlySizedArray()) {
// auto adapt the constructor type to the number of arguments
} else if (type.getOuterArraySize() != function.getParamCount()) {
error(loc, "array constructor needs one argument per array element", "constructor", "");
return true;
if (type.isArrayOfArrays()) {
// Types have to match, but we're still making the type.
// Finish making the type, and the comparison is done later
// when checking for conversion.
TArraySizes& arraySizes = type.getArraySizes();
// At least the dimensionalities have to match.
if (! function[0].type->isArray() || arraySizes.getNumDims() != function[0].type->getArraySizes().getNumDims() + 1) {
error(loc, "array constructor argument not correct type to construct array element", "constructior", "");
return true;
if (arraySizes.isInnerImplicit()) {
// "Arrays of arrays ..., and the size for any dimension is optional"
// That means we need to adopt (from the first argument) the other array sizes into the type.
for (int d = 1; d < arraySizes.getNumDims(); ++d) {
if (arraySizes.getDimSize(d) == UnsizedArraySize) {
arraySizes.setDimSize(d, function[0].type->getArraySizes().getDimSize(d - 1));
if (arrayArg && op != EOpConstructStruct && ! type.isArrayOfArrays()) {
error(loc, "constructing non-array constituent from array argument", "constructor", "");
return true;
if (matrixInMatrix && ! type.isArray()) {
return false;
if (overFull) {
error(loc, "too many arguments", "constructor", "");
return true;
if (op == EOpConstructStruct && ! type.isArray() && (int)type.getStruct()->size() != function.getParamCount()) {
error(loc, "Number of constructor parameters does not match the number of structure fields", "constructor", "");
return true;
if ((op != EOpConstructStruct && size != 1 && size < type.computeNumComponents()) ||
(op == EOpConstructStruct && size < type.computeNumComponents())) {
error(loc, "not enough data provided for construction", "constructor", "");
return true;
// TIntermTyped* typed = node->getAsTyped();
return false;
// Verify all the correct semantics for constructing a combined texture/sampler.
// Return true if the semantics are incorrect.
bool HlslParseContext::constructorTextureSamplerError(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TFunction& function)
TString constructorName = function.getType().getBasicTypeString(); // TODO: performance: should not be making copy; interface needs to change
const char* token = constructorName.c_str();
// exactly two arguments needed
if (function.getParamCount() != 2) {
error(loc, "sampler-constructor requires two arguments", token, "");
return true;
// For now, not allowing arrayed constructors, the rest of this function
// is set up to allow them, if this test is removed:
if (function.getType().isArray()) {
error(loc, "sampler-constructor cannot make an array of samplers", token, "");
return true;
// first argument
// * the constructor's first argument must be a texture type
// * the dimensionality (1D, 2D, 3D, Cube, Rect, Buffer, MS, and Array)
// of the texture type must match that of the constructed sampler type
// (that is, the suffixes of the type of the first argument and the
// type of the constructor will be spelled the same way)
if (function[0].type->getBasicType() != EbtSampler ||
! function[0].type->getSampler().isTexture() ||
function[0].type->isArray()) {
error(loc, "sampler-constructor first argument must be a scalar textureXXX type", token, "");
return true;
// simulate the first argument's impact on the result type, so it can be compared with the encapsulated operator!=()
TSampler texture = function.getType().getSampler();
texture.combined = false;
texture.shadow = false;
if (texture != function[0].type->getSampler()) {
error(loc, "sampler-constructor first argument must match type and dimensionality of constructor type", token, "");
return true;
// second argument
// * the constructor's second argument must be a scalar of type
// *sampler* or *samplerShadow*
// * the presence or absence of depth comparison (Shadow) must match
// between the constructed sampler type and the type of the second argument
if (function[1].type->getBasicType() != EbtSampler ||
! function[1].type->getSampler().isPureSampler() ||
function[1].type->isArray()) {
error(loc, "sampler-constructor second argument must be a scalar type 'sampler'", token, "");
return true;
if (function.getType().getSampler().shadow != function[1].type->getSampler().shadow) {
error(loc, "sampler-constructor second argument presence of shadow must match constructor presence of shadow", token, "");
return true;
return false;
// Checks to see if a void variable has been declared and raise an error message for such a case
// returns true in case of an error
bool HlslParseContext::voidErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TString& identifier, const TBasicType basicType)
if (basicType == EbtVoid) {
error(loc, "illegal use of type 'void'", identifier.c_str(), "");
return true;
return false;
// Checks to see if the node (for the expression) contains a scalar boolean expression or not
void HlslParseContext::boolCheck(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TIntermTyped* type)
if (type->getBasicType() != EbtBool || type->isArray() || type->isMatrix() || type->isVector())
error(loc, "boolean expression expected", "", "");
// Fix just a full qualifier (no variables or types yet, but qualifier is complete) at global level.
void HlslParseContext::globalQualifierFix(const TSourceLoc&, TQualifier& qualifier)
// move from parameter/unknown qualifiers to pipeline in/out qualifiers
switch ( {
case EvqIn: = EvqVaryingIn;
case EvqOut: = EvqVaryingOut;
// Merge characteristics of the 'src' qualifier into the 'dst'.
// If there is duplication, issue error messages, unless 'force'
// is specified, which means to just override default settings.
// Also, when force is false, it will be assumed that 'src' follows
// 'dst', for the purpose of error checking order for versions
// that require specific orderings of qualifiers.
void HlslParseContext::mergeQualifiers(const TSourceLoc& loc, TQualifier& dst, const TQualifier& src, bool force)
// Storage qualification
if ( == EvqTemporary || == EvqGlobal) =;
else if (( == EvqIn && == EvqOut) ||
( == EvqOut && == EvqIn)) = EvqInOut;
else if (( == EvqIn && == EvqConst) ||
( == EvqConst && == EvqIn)) = EvqConstReadOnly;
else if ( != EvqTemporary && != EvqGlobal)
error(loc, "too many storage qualifiers", GetStorageQualifierString(, "");
// Precision qualifiers
if (dst.precision == EpqNone || (force && src.precision != EpqNone))
dst.precision = src.precision;
// Layout qualifiers
mergeObjectLayoutQualifiers(dst, src, false);
// individual qualifiers
bool repeated = false;
#define MERGE_SINGLETON(field) repeated |= dst.field && src.field; dst.field |= src.field;
// used to flatten the sampler type space into a single dimension
// correlates with the declaration of defaultSamplerPrecision[]
int HlslParseContext::computeSamplerTypeIndex(TSampler& sampler)
int arrayIndex = sampler.arrayed ? 1 : 0;
int shadowIndex = sampler.shadow ? 1 : 0;
int externalIndex = sampler.external ? 1 : 0;
return EsdNumDims * (EbtNumTypes * (2 * (2 * arrayIndex + shadowIndex) + externalIndex) + sampler.type) + sampler.dim;
// Do size checking for an array type's size.
void HlslParseContext::arraySizeCheck(const TSourceLoc& loc, TIntermTyped* expr, TArraySize& sizePair)
bool isConst = false;
sizePair.size = 1;
sizePair.node = nullptr;
TIntermConstantUnion* constant = expr->getAsConstantUnion();
if (constant) {
// handle true (non-specialization) constant
sizePair.size = constant->getConstArray()[0].getIConst();
isConst = true;
} else {
// see if it's a specialization constant instead
if (expr->getQualifier().isSpecConstant()) {
isConst = true;
sizePair.node = expr;
TIntermSymbol* symbol = expr->getAsSymbolNode();
if (symbol && symbol->getConstArray().size() > 0)
sizePair.size = symbol->getConstArray()[0].getIConst();
if (! isConst || (expr->getBasicType() != EbtInt && expr->getBasicType() != EbtUint)) {
error(loc, "array size must be a constant integer expression", "", "");
if (sizePair.size <= 0) {
error(loc, "array size must be a positive integer", "", "");
// Require array to be completely sized
void HlslParseContext::arraySizeRequiredCheck(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TArraySizes& arraySizes)
if (arraySizes.isImplicit())
error(loc, "array size required", "", "");
void HlslParseContext::structArrayCheck(const TSourceLoc& /*loc*/, const TType& type)
const TTypeList& structure = *type.getStruct();
for (int m = 0; m < (int)structure.size(); ++m) {
const TType& member = *structure[m].type;
if (member.isArray())
arraySizeRequiredCheck(structure[m].loc, *member.getArraySizes());
// Merge array dimensions listed in 'sizes' onto the type's array dimensions.
// From the spec: "vec4[2] a[3]; // size-3 array of size-2 array of vec4"
// That means, the 'sizes' go in front of the 'type' as outermost sizes.
// 'type' is the type part of the declaration (to the left)
// 'sizes' is the arrayness tagged on the identifier (to the right)
void HlslParseContext::arrayDimMerge(TType& type, const TArraySizes* sizes)
if (sizes)
// Do all the semantic checking for declaring or redeclaring an array, with and
// without a size, and make the right changes to the symbol table.
void HlslParseContext::declareArray(const TSourceLoc& loc, TString& identifier, const TType& type, TSymbol*& symbol, bool& newDeclaration)
if (! symbol) {
bool currentScope;
symbol = symbolTable.find(identifier, nullptr, &currentScope);
if (symbol && builtInName(identifier) && ! symbolTable.atBuiltInLevel()) {
// bad shader (errors already reported) trying to redeclare a built-in name as an array
if (symbol == nullptr || ! currentScope) {
// Successfully process a new definition.
// (Redeclarations have to take place at the same scope; otherwise they are hiding declarations)
symbol = new TVariable(&identifier, type);
newDeclaration = true;
if (! symbolTable.atBuiltInLevel()) {
if (isIoResizeArray(type)) {
checkIoArraysConsistency(loc, true);
} else
fixIoArraySize(loc, symbol->getWritableType());
if (symbol->getAsAnonMember()) {
error(loc, "cannot redeclare a user-block member array", identifier.c_str(), "");
symbol = nullptr;
// Process a redeclaration.
if (! symbol) {
error(loc, "array variable name expected", identifier.c_str(), "");
// redeclareBuiltinVariable() should have already done the copyUp()
TType& existingType = symbol->getWritableType();
if (existingType.isExplicitlySizedArray()) {
// be more lenient for input arrays to geometry shaders and tessellation control outputs, where the redeclaration is the same size
if (! (isIoResizeArray(type) && existingType.getOuterArraySize() == type.getOuterArraySize()))
error(loc, "redeclaration of array with size", identifier.c_str(), "");
if (isIoResizeArray(type))
void HlslParseContext::updateImplicitArraySize(const TSourceLoc& loc, TIntermNode *node, int index)
// maybe there is nothing to do...
TIntermTyped* typedNode = node->getAsTyped();
if (typedNode->getType().getImplicitArraySize() > index)
// something to do...
// Figure out what symbol to lookup, as we will use its type to edit for the size change,
// as that type will be shared through shallow copies for future references.
TSymbol* symbol = nullptr;
int blockIndex = -1;
const TString* lookupName = nullptr;
if (node->getAsSymbolNode())
lookupName = &node->getAsSymbolNode()->getName();
else if (node->getAsBinaryNode()) {
const TIntermBinary* deref = node->getAsBinaryNode();
// This has to be the result of a block dereference, unless it's bad shader code
// If it's a uniform block, then an error will be issued elsewhere, but
// return early now to avoid crashing later in this function.
if (! deref->getLeft()->getAsSymbolNode() || deref->getLeft()->getBasicType() != EbtBlock ||
deref->getLeft()->getType().getQualifier().storage == EvqUniform ||
deref->getRight()->getAsConstantUnion() == nullptr)
blockIndex = deref->getRight()->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[0].getIConst();
lookupName = &deref->getLeft()->getAsSymbolNode()->getName();
if (IsAnonymous(*lookupName))
lookupName = &(*deref->getLeft()->getType().getStruct())[blockIndex].type->getFieldName();
// Lookup the symbol, should only fail if shader code is incorrect
symbol = symbolTable.find(*lookupName);
if (symbol == nullptr)
if (symbol->getAsFunction()) {
error(loc, "array variable name expected", symbol->getName().c_str(), "");
symbol->getWritableType().setImplicitArraySize(index + 1);
// See if the identifier is a built-in symbol that can be redeclared, and if so,
// copy the symbol table's read-only built-in variable to the current
// global level, where it can be modified based on the passed in type.
// Returns nullptr if no redeclaration took place; meaning a normal declaration still
// needs to occur for it, not necessarily an error.
// Returns a redeclared and type-modified variable if a redeclared occurred.
TSymbol* HlslParseContext::redeclareBuiltinVariable(const TSourceLoc& /*loc*/, const TString& identifier,
const TQualifier& /*qualifier*/,
const TShaderQualifiers& /*publicType*/, bool& /*newDeclaration*/)
if (! builtInName(identifier) || symbolTable.atBuiltInLevel() || ! symbolTable.atGlobalLevel())
return nullptr;
return nullptr;
// Either redeclare the requested block, or give an error message why it can't be done.
// TODO: functionality: explicitly sizing members of redeclared blocks is not giving them an explicit size
void HlslParseContext::redeclareBuiltinBlock(const TSourceLoc& loc, TTypeList& newTypeList, const TString& blockName, const TString* instanceName, TArraySizes* arraySizes)
// Redeclaring a built-in block...
// Blocks with instance names are easy to find, lookup the instance name,
// Anonymous blocks need to be found via a member.
bool builtIn;
TSymbol* block;
if (instanceName)
block = symbolTable.find(*instanceName, &builtIn);
block = symbolTable.find(newTypeList.front().type->getFieldName(), &builtIn);
// If the block was not found, this must be a version/profile/stage
// that doesn't have it, or the instance name is wrong.
const char* errorName = instanceName ? instanceName->c_str() : newTypeList.front().type->getFieldName().c_str();
if (! block) {
error(loc, "no declaration found for redeclaration", errorName, "");
// Built-in blocks cannot be redeclared more than once, which if happened,
// we'd be finding the already redeclared one here, rather than the built in.
if (! builtIn) {
error(loc, "can only redeclare a built-in block once, and before any use", blockName.c_str(), "");
// Copy the block to make a writable version, to insert into the block table after editing.
block = symbolTable.copyUpDeferredInsert(block);
if (block->getType().getBasicType() != EbtBlock) {
error(loc, "cannot redeclare a non block as a block", errorName, "");
// Edit and error check the container against the redeclaration
// - remove unused members
// - ensure remaining qualifiers/types match
TType& type = block->getWritableType();
TTypeList::iterator member = type.getWritableStruct()->begin();
size_t numOriginalMembersFound = 0;
while (member != type.getStruct()->end()) {
// look for match
bool found = false;
TTypeList::const_iterator newMember;
TSourceLoc memberLoc;
for (newMember = newTypeList.begin(); newMember != newTypeList.end(); ++newMember) {
if (member->type->getFieldName() == newMember->type->getFieldName()) {
found = true;
memberLoc = newMember->loc;
if (found) {
// - ensure match between redeclared members' types
// - check for things that can't be changed
// - update things that can be changed
TType& oldType = *member->type;
const TType& newType = *newMember->type;
if (! newType.sameElementType(oldType))
error(memberLoc, "cannot redeclare block member with a different type", member->type->getFieldName().c_str(), "");
if (oldType.isArray() != newType.isArray())
error(memberLoc, "cannot change arrayness of redeclared block member", member->type->getFieldName().c_str(), "");
else if (! oldType.sameArrayness(newType) && oldType.isExplicitlySizedArray())
error(memberLoc, "cannot change array size of redeclared block member", member->type->getFieldName().c_str(), "");
if (newType.getQualifier().isMemory())
error(memberLoc, "cannot add memory qualifier to redeclared block member", member->type->getFieldName().c_str(), "");
if (newType.getQualifier().hasLayout())
error(memberLoc, "cannot add layout to redeclared block member", member->type->getFieldName().c_str(), "");
if (newType.getQualifier().patch)
error(memberLoc, "cannot add patch to redeclared block member", member->type->getFieldName().c_str(), "");
oldType.getQualifier().centroid = newType.getQualifier().centroid;
oldType.getQualifier().sample = newType.getQualifier().sample;
oldType.getQualifier().invariant = newType.getQualifier().invariant;
oldType.getQualifier().noContraction = newType.getQualifier().noContraction;
oldType.getQualifier().smooth = newType.getQualifier().smooth;
oldType.getQualifier().flat = newType.getQualifier().flat;
oldType.getQualifier().nopersp = newType.getQualifier().nopersp;
// go to next member
} else {
// For missing members of anonymous blocks that have been redeclared,
// hide the original (shared) declaration.
// Instance-named blocks can just have the member removed.
if (instanceName)
member = type.getWritableStruct()->erase(member);
else {
if (numOriginalMembersFound < newTypeList.size())
error(loc, "block redeclaration has extra members", blockName.c_str(), "");
if (type.isArray() != (arraySizes != nullptr))
error(loc, "cannot change arrayness of redeclared block", blockName.c_str(), "");
else if (type.isArray()) {
if (type.isExplicitlySizedArray() && arraySizes->getOuterSize() == UnsizedArraySize)
error(loc, "block already declared with size, can't redeclare as implicitly-sized", blockName.c_str(), "");
else if (type.isExplicitlySizedArray() && type.getArraySizes() != *arraySizes)
error(loc, "cannot change array size of redeclared block", blockName.c_str(), "");
else if (type.isImplicitlySizedArray() && arraySizes->getOuterSize() != UnsizedArraySize)
// Tracking for implicit sizing of array
if (isIoResizeArray(block->getType())) {
checkIoArraysConsistency(loc, true);
} else if (block->getType().isArray())
fixIoArraySize(loc, block->getWritableType());
// Save it in the AST for linker use.
intermediate.addSymbolLinkageNode(linkage, *block);
void HlslParseContext::paramFix(TType& type)
switch (type.getQualifier().storage) {
case EvqConst:
type.getQualifier().storage = EvqConstReadOnly;
case EvqGlobal:
case EvqTemporary:
type.getQualifier().storage = EvqIn;
void HlslParseContext::specializationCheck(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TType& type, const char* op)
if (type.containsSpecializationSize())
error(loc, "can't use with types containing arrays sized with a specialization constant", op, "");
// Layout qualifier stuff.
// Put the id's layout qualification into the public type, for qualifiers not having a number set.
// This is before we know any type information for error checking.
void HlslParseContext::setLayoutQualifier(const TSourceLoc& loc, TPublicType& publicType, TString& id)
std::transform(id.begin(), id.end(), id.begin(), ::tolower);
if (id == TQualifier::getLayoutMatrixString(ElmColumnMajor)) {
publicType.qualifier.layoutMatrix = ElmColumnMajor;
if (id == TQualifier::getLayoutMatrixString(ElmRowMajor)) {
publicType.qualifier.layoutMatrix = ElmRowMajor;
if (id == "push_constant") {
requireVulkan(loc, "push_constant");
publicType.qualifier.layoutPushConstant = true;
if (language == EShLangGeometry || language == EShLangTessEvaluation) {
if (id == TQualifier::getGeometryString(ElgTriangles)) {
publicType.shaderQualifiers.geometry = ElgTriangles;
if (language == EShLangGeometry) {
if (id == TQualifier::getGeometryString(ElgPoints)) {
publicType.shaderQualifiers.geometry = ElgPoints;
if (id == TQualifier::getGeometryString(ElgLineStrip)) {
publicType.shaderQualifiers.geometry = ElgLineStrip;
if (id == TQualifier::getGeometryString(ElgLines)) {
publicType.shaderQualifiers.geometry = ElgLines;
if (id == TQualifier::getGeometryString(ElgLinesAdjacency)) {
publicType.shaderQualifiers.geometry = ElgLinesAdjacency;
if (id == TQualifier::getGeometryString(ElgTrianglesAdjacency)) {
publicType.shaderQualifiers.geometry = ElgTrianglesAdjacency;
if (id == TQualifier::getGeometryString(ElgTriangleStrip)) {
publicType.shaderQualifiers.geometry = ElgTriangleStrip;
} else {
assert(language == EShLangTessEvaluation);
// input primitive
if (id == TQualifier::getGeometryString(ElgTriangles)) {
publicType.shaderQualifiers.geometry = ElgTriangles;
if (id == TQualifier::getGeometryString(ElgQuads)) {
publicType.shaderQualifiers.geometry = ElgQuads;
if (id == TQualifier::getGeometryString(ElgIsolines)) {
publicType.shaderQualifiers.geometry = ElgIsolines;
// vertex spacing
if (id == TQualifier::getVertexSpacingString(EvsEqual)) {
publicType.shaderQualifiers.spacing = EvsEqual;
if (id == TQualifier::getVertexSpacingString(EvsFractionalEven)) {
publicType.shaderQualifiers.spacing = EvsFractionalEven;
if (id == TQualifier::getVertexSpacingString(EvsFractionalOdd)) {
publicType.shaderQualifiers.spacing = EvsFractionalOdd;
// triangle order
if (id == TQualifier::getVertexOrderString(EvoCw)) {
publicType.shaderQualifiers.order = EvoCw;
if (id == TQualifier::getVertexOrderString(EvoCcw)) {
publicType.shaderQualifiers.order = EvoCcw;
// point mode
if (id == "point_mode") {
publicType.shaderQualifiers.pointMode = true;
if (language == EShLangFragment) {
if (id == "origin_upper_left") {
publicType.shaderQualifiers.originUpperLeft = true;
if (id == "pixel_center_integer") {
publicType.shaderQualifiers.pixelCenterInteger = true;
if (id == "early_fragment_tests") {
publicType.shaderQualifiers.earlyFragmentTests = true;
for (TLayoutDepth depth = (TLayoutDepth)(EldNone + 1); depth < EldCount; depth = (TLayoutDepth)(depth + 1)) {
if (id == TQualifier::getLayoutDepthString(depth)) {
publicType.shaderQualifiers.layoutDepth = depth;
if (, 13, "blend_support") == 0) {
bool found = false;
for (TBlendEquationShift be = (TBlendEquationShift)0; be < EBlendCount; be = (TBlendEquationShift)(be + 1)) {
if (id == TQualifier::getBlendEquationString(be)) {
requireExtensions(loc, 1, &E_GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced, "blend equation");
publicType.shaderQualifiers.blendEquation = true;
found = true;
if (! found)
error(loc, "unknown blend equation", "blend_support", "");
error(loc, "unrecognized layout identifier, or qualifier requires assignment (e.g., binding = 4)", id.c_str(), "");
// Put the id's layout qualifier value into the public type, for qualifiers having a number set.
// This is before we know any type information for error checking.
void HlslParseContext::setLayoutQualifier(const TSourceLoc& loc, TPublicType& publicType, TString& id, const TIntermTyped* node)
const char* feature = "layout-id value";
//const char* nonLiteralFeature = "non-literal layout-id value";
integerCheck(node, feature);
const TIntermConstantUnion* constUnion = node->getAsConstantUnion();
int value = 0;
if (constUnion) {
value = constUnion->getConstArray()[0].getIConst();
std::transform(id.begin(), id.end(), id.begin(), ::tolower);
if (id == "offset") {
publicType.qualifier.layoutOffset = value;
} else if (id == "align") {
// "The specified alignment must be a power of 2, or a compile-time error results."
if (! IsPow2(value))
error(loc, "must be a power of 2", "align", "");
publicType.qualifier.layoutAlign = value;
} else if (id == "location") {
if ((unsigned int)value >= TQualifier::layoutLocationEnd)
error(loc, "location is too large", id.c_str(), "");
publicType.qualifier.layoutLocation = value;
} else if (id == "set") {
if ((unsigned int)value >= TQualifier::layoutSetEnd)
error(loc, "set is too large", id.c_str(), "");
publicType.qualifier.layoutSet = value;
} else if (id == "binding") {
if ((unsigned int)value >= TQualifier::layoutBindingEnd)
error(loc, "binding is too large", id.c_str(), "");
publicType.qualifier.layoutBinding = value;
} else if (id == "component") {
if ((unsigned)value >= TQualifier::layoutComponentEnd)
error(loc, "component is too large", id.c_str(), "");
publicType.qualifier.layoutComponent = value;
} else if (, 4, "xfb_") == 0) {
// "Any shader making any static use (after preprocessing) of any of these
// *xfb_* qualifiers will cause the shader to be in a transform feedback
// capturing mode and hence responsible for describing the transform feedback
// setup."
if (id == "xfb_buffer") {
// "It is a compile-time error to specify an *xfb_buffer* that is greater than
// the implementation-dependent constant gl_MaxTransformFeedbackBuffers."
if (value >= resources.maxTransformFeedbackBuffers)
error(loc, "buffer is too large:", id.c_str(), "gl_MaxTransformFeedbackBuffers is %d", resources.maxTransformFeedbackBuffers);
if (value >= (int)TQualifier::layoutXfbBufferEnd)
error(loc, "buffer is too large:", id.c_str(), "internal max is %d", TQualifier::layoutXfbBufferEnd - 1);
publicType.qualifier.layoutXfbBuffer = value;
} else if (id == "xfb_offset") {
if (value >= (int)TQualifier::layoutXfbOffsetEnd)
error(loc, "offset is too large:", id.c_str(), "internal max is %d", TQualifier::layoutXfbOffsetEnd - 1);
publicType.qualifier.layoutXfbOffset = value;
} else if (id == "xfb_stride") {
// "The resulting stride (implicit or explicit), when divided by 4, must be less than or equal to the
// implementation-dependent constant gl_MaxTransformFeedbackInterleavedComponents."
if (value > 4 * resources.maxTransformFeedbackInterleavedComponents)
error(loc, "1/4 stride is too large:", id.c_str(), "gl_MaxTransformFeedbackInterleavedComponents is %d", resources.maxTransformFeedbackInterleavedComponents);
else if (value >= (int)TQualifier::layoutXfbStrideEnd)
error(loc, "stride is too large:", id.c_str(), "internal max is %d", TQualifier::layoutXfbStrideEnd - 1);
if (value < (int)TQualifier::layoutXfbStrideEnd)
publicType.qualifier.layoutXfbStride = value;
if (id == "input_attachment_index") {
requireVulkan(loc, "input_attachment_index");
if (value >= (int)TQualifier::layoutAttachmentEnd)
error(loc, "attachment index is too large", id.c_str(), "");
publicType.qualifier.layoutAttachment = value;
if (id == "constant_id") {
requireSpv(loc, "constant_id");
if (value >= (int)TQualifier::layoutSpecConstantIdEnd) {
error(loc, "specialization-constant id is too large", id.c_str(), "");
} else {
publicType.qualifier.layoutSpecConstantId = value;
publicType.qualifier.specConstant = true;
if (! intermediate.addUsedConstantId(value))
error(loc, "specialization-constant id already used", id.c_str(), "");
switch (language) {
case EShLangVertex:
case EShLangTessControl:
if (id == "vertices") {
if (value == 0)
error(loc, "must be greater than 0", "vertices", "");
publicType.shaderQualifiers.vertices = value;
case EShLangTessEvaluation:
case EShLangGeometry:
if (id == "invocations") {
if (value == 0)
error(loc, "must be at least 1", "invocations", "");
publicType.shaderQualifiers.invocations = value;
if (id == "max_vertices") {
publicType.shaderQualifiers.vertices = value;
if (value > resources.maxGeometryOutputVertices)
error(loc, "too large, must be less than gl_MaxGeometryOutputVertices", "max_vertices", "");
if (id == "stream") {
publicType.qualifier.layoutStream = value;
case EShLangFragment:
if (id == "index") {
publicType.qualifier.layoutIndex = value;
case EShLangCompute:
if (, 11, "local_size_") == 0) {
if (id == "local_size_x") {
publicType.shaderQualifiers.localSize[0] = value;
if (id == "local_size_y") {
publicType.shaderQualifiers.localSize[1] = value;
if (id == "local_size_z") {
publicType.shaderQualifiers.localSize[2] = value;
if (spvVersion.spv != 0) {
if (id == "local_size_x_id") {
publicType.shaderQualifiers.localSizeSpecId[0] = value;
if (id == "local_size_y_id") {
publicType.shaderQualifiers.localSizeSpecId[1] = value;
if (id == "local_size_z_id") {
publicType.shaderQualifiers.localSizeSpecId[2] = value;
error(loc, "there is no such layout identifier for this stage taking an assigned value", id.c_str(), "");
// Merge any layout qualifier information from src into dst, leaving everything else in dst alone
// "More than one layout qualifier may appear in a single declaration.
// Additionally, the same layout-qualifier-name can occur multiple times
// within a layout qualifier or across multiple layout qualifiers in the
// same declaration. When the same layout-qualifier-name occurs
// multiple times, in a single declaration, the last occurrence overrides
// the former occurrence(s). Further, if such a layout-qualifier-name
// will effect subsequent declarations or other observable behavior, it
// is only the last occurrence that will have any effect, behaving as if
// the earlier occurrence(s) within the declaration are not present.
// This is also true for overriding layout-qualifier-names, where one
// overrides the other (e.g., row_major vs. column_major); only the last
// occurrence has any effect."
void HlslParseContext::mergeObjectLayoutQualifiers(TQualifier& dst, const TQualifier& src, bool inheritOnly)
if (src.hasMatrix())
dst.layoutMatrix = src.layoutMatrix;
if (src.hasPacking())
dst.layoutPacking = src.layoutPacking;
if (src.hasStream())
dst.layoutStream = src.layoutStream;
if (src.hasFormat())
dst.layoutFormat = src.layoutFormat;
if (src.hasXfbBuffer())
dst.layoutXfbBuffer = src.layoutXfbBuffer;
if (src.hasAlign())
dst.layoutAlign = src.layoutAlign;
if (! inheritOnly) {
if (src.hasLocation())
dst.layoutLocation = src.layoutLocation;
if (src.hasComponent())
dst.layoutComponent = src.layoutComponent;
if (src.hasIndex())
dst.layoutIndex = src.layoutIndex;
if (src.hasOffset())
dst.layoutOffset = src.layoutOffset;
if (src.hasSet())
dst.layoutSet = src.layoutSet;
if (src.layoutBinding != TQualifier::layoutBindingEnd)
dst.layoutBinding = src.layoutBinding;
if (src.hasXfbStride())
dst.layoutXfbStride = src.layoutXfbStride;
if (src.hasXfbOffset())
dst.layoutXfbOffset = src.layoutXfbOffset;
if (src.hasAttachment())
dst.layoutAttachment = src.layoutAttachment;
if (src.hasSpecConstantId())
dst.layoutSpecConstantId = src.layoutSpecConstantId;
if (src.layoutPushConstant)
dst.layoutPushConstant = true;
// Look up a function name in the symbol table, and make sure it is a function.
// Return the function symbol if found, otherwise nullptr.
const TFunction* HlslParseContext::findFunction(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TFunction& call, bool& builtIn)
// const TFunction* function = nullptr;
if (symbolTable.isFunctionNameVariable(call.getName())) {
error(loc, "can't use function syntax on variable", call.getName().c_str(), "");
return nullptr;
// first, look for an exact match
TSymbol* symbol = symbolTable.find(call.getMangledName(), &builtIn);
if (symbol)
return symbol->getAsFunction();
// exact match not found, look through a list of overloaded functions of the same name
const TFunction* candidate = nullptr;
TVector<TFunction*> candidateList;
symbolTable.findFunctionNameList(call.getMangledName(), candidateList, builtIn);
for (TVector<TFunction*>::const_iterator it = candidateList.begin(); it != candidateList.end(); ++it) {
const TFunction& function = *(*it);
// to even be a potential match, number of arguments has to match
if (call.getParamCount() != function.getParamCount())
bool possibleMatch = true;
for (int i = 0; i < function.getParamCount(); ++i) {
// same types is easy
if (*function[i].type == *call[i].type)
// We have a mismatch in type, see if it is implicitly convertible
if (function[i].type->isArray() || call[i].type->isArray() ||
! function[i].type->sameElementShape(*call[i].type))
possibleMatch = false;
else {
// do direction-specific checks for conversion of basic type
if (function[i].type->getQualifier().isParamInput()) {
if (! intermediate.canImplicitlyPromote(call[i].type->getBasicType(), function[i].type->getBasicType()))
possibleMatch = false;
if (function[i].type->getQualifier().isParamOutput()) {
if (! intermediate.canImplicitlyPromote(function[i].type->getBasicType(), call[i].type->getBasicType()))
possibleMatch = false;
if (! possibleMatch)
if (possibleMatch) {
if (candidate) {
// our second match, meaning ambiguity
error(loc, "ambiguous function signature match: multiple signatures match under implicit type conversion", call.getName().c_str(), "");
} else
candidate = &function;
if (candidate == nullptr)
error(loc, "no matching overloaded function found", call.getName().c_str(), "");
return candidate;
// Do everything necessary to handle a typedef declaration, for a single symbol.
// 'parseType' is the type part of the declaration (to the left)
// 'arraySizes' is the arrayness tagged on the identifier (to the right)
void HlslParseContext::declareTypedef(const TSourceLoc& loc, TString& identifier, const TType& parseType, TArraySizes* arraySizes)
TType type;
// Arrayness is potentially coming both from the type and from the
// variable: "int[] a[];" or just one or the other.
// Merge it all to the type, so all arrayness is part of the type.
arrayDimMerge(type, arraySizes);
TVariable* typeSymbol = new TVariable(&identifier, type, true);
if (! symbolTable.insert(*typeSymbol))
error(loc, "name already defined", "typedef", identifier.c_str());
// Do everything necessary to handle a variable (non-block) declaration.
// Either redeclaring a variable, or making a new one, updating the symbol
// table, and all error checking.
// Returns a subtree node that computes an initializer, if needed.
// Returns nullptr if there is no code to execute for initialization.
// 'parseType' is the type part of the declaration (to the left)
// 'arraySizes' is the arrayness tagged on the identifier (to the right)
TIntermNode* HlslParseContext::declareVariable(const TSourceLoc& loc, TString& identifier, const TType& parseType, TArraySizes* arraySizes, TIntermTyped* initializer)
TType type;
if (type.isImplicitlySizedArray()) {
// Because "int[] a = int[2](...), b = int[3](...)" makes two arrays a and b
// of different sizes, for this case sharing the shallow copy of arrayness
// with the parseType oversubscribes it, so get a deep copy of the arrayness.
if (voidErrorCheck(loc, identifier, type.getBasicType()))
return nullptr;
// Check for redeclaration of built-ins and/or attempting to declare a reserved name
bool newDeclaration = false; // true if a new entry gets added to the symbol table
TSymbol* symbol = nullptr; // = redeclareBuiltinVariable(loc, identifier, type.getQualifier(), parseType.shaderQualifiers, newDeclaration);
// Declare the variable
if (arraySizes || type.isArray()) {
// Arrayness is potentially coming both from the type and from the
// variable: "int[] a[];" or just one or the other.
// Merge it all to the type, so all arrayness is part of the type.
arrayDimMerge(type, arraySizes);
declareArray(loc, identifier, type, symbol, newDeclaration);
} else {
// non-array case
if (! symbol)
symbol = declareNonArray(loc, identifier, type, newDeclaration);
else if (type != symbol->getType())
error(loc, "cannot change the type of", "redeclaration", symbol->getName().c_str());
if (! symbol)
return nullptr;
// Deal with initializer
TIntermNode* initNode = nullptr;
if (symbol && initializer) {
TVariable* variable = symbol->getAsVariable();
if (! variable) {
error(loc, "initializer requires a variable, not a member", identifier.c_str(), "");
return nullptr;
initNode = executeInitializer(loc, initializer, variable);
// see if it's a linker-level object to track
if (newDeclaration && symbolTable.atGlobalLevel())
intermediate.addSymbolLinkageNode(linkage, *symbol);
return initNode;
// Pick up global defaults from the provide global defaults into dst.
void HlslParseContext::inheritGlobalDefaults(TQualifier& dst) const
if ( == EvqVaryingOut) {
if (! dst.hasStream() && language == EShLangGeometry)
dst.layoutStream = globalOutputDefaults.layoutStream;
if (! dst.hasXfbBuffer())
dst.layoutXfbBuffer = globalOutputDefaults.layoutXfbBuffer;
// Make an internal-only variable whose name is for debug purposes only
// and won't be searched for. Callers will only use the return value to use
// the variable, not the name to look it up. It is okay if the name
// is the same as other names; there won't be any conflict.
TVariable* HlslParseContext::makeInternalVariable(const char* name, const TType& type) const
TString* nameString = new TString(name);
TVariable* variable = new TVariable(nameString, type);
return variable;
// Declare a non-array variable, the main point being there is no redeclaration
// for resizing allowed.
// Return the successfully declared variable.
TVariable* HlslParseContext::declareNonArray(const TSourceLoc& loc, TString& identifier, TType& type, bool& newDeclaration)
// make a new variable
TVariable* variable = new TVariable(&identifier, type);
// add variable to symbol table
if (! symbolTable.insert(*variable)) {
error(loc, "redefinition", variable->getName().c_str(), "");
return nullptr;
} else {
newDeclaration = true;
return variable;
// Handle all types of initializers from the grammar.
// Returning nullptr just means there is no code to execute to handle the
// initializer, which will, for example, be the case for constant initializers.
TIntermNode* HlslParseContext::executeInitializer(const TSourceLoc& loc, TIntermTyped* initializer, TVariable* variable)
// Identifier must be of type constant, a global, or a temporary, and
// starting at version 120, desktop allows uniforms to have initializers.
TStorageQualifier qualifier = variable->getType().getQualifier().storage;
// If the initializer was from braces { ... }, we convert the whole subtree to a
// constructor-style subtree, allowing the rest of the code to operate
// identically for both kinds of initializers.
initializer = convertInitializerList(loc, variable->getType(), initializer);
if (! initializer) {
// error recovery; don't leave const without constant values
if (qualifier == EvqConst)
variable->getWritableType().getQualifier().storage = EvqTemporary;
return nullptr;
// Fix outer arrayness if variable is unsized, getting size from the initializer
if (initializer->getType().isExplicitlySizedArray() &&
// Inner arrayness can also get set by an initializer
if (initializer->getType().isArrayOfArrays() && variable->getType().isArrayOfArrays() &&
initializer->getType().getArraySizes()->getNumDims() ==
variable->getType().getArraySizes()->getNumDims()) {
// adopt unsized sizes from the initializer's sizes
for (int d = 1; d < variable->getType().getArraySizes()->getNumDims(); ++d) {
if (variable->getType().getArraySizes()->getDimSize(d) == UnsizedArraySize)
variable->getWritableType().getArraySizes().setDimSize(d, initializer->getType().getArraySizes()->getDimSize(d));
// Uniform and global consts require a constant initializer
if (qualifier == EvqUniform && initializer->getType().getQualifier().storage != EvqConst) {
error(loc, "uniform initializers must be constant", "=", "'%s'", variable->getType().getCompleteString().c_str());
variable->getWritableType().getQualifier().storage = EvqTemporary;
return nullptr;
if (qualifier == EvqConst && symbolTable.atGlobalLevel() && initializer->getType().getQualifier().storage != EvqConst) {
error(loc, "global const initializers must be constant", "=", "'%s'", variable->getType().getCompleteString().c_str());
variable->getWritableType().getQualifier().storage = EvqTemporary;
return nullptr;
// Const variables require a constant initializer, depending on version
if (qualifier == EvqConst) {
if (initializer->getType().getQualifier().storage != EvqConst) {
variable->getWritableType().getQualifier().storage = EvqConstReadOnly;
qualifier = EvqConstReadOnly;
if (qualifier == EvqConst || qualifier == EvqUniform) {
// Compile-time tagging of the variable with its constant value...
initializer = intermediate.addConversion(EOpAssign, variable->getType(), initializer);
if (! initializer || ! initializer->getAsConstantUnion() || variable->getType() != initializer->getType()) {
error(loc, "non-matching or non-convertible constant type for const initializer",
variable->getType().getStorageQualifierString(), "");
variable->getWritableType().getQualifier().storage = EvqTemporary;
return nullptr;
} else {
// normal assigning of a value to a variable...
specializationCheck(loc, initializer->getType(), "initializer");
TIntermSymbol* intermSymbol = intermediate.addSymbol(*variable, loc);
TIntermNode* initNode = intermediate.addAssign(EOpAssign, intermSymbol, initializer, loc);
if (! initNode)
assignError(loc, "=", intermSymbol->getCompleteString(), initializer->getCompleteString());
return initNode;
return nullptr;
// Reprocess any initializer-list { ... } parts of the initializer.
// Need to hierarchically assign correct types and implicit
// conversions. Will do this mimicking the same process used for
// creating a constructor-style initializer, ensuring we get the
// same form.
TIntermTyped* HlslParseContext::convertInitializerList(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TType& type, TIntermTyped* initializer)
// Will operate recursively. Once a subtree is found that is constructor style,
// everything below it is already good: Only the "top part" of the initializer
// can be an initializer list, where "top part" can extend for several (or all) levels.
// see if we have bottomed out in the tree within the initializer-list part
TIntermAggregate* initList = initializer->getAsAggregate();
if (! initList || initList->getOp() != EOpNull)
return initializer;
// Of the initializer-list set of nodes, need to process bottom up,
// so recurse deep, then process on the way up.
// Go down the tree here...
if (type.isArray()) {
// The type's array might be unsized, which could be okay, so base sizes on the size of the aggregate.
// Later on, initializer execution code will deal with array size logic.
TType arrayType;
arrayType.shallowCopy(type); // sharing struct stuff is fine
arrayType.newArraySizes(*type.getArraySizes()); // but get a fresh copy of the array information, to edit below
// edit array sizes to fill in unsized dimensions
TIntermTyped* firstInit = initList->getSequence()[0]->getAsTyped();
if (arrayType.isArrayOfArrays() && firstInit->getType().isArray() &&
arrayType.getArraySizes().getNumDims() == firstInit->getType().getArraySizes()->getNumDims() + 1) {
for (int d = 1; d < arrayType.getArraySizes().getNumDims(); ++d) {
if (arrayType.getArraySizes().getDimSize(d) == UnsizedArraySize)
arrayType.getArraySizes().setDimSize(d, firstInit->getType().getArraySizes()->getDimSize(d - 1));
TType elementType(arrayType, 0); // dereferenced type
for (size_t i = 0; i < initList->getSequence().size(); ++i) {
initList->getSequence()[i] = convertInitializerList(loc, elementType, initList->getSequence()[i]->getAsTyped());
if (initList->getSequence()[i] == nullptr)
return nullptr;
return addConstructor(loc, initList, arrayType, mapTypeToConstructorOp(arrayType));
} else if (type.isStruct()) {
if (type.getStruct()->size() != initList->getSequence().size()) {
error(loc, "wrong number of structure members", "initializer list", "");
return nullptr;
for (size_t i = 0; i < type.getStruct()->size(); ++i) {
initList->getSequence()[i] = convertInitializerList(loc, *(*type.getStruct())[i].type, initList->getSequence()[i]->getAsTyped());
if (initList->getSequence()[i] == nullptr)
return nullptr;
} else if (type.isMatrix()) {
if (type.getMatrixCols() != (int)initList->getSequence().size()) {
error(loc, "wrong number of matrix columns:", "initializer list", type.getCompleteString().c_str());
return nullptr;
TType vectorType(type, 0); // dereferenced type
for (int i = 0; i < type.getMatrixCols(); ++i) {
initList->getSequence()[i] = convertInitializerList(loc, vectorType, initList->getSequence()[i]->getAsTyped());
if (initList->getSequence()[i] == nullptr)
return nullptr;
} else if (type.isVector()) {
if (type.getVectorSize() != (int)initList->getSequence().size()) {
error(loc, "wrong vector size (or rows in a matrix column):", "initializer list", type.getCompleteString().c_str());
return nullptr;
} else {
error(loc, "unexpected initializer-list type:", "initializer list", type.getCompleteString().c_str());
return nullptr;
// now that the subtree is processed, process this node
return addConstructor(loc, initList, type, mapTypeToConstructorOp(type));
// Test for the correctness of the parameters passed to various constructor functions
// and also convert them to the right data type, if allowed and required.
// Returns nullptr for an error or the constructed node (aggregate or typed) for no error.
TIntermTyped* HlslParseContext::addConstructor(const TSourceLoc& loc, TIntermNode* node, const TType& type, TOperator op)
if (node == nullptr || node->getAsTyped() == nullptr)
return nullptr;
TIntermAggregate* aggrNode = node->getAsAggregate();
// Combined texture-sampler constructors are completely semantic checked
// in constructorTextureSamplerError()
if (op == EOpConstructTextureSampler)
return intermediate.setAggregateOperator(aggrNode, op, type, loc);
TTypeList::const_iterator memberTypes;
if (op == EOpConstructStruct)
memberTypes = type.getStruct()->begin();
TType elementType;
if (type.isArray()) {
TType dereferenced(type, 0);
} else
bool singleArg;
if (aggrNode) {
if (aggrNode->getOp() != EOpNull || aggrNode->getSequence().size() == 1)
singleArg = true;
singleArg = false;
} else
singleArg = true;
TIntermTyped *newNode;
if (singleArg) {
// If structure constructor or array constructor is being called
// for only one parameter inside the structure, we need to call constructAggregate function once.
if (type.isArray())
newNode = constructAggregate(node, elementType, 1, node->getLoc());
else if (op == EOpConstructStruct)
newNode = constructAggregate(node, *(*memberTypes).type, 1, node->getLoc());
newNode = constructBuiltIn(type, op, node->getAsTyped(), node->getLoc(), false);
if (newNode && (type.isArray() || op == EOpConstructStruct))
newNode = intermediate.setAggregateOperator(newNode, EOpConstructStruct, type, loc);
return newNode;
// Handle list of arguments.
TIntermSequence &sequenceVector = aggrNode->getSequence(); // Stores the information about the parameter to the constructor
// if the structure constructor contains more than one parameter, then construct
// each parameter
int paramCount = 0; // keeps a track of the constructor parameter number being checked
// for each parameter to the constructor call, check to see if the right type is passed or convert them
// to the right type if possible (and allowed).
// for structure constructors, just check if the right type is passed, no conversion is allowed.
for (TIntermSequence::iterator p = sequenceVector.begin();
p != sequenceVector.end(); p++, paramCount++) {
if (type.isArray())
newNode = constructAggregate(*p, elementType, paramCount + 1, node->getLoc());
else if (op == EOpConstructStruct)
newNode = constructAggregate(*p, *(memberTypes[paramCount]).type, paramCount + 1, node->getLoc());
newNode = constructBuiltIn(type, op, (*p)->getAsTyped(), node->getLoc(), true);
if (newNode)
*p = newNode;
return nullptr;
TIntermTyped* constructor = intermediate.setAggregateOperator(aggrNode, op, type, loc);
return constructor;
// Function for constructor implementation. Calls addUnaryMath with appropriate EOp value
// for the parameter to the constructor (passed to this function). Essentially, it converts
// the parameter types correctly. If a constructor expects an int (like ivec2) and is passed a
// float, then float is converted to int.
// Returns nullptr for an error or the constructed node.
TIntermTyped* HlslParseContext::constructBuiltIn(const TType& type, TOperator op, TIntermTyped* node, const TSourceLoc& loc, bool subset)
TIntermTyped* newNode;
TOperator basicOp;
// First, convert types as needed.
switch (op) {
case EOpConstructVec2:
case EOpConstructVec3:
case EOpConstructVec4:
case EOpConstructMat2x2:
case EOpConstructMat2x3:
case EOpConstructMat2x4:
case EOpConstructMat3x2:
case EOpConstructMat3x3:
case EOpConstructMat3x4:
case EOpConstructMat4x2:
case EOpConstructMat4x3:
case EOpConstructMat4x4:
case EOpConstructFloat:
basicOp = EOpConstructFloat;
case EOpConstructDVec2:
case EOpConstructDVec3:
case EOpConstructDVec4:
case EOpConstructDMat2x2:
case EOpConstructDMat2x3:
case EOpConstructDMat2x4:
case EOpConstructDMat3x2:
case EOpConstructDMat3x3:
case EOpConstructDMat3x4:
case EOpConstructDMat4x2:
case EOpConstructDMat4x3:
case EOpConstructDMat4x4:
case EOpConstructDouble:
basicOp = EOpConstructDouble;
case EOpConstructIVec2:
case EOpConstructIVec3:
case EOpConstructIVec4:
case EOpConstructInt:
basicOp = EOpConstructInt;
case EOpConstructUVec2:
case EOpConstructUVec3:
case EOpConstructUVec4:
case EOpConstructUint:
basicOp = EOpConstructUint;
case EOpConstructBVec2:
case EOpConstructBVec3:
case EOpConstructBVec4:
case EOpConstructBool:
basicOp = EOpConstructBool;
error(loc, "unsupported construction", "", "");
return nullptr;
newNode = intermediate.addUnaryMath(basicOp, node, node->getLoc());
if (newNode == nullptr) {
error(loc, "can't convert", "constructor", "");
return nullptr;
// Now, if there still isn't an operation to do the construction, and we need one, add one.
// Otherwise, skip out early.
if (subset || (newNode != node && newNode->getType() == type))
return newNode;
// setAggregateOperator will insert a new node for the constructor, as needed.
return intermediate.setAggregateOperator(newNode, op, type, loc);
// This function tests for the type of the parameters to the structure or array constructor. Raises
// an error message if the expected type does not match the parameter passed to the constructor.
// Returns nullptr for an error or the input node itself if the expected and the given parameter types match.
TIntermTyped* HlslParseContext::constructAggregate(TIntermNode* node, const TType& type, int paramCount, const TSourceLoc& loc)
TIntermTyped* converted = intermediate.addConversion(EOpConstructStruct, type, node->getAsTyped());
if (! converted || converted->getType() != type) {
error(loc, "", "constructor", "cannot convert parameter %d from '%s' to '%s'", paramCount,
node->getAsTyped()->getType().getCompleteString().c_str(), type.getCompleteString().c_str());
return nullptr;
return converted;
// Do everything needed to add an interface block.
void HlslParseContext::declareBlock(const TSourceLoc& loc, TType& type, const TString* instanceName, TArraySizes* arraySizes)
assert(type.getWritableStruct() != nullptr);
TTypeList& typeList = *type.getWritableStruct();
// fix and check for member storage qualifiers and types that don't belong within a block
for (unsigned int member = 0; member < typeList.size(); ++member) {
TType& memberType = *typeList[member].type;
TQualifier& memberQualifier = memberType.getQualifier();
const TSourceLoc& memberLoc = typeList[member].loc;
globalQualifierFix(memberLoc, memberQualifier); = type.getQualifier().storage;
// This might be a redeclaration of a built-in block. If so, redeclareBuiltinBlock() will
// do all the rest.
//if (! symbolTable.atBuiltInLevel() && builtInName(*blockName)) {
// redeclareBuiltinBlock(loc, typeList, *blockName, instanceName, arraySizes);
// return;
// Make default block qualification, and adjust the member qualifications
TQualifier defaultQualification;
switch (type.getQualifier().storage) {
case EvqUniform: defaultQualification = globalUniformDefaults; break;
case EvqBuffer: defaultQualification = globalBufferDefaults; break;
case EvqVaryingIn: defaultQualification = globalInputDefaults; break;
case EvqVaryingOut: defaultQualification = globalOutputDefaults; break;
default: defaultQualification.clear(); break;
// Special case for "push_constant uniform", which has a default of std430,
// contrary to normal uniform defaults, and can't have a default tracked for it.
if (type.getQualifier().layoutPushConstant && ! type.getQualifier().hasPacking())
type.getQualifier().layoutPacking = ElpStd430;
// fix and check for member layout qualifiers
mergeObjectLayoutQualifiers(defaultQualification, type.getQualifier(), true);
bool memberWithLocation = false;
bool memberWithoutLocation = false;
for (unsigned int member = 0; member < typeList.size(); ++member) {
TQualifier& memberQualifier = typeList[member].type->getQualifier();
const TSourceLoc& memberLoc = typeList[member].loc;
if (memberQualifier.hasStream()) {
if (defaultQualification.layoutStream != memberQualifier.layoutStream)
error(memberLoc, "member cannot contradict block", "stream", "");
// "This includes a block's inheritance of the
// current global default buffer, a block member's inheritance of the block's
// buffer, and the requirement that any *xfb_buffer* declared on a block
// member must match the buffer inherited from the block."
if (memberQualifier.hasXfbBuffer()) {
if (defaultQualification.layoutXfbBuffer != memberQualifier.layoutXfbBuffer)
error(memberLoc, "member cannot contradict block (or what block inherited from global)", "xfb_buffer", "");
if (memberQualifier.hasPacking())
error(memberLoc, "member of block cannot have a packing layout qualifier", typeList[member].type->getFieldName().c_str(), "");
if (memberQualifier.hasLocation()) {
switch (type.getQualifier().storage) {
case EvqVaryingIn:
case EvqVaryingOut:
memberWithLocation = true;
} else
memberWithoutLocation = true;
if (memberQualifier.hasAlign()) {
if (defaultQualification.layoutPacking != ElpStd140 && defaultQualification.layoutPacking != ElpStd430)
error(memberLoc, "can only be used with std140 or std430 layout packing", "align", "");
TQualifier newMemberQualification = defaultQualification;
mergeQualifiers(memberLoc, newMemberQualification, memberQualifier, false);
memberQualifier = newMemberQualification;
// Process the members
fixBlockLocations(loc, type.getQualifier(), typeList, memberWithLocation, memberWithoutLocation);
fixBlockXfbOffsets(type.getQualifier(), typeList);
fixBlockUniformOffsets(type.getQualifier(), typeList);
// reverse merge, so that currentBlockQualifier now has all layout information
// (can't use defaultQualification directly, it's missing other non-layout-default-class qualifiers)
mergeObjectLayoutQualifiers(type.getQualifier(), defaultQualification, true);
// Build and add the interface block as a new type named 'blockName'
//?? need the block name to be a typename?
TType blockType(&typeList, "" /* *blockName */, type.getQualifier());
if (arraySizes)
// Don't make a user-defined type out of block name; that will cause an error
// if the same block name gets reused in a different interface.
// "Block names have no other use within a shader
// beyond interface matching; it is a compile-time error to use a block name at global scope for anything
// other than as a block name (e.g., use of a block name for a global variable name or function name is
// currently reserved)."
// Use the symbol table to prevent normal reuse of the block's name, as a variable entry,
// whose type is EbtBlock, but without all the structure; that will come from the type
// the instances point to.
//??TType blockNameType(EbtBlock, blockType.getQualifier().storage);
//??TVariable* blockNameVar = new TVariable(blockName, blockNameType);
//if (! symbolTable.insert(*blockNameVar)) {
// TSymbol* existingName = symbolTable.find(*blockName);
// if (existingName->getType().getBasicType() == EbtBlock) {
// if (existingName->getType().getQualifier().storage == blockType.getQualifier().storage) {
// error(loc, "Cannot reuse block name within the same interface:", blockName->c_str(), blockType.getStorageQualifierString());
// return;
// }
// } else {
// error(loc, "block name cannot redefine a non-block name", blockName->c_str(), "");
// return;
// }
// Add the variable, as anonymous or named instanceName.
// Make an anonymous variable if no name was provided.
if (! instanceName)
instanceName = NewPoolTString("");
TVariable& variable = *new TVariable(instanceName, blockType);
if (! symbolTable.insert(variable)) {
if (*instanceName == "")
error(loc, "nameless block contains a member that already has a name at global scope", "" /* blockName->c_str() */, "");
error(loc, "block instance name redefinition", variable.getName().c_str(), "");
if (isIoResizeArray(blockType)) {
checkIoArraysConsistency(loc, true);
} else
fixIoArraySize(loc, variable.getWritableType());
// Save it in the AST for linker use.
intermediate.addSymbolLinkageNode(linkage, variable);
// "For a block, this process applies to the entire block, or until the first member
// is reached that has a location layout qualifier. When a block member is declared with a location
// qualifier, its location comes from that qualifier: The member's location qualifier overrides the block-level
// declaration. Subsequent members are again assigned consecutive locations, based on the newest location,
// until the next member declared with a location qualifier. The values used for locations do not have to be
// declared in increasing order."
void HlslParseContext::fixBlockLocations(const TSourceLoc& loc, TQualifier& qualifier, TTypeList& typeList, bool memberWithLocation, bool memberWithoutLocation)
// "If a block has no block-level location layout qualifier, it is required that either all or none of its members
// have a location layout qualifier, or a compile-time error results."
if (! qualifier.hasLocation() && memberWithLocation && memberWithoutLocation)
error(loc, "either the block needs a location, or all members need a location, or no members have a location", "location", "");
else {
if (memberWithLocation) {
// remove any block-level location and make it per *every* member
int nextLocation = 0; // by the rule above, initial value is not relevant
if (qualifier.hasAnyLocation()) {
nextLocation = qualifier.layoutLocation;
qualifier.layoutLocation = TQualifier::layoutLocationEnd;
if (qualifier.hasComponent()) {
// "It is a compile-time error to apply the *component* qualifier to a ... block"
error(loc, "cannot apply to a block", "component", "");
if (qualifier.hasIndex()) {
error(loc, "cannot apply to a block", "index", "");
for (unsigned int member = 0; member < typeList.size(); ++member) {
TQualifier& memberQualifier = typeList[member].type->getQualifier();
const TSourceLoc& memberLoc = typeList[member].loc;
if (! memberQualifier.hasLocation()) {
if (nextLocation >= (int)TQualifier::layoutLocationEnd)
error(memberLoc, "location is too large", "location", "");
memberQualifier.layoutLocation = nextLocation;
memberQualifier.layoutComponent = 0;
nextLocation = memberQualifier.layoutLocation + intermediate.computeTypeLocationSize(*typeList[member].type);
void HlslParseContext::fixBlockXfbOffsets(TQualifier& qualifier, TTypeList& typeList)
// "If a block is qualified with xfb_offset, all its
// members are assigned transform feedback buffer offsets. If a block is not qualified with xfb_offset, any
// members of that block not qualified with an xfb_offset will not be assigned transform feedback buffer
// offsets."
if (! qualifier.hasXfbBuffer() || ! qualifier.hasXfbOffset())
int nextOffset = qualifier.layoutXfbOffset;
for (unsigned int member = 0; member < typeList.size(); ++member) {
TQualifier& memberQualifier = typeList[member].type->getQualifier();
bool containsDouble = false;
int memberSize = intermediate.computeTypeXfbSize(*typeList[member].type, containsDouble);
// see if we need to auto-assign an offset to this member
if (! memberQualifier.hasXfbOffset()) {
// "if applied to an aggregate containing a double, the offset must also be a multiple of 8"
if (containsDouble)
RoundToPow2(nextOffset, 8);
memberQualifier.layoutXfbOffset = nextOffset;
} else
nextOffset = memberQualifier.layoutXfbOffset;
nextOffset += memberSize;
// The above gave all block members an offset, so we can take it off the block now,
// which will avoid double counting the offset usage.
qualifier.layoutXfbOffset = TQualifier::layoutXfbOffsetEnd;
// Calculate and save the offset of each block member, using the recursively
// defined block offset rules and the user-provided offset and align.
// Also, compute and save the total size of the block. For the block's size, arrayness
// is not taken into account, as each element is backed by a separate buffer.
void HlslParseContext::fixBlockUniformOffsets(TQualifier& qualifier, TTypeList& typeList)
if (! qualifier.isUniformOrBuffer())
if (qualifier.layoutPacking != ElpStd140 && qualifier.layoutPacking != ElpStd430)
int offset = 0;
int memberSize;
for (unsigned int member = 0; member < typeList.size(); ++member) {
TQualifier& memberQualifier = typeList[member].type->getQualifier();
const TSourceLoc& memberLoc = typeList[member].loc;
// "When align is applied to an array, it effects only the start of the array, not the array's internal stride."
// modify just the children's view of matrix layout, if there is one for this member
TLayoutMatrix subMatrixLayout = typeList[member].type->getQualifier().layoutMatrix;
int dummyStride;
int memberAlignment = intermediate.getBaseAlignment(*typeList[member].type, memberSize, dummyStride, qualifier.layoutPacking == ElpStd140,
subMatrixLayout != ElmNone ? subMatrixLayout == ElmRowMajor : qualifier.layoutMatrix == ElmRowMajor);
if (memberQualifier.hasOffset()) {
// "The specified offset must be a multiple
// of the base alignment of the type of the block member it qualifies, or a compile-time error results."
if (! IsMultipleOfPow2(memberQualifier.layoutOffset, memberAlignment))
error(memberLoc, "must be a multiple of the member's alignment", "offset", "");
// "It is a compile-time error to specify an offset that is smaller than the offset of the previous
// member in the block or that lies within the previous member of the block"
if (memberQualifier.layoutOffset < offset)
error(memberLoc, "cannot lie in previous members", "offset", "");
// "The offset qualifier forces the qualified member to start at or after the specified
// integral-constant expression, which will be its byte offset from the beginning of the buffer.
// "The actual offset of a member is computed as
// follows: If offset was declared, start with that offset, otherwise start with the next available offset."
offset = std::max(offset, memberQualifier.layoutOffset);
// "The actual alignment of a member will be the greater of the specified align alignment and the standard
// (e.g., std140) base alignment for the member's type."
if (memberQualifier.hasAlign())
memberAlignment = std::max(memberAlignment, memberQualifier.layoutAlign);
// "If the resulting offset is not a multiple of the actual alignment,
// increase it to the first offset that is a multiple of
// the actual alignment."
RoundToPow2(offset, memberAlignment);
typeList[member].type->getQualifier().layoutOffset = offset;
offset += memberSize;
// For an identifier that is already declared, add more qualification to it.
void HlslParseContext::addQualifierToExisting(const TSourceLoc& loc, TQualifier qualifier, const TString& identifier)
TSymbol* symbol = symbolTable.find(identifier);
if (! symbol) {
error(loc, "identifier not previously declared", identifier.c_str(), "");
if (symbol->getAsFunction()) {
error(loc, "cannot re-qualify a function name", identifier.c_str(), "");
if (qualifier.isAuxiliary() ||
qualifier.isMemory() ||
qualifier.isInterpolation() ||
qualifier.hasLayout() || != EvqTemporary ||
qualifier.precision != EpqNone) {
error(loc, "cannot add storage, auxiliary, memory, interpolation, layout, or precision qualifier to an existing variable", identifier.c_str(), "");
// For read-only built-ins, add a new symbol for holding the modified qualifier.
// This will bring up an entire block, if a block type has to be modified (e.g., gl_Position inside a block)
if (symbol->isReadOnly())
symbol = symbolTable.copyUp(symbol);
if (qualifier.invariant) {
if (intermediate.inIoAccessed(identifier))
error(loc, "cannot change qualification after use", "invariant", "");
symbol->getWritableType().getQualifier().invariant = true;
} else if (qualifier.noContraction) {
if (intermediate.inIoAccessed(identifier))
error(loc, "cannot change qualification after use", "precise", "");
symbol->getWritableType().getQualifier().noContraction = true;
} else if (qualifier.specConstant) {
if (qualifier.hasSpecConstantId())
symbol->getWritableType().getQualifier().layoutSpecConstantId = qualifier.layoutSpecConstantId;
} else
warn(loc, "unknown requalification", "", "");
void HlslParseContext::addQualifierToExisting(const TSourceLoc& loc, TQualifier qualifier, TIdentifierList& identifiers)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < identifiers.size(); ++i)
addQualifierToExisting(loc, qualifier, *identifiers[i]);
// Updating default qualifier for the case of a declaration with just a qualifier,
// no type, block, or identifier.
void HlslParseContext::updateStandaloneQualifierDefaults(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TPublicType& publicType)
if (publicType.shaderQualifiers.vertices != TQualifier::layoutNotSet) {
assert(language == EShLangTessControl || language == EShLangGeometry);
// const char* id = (language == EShLangTessControl) ? "vertices" : "max_vertices";
if (language == EShLangTessControl)
if (publicType.shaderQualifiers.invocations != TQualifier::layoutNotSet) {
if (! intermediate.setInvocations(publicType.shaderQualifiers.invocations))
error(loc, "cannot change previously set layout value", "invocations", "");
if (publicType.shaderQualifiers.geometry != ElgNone) {
if ( == EvqVaryingIn) {
switch (publicType.shaderQualifiers.geometry) {
case ElgPoints:
case ElgLines:
case ElgLinesAdjacency:
case ElgTriangles:
case ElgTrianglesAdjacency:
case ElgQuads:
case ElgIsolines:
if (intermediate.setInputPrimitive(publicType.shaderQualifiers.geometry)) {
if (language == EShLangGeometry)
} else
error(loc, "cannot change previously set input primitive", TQualifier::getGeometryString(publicType.shaderQualifiers.geometry), "");
error(loc, "cannot apply to input", TQualifier::getGeometryString(publicType.shaderQualifiers.geometry), "");
} else if ( == EvqVaryingOut) {
switch (publicType.shaderQualifiers.geometry) {
case ElgPoints:
case ElgLineStrip:
case ElgTriangleStrip:
if (! intermediate.setOutputPrimitive(publicType.shaderQualifiers.geometry))
error(loc, "cannot change previously set output primitive", TQualifier::getGeometryString(publicType.shaderQualifiers.geometry), "");
error(loc, "cannot apply to 'out'", TQualifier::getGeometryString(publicType.shaderQualifiers.geometry), "");
} else
error(loc, "cannot apply to:", TQualifier::getGeometryString(publicType.shaderQualifiers.geometry), GetStorageQualifierString(;
if (publicType.shaderQualifiers.spacing != EvsNone)
if (publicType.shaderQualifiers.order != EvoNone)
if (publicType.shaderQualifiers.pointMode)
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
if (publicType.shaderQualifiers.localSize[i] > 1) {
int max = 0;
switch (i) {
case 0: max = resources.maxComputeWorkGroupSizeX; break;
case 1: max = resources.maxComputeWorkGroupSizeY; break;
case 2: max = resources.maxComputeWorkGroupSizeZ; break;
default: break;
if (intermediate.getLocalSize(i) > (unsigned int)max)
error(loc, "too large; see gl_MaxComputeWorkGroupSize", "local_size", "");
// Fix the existing constant gl_WorkGroupSize with this new information.
TVariable* workGroupSize = getEditableVariable("gl_WorkGroupSize");
if (publicType.shaderQualifiers.localSizeSpecId[i] != TQualifier::layoutNotSet) {
intermediate.setLocalSizeSpecId(i, publicType.shaderQualifiers.localSizeSpecId[i]);
// Set the workgroup built-in variable as a specialization constant
TVariable* workGroupSize = getEditableVariable("gl_WorkGroupSize");
workGroupSize->getWritableType().getQualifier().specConstant = true;
if (publicType.shaderQualifiers.earlyFragmentTests)
const TQualifier& qualifier = publicType.qualifier;
switch ( {
case EvqUniform:
if (qualifier.hasMatrix())
globalUniformDefaults.layoutMatrix = qualifier.layoutMatrix;
if (qualifier.hasPacking())
globalUniformDefaults.layoutPacking = qualifier.layoutPacking;
case EvqBuffer:
if (qualifier.hasMatrix())
globalBufferDefaults.layoutMatrix = qualifier.layoutMatrix;
if (qualifier.hasPacking())
globalBufferDefaults.layoutPacking = qualifier.layoutPacking;
case EvqVaryingIn:
case EvqVaryingOut:
if (qualifier.hasStream())
globalOutputDefaults.layoutStream = qualifier.layoutStream;
if (qualifier.hasXfbBuffer())
globalOutputDefaults.layoutXfbBuffer = qualifier.layoutXfbBuffer;
if (globalOutputDefaults.hasXfbBuffer() && qualifier.hasXfbStride()) {
if (! intermediate.setXfbBufferStride(globalOutputDefaults.layoutXfbBuffer, qualifier.layoutXfbStride))
error(loc, "all stride settings must match for xfb buffer", "xfb_stride", "%d", qualifier.layoutXfbBuffer);
error(loc, "default qualifier requires 'uniform', 'buffer', 'in', or 'out' storage qualification", "", "");
// Take the sequence of statements that has been built up since the last case/default,
// put it on the list of top-level nodes for the current (inner-most) switch statement,
// and follow that by the case/default we are on now. (See switch topology comment on
// TIntermSwitch.)
void HlslParseContext::wrapupSwitchSubsequence(TIntermAggregate* statements, TIntermNode* branchNode)
TIntermSequence* switchSequence = switchSequenceStack.back();
if (statements) {
if (branchNode) {
// check all previous cases for the same label (or both are 'default')
for (unsigned int s = 0; s < switchSequence->size(); ++s) {
TIntermBranch* prevBranch = (*switchSequence)[s]->getAsBranchNode();
if (prevBranch) {
TIntermTyped* prevExpression = prevBranch->getExpression();
TIntermTyped* newExpression = branchNode->getAsBranchNode()->getExpression();
if (prevExpression == nullptr && newExpression == nullptr)
error(branchNode->getLoc(), "duplicate label", "default", "");
else if (prevExpression != nullptr &&
newExpression != nullptr &&
prevExpression->getAsConstantUnion() &&
newExpression->getAsConstantUnion() &&
prevExpression->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[0].getIConst() ==
error(branchNode->getLoc(), "duplicated value", "case", "");
// Turn the top-level node sequence built up of wrapupSwitchSubsequence
// into a switch node.
TIntermNode* HlslParseContext::addSwitch(const TSourceLoc& loc, TIntermTyped* expression, TIntermAggregate* lastStatements)
wrapupSwitchSubsequence(lastStatements, nullptr);
if (expression == nullptr ||
(expression->getBasicType() != EbtInt && expression->getBasicType() != EbtUint) ||
expression->getType().isArray() || expression->getType().isMatrix() || expression->getType().isVector())
error(loc, "condition must be a scalar integer expression", "switch", "");
// If there is nothing to do, drop the switch but still execute the expression
TIntermSequence* switchSequence = switchSequenceStack.back();
if (switchSequence->size() == 0)
return expression;
if (lastStatements == nullptr) {
// emulate a break for error recovery
lastStatements = intermediate.makeAggregate(intermediate.addBranch(EOpBreak, loc));
TIntermAggregate* body = new TIntermAggregate(EOpSequence);
body->getSequence() = *switchSequenceStack.back();
TIntermSwitch* switchNode = new TIntermSwitch(expression, body);
return switchNode;
} // end namespace glslang