blob: 698d2549adf72e98e96930727f47fb502faeb6aa [file] [log] [blame]
package org.jetbrains.dokka.Formats
import kotlinx.html.*
import org.jetbrains.dokka.*
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
* Data structure used for generating `data-reference-resources-wrapper`.
val nodeToFamilyMap = HashMap<DocumentationNode, List<DocumentationNode>>()
* On Devsite, certain headers and footers are needed for generating Devsite metadata.
class DevsiteHtmlTemplateService @Inject constructor(
val uriProvider: JavaLayoutHtmlUriProvider
) : JavaLayoutHtmlTemplateService {
override fun composePage(
nodes: List<DocumentationNode>,
tagConsumer: TagConsumer<Appendable>,
headContent: HEAD.() -> Unit,
bodyContent: BODY.() -> Unit
) {
tagConsumer.html {
attributes["devsite"] = "true"
head {
meta(name = "top_category") { attributes["value"] = "develop" }
meta(name = "subcategory") { attributes["value"] = "reference" }
meta(name = "hide_page_heading") { attributes["value"] = "true" }
meta(name = "book_path") { attributes["value"] = "/reference/kotlin/_toc.yaml" }
meta(name = "project_path") { attributes["value"] = "/reference/_project.yaml" }
body {
// TODO Refactor appendDataReferenceResourceWrapper to use KotlinX.HTML
unsafe { raw(buildString { appendDataReferenceResourceWrapper(nodes) }) }
* Appends `data-reference-resources-wrapper` data to the body of the page. This is required
* for highlighting the current page in the left nav of DAC.
private fun Appendable.appendDataReferenceResourceWrapper(nodes: Iterable<DocumentationNode>) {
val node = nodes.first()
if (node.isPackage()) {
val children = node.getMembersOfKinds(NodeKind.Class, NodeKind.Interface, NodeKind.Enum,
NodeKind.AnnotationClass, NodeKind.Exception, NodeKind.Object)
for (child in children) {
nodeToFamilyMap.put(child, children)
} else if (node.hasOwnPage() || node.kind in NodeKind.memberLike) {
val pageOwner = node.pageOwner()
val family = nodeToFamilyMap[pageOwner]?.groupBy { it.kind }
if (family != null) {
appendln("<div class=\"data-reference-resources-wrapper\">")
appendln(" <ul data-reference-resources>")
val interfaceFamily = family[NodeKind.Interface]
if (interfaceFamily != null) {
appendln(" <li><h2>Interfaces</h2>")
appendFamily(pageOwner, interfaceFamily)
val classFamily = family[NodeKind.Class]
if (classFamily != null) {
appendln(" <li><h2>Classes</h2>")
appendFamily(pageOwner, classFamily)
val enumFamily = family[NodeKind.Enum]
if (enumFamily != null) {
appendln(" <li><h2>Enums</h2>")
appendFamily(pageOwner, enumFamily)
val annotationFamily = family[NodeKind.AnnotationClass]
if (annotationFamily != null) {
appendln(" <li><h2>Annotations</h2>")
appendFamily(pageOwner, annotationFamily)
val exceptionFamily = family[NodeKind.Exception]
if (exceptionFamily != null) {
appendln(" <li><h2>Exceptions</h2>")
appendFamily(pageOwner, exceptionFamily)
val objectFamily = family[NodeKind.Object]
if (objectFamily != null) {
appendln(" <li><h2>Objects</h2>")
appendFamily(pageOwner, objectFamily)
appendln(" </ul>")
* Formats the `family` of the node for the `data-reference-resources-wrapper`.
* TODO: investigate expressing apilevel.
private fun Appendable.appendFamily(selectedNode: DocumentationNode, family: List<DocumentationNode>) {
appendln(" <ul>")
for (node in family) {
val selected = if (node == selectedNode) "selected " else ""
appendln(" <li class=\"${selected}api apilevel-\">" +
"<a href=\"/${uriProvider.mainUriOrWarn(node)}\">${node.nameWithOuterClass()}</a></li>")
appendln(" </ul>")
class DacFormatDescriptor : JavaLayoutHtmlFormatDescriptorBase(), DefaultAnalysisComponentServices by KotlinAsKotlin {
override val templateServiceClass: KClass<out JavaLayoutHtmlTemplateService> = DevsiteHtmlTemplateService::class
override val outlineFactoryClass = DacOutlineFormatter::class
override val languageServiceClass = KotlinLanguageService::class