blob: 949e0d7e199767fb6a9e8b9313fd48578e343f0e [file] [log] [blame]
/* Internal definitions for libdwfl.
Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Red Hat, Inc.
This file is part of Red Hat elfutils.
Red Hat elfutils is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
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WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
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this exception must only link to the code of Red Hat elfutils through
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<>. */
#ifndef _LIBDWFLP_H
#define _LIBDWFLP_H 1
#ifndef PACKAGE
# include <config.h>
#include <libdwfl.h>
#include <libebl.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "../libdw/libdwP.h" /* We need its INTDECLs. */
/* gettext helper macros. */
#define _(Str) dgettext ("elfutils", Str)
#define DWFL_ERRORS \
DWFL_ERROR (NOERROR, N_("no error")) \
DWFL_ERROR (UNKNOWN_ERROR, N_("unknown error")) \
DWFL_ERROR (NOMEM, N_("out of memory")) \
DWFL_ERROR (ERRNO, N_("See errno")) \
DWFL_ERROR (LIBELF, N_("See elf_errno")) \
DWFL_ERROR (LIBDW, N_("See dwarf_errno")) \
DWFL_ERROR (LIBEBL, N_("See ebl_errno (XXX missing)")) \
DWFL_ERROR (UNKNOWN_MACHINE, N_("no support library found for machine")) \
DWFL_ERROR (NOREL, N_("Callbacks missing for ET_REL file")) \
DWFL_ERROR (BADRELTYPE, N_("Unsupported relocation type")) \
DWFL_ERROR (BADRELOFF, N_("r_offset is bogus")) \
DWFL_ERROR (BADSTROFF, N_("offset out of range")) \
DWFL_ERROR (RELUNDEF, N_("relocation refers to undefined symbol")) \
DWFL_ERROR (CB, N_("Callback returned failure")) \
DWFL_ERROR (NO_DWARF, N_("No DWARF information found")) \
DWFL_ERROR (NO_SYMTAB, N_("No symbol table found")) \
DWFL_ERROR (NO_PHDR, N_("No ELF program headers")) \
DWFL_ERROR (OVERLAP, N_("address range overlaps an existing module")) \
DWFL_ERROR (ADDR_OUTOFRANGE, N_("address out of range")) \
DWFL_ERROR (NO_MATCH, N_("no matching address range")) \
DWFL_ERROR (TRUNCATED, N_("image truncated")) \
DWFL_ERROR (BADELF, N_("not a valid ELF file")) \
DWFL_ERROR (WEIRD_TYPE, N_("cannot handle DWARF type description"))
#define DWFL_ERROR(name, text) DWFL_E_##name,
typedef enum { DWFL_ERRORS DWFL_E_NUM } Dwfl_Error;
#define OTHER_ERROR(name) ((unsigned int) DWFL_E_##name << 16)
#define DWFL_E(name, errno) (OTHER_ERROR (name) | (errno))
extern int __libdwfl_canon_error (Dwfl_Error error) internal_function;
extern void __libdwfl_seterrno (Dwfl_Error error) internal_function;
struct Dwfl
const Dwfl_Callbacks *callbacks;
Dwfl_Module *modulelist; /* List in order used by full traversals. */
Dwfl_Module **modules;
size_t nmodules;
GElf_Addr offline_next_address;
#define OFFLINE_REDZONE 0x10000
struct dwfl_file
char *name;
int fd;
Elf *elf;
GElf_Addr bias; /* Actual load address - p_vaddr. */
struct Dwfl_Module
Dwfl *dwfl;
struct Dwfl_Module *next; /* Link on Dwfl.modulelist. */
void *userdata;
char *name; /* Iterator name for this module. */
GElf_Addr low_addr, high_addr;
struct dwfl_file main, debug;
Ebl *ebl;
GElf_Half e_type; /* GElf_Ehdr.e_type cache. */
Dwfl_Error elferr; /* Previous failure to open main file. */
struct dwfl_relocation *reloc_info; /* Relocatable sections. */
struct dwfl_file *symfile; /* Either main or debug. */
Elf_Data *symdata; /* Data in the ELF symbol table section. */
size_t syments; /* sh_size / sh_entsize of that section. */
Elf_Data *symstrdata; /* Data for its string table. */
Elf_Data *symxndxdata; /* Data in the extended section index table. */
Dwfl_Error symerr; /* Previous failure to load symbols. */
Dwarf *dw; /* libdw handle for its debugging info. */
Dwfl_Error dwerr; /* Previous failure to load info. */
/* Known CU's in this module. */
struct dwfl_cu *first_cu, **cu;
unsigned int ncu;
void *lazy_cu_root; /* Table indexed by Dwarf_Off of CU. */
unsigned int lazycu; /* Possible users, deleted when none left. */
struct dwfl_arange *aranges; /* Mapping of addresses in module to CUs. */
unsigned int naranges;
bool gc; /* Mark/sweep flag. */
/* Information cached about each CU in Dwfl_Module.dw. */
struct dwfl_cu
/* This caches libdw information about the CU. It's also the
address passed back to users, so we take advantage of the
fact that it's placed first to cast back. */
Dwarf_Die die;
Dwfl_Module *mod; /* Pointer back to containing module. */
struct dwfl_cu *next; /* CU immediately following in the file. */
struct Dwfl_Lines *lines;
struct Dwfl_Lines
struct dwfl_cu *cu;
/* This is what the opaque Dwfl_Line * pointers we pass to users are.
We need to recover pointers to our struct dwfl_cu and a record in
libdw's Dwarf_Line table. To minimize the memory used in addition
to libdw's Dwarf_Lines buffer, we just point to our own index in
this table, and have one pointer back to the CU. The indices here
match those in libdw's Dwarf_CU.lines->info table. */
struct Dwfl_Line
unsigned int idx; /* My index in the dwfl_cu.lines table. */
} idx[0];
static inline struct dwfl_cu *
dwfl_linecu_inline (const Dwfl_Line *line)
const struct Dwfl_Lines *lines = ((const void *) line
- offsetof (struct Dwfl_Lines,
return lines->cu;
#define dwfl_linecu dwfl_linecu_inline
/* This describes a contiguous address range that lies in a single CU.
We condense runs of Dwarf_Arange entries for the same CU into this. */
struct dwfl_arange
struct dwfl_cu *cu;
size_t arange; /* Index in Dwarf_Aranges. */
extern void __libdwfl_module_free (Dwfl_Module *mod) internal_function;
/* Process relocations in debugging sections in an ET_REL file.
to make it possible to relocate the data in place (or ELF_C_RDWR or
ELF_C_RDWR_MMAP if you intend to modify the Elf file on disk). After
this, dwarf_begin_elf on DEBUGFILE will read the relocated data. */
extern Dwfl_Error __libdwfl_relocate (Dwfl_Module *mod, Elf *debugfile)
/* Adjust *VALUE from section-relative to absolute.
MOD->dwfl->callbacks->section_address is called to determine the actual
address of a loaded section. */
extern Dwfl_Error __libdwfl_relocate_value (Dwfl_Module *mod,
size_t m_shstrndx,
Elf32_Word shndx,
GElf_Addr *value)
/* Ensure that MOD->ebl is set up. */
extern Dwfl_Error __libdwfl_module_getebl (Dwfl_Module *mod) internal_function;
/* Iterate through all the CU's in the module. Start by passing a null
LASTCU, and then pass the last *CU returned. Success return with null
*CU no more CUs. */
extern Dwfl_Error __libdwfl_nextcu (Dwfl_Module *mod, struct dwfl_cu *lastcu,
struct dwfl_cu **cu) internal_function;
/* Find the CU by address. */
extern Dwfl_Error __libdwfl_addrcu (Dwfl_Module *mod, Dwarf_Addr addr,
struct dwfl_cu **cu) internal_function;
/* Ensure that CU->lines (and CU->cu->lines) is set up. */
extern Dwfl_Error __libdwfl_cu_getsrclines (struct dwfl_cu *cu)
extern uint32_t __libdwfl_crc32 (uint32_t crc, unsigned char *buf, size_t len)
extern int __libdwfl_crc32_file (int fd, uint32_t *resp) attribute_hidden;
/* Avoid PLT entries. */
INTDECL (dwfl_begin)
INTDECL (dwfl_errmsg)
INTDECL (dwfl_addrmodule)
INTDECL (dwfl_addrdwarf)
INTDECL (dwfl_addrdie)
INTDECL (dwfl_module_addrdie)
INTDECL (dwfl_module_getdwarf)
INTDECL (dwfl_module_getelf)
INTDECL (dwfl_module_getsym)
INTDECL (dwfl_module_getsymtab)
INTDECL (dwfl_module_getsrc)
INTDECL (dwfl_report_elf)
INTDECL (dwfl_report_begin)
INTDECL (dwfl_report_module)
INTDECL (dwfl_report_offline)
INTDECL (dwfl_report_end)
INTDECL (dwfl_standard_find_debuginfo)
INTDECL (dwfl_linux_kernel_find_elf)
INTDECL (dwfl_linux_kernel_module_section_address)
INTDECL (dwfl_linux_proc_report)
INTDECL (dwfl_linux_proc_maps_report)
INTDECL (dwfl_linux_proc_find_elf)
INTDECL (dwfl_linux_kernel_report_kernel)
INTDECL (dwfl_linux_kernel_report_modules)
INTDECL (dwfl_linux_kernel_report_offline)
INTDECL (dwfl_offline_section_address)
INTDECL (dwfl_module_relocate_address)
/* Leading arguments standard to callbacks passed a Dwfl_Module. */
#define MODCB_ARGS(mod) (mod), &(mod)->userdata, (mod)->name, (mod)->low_addr
#define CBFAIL (errno ? DWFL_E (ERRNO, errno) : DWFL_E_CB);
#endif /* libdwflP.h */