blob: 5fafd4159235b4129bd89eb501d4a9fb734110ad [file] [log] [blame]
WARNING: 0:4: varying deprecated in version 130; may be removed in future release
WARNING: 0:5: varying deprecated in version 130; may be removed in future release
Linked fragment stage:
// Module Version 10000
// Generated by (magic number): 80001
// Id's are bound by 136
Capability Shader
1: ExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
MemoryModel Logical GLSL450
EntryPoint Fragment 4 "main" 40 96
ExecutionMode 4 OriginLowerLeft
Source GLSL 130
Name 4 "main"
Name 8 "s1"
MemberName 8(s1) 0 "i"
MemberName 8(s1) 1 "f"
Name 10 "s2"
MemberName 10(s2) 0 "i"
MemberName 10(s2) 1 "f"
MemberName 10(s2) 2 "s1_1"
MemberName 10(s2) 3 "bleh"
Name 12 "locals2"
Name 13 "s3"
MemberName 13(s3) 0 "s2_1"
MemberName 13(s3) 1 "i"
MemberName 13(s3) 2 "f"
MemberName 13(s3) 3 "s1_1"
Name 15 "foo3"
Name 36 "localFArray"
Name 40 "coord"
Name 49 "localIArray"
Name 68 "x"
Name 70 "localArray"
Name 75 "i"
Name 82 "a"
Name 88 "condition"
Name 96 "color"
Name 106 "gl_FragColor"
Name 126 "samp2D"
Name 132 "foo"
Name 133 "foo2"
Name 135 "uFloatArray"
2: TypeVoid
3: TypeFunction 2
6: TypeInt 32 1
7: TypeFloat 32
8(s1): TypeStruct 6(int) 7(float)
9: TypeVector 7(float) 4
10(s2): TypeStruct 6(int) 7(float) 8(s1) 9(fvec4)
11: TypePointer Function 10(s2)
13(s3): TypeStruct 10(s2) 6(int) 7(float) 8(s1)
14: TypePointer UniformConstant 13(s3)
15(foo3): 14(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
16: 6(int) Constant 0
17: TypePointer UniformConstant 10(s2)
20: TypePointer UniformConstant 6(int)
23: TypeBool
27: 6(int) Constant 2
28: 6(int) Constant 1
29: 7(float) Constant 1065353216
30: TypePointer Function 7(float)
32: TypeInt 32 0
33: 32(int) Constant 16
34: TypeArray 7(float) 33
35: TypePointer Function 34
37: 6(int) Constant 4
38: TypeVector 7(float) 2
39: TypePointer Input 38(fvec2)
40(coord): 39(ptr) Variable Input
41: 32(int) Constant 0
42: TypePointer Input 7(float)
46: 32(int) Constant 8
47: TypeArray 6(int) 46
48: TypePointer Function 47
52: TypePointer Function 6(int)
69: 6(int) Constant 5
80: 6(int) Constant 16
84: 7(float) Constant 0
88(condition): 20(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
94: 6(int) Constant 3
95: TypePointer Input 9(fvec4)
96(color): 95(ptr) Variable Input
98: TypePointer Function 9(fvec4)
100: 32(int) Constant 1
103: 32(int) Constant 2
105: TypePointer Output 9(fvec4)
106(gl_FragColor): 105(ptr) Variable Output
123: TypeImage 7(float) 2D sampled format:Unknown
124: TypeSampledImage 123
125: TypePointer UniformConstant 124
126(samp2D): 125(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
131: TypePointer UniformConstant 8(s1)
132(foo): 131(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
133(foo2): 17(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
134: TypePointer UniformConstant 34
135(uFloatArray): 134(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
4(main): 2 Function None 3
5: Label
12(locals2): 11(ptr) Variable Function
36(localFArray): 35(ptr) Variable Function
49(localIArray): 48(ptr) Variable Function
68(x): 52(ptr) Variable Function
70(localArray): 35(ptr) Variable Function
75(i): 52(ptr) Variable Function
82(a): 35(ptr) Variable Function
18: 17(ptr) AccessChain 15(foo3) 16
19: 10(s2) Load 18
Store 12(locals2) 19
21: 20(ptr) AccessChain 15(foo3) 16 16
22: 6(int) Load 21
24: 23(bool) SGreaterThan 22 16
SelectionMerge 26 None
BranchConditional 24 25 54
25: Label
31: 30(ptr) AccessChain 12(locals2) 27 28
Store 31 29
43: 42(ptr) AccessChain 40(coord) 41
44: 7(float) Load 43
45: 30(ptr) AccessChain 36(localFArray) 37
Store 45 44
50: 20(ptr) AccessChain 15(foo3) 16 16
51: 6(int) Load 50
53: 52(ptr) AccessChain 49(localIArray) 27
Store 53 51
Branch 26
54: Label
55: 42(ptr) AccessChain 40(coord) 41
56: 7(float) Load 55
57: 30(ptr) AccessChain 12(locals2) 27 28
Store 57 56
58: 30(ptr) AccessChain 36(localFArray) 37
Store 58 29
59: 52(ptr) AccessChain 49(localIArray) 27
Store 59 16
Branch 26
26: Label
60: 52(ptr) AccessChain 49(localIArray) 27
61: 6(int) Load 60
62: 23(bool) IEqual 61 16
SelectionMerge 64 None
BranchConditional 62 63 64
63: Label
65: 30(ptr) AccessChain 36(localFArray) 37
66: 7(float) Load 65
67: 7(float) FAdd 66 29
Store 65 67
Branch 64
64: Label
Store 68(x) 69
71: 6(int) Load 68(x)
72: 42(ptr) AccessChain 40(coord) 41
73: 7(float) Load 72
74: 30(ptr) AccessChain 70(localArray) 71
Store 74 73
Store 75(i) 16
Branch 76
76: Label
79: 6(int) Load 75(i)
81: 23(bool) SLessThan 79 80
LoopMerge 77 76 None
BranchConditional 81 78 77
78: Label
83: 6(int) Load 75(i)
85: 30(ptr) AccessChain 82(a) 83
Store 85 84
86: 6(int) Load 75(i)
87: 6(int) IAdd 86 28
Store 75(i) 87
Branch 76
77: Label
89: 6(int) Load 88(condition)
90: 23(bool) IEqual 89 28
SelectionMerge 92 None
BranchConditional 90 91 92
91: Label
93: 34 Load 70(localArray)
Store 82(a) 93
Branch 92
92: Label
97: 9(fvec4) Load 96(color)
99: 98(ptr) AccessChain 12(locals2) 94
Store 99 97
101: 42(ptr) AccessChain 40(coord) 100
102: 7(float) Load 101
104: 30(ptr) AccessChain 12(locals2) 94 103
Store 104 102
107: 98(ptr) AccessChain 12(locals2) 94
108: 9(fvec4) Load 107
109: 30(ptr) AccessChain 36(localFArray) 37
110: 7(float) Load 109
111: 30(ptr) AccessChain 12(locals2) 27 28
112: 7(float) Load 111
113: 7(float) FAdd 110 112
114: 6(int) Load 68(x)
115: 30(ptr) AccessChain 70(localArray) 114
116: 7(float) Load 115
117: 7(float) FAdd 113 116
118: 6(int) Load 68(x)
119: 30(ptr) AccessChain 82(a) 118
120: 7(float) Load 119
121: 7(float) FAdd 117 120
122: 9(fvec4) VectorTimesScalar 108 121
127: 124 Load 126(samp2D)
128: 38(fvec2) Load 40(coord)
129: 9(fvec4) ImageSampleImplicitLod 127 128
130: 9(fvec4) FMul 122 129
Store 106(gl_FragColor) 130