blob: 58bcd60df0c406bfc442267b7c162ce0769e5649 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.jetbrains.dokka.Formats
import org.jetbrains.dokka.DocumentationNode
import org.jetbrains.dokka.LanguageService
import org.jetbrains.dokka.NodeKind
import org.jetbrains.dokka.qualifiedName
class DacNavOutlineService constructor(
val uriProvider: JavaLayoutHtmlUriProvider,
val languageService: LanguageService
) : DacOutlineFormatService {
override fun computeOutlineURI(node: DocumentationNode): URI =
override fun format(uri: URI, to: Appendable, node: DocumentationNode) {
to.append("var NAVTREE_DATA = ").appendNavTree(node.members).append(";")
private fun Appendable.appendNavTree(nodes: Iterable<DocumentationNode>): Appendable {
append("[ ")
var first = true
for (node in nodes) {
if (!first) append(", ")
first = false
val interfaces = node.getMembersOfKinds(NodeKind.Interface)
val classes = node.getMembersOfKinds(NodeKind.Class)
val objects = node.getMembersOfKinds(NodeKind.Object)
val annotations = node.getMembersOfKinds(NodeKind.AnnotationClass)
val enums = node.getMembersOfKinds(NodeKind.Enum)
val exceptions = node.getMembersOfKinds(NodeKind.Exception)
append("[ \"${}\", \"${uriProvider.mainUriOrWarn(node)}\", [ ")
var needComma = false
if (interfaces.firstOrNull() != null) {
appendNavTreePagesOfKind("Interfaces", interfaces)
needComma = true
if (classes.firstOrNull() != null) {
if (needComma) append(", ")
appendNavTreePagesOfKind("Classes", classes)
needComma = true
if (objects.firstOrNull() != null) {
if (needComma) append(", ")
appendNavTreePagesOfKind("Objects", objects)
if (annotations.firstOrNull() != null) {
if (needComma) append(", ")
appendNavTreePagesOfKind("Annotations", annotations)
needComma = true
if (enums.firstOrNull() != null) {
if (needComma) append(", ")
appendNavTreePagesOfKind("Enums", enums)
needComma = true
if (exceptions.firstOrNull() != null) {
if (needComma) append(", ")
appendNavTreePagesOfKind("Exceptions", exceptions)
append(" ] ]")
append(" ]")
return this
private fun Appendable.appendNavTreePagesOfKind(kindTitle: String,
nodesOfKind: Iterable<DocumentationNode>): Appendable {
append("[ \"$kindTitle\", null, [ ")
var started = false
for (node in nodesOfKind) {
if (started) append(", ")
started = true
append(" ], null, null ]")
return this
private fun Appendable.appendNavTreeChild(node: DocumentationNode): Appendable {
append("[ \"${node.nameWithOuterClass()}\", \"${uriProvider.tryGetMainUri(node)}\"")
append(", null, null, null ]")
return this
class DacSearchOutlineService(
val uriProvider: JavaLayoutHtmlUriProvider,
val languageService: LanguageService
) : DacOutlineFormatService {
override fun computeOutlineURI(node: DocumentationNode): URI =
override fun format(uri: URI, to: Appendable, node: DocumentationNode) {
val pageNodes = node.getAllPageNodes()
var id = 0
to.append("var ARCH_DATA = [\n")
var first = true
for (pageNode in pageNodes) {
if (!first) to.append(", \n")
first = false
to.append(" { " +
"id:$id, " +
"label:\"${pageNode.qualifiedName()}\", " +
"link:\"${uriProvider.mainUriOrWarn(node)}\", " +
"type:\"${pageNode.getClassOrPackage()}\", " +
"deprecated:\"false\" }")
private fun DocumentationNode.getClassOrPackage(): String =
if (hasOwnPage())
else if (isPackage()) {
} else {
private fun DocumentationNode.getAllPageNodes(): Iterable<DocumentationNode> {
val allPageNodes = mutableListOf<DocumentationNode>()
return allPageNodes
private fun DocumentationNode.recursiveSetAllPageNodes(
allPageNodes: MutableList<DocumentationNode>) {
for (child in members) {
if (child.hasOwnPage() || child.isPackage()) {
* Return all children of the node who are one of the selected `NodeKind`s. It recursively fetches
* all offspring, not just immediate children.
fun DocumentationNode.getMembersOfKinds(vararg kinds: NodeKind): MutableList<DocumentationNode> {
val membersOfKind = mutableListOf<DocumentationNode>()
recursiveSetMembersOfKinds(kinds, membersOfKind)
return membersOfKind
private fun DocumentationNode.recursiveSetMembersOfKinds(kinds: Array<out NodeKind>,
membersOfKind: MutableList<DocumentationNode>) {
for (member in members) {
if (member.kind in kinds) {
member.recursiveSetMembersOfKinds(kinds, membersOfKind)
* Returns whether or not this node owns a page. The criteria for whether a node owns a page is
* similar to the way javadoc is structured. Classes, Interfaces, Enums, AnnotationClasses,
* Exceptions, and Objects (Kotlin-specific) meet the criteria.
fun DocumentationNode.hasOwnPage() =
kind == NodeKind.Class || kind == NodeKind.Interface || kind == NodeKind.Enum ||
kind == NodeKind.AnnotationClass || kind == NodeKind.Exception ||
kind == NodeKind.Object
* In most cases, this returns the short name of the `Type`. When the Type is an inner Type, it
* prepends the name with the containing Type name(s).
* For example, if you have a class named OuterClass and an inner class named InnerClass, this would
* return OuterClass.InnerClass.
fun DocumentationNode.nameWithOuterClass(): String {
val nameBuilder = StringBuilder(name)
var parent = owner
if (hasOwnPage()) {
while (parent != null && parent.hasOwnPage()) {
nameBuilder.insert(0, "${}.")
parent = parent.owner
return nameBuilder.toString()
* Return whether the node is a package.
fun DocumentationNode.isPackage(): Boolean {
return kind == NodeKind.Package
* Return the 'page owner' of this node. `DocumentationNode.hasOwnPage()` defines the criteria for
* a page owner. If this node is not a page owner, then it iterates up through its ancestors to
* find the first page owner.
fun DocumentationNode.pageOwner(): DocumentationNode {
if (hasOwnPage() || owner == null) {
return this
} else {
var parent: DocumentationNode = owner!!
while (!parent.hasOwnPage() && !parent.isPackage()) {
parent = parent.owner!!
return parent