blob: d43416e0c0e0ff0147bd238a1779f58798990294 [file] [log] [blame]
#version 460
out vec4 o;
// default uniforms will be gathered into a uniform block
uniform vec4 a;
uniform vec2 b = vec2(0, 0); // initializer will be ignored
layout(location = 0) uniform vec2 c; // location qualifier will be ignored
uniform vec4 d[10];
uniform struct e {
vec2 x;
float y;
uint z;
} structUniform;
// opaque types will not be grouped into uniform block
uniform sampler2D t1;
// shared and packed layout qualifier are silently ignored
layout(shared) uniform UniformBlock {
float j;
vec4 k;
layout(packed) buffer BufferBlock {
float j;
vec4 k;
} bufferInstance;
// atomic_uint will be converted to uint and gathered in a buffer block
layout(binding = 0) uniform atomic_uint counter1; // offset not used
layout(binding = 0) uniform atomic_uint counter2; // offset not used
layout(binding = 1) uniform atomic_uint counter3; // offset not used
// atomic counter functions will be converted to equivalent integer atomic operations
uint bar() {
uint j = 0;
j = atomicCounterIncrement(counter1);
j = atomicCounterDecrement(counter1);
j = atomicCounter(counter1);
j = atomicCounterAdd(counter1, 1);
j = atomicCounterAdd(counter1, -1);
j = atomicCounterSubtract(counter1, 1);
j = atomicCounterMin(counter1, j);
j = atomicCounterMax(counter1, j);
j = atomicCounterAnd(counter1, j);
j = atomicCounterOr(counter1, j);
j = atomicCounterXor(counter1, j);
j = atomicCounterExchange(counter1, j);
j = atomicCounterCompSwap(counter1, 0, j);
return j;
vec4 foo() {
float f = j + bufferInstance.j + structUniform.y + structUniform.z;
vec2 v2 = b + c + structUniform.x;
vec4 v4 = a + d[0] + d[1] + d[2] + k + bufferInstance.k + texture(t1, vec2(0, 0));
return vec4(f) * vec4(v2, 1, 1) * v4;
void main() {
float j = float(bar());
o = j * foo();