blob: 627300043836ed72e4ed25fb11e27fc2de4bebe7 [file] [log] [blame]
#version 140
uniform isamplerBuffer sbuf;
layout(std140) uniform blockName {
int anonMem;
void main()
int id = gl_InstanceID;
id += anonMem;
id += texelFetch(sbuf, 8).w;
gl_ClipVertex; // could be ERROR, but compiling under compatibility profile
gl_Color; // could be ERROR, but compiling under compatibility profile
gl_LightSource[0]; // could be ERROR, but compiling under compatibility profile
gl_TexCoord; // could be ERROR, but compiling under compatibility profile
gl_FogFragCoord; // could be ERROR, but compiling under compatibility profile
gl_FrontColor; // could be ERROR, but compiling under compatibility profile