| package org.jetbrains.dokka |
| |
| import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.* |
| import org.jetbrains.dokka.DocumentationNode.* |
| import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.* |
| import org.jetbrains.kotlin.builtins.* |
| import org.jetbrains.kotlin.name.* |
| import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.lazy.* |
| import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.DescriptorUtils |
| import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.annotations.Annotated |
| import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.annotations.AnnotationDescriptor |
| import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.constants.CompileTimeConstant |
| import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil |
| import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.impl.EnumEntrySyntheticClassDescriptor |
| import java.io.File |
| import com.intellij.psi.PsiDocumentManager |
| import com.intellij.psi.PsiNameIdentifierOwner |
| import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement |
| import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.source.getPsi |
| import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.JetParameter |
| import org.jetbrains.kotlin.kdoc.psi.impl.KDocSection |
| import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil |
| import org.jetbrains.kotlin.kdoc.psi.impl.KDocTag |
| import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.kdoc.resolveKDocLink |
| import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.kdoc.KDocFinder |
| |
| public data class DocumentationOptions(val includeNonPublic: Boolean = false, |
| val sourceLinks: List<SourceLinkDefinition>) |
| |
| private fun isSamePackage(descriptor1: DeclarationDescriptor, descriptor2: DeclarationDescriptor): Boolean { |
| val package1 = DescriptorUtils.getParentOfType(descriptor1, javaClass<PackageFragmentDescriptor>()) |
| val package2 = DescriptorUtils.getParentOfType(descriptor2, javaClass<PackageFragmentDescriptor>()) |
| return package1 != null && package2 != null && package1.fqName == package2.fqName |
| } |
| |
| class DocumentationBuilder(val session: ResolveSession, val options: DocumentationOptions, val logger: DokkaLogger) { |
| val visibleToDocumentation = setOf(Visibilities.INTERNAL, Visibilities.PROTECTED, Visibilities.PUBLIC) |
| val descriptorToNode = hashMapOf<DeclarationDescriptor, DocumentationNode>() |
| val nodeToDescriptor = hashMapOf<DocumentationNode, DeclarationDescriptor>() |
| val links = hashMapOf<DocumentationNode, DeclarationDescriptor>() |
| val packages = hashMapOf<FqName, DocumentationNode>() |
| |
| fun parseDocumentation(descriptor: DeclarationDescriptor): Content { |
| val kdoc = KDocFinder.findKDoc(descriptor) |
| if (kdoc == null) { |
| return Content.Empty |
| } |
| val tree = parseMarkdown(kdoc.getContent()) |
| //println(tree.toTestString()) |
| val content = buildContent(tree) |
| if (kdoc is KDocSection) { |
| val tags = kdoc.getTags() |
| tags.forEach { |
| if (it.getName() == "sample") { |
| content.append(functionBody(descriptor, it.getSubjectName())) |
| } else { |
| val section = content.addSection(displayName(it.getName()), it.getSubjectName()) |
| val sectionContent = it.getContent() |
| val markdownNode = parseMarkdown(sectionContent) |
| buildInlineContentTo(markdownNode, section) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return content |
| } |
| |
| fun KDocSection.getTags(): Array<KDocTag> = PsiTreeUtil.getChildrenOfType(this, javaClass<KDocTag>()) ?: array() |
| |
| fun displayName(sectionName: String?): String? = |
| when(sectionName) { |
| "param" -> "Parameters" |
| "throws", "exception" -> "Exceptions" |
| else -> sectionName?.capitalize() |
| } |
| |
| fun link(node: DocumentationNode, descriptor: DeclarationDescriptor) { |
| links.put(node, descriptor) |
| } |
| |
| fun register(descriptor: DeclarationDescriptor, node: DocumentationNode) { |
| descriptorToNode.put(descriptor, node) |
| nodeToDescriptor.put(node, descriptor) |
| } |
| |
| fun DocumentationNode<T>(descriptor: T, kind: Kind): DocumentationNode where T : DeclarationDescriptor, T : Named { |
| val doc = parseDocumentation(descriptor) |
| val node = DocumentationNode(descriptor.getName().asString(), doc, kind).withModifiers(descriptor) |
| return node |
| } |
| |
| private fun DocumentationNode.withModifiers(descriptor: DeclarationDescriptor) : DocumentationNode{ |
| if (descriptor is MemberDescriptor) { |
| appendVisibility(descriptor) |
| if (descriptor !is ConstructorDescriptor) { |
| appendModality(descriptor) |
| } |
| } |
| return this |
| } |
| |
| fun DocumentationNode.append(child: DocumentationNode, kind: DocumentationReference.Kind) { |
| addReferenceTo(child, kind) |
| when (kind) { |
| DocumentationReference.Kind.Detail -> child.addReferenceTo(this, DocumentationReference.Kind.Owner) |
| DocumentationReference.Kind.Member -> child.addReferenceTo(this, DocumentationReference.Kind.Owner) |
| DocumentationReference.Kind.Owner -> child.addReferenceTo(this, DocumentationReference.Kind.Member) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| fun DocumentationNode.appendModality(descriptor: MemberDescriptor) { |
| var modality = descriptor.getModality() |
| if (modality == Modality.OPEN) { |
| val containingClass = descriptor.getContainingDeclaration() as? ClassDescriptor |
| if (containingClass?.getModality() == Modality.FINAL) { |
| modality = Modality.FINAL |
| } |
| } |
| val modifier = modality.name().toLowerCase() |
| val node = DocumentationNode(modifier, Content.Empty, DocumentationNode.Kind.Modifier) |
| append(node, DocumentationReference.Kind.Detail) |
| } |
| |
| fun DocumentationNode.appendVisibility(descriptor: DeclarationDescriptorWithVisibility) { |
| val modifier = descriptor.getVisibility().toString() |
| val node = DocumentationNode(modifier, Content.Empty, DocumentationNode.Kind.Modifier) |
| append(node, DocumentationReference.Kind.Detail) |
| } |
| |
| fun DocumentationNode.appendSupertypes(descriptor: ClassDescriptor) { |
| val superTypes = descriptor.getTypeConstructor().getSupertypes() |
| for (superType in superTypes) { |
| if (!ignoreSupertype(superType)) |
| appendType(superType, DocumentationNode.Kind.Supertype) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private fun ignoreSupertype(superType: JetType): Boolean { |
| val superClass = superType.getConstructor()?.getDeclarationDescriptor() as? ClassDescriptor |
| if (superClass != null) { |
| val fqName = DescriptorUtils.getFqNameSafe(superClass).asString() |
| return fqName == "kotlin.Annotation" || fqName == "kotlin.Enum" || fqName == "kotlin.Any" |
| } |
| return false |
| } |
| |
| fun DocumentationNode.appendProjection(projection: TypeProjection, kind: DocumentationNode.Kind = DocumentationNode.Kind.Type) { |
| val prefix = when (projection.getProjectionKind()) { |
| Variance.IN_VARIANCE -> "in " |
| Variance.OUT_VARIANCE -> "out " |
| else -> "" |
| } |
| appendType(projection.getType(), kind, prefix) |
| } |
| |
| fun DocumentationNode.appendType(jetType: JetType?, kind: DocumentationNode.Kind = DocumentationNode.Kind.Type, prefix: String = "") { |
| if (jetType == null) |
| return |
| val classifierDescriptor = jetType.getConstructor().getDeclarationDescriptor() |
| val name = when (classifierDescriptor) { |
| is Named -> prefix + classifierDescriptor.getName().asString() + if (jetType.isMarkedNullable()) "?" else "" |
| else -> "<anonymous>" |
| } |
| val node = DocumentationNode(name, Content.Empty, kind) |
| if (classifierDescriptor != null) |
| link(node, classifierDescriptor) |
| |
| append(node, DocumentationReference.Kind.Detail) |
| for (typeArgument in jetType.getArguments()) |
| node.appendProjection(typeArgument) |
| } |
| |
| fun DocumentationNode.appendAnnotations(annotated: Annotated) { |
| annotated.getAnnotations().forEach { |
| val annotationNode = it.build() |
| if (annotationNode != null) { |
| append(annotationNode, |
| if (annotationNode.name == "deprecated") DocumentationReference.Kind.Deprecation else DocumentationReference.Kind.Annotation) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| fun DocumentationNode.appendSourceLink(sourceElement: SourceElement) { |
| val psi = getTargetElement(sourceElement) |
| val path = psi?.getContainingFile()?.getVirtualFile()?.getPath() |
| if (path == null) { |
| return |
| } |
| val absPath = File(path).getAbsolutePath() |
| val linkDef = findSourceLinkDefinition(absPath) |
| if (linkDef != null) { |
| var url = linkDef.url + path.substring(linkDef.path.length()) |
| if (linkDef.lineSuffix != null) { |
| val doc = PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(psi!!.getProject()).getDocument(psi.getContainingFile()) |
| if (doc != null) { |
| // IJ uses 0-based line-numbers; external source browsers use 1-based |
| val line = doc.getLineNumber(psi.getTextRange().getStartOffset()) + 1 |
| url += linkDef.lineSuffix + line.toString() |
| } |
| } |
| append(DocumentationNode(url, Content.Empty, DocumentationNode.Kind.SourceUrl), |
| DocumentationReference.Kind.Detail); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private fun getTargetElement(sourceElement: SourceElement): PsiElement? { |
| val psi = sourceElement.getPsi() |
| return if (psi is PsiNameIdentifierOwner) psi.getNameIdentifier() else psi |
| } |
| |
| fun findSourceLinkDefinition(path: String) = options.sourceLinks.firstOrNull { path.startsWith(it.path) } |
| |
| fun DocumentationNode.appendChild(descriptor: DeclarationDescriptor, kind: DocumentationReference.Kind) { |
| // do not include generated code |
| if (descriptor is CallableMemberDescriptor && descriptor.getKind() != CallableMemberDescriptor.Kind.DECLARATION) |
| return |
| |
| if (options.includeNonPublic |
| || descriptor !is MemberDescriptor |
| || descriptor.getVisibility() in visibleToDocumentation) { |
| append(descriptor.build(), kind) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| fun DocumentationNode.appendChildren(descriptors: Iterable<DeclarationDescriptor>, kind: DocumentationReference.Kind) { |
| descriptors.forEach { descriptor -> appendChild(descriptor, kind) } |
| } |
| |
| fun DocumentationNode.getParentForPackageMember(descriptor: DeclarationDescriptor, |
| externalClassNodes: MutableMap<FqName, DocumentationNode>): DocumentationNode { |
| if (descriptor is CallableMemberDescriptor) { |
| val extensionClassDescriptor = descriptor.getExtensionClassDescriptor() |
| if (extensionClassDescriptor != null && !isSamePackage(descriptor, extensionClassDescriptor)) { |
| val fqName = DescriptorUtils.getFqNameFromTopLevelClass(extensionClassDescriptor) |
| return externalClassNodes.getOrPut(fqName, { |
| val newNode = DocumentationNode(fqName.asString(), Content.Empty, Kind.ExternalClass) |
| append(newNode, DocumentationReference.Kind.Member) |
| newNode |
| }) |
| } |
| } |
| return this |
| } |
| |
| fun DocumentationNode.appendFragments(fragments: Collection<PackageFragmentDescriptor>) { |
| val descriptors = hashMapOf<String, List<DeclarationDescriptor>>() |
| for ((name, parts) in fragments.groupBy { it.fqName }) { |
| descriptors.put(name.asString(), parts.flatMap { it.getMemberScope().getAllDescriptors() }) |
| } |
| for ((packageName, declarations) in descriptors) { |
| logger.info(" package $packageName: ${declarations.count()} declarations") |
| val packageNode = DocumentationNode(packageName, Content.Empty, Kind.Package) |
| val externalClassNodes = hashMapOf<FqName, DocumentationNode>() |
| declarations.forEach { descriptor -> |
| val parent = packageNode.getParentForPackageMember(descriptor, externalClassNodes) |
| parent.appendChild(descriptor, DocumentationReference.Kind.Member) |
| } |
| append(packageNode, DocumentationReference.Kind.Member) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| fun DeclarationDescriptor.build(): DocumentationNode = when (this) { |
| is ClassDescriptor -> build() |
| is ConstructorDescriptor -> build() |
| is ScriptDescriptor -> build() |
| is PropertyDescriptor -> build() |
| is PropertyAccessorDescriptor -> build() |
| is FunctionDescriptor -> build() |
| is TypeParameterDescriptor -> build() |
| is ValueParameterDescriptor -> build() |
| is ReceiverParameterDescriptor -> build() |
| else -> throw IllegalStateException("Descriptor $this is not known") |
| } |
| |
| fun ScriptDescriptor.build(): DocumentationNode = getClassDescriptor().build() |
| fun ClassDescriptor.build(): DocumentationNode { |
| val kind = when (getKind()) { |
| ClassKind.OBJECT -> Kind.Object |
| ClassKind.CLASS_OBJECT -> Kind.Object |
| ClassKind.TRAIT -> Kind.Interface |
| ClassKind.ENUM_CLASS -> Kind.Enum |
| ClassKind.ANNOTATION_CLASS -> Kind.AnnotationClass |
| ClassKind.ENUM_ENTRY -> Kind.EnumItem |
| else -> Kind.Class |
| } |
| val node = DocumentationNode(this, kind) |
| node.appendSupertypes(this) |
| if (getKind() != ClassKind.OBJECT && getKind() != ClassKind.ENUM_ENTRY) { |
| node.appendChildren(getTypeConstructor().getParameters(), DocumentationReference.Kind.Detail) |
| val constructorsToDocument = if (getKind() == ClassKind.ENUM_CLASS) |
| getConstructors().filter { it.getValueParameters().size() > 0 } |
| else |
| getConstructors() |
| node.appendChildren(constructorsToDocument, DocumentationReference.Kind.Member) |
| } |
| node.appendChildren(getDefaultType().getMemberScope().getAllDescriptors(), DocumentationReference.Kind.Member) |
| val classObjectDescriptor = getClassObjectDescriptor() |
| if (classObjectDescriptor != null) { |
| node.appendChildren(classObjectDescriptor.getDefaultType().getMemberScope().getAllDescriptors(), |
| DocumentationReference.Kind.Member) |
| } |
| node.appendAnnotations(this) |
| node.appendSourceLink(getSource()) |
| register(this, node) |
| return node |
| } |
| |
| fun ConstructorDescriptor.build(): DocumentationNode { |
| val node = DocumentationNode(this, Kind.Constructor) |
| node.appendChildren(getValueParameters(), DocumentationReference.Kind.Detail) |
| register(this, node) |
| return node |
| } |
| |
| private fun DeclarationDescriptor.inClassObject() = |
| getContainingDeclaration().let { it is ClassDescriptor && it.getKind() == ClassKind.CLASS_OBJECT } |
| |
| fun CallableMemberDescriptor.getExtensionClassDescriptor(): ClassifierDescriptor? { |
| val extensionReceiver = getExtensionReceiverParameter() |
| if (extensionReceiver != null) { |
| val type = extensionReceiver.getType() |
| return type.getConstructor().getDeclarationDescriptor() as? ClassDescriptor |
| } |
| return null |
| } |
| |
| fun FunctionDescriptor.build(): DocumentationNode { |
| val node = DocumentationNode(this, if (inClassObject()) Kind.ClassObjectFunction else Kind.Function) |
| |
| node.appendChildren(getTypeParameters(), DocumentationReference.Kind.Detail) |
| getExtensionReceiverParameter()?.let { node.appendChild(it, DocumentationReference.Kind.Detail) } |
| node.appendChildren(getValueParameters(), DocumentationReference.Kind.Detail) |
| node.appendType(getReturnType()) |
| node.appendAnnotations(this) |
| node.appendSourceLink(getSource()) |
| |
| register(this, node) |
| return node |
| |
| } |
| |
| fun PropertyAccessorDescriptor.build(): DocumentationNode { |
| val doc = parseDocumentation(this) |
| val specialName = getName().asString().drop(1).takeWhile { it != '-' } |
| val node = DocumentationNode(specialName, doc, Kind.PropertyAccessor).withModifiers(this) |
| |
| node.appendChildren(getValueParameters(), DocumentationReference.Kind.Detail) |
| node.appendType(getReturnType()) |
| register(this, node) |
| return node |
| } |
| |
| fun PropertyDescriptor.build(): DocumentationNode { |
| val node = DocumentationNode(this, if (inClassObject()) Kind.ClassObjectProperty else Kind.Property) |
| node.appendChildren(getTypeParameters(), DocumentationReference.Kind.Detail) |
| getExtensionReceiverParameter()?.let { node.appendChild(it, DocumentationReference.Kind.Detail) } |
| node.appendType(getReturnType()) |
| node.appendAnnotations(this) |
| node.appendSourceLink(getSource()) |
| if (isVar()) { |
| node.append(DocumentationNode("var", Content.Empty, DocumentationNode.Kind.Modifier), |
| DocumentationReference.Kind.Detail) |
| } |
| getGetter()?.let { |
| if (!it.isDefault()) |
| node.appendChild(it, DocumentationReference.Kind.Member) |
| } |
| getSetter()?.let { |
| if (!it.isDefault()) |
| node.appendChild(it, DocumentationReference.Kind.Member) |
| } |
| |
| register(this, node) |
| return node |
| } |
| |
| fun ValueParameterDescriptor.build(): DocumentationNode { |
| val node = DocumentationNode(this, Kind.Parameter) |
| val varargType = getVarargElementType() |
| if (varargType != null) { |
| node.append(DocumentationNode("vararg", Content.Empty, Kind.Annotation), DocumentationReference.Kind.Annotation) |
| node.appendType(varargType) |
| } else { |
| node.appendType(getType()) |
| } |
| if (hasDefaultValue()) { |
| val psi = getSource().getPsi() as? JetParameter |
| if (psi != null) { |
| val defaultValueText = psi.getDefaultValue()?.getText() |
| if (defaultValueText != null) { |
| node.append(DocumentationNode(defaultValueText, Content.Empty, Kind.Value), DocumentationReference.Kind.Detail) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| node.appendAnnotations(this) |
| register(this, node) |
| return node |
| } |
| |
| fun TypeParameterDescriptor.build(): DocumentationNode { |
| val doc = parseDocumentation(this) |
| val name = getName().asString() |
| val prefix = when (getVariance()) { |
| Variance.IN_VARIANCE -> "in " |
| Variance.OUT_VARIANCE -> "out " |
| else -> "" |
| } |
| |
| val node = DocumentationNode(prefix + name, doc, DocumentationNode.Kind.TypeParameter) |
| |
| val builtIns = KotlinBuiltIns.getInstance() |
| for (constraint in getUpperBounds()) { |
| if (constraint == builtIns.getDefaultBound()) |
| continue |
| val constraintNode = DocumentationNode(constraint.toString(), Content.Empty, DocumentationNode.Kind.UpperBound) |
| node.append(constraintNode, DocumentationReference.Kind.Detail) |
| } |
| |
| for (constraint in getLowerBounds()) { |
| if (KotlinBuiltIns.isNothing(constraint)) |
| continue |
| val constraintNode = DocumentationNode(constraint.toString(), Content.Empty, DocumentationNode.Kind.LowerBound) |
| node.append(constraintNode, DocumentationReference.Kind.Detail) |
| } |
| return node |
| } |
| |
| fun ReceiverParameterDescriptor.build(): DocumentationNode { |
| val node = DocumentationNode(getName().asString(), Content.Empty, Kind.Receiver) |
| node.appendType(getType()) |
| return node |
| } |
| |
| fun AnnotationDescriptor.build(): DocumentationNode? { |
| val annotationClass = getType().getConstructor().getDeclarationDescriptor() |
| if (ErrorUtils.isError(annotationClass)) { |
| return null |
| } |
| val node = DocumentationNode(annotationClass.getName().asString(), Content.Empty, DocumentationNode.Kind.Annotation) |
| val arguments = getAllValueArguments().toList().sortBy { it.first.getIndex() } |
| arguments.forEach { |
| val valueNode = it.second.build() |
| if (valueNode != null) { |
| val paramNode = DocumentationNode(it.first.getName().asString(), Content.Empty, DocumentationNode.Kind.Parameter) |
| paramNode.append(valueNode, DocumentationReference.Kind.Detail) |
| node.append(paramNode, DocumentationReference.Kind.Detail) |
| } |
| } |
| return node |
| } |
| |
| fun CompileTimeConstant<out Any?>.build(): DocumentationNode? { |
| val value = getValue() |
| val valueString = when(value) { |
| is String -> |
| "\"" + StringUtil.escapeStringCharacters(value) + "\"" |
| is EnumEntrySyntheticClassDescriptor -> |
| value.getContainingDeclaration().getName().asString() + "." + value.getName() |
| else -> value?.toString() |
| } |
| return if (valueString != null) DocumentationNode(valueString, Content.Empty, DocumentationNode.Kind.Value) else null |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Generates cross-references for documentation such as extensions for a type, inheritors, etc |
| * |
| * $receiver: [DocumentationContext] for node/descriptor resolutions |
| * $node: [DocumentationNode] to visit |
| */ |
| public fun resolveReferences(node: DocumentationNode) { |
| if (node.kind != Kind.PropertyAccessor) { |
| node.details(DocumentationNode.Kind.Receiver).forEach { receiver -> |
| val receiverType = receiver.detail(DocumentationNode.Kind.Type) |
| val descriptor = links[receiverType] |
| if (descriptor != null) { |
| val typeNode = descriptorToNode[descriptor] |
| // if typeNode is null, extension is to external type like in a library |
| // should we create dummy node here? |
| typeNode?.addReferenceTo(node, DocumentationReference.Kind.Extension) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| node.details(DocumentationNode.Kind.Supertype).forEach { detail -> |
| val descriptor = links[detail] |
| if (descriptor != null) { |
| val typeNode = descriptorToNode[descriptor] |
| typeNode?.addReferenceTo(node, DocumentationReference.Kind.Inheritor) |
| } |
| } |
| node.details.forEach { detail -> |
| val descriptor = links[detail] |
| if (descriptor != null) { |
| val typeNode = descriptorToNode[descriptor] |
| if (typeNode != null) { |
| detail.addReferenceTo(typeNode, DocumentationReference.Kind.Link) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| val descriptor = nodeToDescriptor[node] |
| if (descriptor is FunctionDescriptor) { |
| val overrides = descriptor.getOverriddenDescriptors(); |
| overrides?.forEach { |
| addOverrideLink(node, it) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| resolveContentLinks(node, node.content) |
| |
| for (child in node.members) { |
| resolveReferences(child) |
| } |
| for (child in node.details) { |
| resolveReferences(child) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Add an override link from a function node to the node corresponding to the specified descriptor. |
| * Note that this descriptor may be contained in a class where the function is not actually overridden |
| * (just inherited from the parent), so we need to go further up the override chain to find a function |
| * which exists in the code and for which we do have a documentation node. |
| */ |
| private fun addOverrideLink(node: DocumentationNode, overriddenDescriptor: FunctionDescriptor) { |
| val overriddenNode = descriptorToNode[overriddenDescriptor.getOriginal()] |
| if (overriddenNode != null) { |
| node.addReferenceTo(overriddenNode, DocumentationReference.Kind.Override) |
| } else { |
| overriddenDescriptor.getOverriddenDescriptors().forEach { addOverrideLink(node, it) } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| fun getDescriptorForNode(node: DocumentationNode): DeclarationDescriptor { |
| val descriptor = nodeToDescriptor[node] ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Node is not known to this context") |
| return descriptor |
| } |
| |
| fun resolveContentLinks(node: DocumentationNode, content: ContentNode) { |
| val resolvedContentChildren = content.children.map { resolveContentLink(node, it) } |
| content.children.clear() |
| content.children.addAll(resolvedContentChildren) |
| } |
| |
| private fun resolveContentLink(node: DocumentationNode, content: ContentNode): ContentNode { |
| if (content is ContentExternalLink) { |
| val referenceText = content.href |
| val symbols = resolveKDocLink(session, getDescriptorForNode(node), null, referenceText.split('.').toList()) |
| // don't include unresolved links in generated doc |
| // assume that if an href doesn't contain '/', it's not an attempt to reference an external file |
| if (symbols.isNotEmpty() || "/" !in referenceText) { |
| val targetNode = if (symbols.isEmpty()) null else descriptorToNode[symbols.first()] |
| val contentLink = if (targetNode != null) ContentNodeLink(targetNode) else ContentExternalLink("#") |
| contentLink.children.addAll(content.children.map { resolveContentLink(node, it) }) |
| return contentLink |
| } |
| } |
| resolveContentLinks(node, content) |
| return content |
| } |
| } |