blob: 9d4a1da16de89e032930c6d30da612af62115089 [file] [log] [blame]
Shader version: 110
0:? Sequence
0:38 Function Definition: main( (global void)
0:38 Function Parameters:
0:40 Sequence
0:40 move second child to first child (temp 3-component vector of float)
0:40 'color' (smooth out 3-component vector of float)
0:40 Constant:
0:40 1.000000
0:40 1.000000
0:40 1.000000
0:42 move second child to first child (temp 4-component vector of float)
0:42 'gl_Position' (gl_Position 4-component vector of float)
0:42 matrix-times-vector (temp 4-component vector of float)
0:42 'gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix' (uniform 4X4 matrix of float)
0:42 'gl_Vertex' (in 4-component vector of float)
0:? Linker Objects
0:? 'color' (smooth out 3-component vector of float)
Linked vertex stage:
Shader version: 110
0:? Sequence
0:38 Function Definition: main( (global void)
0:38 Function Parameters:
0:40 Sequence
0:40 move second child to first child (temp 3-component vector of float)
0:40 'color' (smooth out 3-component vector of float)
0:40 Constant:
0:40 1.000000
0:40 1.000000
0:40 1.000000
0:42 move second child to first child (temp 4-component vector of float)
0:42 'gl_Position' (gl_Position 4-component vector of float)
0:42 matrix-times-vector (temp 4-component vector of float)
0:42 'gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix' (uniform 4X4 matrix of float)
0:42 'gl_Vertex' (in 4-component vector of float)
0:? Linker Objects
0:? 'color' (smooth out 3-component vector of float)