blob: ad0ac0a83bf8f8788fa829cdb44a94b7b24631bf [file] [log] [blame]
ERROR: 0:19: 'vi4' : illegal use of type 'void'
ERROR: 0:20: 'vj' : illegal use of type 'void'
ERROR: 0:20: 'vk5' : illegal use of type 'void'
ERROR: 0:21: 'vm2' : illegal use of type 'void'
ERROR: 0:21: 'vm3' : illegal use of type 'void'
ERROR: 0:22: 'vn8' : illegal use of type 'void'
ERROR: 0:22: 'vp' : illegal use of type 'void'
ERROR: 0:24: 'gl_' : reserved built-in name
ERROR: 0:25: 'gl_' : reserved built-in name
ERROR: 0:25: 'gl_' : reserved built-in name
ERROR: 0:26: 'gl_' : reserved built-in name
ERROR: 0:26: 'gl_' : reserved built-in name
ERROR: 0:27: 'gl_' : reserved built-in name
ERROR: 0:27: 'gl_' : reserved built-in name
ERROR: 0:32: '' : boolean expression expected
ERROR: 0:33: 'gl_' : reserved built-in name
ERROR: 16 compilation errors. No code generated.
ERROR: node is still EOpNull!
0:5 Sequence
0:5 move second child to first child (int)
0:5 'd1' (int)
0:5 1 (const int)
0:6 Sequence
0:6 move second child to first child (int)
0:6 'e2' (int)
0:6 2 (const int)
0:7 Sequence
0:7 move second child to first child (int)
0:7 'h3' (int)
0:7 3 (const int)
0:14 Sequence
0:14 move second child to first child (4-element array of int)
0:14 'ii4' (4-element array of int)
0:14 1 (const int)
0:14 2 (const int)
0:14 3 (const int)
0:14 4 (const int)
0:15 Sequence
0:15 move second child to first child (5-element array of int)
0:15 'ik5' (5-element array of int)
0:15 5 (const int)
0:15 6 (const int)
0:15 7 (const int)
0:15 8 (const int)
0:15 9 (const int)
0:16 Sequence
0:16 move second child to first child (2-element array of int)
0:16 'im2' (2-element array of int)
0:16 10 (const int)
0:16 11 (const int)
0:16 move second child to first child (3-element array of int)
0:16 'im3' (3-element array of int)
0:16 12 (const int)
0:16 13 (const int)
0:16 14 (const int)
0:17 Sequence
0:17 move second child to first child (4-element array of int)
0:17 'in8' (4-element array of int)
0:17 21 (const int)
0:17 22 (const int)
0:17 23 (const int)
0:17 24 (const int)
0:24 Sequence
0:24 move second child to first child (4-element array of int)
0:24 'gl_vi4' (4-element array of int)
0:24 1 (const int)
0:24 2 (const int)
0:24 3 (const int)
0:24 4 (const int)
0:25 Sequence
0:25 move second child to first child (5-element array of int)
0:25 'gl_vk5' (5-element array of int)
0:25 5 (const int)
0:25 6 (const int)
0:25 7 (const int)
0:25 8 (const int)
0:25 9 (const int)
0:26 Sequence
0:26 move second child to first child (2-element array of int)
0:26 'gl_vm2' (2-element array of int)
0:26 10 (const int)
0:26 11 (const int)
0:26 move second child to first child (3-element array of int)
0:26 'gl_vm3' (3-element array of int)
0:26 12 (const int)
0:26 13 (const int)
0:26 14 (const int)
0:27 Sequence
0:27 move second child to first child (4-element array of int)
0:27 'gl_vn8' (4-element array of int)
0:27 21 (const int)
0:27 22 (const int)
0:27 23 (const int)
0:27 24 (const int)
0:29 Function Definition: main( (void)
0:29 Function Parameters:
0:31 Sequence
0:31 Loop with condition tested first
0:31 Loop Condition
0:31 move second child to first child (bool)
0:31 'cond' (bool)
0:31 Compare Less Than (bool)
0:31 'b' (int)
0:31 'c' (int)
0:31 No loop body
0:32 Loop with condition tested first
0:32 Loop Condition
0:32 move second child to first child (int)
0:32 'icond' (int)
0:32 'b' (int)
0:32 No loop body
0:33 Loop with condition tested first
0:33 Loop Condition
0:33 move second child to first child (bool)
0:33 'gl_cond' (bool)
0:33 Compare Less Than (bool)
0:33 'b' (int)
0:33 'c' (int)
0:33 No loop body
0:? Linker Objects
0:? 'a' (int)
0:? 'b' (int)
0:? 'c' (int)
0:? 'd1' (int)
0:? 'e2' (int)
0:? 'f' (int)
0:? 'g' (int)
0:? 'h3' (int)
0:? 'i4' (4-element array of int)
0:? 'j' (int)
0:? 'k5' (5-element array of int)
0:? 'm6' (6-element array of int)
0:? 'm7' (7-element array of int)
0:? 'n8' (8-element array of int)
0:? 'p' (int)
0:? 'ii4' (4-element array of int)
0:? 'ij' (int)
0:? 'ik5' (5-element array of int)
0:? 'im2' (2-element array of int)
0:? 'im3' (3-element array of int)
0:? 'in8' (4-element array of int)
0:? 'ip' (int)
0:? 'gl_vi4' (4-element array of int)
0:? 'gl_vj' (int)
0:? 'gl_vk5' (5-element array of int)
0:? 'gl_vm2' (2-element array of int)
0:? 'gl_vm3' (3-element array of int)
0:? 'gl_vn8' (4-element array of int)
0:? 'gl_vp' (int)