blob: 9eabb7fabea99ea0f28d526d5c3b5a69cc182167 [file] [log] [blame]
import os
import re
import time
import logging
import posixpath
import subprocess
import tempfile
import threading
from collections import namedtuple
from import LocalConnection, PACKAGE_BIN_DIRECTORY
from devlib.module import get_module
from devlib.platform import Platform
from devlib.exception import TargetError, TargetNotRespondingError, TimeoutError
from devlib.utils.ssh import SshConnection
from import AdbConnection, AndroidProperties, adb_command, adb_disconnect
from devlib.utils.misc import memoized, isiterable, convert_new_lines, merge_lists
from devlib.utils.misc import ABI_MAP, get_cpu_name, ranges_to_list, escape_double_quotes
from devlib.utils.types import integer, boolean, bitmask, identifier, caseless_string
FSTAB_ENTRY_REGEX = re.compile(r'(\S+) on (\S+) type (\S+) \((\S+)\)')
ANDROID_SCREEN_STATE_REGEX = re.compile('(?:mPowerState|mScreenOn)=([0-9]+|true|false)',
ANDROID_SCREEN_RESOLUTION_REGEX = re.compile(r'mUnrestrictedScreen=\(\d+,\d+\)'
DEFAULT_SHELL_PROMPT = re.compile(r'^.*(shell|root)@.*:/\S* [#$] ',
class Target(object):
conn_cls = None
path = None
os = None
default_modules = [
def core_names(self):
return self.platform.core_names
def core_clusters(self):
return self.platform.core_clusters
def big_core(self):
return self.platform.big_core
def little_core(self):
return self.platform.little_core
def is_connected(self):
return self.conn is not None
def connected_as_root(self):
result = self.execute('id')
return 'uid=0(' in result
def is_rooted(self):
if self.connected_as_root:
return True
self.execute('ls /', timeout=2, as_root=True)
return True
except (TargetError, TimeoutError):
return False
def kernel_version(self):
return KernelVersion(self.execute('uname -r -v').strip())
def os_version(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use
return {}
def abi(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use
return None
def cpuinfo(self):
return Cpuinfo(self.execute('cat /proc/cpuinfo'))
def number_of_cpus(self):
num_cpus = 0
corere = re.compile(r'^\s*cpu\d+\s*$')
output = self.execute('ls /sys/devices/system/cpu')
for entry in output.split():
if corere.match(entry):
num_cpus += 1
return num_cpus
def config(self):
return KernelConfig(self.execute('zcat /proc/config.gz'))
except TargetError:
for path in ['/boot/config', '/boot/config-$(uname -r)']:
return KernelConfig(self.execute('cat {}'.format(path)))
except TargetError:
return KernelConfig('')
def user(self):
return self.getenv('USER')
def conn(self):
if self._connections:
tid = id(threading.current_thread())
if tid not in self._connections:
self._connections[tid] = self.get_connection()
return self._connections[tid]
return None
def __init__(self,
self.connection_settings = connection_settings or {}
self.platform = platform or Platform()
self.working_directory = working_directory
self.executables_directory = executables_directory
self.modules = modules or []
self.load_default_modules = load_default_modules
self.shell_prompt = shell_prompt
self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
self._installed_binaries = {}
self._installed_modules = {}
self._cache = {}
self._connections = {}
self.busybox = None
if load_default_modules:
module_lists = [self.default_modules]
module_lists = []
module_lists += [self.modules, self.platform.modules]
self.modules = merge_lists(*module_lists, duplicates='first')
if connect:
# connection and initialization
def connect(self, timeout=None):
tid = id(threading.current_thread())
self._connections[tid] = self.get_connection(timeout=timeout)
self.busybox = self.get_installed('busybox')
if self.platform.big_core and self.load_default_modules:
def disconnect(self):
for conn in self._connections.itervalues():
self._connections = {}
def get_connection(self, timeout=None):
if self.conn_cls is None:
raise NotImplementedError('conn_cls must be set by the subclass of Target')
return self.conn_cls(timeout=timeout, **self.connection_settings) # pylint: disable=not-callable
def setup(self, executables=None):
self.execute('mkdir -p {}'.format(self.working_directory))
self.execute('mkdir -p {}'.format(self.executables_directory))
self.busybox = self.install(os.path.join(PACKAGE_BIN_DIRECTORY, self.abi, 'busybox'))
for host_exe in (executables or []): # pylint: disable=superfluous-parens
def reboot(self, hard=False, connect=True, timeout=180):
if hard:
if not self.has('hard_reset'):
raise TargetError('Hard reset not supported for this target.')
self.hard_reset() # pylint: disable=no-member
if not self.is_connected:
message = 'Cannot reboot target becuase it is disconnected. ' +\
'Either connect() first, or specify hard=True ' +\
'(in which case, a hard_reset module must be installed)'
raise TargetError(message)
if self.has('boot'):
self.boot() # pylint: disable=no-member
if connect:
# file transfer
def push(self, source, dest, timeout=None):
return self.conn.push(source, dest, timeout=timeout)
def pull(self, source, dest, timeout=None):
return self.conn.pull(source, dest, timeout=timeout)
# execution
def execute(self, command, timeout=None, check_exit_code=True, as_root=False):
return self.conn.execute(command, timeout, check_exit_code, as_root)
def background(self, command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, as_root=False):
return self.conn.background(command, stdout, stderr, as_root)
def invoke(self, binary, args=None, in_directory=None, on_cpus=None,
as_root=False, timeout=30):
Executes the specified binary under the specified conditions.
:binary: binary to execute. Must be present and executable on the device.
:args: arguments to be passed to the binary. The can be either a list or
a string.
:in_directory: execute the binary in the specified directory. This must
be an absolute path.
:on_cpus: taskset the binary to these CPUs. This may be a single ``int`` (in which
case, it will be interpreted as the mask), a list of ``ints``, in which
case this will be interpreted as the list of cpus, or string, which
will be interpreted as a comma-separated list of cpu ranges, e.g.
:as_root: Specify whether the command should be run as root
:timeout: If the invocation does not terminate within this number of seconds,
a ``TimeoutError`` exception will be raised. Set to ``None`` if the
invocation should not timeout.
command = binary
if args:
if isiterable(args):
args = ' '.join(args)
command = '{} {}'.format(command, args)
if on_cpus:
on_cpus = bitmask(on_cpus)
command = '{} taskset 0x{:x} {}'.format(self.busybox, on_cpus, command)
if in_directory:
command = 'cd {} && {}'.format(in_directory, command)
return self.execute(command, as_root=as_root, timeout=timeout)
def kick_off(self, command, as_root=False):
raise NotImplementedError()
# sysfs interaction
def read_value(self, path, kind=None):
output = self.execute('cat \'{}\''.format(path), as_root=self.is_rooted).strip() # pylint: disable=E1103
if kind:
return kind(output)
return output
def read_int(self, path):
return self.read_value(path, kind=integer)
def read_bool(self, path):
return self.read_value(path, kind=boolean)
def write_value(self, path, value, verify=True):
value = str(value)
self.execute('echo {} > \'{}\''.format(value, path), check_exit_code=False, as_root=True)
if verify:
output = self.read_value(path)
if not output == value:
message = 'Could not set the value of {} to "{}" (read "{}")'.format(path, value, output)
raise TargetError(message)
def reset(self):
self.execute('reboot', as_root=self.is_rooted, timeout=2)
except (TargetError, TimeoutError, subprocess.CalledProcessError):
# on some targets "reboot" doesn't return gracefully
def check_responsive(self):
self.conn.execute('ls /', timeout=5)
except (TimeoutError, subprocess.CalledProcessError):
raise TargetNotRespondingError(
# process management
def kill(self, pid, signal=None, as_root=False):
signal_string = '-s {}'.format(signal) if signal else ''
self.execute('kill {} {}'.format(signal_string, pid), as_root=as_root)
def killall(self, process_name, signal=None, as_root=False):
for pid in self.get_pids_of(process_name):
self.kill(pid, signal=signal, as_root=as_root)
def get_pids_of(self, process_name):
raise NotImplementedError()
def ps(self, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError()
# files
def file_exists(self, filepath):
command = 'if [ -e \'{}\' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi'
return boolean(self.execute(command.format(filepath)).strip())
def list_file_systems(self):
output = self.execute('mount')
fstab = []
for line in output.split('\n'):
line = line.strip()
if not line:
match =
if match:
None, None))
else: # assume pre-M Android
return fstab
def list_directory(self, path, as_root=False):
raise NotImplementedError()
def get_workpath(self, name):
return self.path.join(self.working_directory, name)
def tempfile(self, prefix='', suffix=''):
names = tempfile._get_candidate_names() # pylint: disable=W0212
for _ in xrange(tempfile.TMP_MAX):
name =
path = self.get_workpath(prefix + name + suffix)
if not self.file_exists(path):
return path
raise IOError('No usable temporary filename found')
def remove(self, path, as_root=False):
self.execute('rm -rf {}'.format(path), as_root=as_root)
# misc
def core_cpus(self, core):
return [i for i, c in enumerate(self.core_names) if c == core]
def list_online_cpus(self, core=None):
path = self.path.join('/sys/devices/system/cpu/online')
output = self.read_value(path)
all_online = ranges_to_list(output)
if core:
cpus = self.core_cpus(core)
if not cpus:
raise ValueError(core)
return [o for o in all_online if o in cpus]
return all_online
def list_offline_cpus(self):
online = self.list_online_cpus()
return [c for c in xrange(self.number_of_cpus)
if c not in online]
def getenv(self, variable):
return self.execute('echo ${}'.format(variable)).rstrip('\r\n')
def capture_screen(self, filepath):
raise NotImplementedError()
def install(self, filepath, timeout=None, with_name=None):
raise NotImplementedError()
def uninstall(self, name):
raise NotImplementedError()
def get_installed(self, name):
for path in self.getenv('PATH').split(self.path.pathsep):
if name in self.list_directory(path):
return self.path.join(path, name)
except TargetError:
pass # directory does not exist or no executable premssions
if name in self.list_directory(self.executables_directory):
return self.path.join(self.executables_directory, name)
which = get_installed
def is_installed(self, name):
return bool(self.get_installed(name))
def bin(self, name):
return self._installed_binaries.get(name, name)
def has(self, modname):
return hasattr(self, identifier(modname))
def _update_modules(self, stage):
for mod in self.modules:
if isinstance(mod, dict):
mod, params = mod.items()[0]
params = {}
mod = get_module(mod)
if not mod.stage == stage:
if mod.probe(self):
self._install_module(mod, **params)
self.logger.debug('Module {} is not supported by the target'.format(
def _install_module(self, mod, **params):
if not in self._installed_modules:
self.logger.debug('Installing module {}'.format(
mod.install(self, **params)
self._installed_modules[] = mod
self.logger.debug('Module {} is already installed.'.format(
class LinuxTarget(Target):
conn_cls = SshConnection
path = posixpath
os = 'linux'
def abi(self):
value = self.execute('uname -m').strip()
for abi, architectures in ABI_MAP.iteritems():
if value in architectures:
result = abi
result = value
return result
def os_version(self):
os_version = {}
command = 'ls /etc/*-release /etc*-version /etc/*_release /etc/*_version 2>/dev/null'
version_files = self.execute(command, check_exit_code=False).strip().split()
for vf in version_files:
name = self.path.basename(vf)
output = self.read_value(vf)
os_version[name] = output.strip().replace('\n', ' ')
except TargetError:
return os_version
def connect(self, timeout=None):
super(LinuxTarget, self).connect(timeout=timeout)
if self.working_directory is None:
if self.connected_as_root:
self.working_directory = '/root/devlib-target'
self.working_directory = '/home/{}/devlib-target'.format(self.user)
if self.executables_directory is None:
self.executables_directory = self.path.join(self.working_directory, 'bin')
def kick_off(self, command, as_root=False):
command = 'sh -c "{}" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null &'.format(escape_double_quotes(command))
return self.conn.execute(command, as_root=as_root)
def get_pids_of(self, process_name):
"""Returns a list of PIDs of all processes with the specified name."""
# result should be a column of PIDs with the first row as "PID" header
result = self.execute('ps -C {} -o pid'.format(process_name), # NOQA
if len(result) >= 2: # at least one row besides the header
return map(int, result[1:])
return []
def ps(self, **kwargs):
command = 'ps -eo user,pid,ppid,vsize,rss,wchan,pcpu,state,fname'
lines = iter(convert_new_lines(self.execute(command)).split('\n')) # header
result = []
for line in lines:
parts = re.split(r'\s+', line, maxsplit=8)
if parts and parts != ['']:
result.append(PsEntry(*(parts[0:1] + map(int, parts[1:5]) + parts[5:])))
if not kwargs:
return result
filtered_result = []
for entry in result:
if all(getattr(entry, k) == v for k, v in kwargs.iteritems()):
return filtered_result
def list_directory(self, path, as_root=False):
contents = self.execute('ls -1 {}'.format(path), as_root=as_root)
return [x.strip() for x in contents.split('\n') if x.strip()]
def install(self, filepath, timeout=None, with_name=None): # pylint: disable=W0221
destpath = self.path.join(self.executables_directory,
with_name and with_name or self.path.basename(filepath))
self.push(filepath, destpath)
self.execute('chmod a+x {}'.format(destpath), timeout=timeout)
self._installed_binaries[self.path.basename(destpath)] = destpath
return destpath
def uninstall(self, name):
path = self.path.join(self.executables_directory, name)
def capture_screen(self, filepath):
if not self.is_installed('scrot'):
self.logger.debug('Could not take screenshot as scrot is not installed.')
tmpfile = self.tempfile()
self.execute('DISPLAY=:0.0 scrot {}'.format(tmpfile))
self.pull(tmpfile, filepath)
except TargetError as e:
if "Can't open X dispay." not in e.message:
raise e
message = e.message.split('OUTPUT:', 1)[1].strip() # pylint: disable=no-member
self.logger.debug('Could not take screenshot: {}'.format(message))
class AndroidTarget(Target):
conn_cls = AdbConnection
path = posixpath
os = 'android'
def abi(self):
return self.getprop()['ro.product.cpu.abi'].split('-')[0]
def os_version(self):
os_version = {}
for k, v in self.getprop().iteritems():
if k.startswith(''):
part = k.split('.')[-1]
os_version[part] = v
return os_version
def adb_name(self):
return self.conn.device
def screen_resolution(self):
output = self.execute('dumpsys window')
match =
if match:
return (int('width')),
return (0, 0)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(AndroidTarget, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._file_transfer_cache = None
def reset(self, fastboot=False): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
self.execute('reboot {}'.format(fastboot and 'fastboot' or ''),
as_root=self.is_rooted, timeout=2)
except (TargetError, TimeoutError, subprocess.CalledProcessError):
# on some targets "reboot" doesn't return gracefully
def connect(self, timeout=10, check_boot_completed=True): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
start = time.time()
device = self.connection_settings.get('device')
if device and ':' in device:
# ADB does not automatically remove a network device from it's
# devices list when the connection is broken by the remote, so the
# adb connection may have gone "stale", resulting in adb blocking
# indefinitely when making calls to the device. To avoid this,
# always disconnect first.
super(AndroidTarget, self).connect(timeout=timeout)
if self.working_directory is None:
self.working_directory = '/data/local/tmp/devlib-target'
self._file_transfer_cache = self.path.join(self.working_directory, '.file-cache')
if self.executables_directory is None:
self.executables_directory = self.path.join(self.working_directory, 'bin')
if check_boot_completed:
boot_completed = boolean(self.getprop('sys.boot_completed'))
while not boot_completed and timeout >= time.time() - start:
boot_completed = boolean(self.getprop('sys.boot_completed'))
if not boot_completed:
raise TargetError('Connected but Android did not fully boot.')
def setup(self, executables=None):
super(AndroidTarget, self).setup(executables)
self.execute('mkdir -p {}'.format(self._file_transfer_cache))
def kick_off(self, command, as_root=False):
Like execute but closes adb session and returns immediately, leaving the command running on the
device (this is different from execute(background=True) which keeps adb connection open and returns
a subprocess object).
.. note:: This relies on busybox's nohup applet and so won't work on unrooted devices.
if not self.is_rooted:
raise TargetError('kick_off uses busybox\'s nohup applet and so can only be run a rooted device.')
command = 'cd {} && {} nohup {}'.format(self.working_directory, self.bin('busybox'), command)
output = self.execute(command, timeout=1, as_root=as_root)
except TimeoutError:
raise ValueError('Background command exited before timeout; got "{}"'.format(output))
def list_directory(self, path, as_root=False):
contents = self.execute('ls {}'.format(path), as_root=as_root)
return [x.strip() for x in contents.split('\n') if x.strip()]
def install(self, filepath, timeout=None, with_name=None): # pylint: disable=W0221
ext = os.path.splitext(filepath)[1].lower()
if ext == '.apk':
return self.install_apk(filepath, timeout)
return self.install_executable(filepath, with_name)
def uninstall(self, name):
if self.package_is_installed(name):
def get_pids_of(self, process_name):
result = self.execute('ps {}'.format(process_name[-15:]), check_exit_code=False).strip()
if result and 'not found' not in result:
return [int(x.split()[1]) for x in result.split('\n')[1:]]
return []
def ps(self, **kwargs):
lines = iter(convert_new_lines(self.execute('ps')).split('\n')) # header
result = []
for line in lines:
parts = line.split()
if parts:
result.append(PsEntry(*(parts[0:1] + map(int, parts[1:5]) + parts[5:])))
if not kwargs:
return result
filtered_result = []
for entry in result:
if all(getattr(entry, k) == v for k, v in kwargs.iteritems()):
return filtered_result
def capture_screen(self, filepath):
on_device_file = self.path.join(self.working_directory, 'screen_capture.png')
self.execute('screencap -p {}'.format(on_device_file))
self.pull(on_device_file, filepath)
def push(self, source, dest, as_root=False, timeout=None): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
if not as_root:
self.conn.push(source, dest, timeout=timeout)
device_tempfile = self.path.join(self._file_transfer_cache, source.lstrip(self.path.sep))
self.execute('mkdir -p {}'.format(self.path.dirname(device_tempfile)))
self.conn.push(source, device_tempfile, timeout=timeout)
self.execute('cp {} {}'.format(device_tempfile, dest), as_root=True)
def pull(self, source, dest, as_root=False, timeout=None): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
if not as_root:
self.conn.pull(source, dest, timeout=timeout)
device_tempfile = self.path.join(self._file_transfer_cache, source.lstrip(self.path.sep))
self.execute('mkdir -p {}'.format(self.path.dirname(device_tempfile)))
self.execute('cp {} {}'.format(source, device_tempfile), as_root=True)
self.conn.pull(device_tempfile, dest, timeout=timeout)
# Android-specific
def swipe_to_unlock(self):
width, height = self.screen_resolution
swipe_heigh = height * 2 // 3
start = 100
stop = width - start
command = 'input swipe {} {} {} {}'
self.execute(command.format(start, swipe_heigh, stop, swipe_heigh))
def getprop(self, prop=None):
props = AndroidProperties(self.execute('getprop'))
if prop:
return props[prop]
return props
def is_installed(self, name):
return super(AndroidTarget, self).is_installed(name) or self.package_is_installed(name)
def package_is_installed(self, package_name):
return package_name in self.list_packages()
def list_packages(self):
output = self.execute('pm list packages')
output = output.replace('package:', '')
return output.split()
def get_package_version(self, package):
output = self.execute('dumpsys package {}'.format(package))
for line in convert_new_lines(output).split('\n'):
if 'versionName' in line:
return line.split('=', 1)[1]
return None
def install_apk(self, filepath, timeout=None): # pylint: disable=W0221
ext = os.path.splitext(filepath)[1].lower()
if ext == '.apk':
return adb_command(self.adb_name, "install {}".format(filepath), timeout=timeout)
raise TargetError('Can\'t install {}: unsupported format.'.format(filepath))
def install_executable(self, filepath, with_name=None):
executable_name = with_name or os.path.basename(filepath)
on_device_file = self.path.join(self.working_directory, executable_name)
on_device_executable = self.path.join(self.executables_directory, executable_name)
self.push(filepath, on_device_file)
if on_device_file != on_device_executable:
self.execute('cp {} {}'.format(on_device_file, on_device_executable), as_root=self.is_rooted)
self.remove(on_device_file, as_root=self.is_rooted)
self.execute('chmod 0777 {}'.format(on_device_executable), as_root=self.is_rooted)
self._installed_binaries[executable_name] = on_device_executable
return on_device_executable
def uninstall_package(self, package):
adb_command(self.adb_name, "uninstall {}".format(package), timeout=30)
def uninstall_executable(self, executable_name):
on_device_executable = self.path.join(self.executables_directory, executable_name)
self.remove(on_device_executable, as_root=self.is_rooted)
def dump_logcat(self, filepath, filter=None, append=False, timeout=30): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
op = '>>' if append == True else '>'
filtstr = ' -s {}'.format(filter) if filter else ''
command = 'logcat -d{} {} {}'.format(filtstr, op, filepath)
adb_command(self.adb_name, command, timeout=timeout)
def clear_logcat(self):
adb_command(self.adb_name, 'logcat -c', timeout=30)
def is_screen_on(self):
output = self.execute('dumpsys power')
match =
if match:
return boolean(
raise TargetError('Could not establish screen state.')
def ensure_screen_is_on(self):
if not self.is_screen_on():
self.execute('input keyevent 26')
def _ensure_executables_directory_is_writable(self):
matched = []
for entry in self.list_file_systems():
if self.executables_directory.rstrip('/').startswith(entry.mount_point):
if matched:
entry = sorted(matched, key=lambda x: len(x.mount_point))[-1]
if 'rw' not in entry.options:
self.execute('mount -o rw,remount {} {}'.format(entry.device,
message = 'Could not find mount point for executables directory {}'
raise TargetError(message.format(self.executables_directory))
FstabEntry = namedtuple('FstabEntry', ['device', 'mount_point', 'fs_type', 'options', 'dump_freq', 'pass_num'])
PsEntry = namedtuple('PsEntry', 'user pid ppid vsize rss wchan pc state name')
class Cpuinfo(object):
def architecture(self):
for section in self.sections:
if 'CPU architecture' in section:
return section['CPU architecture']
if 'architecture' in section:
return section['architecture']
def cpu_names(self):
cpu_names = []
global_name = None
for section in self.sections:
if 'processor' in section:
if 'CPU part' in section:
elif 'model name' in section:
elif 'CPU part' in section:
global_name = _get_part_name(section)
return [caseless_string(c or global_name) for c in cpu_names]
def __init__(self, text):
self.sections = None
self.text = None
def get_cpu_features(self, cpuid=0):
global_features = []
for section in self.sections:
if 'processor' in section:
if int(section.get('processor')) != cpuid:
if 'Features' in section:
return section.get('Features').split()
elif 'Features' in section:
global_features = section.get('Features').split()
return global_features
def parse(self, text):
self.sections = []
current_section = {}
self.text = text.strip()
for line in self.text.split('\n'):
line = line.strip()
if line:
key, value = line.split(':', 1)
current_section[key.strip()] = value.strip()
else: # not line
current_section = {}
def __str__(self):
return 'CpuInfo({})'.format(self.cpu_names)
__repr__ = __str__
class KernelVersion(object):
def __init__(self, version_string):
if ' #' in version_string:
release, version = version_string.split(' #')
self.release = release
self.version = version
elif version_string.startswith('#'):
self.release = ''
self.version = version_string
self.release = version_string
self.version = ''
def __str__(self):
return '{} {}'.format(self.release, self.version)
__repr__ = __str__
class KernelConfig(object):
not_set_regex = re.compile(r'# (\S+) is not set')
def get_config_name(name):
name = name.upper()
if not name.startswith('CONFIG_'):
name = 'CONFIG_' + name
return name
def iteritems(self):
return self._config.iteritems()
def __init__(self, text):
self.text = text
self._config = {}
for line in text.split('\n'):
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('#'):
match =
if match:
self._config[] = 'n'
elif '=' in line:
name, value = line.split('=', 1)
self._config[name.strip()] = value.strip()
def get(self, name):
return self._config.get(self.get_config_name(name))
def like(self, name):
regex = re.compile(name, re.I)
result = {}
for k, v in self._config.iteritems():
result[k] = v
return result
def is_enabled(self, name):
return self.get(name) == 'y'
def is_module(self, name):
return self.get(name) == 'm'
def is_not_set(self, name):
return self.get(name) == 'n'
def has(self, name):
return self.get(name) in ['m', 'y']
class LocalLinuxTarget(LinuxTarget):
conn_cls = LocalConnection
def connect(self, timeout=None):
if self.working_directory is None:
self.working_directory = '/tmp'
if self.executables_directory is None:
self.executables_directory = '/tmp'
super(LocalLinuxTarget, self).connect(timeout)
def _get_model_name(section):
name_string = section['model name']
parts = name_string.split('@')[0].strip().split()
return ' '.join([p for p in parts
if '(' not in p and p != 'CPU'])
def _get_part_name(section):
implementer = section.get('CPU implementer', '0x0')
part = section['CPU part']
variant = section.get('CPU variant', '0x0')
name = get_cpu_name(*map(integer, [implementer, part, variant]))
if name is None:
name = '{}/{}/{}'.format(implementer, part, variant)
return name