blob: 0110330266923cc9464812d6ac1da8088163f440 [file] [log] [blame]
#version 450
// constant_id specified scalar spec constants
layout(constant_id = 200) const int spec_int = 3;
layout(constant_id = 201) const float spec_float = 3.14;
layout(constant_id = 202) const
double spec_double = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795;
layout(constant_id = 203) const bool spec_bool = true;
const float cast_spec_float = float(spec_float);
// Flat struct
struct flat_struct {
int i;
float f;
double d;
bool b;
// Nesting struct
struct nesting_struct {
flat_struct nested;
vec4 v;
int i;
// Expect OpSpecConstantComposite
// Flat struct initializer
const flat_struct spec_flat_struct_all_spec = {spec_int, spec_float,
spec_double, spec_bool};
const flat_struct spec_flat_struct_partial_spec = {30, 30.14, spec_double,
// Nesting struct initializer
const nesting_struct nesting_struct_ctor = {
{spec_int, spec_float, spec_double, false},
vec4(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1),
// Vector constructor
const vec4 spec_vec4_all_spec =
vec4(spec_float, spec_float, spec_float, spec_float);
const vec4 spec_vec4_partial_spec =
vec4(spec_float, spec_float, 300.14, 300.14);
const vec4 spec_vec4_from_one_scalar = vec4(spec_float);
// Matrix constructor
const mat2x3 spec_mat2x3 = mat2x3(spec_float, spec_float, spec_float, 1.1, 2.2, 3.3);
const mat2x3 spec_mat2x3_from_one_scalar = mat2x3(spec_float);
// Struct nesting constructor
const nesting_struct spec_nesting_struct_all_spec = {
spec_flat_struct_all_spec, spec_vec4_all_spec, spec_int};
const nesting_struct spec_nesting_struct_partial_spec = {
spec_flat_struct_partial_spec, spec_vec4_partial_spec, 3000};
const float spec_float_array[5] = {spec_float, spec_float, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0};
const int spec_int_array[5] = {spec_int, spec_int, 1, 2, 30};
// global_vec4_array_with_spec_length is not a spec constant, but its array
// size is. When calling global_vec4_array_with_spec_length.length(), A
// TIntermSymbol Node shoule be returned, instead of a TIntermConstantUnion
// node which represents a known constant value.
in vec4 global_vec4_array_with_spec_length[spec_int];
out vec4 color;
void refer_primary_spec_const() {
if (spec_bool) color *= spec_int;
void refer_composite_spec_const() {
color += spec_vec4_all_spec;
color -= spec_vec4_partial_spec;
void refer_copmosite_dot_dereference() {
color *= spec_nesting_struct_all_spec.i;
color += spec_vec4_all_spec.x;
void refer_composite_bracket_dereference() {
color -= spec_float_array[1];
color /= spec_int_array[spec_int_array[spec_int]];
int refer_spec_const_array_length() {
int len = global_vec4_array_with_spec_length.length();
return len;
void declare_spec_const_in_func() {
const nesting_struct spec_const_declared_in_func = {
spec_flat_struct_partial_spec, spec_vec4_partial_spec, 10};
color /= spec_const_declared_in_func.i;
void main() {}