blob: 1aabe3ecaa6254a6054110c691fc810cc9978f25 [file] [log] [blame]
Warning, version 420 is not yet complete; most version-specific features are present, but some are missing.
ERROR: 0:7: 'vertices' : inconsistent output number of vertices for array size of gl_out
ERROR: 0:11: 'vertices' : inconsistent output number of vertices for array size of a
ERROR: 0:12: 'vertices' : inconsistent output number of vertices for array size of outb
ERROR: 0:26: 'gl_PointSize' : no such field in structure
ERROR: 0:26: 'assign' : cannot convert from 'float' to 'block{out 4-component vector of float gl_Position}'
ERROR: 0:29: 'out' : type must be an array: outf
ERROR: 6 compilation errors. No code generated.
Shader version: 420
Requested GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects
vertices = 4
ERROR: node is still EOpNull!
0:15 Function Definition: main( (void)
0:15 Function Parameters:
0:17 Sequence
0:17 Sequence
0:17 move second child to first child (4-component vector of float)
0:17 'p' (4-component vector of float)
0:17 gl_Position: direct index for structure (in 4-component vector of float)
0:17 direct index (block{in 4-component vector of float gl_Position, in float gl_PointSize, in implicitly-sized array of float gl_ClipDistance})
0:17 'gl_in' (in 32-element array of block{in 4-component vector of float gl_Position, in float gl_PointSize, in implicitly-sized array of float gl_ClipDistance})
0:17 Constant:
0:17 1 (const int)
0:17 Constant:
0:17 0 (const int)
0:18 Sequence
0:18 move second child to first child (float)
0:18 'ps' (float)
0:18 gl_PointSize: direct index for structure (in float)
0:18 direct index (block{in 4-component vector of float gl_Position, in float gl_PointSize, in implicitly-sized array of float gl_ClipDistance})
0:18 'gl_in' (in 32-element array of block{in 4-component vector of float gl_Position, in float gl_PointSize, in implicitly-sized array of float gl_ClipDistance})
0:18 Constant:
0:18 1 (const int)
0:18 Constant:
0:18 1 (const int)
0:19 Sequence
0:19 move second child to first child (float)
0:19 'cd' (float)
0:19 direct index (float)
0:19 gl_ClipDistance: direct index for structure (in implicitly-sized array of float)
0:19 direct index (block{in 4-component vector of float gl_Position, in float gl_PointSize, in implicitly-sized array of float gl_ClipDistance})
0:19 'gl_in' (in 32-element array of block{in 4-component vector of float gl_Position, in float gl_PointSize, in implicitly-sized array of float gl_ClipDistance})
0:19 Constant:
0:19 1 (const int)
0:19 Constant:
0:19 2 (const int)
0:19 Constant:
0:19 2 (const int)
0:21 Sequence
0:21 move second child to first child (int)
0:21 'pvi' (int)
0:21 'gl_PatchVerticesIn' (in int)
0:22 Sequence
0:22 move second child to first child (int)
0:22 'pid' (int)
0:22 'gl_PrimitiveID' (in int)
0:23 Sequence
0:23 move second child to first child (int)
0:23 'iid' (int)
0:23 'gl_InvocationID' (in int)
0:25 move second child to first child (4-component vector of float)
0:25 gl_Position: direct index for structure (out 4-component vector of float)
0:25 direct index (block{out 4-component vector of float gl_Position})
0:25 'gl_out' (out 3-element array of block{out 4-component vector of float gl_Position})
0:25 Constant:
0:25 1 (const int)
0:25 Constant:
0:25 0 (const int)
0:25 'p' (4-component vector of float)
0:26 direct index (block{out 4-component vector of float gl_Position})
0:26 'gl_out' (out 3-element array of block{out 4-component vector of float gl_Position})
0:26 Constant:
0:26 1 (const int)
0:34 Function Definition: foo( (void)
0:34 Function Parameters:
0:36 Sequence
0:36 Test condition and select (void)
0:36 Condition
0:36 logical-or (bool)
0:36 Compare Not Equal (bool)
0:36 Constant:
0:36 -0.625000
0:36 -0.500000
0:36 -0.375000
0:36 -0.250000
0:36 -0.375000
0:36 -0.250000
0:36 -0.125000
0:36 0.000000
0:36 direct index (layout(location=0 ) 2X4 matrix of double)
0:36 'vs_tcs_first' (layout(location=0 ) in 32-element array of 2X4 matrix of double)
0:36 Constant:
0:36 0 (const int)
0:37 Compare Not Equal (bool)
0:37 Constant:
0:37 0.375000
0:37 0.500000
0:37 0.625000
0:37 0.750000
0:37 0.625000
0:37 0.750000
0:37 0.875000
0:37 -0.625000
0:37 direct index (layout(location=12 ) 2X4 matrix of double)
0:37 'vs_tcs_last' (layout(location=12 ) in 32-element array of 2X4 matrix of double)
0:37 Constant:
0:37 0 (const int)
0:36 true case is null
0:? Linker Objects
0:? 'gl_out' (out 3-element array of block{out 4-component vector of float gl_Position})
0:? 'a' (out 3-element array of int)
0:? 'outb' (out 5-element array of int)
0:? 'outc' (out 4-element array of int)
0:? 'outf' (out float)
0:? 'vs_tcs_first' (layout(location=0 ) in 32-element array of 2X4 matrix of double)
0:? 'vs_tcs_last' (layout(location=12 ) in 32-element array of 2X4 matrix of double)
Linked tessellation control stage:
Shader version: 420
Requested GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects
vertices = 4
ERROR: node is still EOpNull!
0:15 Function Definition: main( (void)
0:15 Function Parameters:
0:17 Sequence
0:17 Sequence
0:17 move second child to first child (4-component vector of float)
0:17 'p' (4-component vector of float)
0:17 gl_Position: direct index for structure (in 4-component vector of float)
0:17 direct index (block{in 4-component vector of float gl_Position, in float gl_PointSize, in 1-element array of float gl_ClipDistance})
0:17 'gl_in' (in 32-element array of block{in 4-component vector of float gl_Position, in float gl_PointSize, in 1-element array of float gl_ClipDistance})
0:17 Constant:
0:17 1 (const int)
0:17 Constant:
0:17 0 (const int)
0:18 Sequence
0:18 move second child to first child (float)
0:18 'ps' (float)
0:18 gl_PointSize: direct index for structure (in float)
0:18 direct index (block{in 4-component vector of float gl_Position, in float gl_PointSize, in 1-element array of float gl_ClipDistance})
0:18 'gl_in' (in 32-element array of block{in 4-component vector of float gl_Position, in float gl_PointSize, in 1-element array of float gl_ClipDistance})
0:18 Constant:
0:18 1 (const int)
0:18 Constant:
0:18 1 (const int)
0:19 Sequence
0:19 move second child to first child (float)
0:19 'cd' (float)
0:19 direct index (float)
0:19 gl_ClipDistance: direct index for structure (in 1-element array of float)
0:19 direct index (block{in 4-component vector of float gl_Position, in float gl_PointSize, in 1-element array of float gl_ClipDistance})
0:19 'gl_in' (in 32-element array of block{in 4-component vector of float gl_Position, in float gl_PointSize, in 1-element array of float gl_ClipDistance})
0:19 Constant:
0:19 1 (const int)
0:19 Constant:
0:19 2 (const int)
0:19 Constant:
0:19 2 (const int)
0:21 Sequence
0:21 move second child to first child (int)
0:21 'pvi' (int)
0:21 'gl_PatchVerticesIn' (in int)
0:22 Sequence
0:22 move second child to first child (int)
0:22 'pid' (int)
0:22 'gl_PrimitiveID' (in int)
0:23 Sequence
0:23 move second child to first child (int)
0:23 'iid' (int)
0:23 'gl_InvocationID' (in int)
0:25 move second child to first child (4-component vector of float)
0:25 gl_Position: direct index for structure (out 4-component vector of float)
0:25 direct index (block{out 4-component vector of float gl_Position})
0:25 'gl_out' (out 3-element array of block{out 4-component vector of float gl_Position})
0:25 Constant:
0:25 1 (const int)
0:25 Constant:
0:25 0 (const int)
0:25 'p' (4-component vector of float)
0:26 direct index (block{out 4-component vector of float gl_Position})
0:26 'gl_out' (out 3-element array of block{out 4-component vector of float gl_Position})
0:26 Constant:
0:26 1 (const int)
0:34 Function Definition: foo( (void)
0:34 Function Parameters:
0:36 Sequence
0:36 Test condition and select (void)
0:36 Condition
0:36 logical-or (bool)
0:36 Compare Not Equal (bool)
0:36 Constant:
0:36 -0.625000
0:36 -0.500000
0:36 -0.375000
0:36 -0.250000
0:36 -0.375000
0:36 -0.250000
0:36 -0.125000
0:36 0.000000
0:36 direct index (layout(location=0 ) 2X4 matrix of double)
0:36 'vs_tcs_first' (layout(location=0 ) in 32-element array of 2X4 matrix of double)
0:36 Constant:
0:36 0 (const int)
0:37 Compare Not Equal (bool)
0:37 Constant:
0:37 0.375000
0:37 0.500000
0:37 0.625000
0:37 0.750000
0:37 0.625000
0:37 0.750000
0:37 0.875000
0:37 -0.625000
0:37 direct index (layout(location=12 ) 2X4 matrix of double)
0:37 'vs_tcs_last' (layout(location=12 ) in 32-element array of 2X4 matrix of double)
0:37 Constant:
0:37 0 (const int)
0:36 true case is null
0:? Linker Objects
0:? 'gl_out' (out 3-element array of block{out 4-component vector of float gl_Position})
0:? 'a' (out 3-element array of int)
0:? 'outb' (out 5-element array of int)
0:? 'outc' (out 4-element array of int)
0:? 'outf' (out float)
0:? 'vs_tcs_first' (layout(location=0 ) in 32-element array of 2X4 matrix of double)
0:? 'vs_tcs_last' (layout(location=12 ) in 32-element array of 2X4 matrix of double)