blob: c582327359d93c1c425ef554d9fdd197a23e0b6c [file] [log] [blame]
Warning, version 310 is not yet complete; most version-specific features are present, but some are missing.
ERROR: 0:2: 'float' : type requires declaration of default precision qualifier
ERROR: 0:8: 'origin_upper_left' : not supported with this profile: es
ERROR: 0:8: 'pixel_center_integer' : not supported with this profile: es
ERROR: 0:8: 'gl_FragCoord' : identifiers starting with "gl_" are reserved
ERROR: 0:11: 'location' : overlapping use of location 2
ERROR: 0:15: 'usampler2DRect' : Reserved word.
ERROR: 0:15: 'sampler/image' : type requires declaration of default precision qualifier
ERROR: 0:23: 'variable indexing sampler array' : not supported with this profile: es
ERROR: 0:27: 'textureGatherOffsets' : no matching overloaded function found
ERROR: 0:27: '=' : cannot convert from 'const float' to 'mediump 4-component vector of uint'
ERROR: 0:30: 'textureGatherOffset(...)' : must be a compile-time constant: component argument
ERROR: 0:31: 'textureGatherOffset(...)' : must be 0, 1, 2, or 3: component argument
ERROR: 0:42: 'texel offset' : argument must be compile-time constant
ERROR: 0:44: 'texel offset' : value is out of range: [gl_MinProgramTexelOffset, gl_MaxProgramTexelOffset]
ERROR: 0:44: 'texel offset' : value is out of range: [gl_MinProgramTexelOffset, gl_MaxProgramTexelOffset]
ERROR: 0:45: 'texel offset' : value is out of range: [gl_MinProgramTexelOffset, gl_MaxProgramTexelOffset]
ERROR: 0:45: 'texel offset' : value is out of range: [gl_MinProgramTexelOffset, gl_MaxProgramTexelOffset]
ERROR: 0:69: 'binding' : requires block, or sampler/image, or atomic-counter type
ERROR: 0:73: 'location' : location is too large
ERROR: 0:77: 'location' : too large for fragment output
ERROR: 0:78: 'location' : too large for fragment output
ERROR: 0:78: 'location' : overlapping use of location 40
ERROR: 0:79: 'non-literal layout-id value' : not supported with this profile: es
ERROR: 0:79: 'layout-id value' : cannot be negative
ERROR: 0:99: 'writeonly' : argument cannot drop memory qualifier when passed to formal parameter
ERROR: 0:102: 'out' : cannot be bool
ERROR: 0:103: 'image2D' : sampler/image types can only be used in uniform variables or function parameters: imageOut
ERROR: 0:103: '' : image variables not declared 'writeonly' must have a format layout qualifier
ERROR: 0:104: 'out' : cannot be a matrix
ERROR: 29 compilation errors. No code generated.
Shader version: 310
using early_fragment_tests
ERROR: node is still EOpNull!
0:21 Function Definition: main( (void)
0:21 Function Parameters:
0:23 Sequence
0:23 Sequence
0:23 move second child to first child (highp 4-component vector of float)
0:23 'v' (mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:23 Function Call: texture(s21;vf2; (highp 4-component vector of float)
0:23 indirect index (highp sampler2D)
0:23 'arrayedSampler' (uniform 5-element array of highp sampler2D)
0:23 'i' (uniform mediump int)
0:23 'c2D' (smooth in mediump 2-component vector of float)
0:28 Sequence
0:28 move second child to first child (highp 4-component vector of float)
0:28 'v4' (mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:28 Function Call: textureGather(s21;vf2; (highp 4-component vector of float)
0:28 direct index (highp sampler2D)
0:28 'arrayedSampler' (uniform 5-element array of highp sampler2D)
0:28 Constant:
0:28 0 (const int)
0:28 'c2D' (smooth in mediump 2-component vector of float)
0:29 Sequence
0:29 move second child to first child (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:29 'iv4' (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:29 Function Call: textureGatherOffset(isA21;vf3;vi2;i1; (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:29 'isamp2DA' (uniform highp isampler2DArray)
0:29 Constant:
0:29 0.100000
0:29 0.100000
0:29 0.100000
0:29 Constant:
0:29 1 (const int)
0:29 1 (const int)
0:29 Constant:
0:29 3 (const int)
0:30 move second child to first child (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:30 'iv4' (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:30 Function Call: textureGatherOffset(isA21;vf3;vi2;i1; (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:30 'isamp2DA' (uniform highp isampler2DArray)
0:30 Constant:
0:30 0.100000
0:30 0.100000
0:30 0.100000
0:30 Constant:
0:30 1 (const int)
0:30 1 (const int)
0:30 'i' (uniform mediump int)
0:31 move second child to first child (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:31 'iv4' (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:31 Function Call: textureGatherOffset(isA21;vf3;vi2;i1; (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:31 'isamp2DA' (uniform highp isampler2DArray)
0:31 Constant:
0:31 0.100000
0:31 0.100000
0:31 0.100000
0:31 Constant:
0:31 1 (const int)
0:31 1 (const int)
0:31 Constant:
0:31 4 (const int)
0:32 move second child to first child (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:32 'iv4' (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:32 Function Call: textureGatherOffset(isA21;vf3;vi2;i1; (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:32 'isamp2DA' (uniform highp isampler2DArray)
0:32 Constant:
0:32 0.100000
0:32 0.100000
0:32 0.100000
0:32 Constant:
0:32 1 (const int)
0:32 1 (const int)
0:32 Constant:
0:32 3 (const int)
0:33 move second child to first child (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:33 'iv4' (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:33 Function Call: textureGatherOffset(isA21;vf3;vi2; (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:33 'isamp2DA' (uniform highp isampler2DArray)
0:33 Constant:
0:33 0.100000
0:33 0.100000
0:33 0.100000
0:33 Construct ivec2 (2-component vector of int)
0:33 'i' (uniform mediump int)
0:38 Function Definition: foo23( (void)
0:38 Function Parameters:
0:? Sequence
0:42 Function Call: textureProjGradOffset(us21;vf4;vf2;vf2;vi2; (mediump 4-component vector of uint)
0:42 'usamp2d' (uniform highp usampler2D)
0:42 'outp' (out mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:42 Constant:
0:42 0.000000
0:42 0.000000
0:42 Constant:
0:42 0.000000
0:42 0.000000
0:42 Convert float to int (2-component vector of int)
0:42 'c2D' (smooth in mediump 2-component vector of float)
0:43 Function Call: textureProjGradOffset(us21;vf4;vf2;vf2;vi2; (mediump 4-component vector of uint)
0:43 'usamp2d' (uniform highp usampler2D)
0:43 'outp' (out mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:43 Constant:
0:43 0.000000
0:43 0.000000
0:43 Constant:
0:43 0.000000
0:43 0.000000
0:43 Constant:
0:43 3 (const int)
0:43 4 (const int)
0:44 Function Call: textureProjGradOffset(us21;vf4;vf2;vf2;vi2; (mediump 4-component vector of uint)
0:44 'usamp2d' (uniform highp usampler2D)
0:44 'outp' (out mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:44 Constant:
0:44 0.000000
0:44 0.000000
0:44 Constant:
0:44 0.000000
0:44 0.000000
0:44 Constant:
0:44 15 (const int)
0:44 16 (const int)
0:45 Function Call: textureProjGradOffset(us21;vf4;vf2;vf2;vi2; (mediump 4-component vector of uint)
0:45 'usamp2d' (uniform highp usampler2D)
0:45 'outp' (out mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:45 Constant:
0:45 0.000000
0:45 0.000000
0:45 Constant:
0:45 0.000000
0:45 0.000000
0:45 Constant:
0:45 -10 (const int)
0:45 20 (const int)
0:47 Test condition and select (void)
0:47 Condition
0:47 'gl_HelperInvocation' (in bool)
0:47 true case
0:48 Pre-Increment (mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:48 'outp' (out mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:50 Sequence
0:50 move second child to first child (mediump int)
0:50 'sum' (mediump int)
0:50 Constant:
0:50 32 (const int)
0:58 move second child to first child (bool)
0:58 'b1' (bool)
0:58 mix (bool)
0:58 'b2' (bool)
0:58 'b3' (bool)
0:58 'b' (bool)
0:59 Sequence
0:59 move second child to first child (mediump 3-component vector of uint)
0:59 'um3' (mediump 3-component vector of uint)
0:59 mix (mediump 3-component vector of uint)
0:59 Construct uvec3 (mediump 3-component vector of uint)
0:59 Convert int to uint (mediump uint)
0:59 'i' (uniform mediump int)
0:59 Construct uvec3 (mediump 3-component vector of uint)
0:59 Convert int to uint (mediump uint)
0:59 'i' (uniform mediump int)
0:59 Construct bvec3 (3-component vector of bool)
0:59 'b' (bool)
0:60 Sequence
0:60 move second child to first child (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:60 'im4' (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:60 mix (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:60 Construct ivec4 (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:60 'i' (uniform mediump int)
0:60 Construct ivec4 (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:60 'i' (uniform mediump int)
0:60 Construct bvec4 (4-component vector of bool)
0:60 'b' (bool)
0:94 Function Definition: foots( (void)
0:94 Function Parameters:
0:96 Sequence
0:96 Sequence
0:96 move second child to first child (highp 2-component vector of int)
0:96 'v2' (highp 2-component vector of int)
0:96 Function Call: textureSize(s21;i1; (highp 2-component vector of int)
0:96 's1' (layout(binding=3 ) uniform highp sampler2D)
0:96 Constant:
0:96 2 (const int)
0:97 Sequence
0:97 move second child to first child (highp 3-component vector of int)
0:97 'v3' (highp 3-component vector of int)
0:97 Function Call: textureSize(isA21;i1; (highp 3-component vector of int)
0:97 'isamp2DA' (uniform highp isampler2DArray)
0:97 Constant:
0:97 3 (const int)
0:98 move second child to first child (highp 2-component vector of int)
0:98 'v2' (highp 2-component vector of int)
0:98 Function Call: textureSize(s21; (highp 2-component vector of int)
0:98 's2dms' (uniform highp sampler2DMS)
0:99 move second child to first child (highp 2-component vector of int)
0:99 'v2' (highp 2-component vector of int)
0:99 Function Call: imageSize(I21; (highp 2-component vector of int)
0:99 'i2D' (layout(binding=2 ) writeonly uniform highp image2D)
0:? Linker Objects
0:? 'gl_FragCoord' (smooth in mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:? 'v3' (layout(location=2 ) smooth in mediump 3-component vector of float)
0:? 'yi' (layout(location=2 ) smooth in mediump 4X4 matrix of float)
0:? 'arrayedSampler' (uniform 5-element array of highp sampler2D)
0:? 'usamp2d' (uniform highp usampler2D)
0:? 'samp2dr' (uniform mediump usampler2DRect)
0:? 'isamp2DA' (uniform highp isampler2DArray)
0:? 'c2D' (smooth in mediump 2-component vector of float)
0:? 'i' (uniform mediump int)
0:? 'outp' (out mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:? 's1' (layout(binding=3 ) uniform highp sampler2D)
0:? 's2' (layout(binding=3 ) uniform highp sampler2D)
0:? 'i2D' (layout(binding=2 ) writeonly uniform highp image2D)
0:? 'bbi' (layout(binding=1 column_major shared ) uniform block{layout(column_major shared ) uniform mediump int foo, layout(binding=2 column_major shared ) uniform mediump float f})
0:? 'centroidIn' (centroid smooth in mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:? 'bigl' (uniform mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:? 'bigout1' (layout(location=40 ) out mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:? 'bigout2' (layout(location=40 ) out mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:? 'neg' (out mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:? 'b430i' (layout(column_major std430 ) uniform block{layout(column_major std430 offset=0 ) uniform mediump int i})
0:? 'bshari' (layout(column_major shared ) uniform block{layout(column_major shared ) uniform mediump int i})
0:? 'smoothIn' (smooth in mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:? 'flatIn' (flat in mediump int)
0:? 's2dms' (uniform highp sampler2DMS)
0:? 'bout' (out bool)
0:? 'imageOut' (out highp image2D)
0:? 'mout' (out mediump 2X3 matrix of float)
Linked fragment stage:
ERROR: Linking fragment stage: when more than one fragment shader output, all must have location qualifiers
Shader version: 310
using early_fragment_tests
ERROR: node is still EOpNull!
0:21 Function Definition: main( (void)
0:21 Function Parameters:
0:23 Sequence
0:23 Sequence
0:23 move second child to first child (highp 4-component vector of float)
0:23 'v' (mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:23 Function Call: texture(s21;vf2; (highp 4-component vector of float)
0:23 indirect index (highp sampler2D)
0:23 'arrayedSampler' (uniform 5-element array of highp sampler2D)
0:23 'i' (uniform mediump int)
0:23 'c2D' (smooth in mediump 2-component vector of float)
0:28 Sequence
0:28 move second child to first child (highp 4-component vector of float)
0:28 'v4' (mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:28 Function Call: textureGather(s21;vf2; (highp 4-component vector of float)
0:28 direct index (highp sampler2D)
0:28 'arrayedSampler' (uniform 5-element array of highp sampler2D)
0:28 Constant:
0:28 0 (const int)
0:28 'c2D' (smooth in mediump 2-component vector of float)
0:29 Sequence
0:29 move second child to first child (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:29 'iv4' (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:29 Function Call: textureGatherOffset(isA21;vf3;vi2;i1; (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:29 'isamp2DA' (uniform highp isampler2DArray)
0:29 Constant:
0:29 0.100000
0:29 0.100000
0:29 0.100000
0:29 Constant:
0:29 1 (const int)
0:29 1 (const int)
0:29 Constant:
0:29 3 (const int)
0:30 move second child to first child (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:30 'iv4' (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:30 Function Call: textureGatherOffset(isA21;vf3;vi2;i1; (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:30 'isamp2DA' (uniform highp isampler2DArray)
0:30 Constant:
0:30 0.100000
0:30 0.100000
0:30 0.100000
0:30 Constant:
0:30 1 (const int)
0:30 1 (const int)
0:30 'i' (uniform mediump int)
0:31 move second child to first child (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:31 'iv4' (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:31 Function Call: textureGatherOffset(isA21;vf3;vi2;i1; (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:31 'isamp2DA' (uniform highp isampler2DArray)
0:31 Constant:
0:31 0.100000
0:31 0.100000
0:31 0.100000
0:31 Constant:
0:31 1 (const int)
0:31 1 (const int)
0:31 Constant:
0:31 4 (const int)
0:32 move second child to first child (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:32 'iv4' (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:32 Function Call: textureGatherOffset(isA21;vf3;vi2;i1; (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:32 'isamp2DA' (uniform highp isampler2DArray)
0:32 Constant:
0:32 0.100000
0:32 0.100000
0:32 0.100000
0:32 Constant:
0:32 1 (const int)
0:32 1 (const int)
0:32 Constant:
0:32 3 (const int)
0:33 move second child to first child (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:33 'iv4' (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:33 Function Call: textureGatherOffset(isA21;vf3;vi2; (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:33 'isamp2DA' (uniform highp isampler2DArray)
0:33 Constant:
0:33 0.100000
0:33 0.100000
0:33 0.100000
0:33 Construct ivec2 (2-component vector of int)
0:33 'i' (uniform mediump int)
0:38 Function Definition: foo23( (void)
0:38 Function Parameters:
0:? Sequence
0:42 Function Call: textureProjGradOffset(us21;vf4;vf2;vf2;vi2; (mediump 4-component vector of uint)
0:42 'usamp2d' (uniform highp usampler2D)
0:42 'outp' (out mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:42 Constant:
0:42 0.000000
0:42 0.000000
0:42 Constant:
0:42 0.000000
0:42 0.000000
0:42 Convert float to int (2-component vector of int)
0:42 'c2D' (smooth in mediump 2-component vector of float)
0:43 Function Call: textureProjGradOffset(us21;vf4;vf2;vf2;vi2; (mediump 4-component vector of uint)
0:43 'usamp2d' (uniform highp usampler2D)
0:43 'outp' (out mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:43 Constant:
0:43 0.000000
0:43 0.000000
0:43 Constant:
0:43 0.000000
0:43 0.000000
0:43 Constant:
0:43 3 (const int)
0:43 4 (const int)
0:44 Function Call: textureProjGradOffset(us21;vf4;vf2;vf2;vi2; (mediump 4-component vector of uint)
0:44 'usamp2d' (uniform highp usampler2D)
0:44 'outp' (out mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:44 Constant:
0:44 0.000000
0:44 0.000000
0:44 Constant:
0:44 0.000000
0:44 0.000000
0:44 Constant:
0:44 15 (const int)
0:44 16 (const int)
0:45 Function Call: textureProjGradOffset(us21;vf4;vf2;vf2;vi2; (mediump 4-component vector of uint)
0:45 'usamp2d' (uniform highp usampler2D)
0:45 'outp' (out mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:45 Constant:
0:45 0.000000
0:45 0.000000
0:45 Constant:
0:45 0.000000
0:45 0.000000
0:45 Constant:
0:45 -10 (const int)
0:45 20 (const int)
0:47 Test condition and select (void)
0:47 Condition
0:47 'gl_HelperInvocation' (in bool)
0:47 true case
0:48 Pre-Increment (mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:48 'outp' (out mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:50 Sequence
0:50 move second child to first child (mediump int)
0:50 'sum' (mediump int)
0:50 Constant:
0:50 32 (const int)
0:58 move second child to first child (bool)
0:58 'b1' (bool)
0:58 mix (bool)
0:58 'b2' (bool)
0:58 'b3' (bool)
0:58 'b' (bool)
0:59 Sequence
0:59 move second child to first child (mediump 3-component vector of uint)
0:59 'um3' (mediump 3-component vector of uint)
0:59 mix (mediump 3-component vector of uint)
0:59 Construct uvec3 (mediump 3-component vector of uint)
0:59 Convert int to uint (mediump uint)
0:59 'i' (uniform mediump int)
0:59 Construct uvec3 (mediump 3-component vector of uint)
0:59 Convert int to uint (mediump uint)
0:59 'i' (uniform mediump int)
0:59 Construct bvec3 (3-component vector of bool)
0:59 'b' (bool)
0:60 Sequence
0:60 move second child to first child (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:60 'im4' (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:60 mix (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:60 Construct ivec4 (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:60 'i' (uniform mediump int)
0:60 Construct ivec4 (mediump 4-component vector of int)
0:60 'i' (uniform mediump int)
0:60 Construct bvec4 (4-component vector of bool)
0:60 'b' (bool)
0:94 Function Definition: foots( (void)
0:94 Function Parameters:
0:96 Sequence
0:96 Sequence
0:96 move second child to first child (highp 2-component vector of int)
0:96 'v2' (highp 2-component vector of int)
0:96 Function Call: textureSize(s21;i1; (highp 2-component vector of int)
0:96 's1' (layout(binding=3 ) uniform highp sampler2D)
0:96 Constant:
0:96 2 (const int)
0:97 Sequence
0:97 move second child to first child (highp 3-component vector of int)
0:97 'v3' (highp 3-component vector of int)
0:97 Function Call: textureSize(isA21;i1; (highp 3-component vector of int)
0:97 'isamp2DA' (uniform highp isampler2DArray)
0:97 Constant:
0:97 3 (const int)
0:98 move second child to first child (highp 2-component vector of int)
0:98 'v2' (highp 2-component vector of int)
0:98 Function Call: textureSize(s21; (highp 2-component vector of int)
0:98 's2dms' (uniform highp sampler2DMS)
0:99 move second child to first child (highp 2-component vector of int)
0:99 'v2' (highp 2-component vector of int)
0:99 Function Call: imageSize(I21; (highp 2-component vector of int)
0:99 'i2D' (layout(binding=2 ) writeonly uniform highp image2D)
0:? Linker Objects
0:? 'gl_FragCoord' (smooth in mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:? 'v3' (layout(location=2 ) smooth in mediump 3-component vector of float)
0:? 'yi' (layout(location=2 ) smooth in mediump 4X4 matrix of float)
0:? 'arrayedSampler' (uniform 5-element array of highp sampler2D)
0:? 'usamp2d' (uniform highp usampler2D)
0:? 'samp2dr' (uniform mediump usampler2DRect)
0:? 'isamp2DA' (uniform highp isampler2DArray)
0:? 'c2D' (smooth in mediump 2-component vector of float)
0:? 'i' (uniform mediump int)
0:? 'outp' (out mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:? 's1' (layout(binding=3 ) uniform highp sampler2D)
0:? 's2' (layout(binding=3 ) uniform highp sampler2D)
0:? 'i2D' (layout(binding=2 ) writeonly uniform highp image2D)
0:? 'bbi' (layout(binding=1 column_major shared ) uniform block{layout(column_major shared ) uniform mediump int foo, layout(binding=2 column_major shared ) uniform mediump float f})
0:? 'centroidIn' (centroid smooth in mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:? 'bigl' (uniform mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:? 'bigout1' (layout(location=40 ) out mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:? 'bigout2' (layout(location=40 ) out mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:? 'neg' (out mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:? 'b430i' (layout(column_major std430 ) uniform block{layout(column_major std430 offset=0 ) uniform mediump int i})
0:? 'bshari' (layout(column_major shared ) uniform block{layout(column_major shared ) uniform mediump int i})
0:? 'smoothIn' (smooth in mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:? 'flatIn' (flat in mediump int)
0:? 's2dms' (uniform highp sampler2DMS)
0:? 'bout' (out bool)
0:? 'imageOut' (out highp image2D)
0:? 'mout' (out mediump 2X3 matrix of float)