blob: f323c204d3c67be97e98926ae8efd0ae1d82314d [file] [log] [blame]
Table of contents
1. Overview
2. How fio works
3. Running fio
4. Job file format
5. Detailed list of parameters
6. Normal output
7. Terse output
1.0 Overview and history
fio was originally written to save me the hassle of writing special test
case programs when I wanted to test a specific workload, either for
performance reasons or to find/reproduce a bug. The process of writing
such a test app can be tiresome, especially if you have to do it often.
Hence I needed a tool that would be able to simulate a given io workload
without resorting to writing a tailored test case again and again.
A test work load is difficult to define, though. There can be any number
of processes or threads involved, and they can each be using their own
way of generating io. You could have someone dirtying large amounts of
memory in an memory mapped file, or maybe several threads issuing
reads using asynchronous io. fio needed to be flexible enough to
simulate both of these cases, and many more.
2.0 How fio works
The first step in getting fio to simulate a desired io workload, is
writing a job file describing that specific setup. A job file may contain
any number of threads and/or files - the typical contents of the job file
is a global section defining shared parameters, and one or more job
sections describing the jobs involved. When run, fio parses this file
and sets everything up as described. If we break down a job from top to
bottom, it contains the following basic parameters:
IO type Defines the io pattern issued to the file(s).
We may only be reading sequentially from this
file(s), or we may be writing randomly. Or even
mixing reads and writes, sequentially or randomly.
Block size In how large chunks are we issuing io? This may be
a single value, or it may describe a range of
block sizes.
IO size How much data are we going to be reading/writing.
IO engine How do we issue io? We could be memory mapping the
file, we could be using regular read/write, we
could be using splice, async io, syslet, or even
SG (SCSI generic sg).
IO depth If the io engine is async, how large a queuing
depth do we want to maintain?
IO type Should we be doing buffered io, or direct/raw io?
Num files How many files are we spreading the workload over.
Num threads How many threads or processes should we spread
this workload over.
The above are the basic parameters defined for a workload, in addition
there's a multitude of parameters that modify other aspects of how this
job behaves.
3.0 Running fio
See the README file for command line parameters, there are only a few
of them.
Running fio is normally the easiest part - you just give it the job file
(or job files) as parameters:
$ fio job_file
and it will start doing what the job_file tells it to do. You can give
more than one job file on the command line, fio will serialize the running
of those files. Internally that is the same as using the 'stonewall'
parameter described the the parameter section.
If the job file contains only one job, you may as well just give the
parameters on the command line. The command line parameters are identical
to the job parameters, with a few extra that control global parameters
(see README). For example, for the job file parameter iodepth=2, the
mirror command line option would be --iodepth 2 or --iodepth=2. You can
also use the command line for giving more than one job entry. For each
--name option that fio sees, it will start a new job with that name.
Command line entries following a --name entry will apply to that job,
until there are no more entries or a new --name entry is seen. This is
similar to the job file options, where each option applies to the current
job until a new [] job entry is seen.
fio does not need to run as root, except if the files or devices specified
in the job section requires that. Some other options may also be restricted,
such as memory locking, io scheduler switching, and decreasing the nice value.
4.0 Job file format
As previously described, fio accepts one or more job files describing
what it is supposed to do. The job file format is the classic ini file,
where the names enclosed in [] brackets define the job name. You are free
to use any ascii name you want, except 'global' which has special meaning.
A global section sets defaults for the jobs described in that file. A job
may override a global section parameter, and a job file may even have
several global sections if so desired. A job is only affected by a global
section residing above it. If the first character in a line is a ';' or a
'#', the entire line is discarded as a comment.
So let's look at a really simple job file that defines two processes, each
randomly reading from a 128MiB file.
; -- start job file --
; -- end job file --
As you can see, the job file sections themselves are empty as all the
described parameters are shared. As no filename= option is given, fio
makes up a filename for each of the jobs as it sees fit. On the command
line, this job would look as follows:
$ fio --name=global --rw=randread --size=128m --name=job1 --name=job2
Let's look at an example that has a number of processes writing randomly
to files.
; -- start job file --
; -- end job file --
Here we have no global section, as we only have one job defined anyway.
We want to use async io here, with a depth of 4 for each file. We also
increased the buffer size used to 32KiB and define numjobs to 4 to
fork 4 identical jobs. The result is 4 processes each randomly writing
to their own 64MiB file. Instead of using the above job file, you could
have given the parameters on the command line. For this case, you would
$ fio --name=random-writers --ioengine=libaio --iodepth=4 --rw=randwrite --bs=32k --direct=0 --size=64m --numjobs=4
fio also supports environment variable expansion in job files. Any
substring of the form "${VARNAME}" as part of an option value (in other
words, on the right of the `='), will be expanded to the value of the
environment variable called VARNAME. If no such environment variable
is defined, or VARNAME is the empty string, the empty string will be
As an example, let's look at a sample fio invocation and job file:
$ SIZE=64m NUMJOBS=4 fio jobfile.fio
; -- start job file --
; -- end job file --
This will expand to the following equivalent job file at runtime:
; -- start job file --
; -- end job file --
fio ships with a few example job files, you can also look there for
5.0 Detailed list of parameters
This section describes in details each parameter associated with a job.
Some parameters take an option of a given type, such as an integer or
a string. The following types are used:
str String. This is a sequence of alpha characters.
time Integer with possible time postfix. In seconds unless otherwise
specified, use eg 10m for 10 minutes. Accepts s/m/h for seconds,
minutes, and hours.
int SI integer. A whole number value, which may contain a postfix
describing the base of the number. Accepted postfixes are k/m/g,
meaning kilo, mega, and giga. So if you want to specify 4096,
you could either write out '4096' or just give 4k. The postfixes
signify base 2 values, so 1024 is 1k and 1024k is 1m and so on.
If the option accepts an upper and lower range, use a colon ':'
or minus '-' to separate such values. May also include a prefix
to indicate numbers base. If 0x is used, the number is assumed to
be hexadecimal. See irange.
bool Boolean. Usually parsed as an integer, however only defined for
true and false (1 and 0).
irange Integer range with postfix. Allows value range to be given, such
as 1024-4096. A colon may also be used as the separator, eg
1k:4k. If the option allows two sets of ranges, they can be
specified with a ',' or '/' delimiter: 1k-4k/8k-32k. Also see
With the above in mind, here follows the complete list of fio job
name=str ASCII name of the job. This may be used to override the
name printed by fio for this job. Otherwise the job
name is used. On the command line this parameter has the
special purpose of also signaling the start of a new
description=str Text description of the job. Doesn't do anything except
dump this text description when this job is run. It's
not parsed.
directory=str Prefix filenames with this directory. Used to place files
in a different location than "./".
filename=str Fio normally makes up a filename based on the job name,
thread number, and file number. If you want to share
files between threads in a job or several jobs, specify
a filename for each of them to override the default. If
the ioengine used is 'net', the filename is the host, port,
and protocol to use in the format of =host/port/protocol.
See ioengine=net for more. If the ioengine is file based, you
can specify a number of files by separating the names with a
':' colon. So if you wanted a job to open /dev/sda and /dev/sdb
as the two working files, you would use
filename=/dev/sda:/dev/sdb. '-' is a reserved name, meaning
stdin or stdout. Which of the two depends on the read/write
direction set.
opendir=str Tell fio to recursively add any file it can find in this
directory and down the file system tree.
lockfile=str Fio defaults to not locking any files before it does
IO to them. If a file or file descriptor is shared, fio
can serialize IO to that file to make the end result
consistent. This is usual for emulating real workloads that
share files. The lock modes are:
none No locking. The default.
exclusive Only one thread/process may do IO,
excluding all others.
readwrite Read-write locking on the file. Many
readers may access the file at the
same time, but writes get exclusive
The option may be post-fixed with a lock batch number. If
set, then each thread/process may do that amount of IOs to
the file before giving up the lock. Since lock acquisition is
expensive, batching the lock/unlocks will speed up IO.
rw=str Type of io pattern. Accepted values are:
read Sequential reads
write Sequential writes
randwrite Random writes
randread Random reads
rw Sequential mixed reads and writes
randrw Random mixed reads and writes
For the mixed io types, the default is to split them 50/50.
For certain types of io the result may still be skewed a bit,
since the speed may be different. It is possible to specify
a number of IO's to do before getting a new offset - this
is only useful for random IO, where fio would normally
generate a new random offset for every IO. If you append
eg 8 to randread, you would get a new random offset for
every 8 IO's. The result would be a seek for only every 8
IO's, instead of for every IO. Use rw=randread:8 to specify
randrepeat=bool For random IO workloads, seed the generator in a predictable
way so that results are repeatable across repetitions.
fadvise_hint=bool By default, fio will use fadvise() to advise the kernel
on what IO patterns it is likely to issue. Sometimes you
want to test specific IO patterns without telling the
kernel about it, in which case you can disable this option.
If set, fio will use POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL for sequential
IO and POSIX_FADV_RANDOM for random IO.
size=int The total size of file io for this job. Fio will run until
this many bytes has been transferred, unless runtime is
limited by other options (such as 'runtime', for instance).
Unless specific nrfiles and filesize options are given,
fio will divide this size between the available files
specified by the job.
filesize=int Individual file sizes. May be a range, in which case fio
will select sizes for files at random within the given range
and limited to 'size' in total (if that is given). If not
given, each created file is the same size.
fill_device=bool Sets size to something really large and waits for ENOSPC (no
space left on device) as the terminating condition. Only makes
sense with sequential write. For a read workload, the mount
point will be filled first then IO started on the result.
bs=int The block size used for the io units. Defaults to 4k. Values
can be given for both read and writes. If a single int is
given, it will apply to both. If a second int is specified
after a comma, it will apply to writes only. In other words,
the format is either bs=read_and_write or bs=read,write.
bs=4k,8k will thus use 4k blocks for reads, and 8k blocks
for writes. If you only wish to set the write size, you
can do so by passing an empty read size - bs=,8k will set
8k for writes and leave the read default value.
ba=int At what boundary to align random IO offsets. Defaults to
the same as 'blocksize' the minimum blocksize given.
Minimum alignment is typically 512b for using direct IO,
though it usually depends on the hardware block size. This
option is mutually exclusive with using a random map for
files, so it will turn off that option.
bsrange=irange Instead of giving a single block size, specify a range
and fio will mix the issued io block sizes. The issued
io unit will always be a multiple of the minimum value
given (also see bs_unaligned). Applies to both reads and
writes, however a second range can be given after a comma.
See bs=.
bssplit=str Sometimes you want even finer grained control of the
block sizes issued, not just an even split between them.
This option allows you to weight various block sizes,
so that you are able to define a specific amount of
block sizes issued. The format for this option is:
for as many block sizes as needed. So if you want to define
a workload that has 50% 64k blocks, 10% 4k blocks, and
40% 32k blocks, you would write:
Ordering does not matter. If the percentage is left blank,
fio will fill in the remaining values evenly. So a bssplit
option like this one:
would have 50% 4k ios, and 25% 1k and 32k ios. The percentages
always add up to 100, if bssplit is given a range that adds
up to more, it will error out.
bssplit also supports giving separate splits to reads and
writes. The format is identical to what bs= accepts. You
have to separate the read and write parts with a comma. So
if you want a workload that has 50% 2k reads and 50% 4k reads,
while having 90% 4k writes and 10% 8k writes, you would
bs_unaligned If this option is given, any byte size value within bsrange
may be used as a block range. This typically wont work with
direct IO, as that normally requires sector alignment.
zero_buffers If this option is given, fio will init the IO buffers to
all zeroes. The default is to fill them with random data.
refill_buffers If this option is given, fio will refill the IO buffers
on every submit. The default is to only fill it at init
time and reuse that data. Only makes sense if zero_buffers
isn't specified, naturally. If data verification is enabled,
refill_buffers is also automatically enabled.
nrfiles=int Number of files to use for this job. Defaults to 1.
openfiles=int Number of files to keep open at the same time. Defaults to
the same as nrfiles, can be set smaller to limit the number
simultaneous opens.
file_service_type=str Defines how fio decides which file from a job to
service next. The following types are defined:
random Just choose a file at random.
roundrobin Round robin over open files. This
is the default.
sequential Finish one file before moving on to
the next. Multiple files can still be
open depending on 'openfiles'.
The string can have a number appended, indicating how
often to switch to a new file. So if option random:4 is
given, fio will switch to a new random file after 4 ios
have been issued.
ioengine=str Defines how the job issues io to the file. The following
types are defined:
sync Basic read(2) or write(2) io. lseek(2) is
used to position the io location.
psync Basic pread(2) or pwrite(2) io.
vsync Basic readv(2) or writev(2) IO.
libaio Linux native asynchronous io. Note that Linux
may only support queued behaviour with
non-buffered IO (set direct=1 or buffered=0).
posixaio glibc posix asynchronous io.
solarisaio Solaris native asynchronous io.
mmap File is memory mapped and data copied
to/from using memcpy(3).
splice splice(2) is used to transfer the data and
vmsplice(2) to transfer data from user
space to the kernel.
syslet-rw Use the syslet system calls to make
regular read/write async.
sg SCSI generic sg v3 io. May either be
synchronous using the SG_IO ioctl, or if
the target is an sg character device
we use read(2) and write(2) for asynchronous
null Doesn't transfer any data, just pretends
to. This is mainly used to exercise fio
itself and for debugging/testing purposes.
net Transfer over the network to given host:port.
'filename' must be set appropriately to
filename=host/port/protocol regardless of send
or receive, if the latter only the port
argument is used. 'host' may be an IP address
or hostname, port is the port number to be used,
and protocol may be 'udp' or 'tcp'. If no
protocol is given, TCP is used.
netsplice Like net, but uses splice/vmsplice to
map data and send/receive.
cpuio Doesn't transfer any data, but burns CPU
cycles according to the cpuload= and
cpucycle= options. Setting cpuload=85
will cause that job to do nothing but burn
85% of the CPU. In case of SMP machines,
use numjobs=<no_of_cpu> to get desired CPU
usage, as the cpuload only loads a single
CPU at the desired rate.
guasi The GUASI IO engine is the Generic Userspace
Asyncronous Syscall Interface approach
to async IO. See
for more info on GUASI.
external Prefix to specify loading an external
IO engine object file. Append the engine
filename, eg ioengine=external:/tmp/foo.o
to load ioengine foo.o in /tmp.
iodepth=int This defines how many io units to keep in flight against
the file. The default is 1 for each file defined in this
job, can be overridden with a larger value for higher
iodepth_batch=int This defines how many pieces of IO to submit at once.
It defaults to 1 which means that we submit each IO
as soon as it is available, but can be raised to submit
bigger batches of IO at the time.
iodepth_batch_complete=int This defines how many pieces of IO to retrieve
at once. It defaults to 1 which means that we'll ask
for a minimum of 1 IO in the retrieval process from
the kernel. The IO retrieval will go on until we
hit the limit set by iodepth_low. If this variable is
set to 0, then fio will always check for completed
events before queuing more IO. This helps reduce
IO latency, at the cost of more retrieval system calls.
iodepth_low=int The low water mark indicating when to start filling
the queue again. Defaults to the same as iodepth, meaning
that fio will attempt to keep the queue full at all times.
If iodepth is set to eg 16 and iodepth_low is set to 4, then
after fio has filled the queue of 16 requests, it will let
the depth drain down to 4 before starting to fill it again.
direct=bool If value is true, use non-buffered io. This is usually
buffered=bool If value is true, use buffered io. This is the opposite
of the 'direct' option. Defaults to true.
offset=int Start io at the given offset in the file. The data before
the given offset will not be touched. This effectively
caps the file size at real_size - offset.
fsync=int If writing to a file, issue a sync of the dirty data
for every number of blocks given. For example, if you give
32 as a parameter, fio will sync the file for every 32
writes issued. If fio is using non-buffered io, we may
not sync the file. The exception is the sg io engine, which
synchronizes the disk cache anyway.
fsyncdata=int Like fsync= but uses fdatasync() to only sync data and not
metadata blocks.
overwrite=bool If true, writes to a file will always overwrite existing
data. If the file doesn't already exist, it will be
created before the write phase begins. If the file exists
and is large enough for the specified write phase, nothing
will be done.
end_fsync=bool If true, fsync file contents when the job exits.
fsync_on_close=bool If true, fio will fsync() a dirty file on close.
This differs from end_fsync in that it will happen on every
file close, not just at the end of the job.
rwmixread=int How large a percentage of the mix should be reads.
rwmixwrite=int How large a percentage of the mix should be writes. If both
rwmixread and rwmixwrite is given and the values do not add
up to 100%, the latter of the two will be used to override
the first. This may interfere with a given rate setting,
if fio is asked to limit reads or writes to a certain rate.
If that is the case, then the distribution may be skewed.
norandommap Normally fio will cover every block of the file when doing
random IO. If this option is given, fio will just get a
new random offset without looking at past io history. This
means that some blocks may not be read or written, and that
some blocks may be read/written more than once. This option
is mutually exclusive with verify= if and only if multiple
blocksizes (via bsrange=) are used, since fio only tracks
complete rewrites of blocks.
softrandommap See norandommap. If fio runs with the random block map enabled
and it fails to allocate the map, if this option is set it
will continue without a random block map. As coverage will
not be as complete as with random maps, this option is
disabled by default.
nice=int Run the job with the given nice value. See man nice(2).
prio=int Set the io priority value of this job. Linux limits us to
a positive value between 0 and 7, with 0 being the highest.
See man ionice(1).
prioclass=int Set the io priority class. See man ionice(1).
thinktime=int Stall the job x microseconds after an io has completed before
issuing the next. May be used to simulate processing being
done by an application. See thinktime_blocks and
Only valid if thinktime is set - pretend to spend CPU time
doing something with the data received, before falling back
to sleeping for the rest of the period specified by
Only valid if thinktime is set - control how many blocks
to issue, before waiting 'thinktime' usecs. If not set,
defaults to 1 which will make fio wait 'thinktime' usecs
after every block.
rate=int Cap the bandwidth used by this job. The number is in bytes/sec,
the normal postfix rules apply. You can use rate=500k to limit
reads and writes to 500k each, or you can specify read and
writes separately. Using rate=1m,500k would limit reads to
1MB/sec and writes to 500KB/sec. Capping only reads or
writes can be done with rate=,500k or rate=500k,. The former
will only limit writes (to 500KB/sec), the latter will only
limit reads.
ratemin=int Tell fio to do whatever it can to maintain at least this
bandwidth. Failing to meet this requirement, will cause
the job to exit. The same format as rate is used for
read vs write separation.
rate_iops=int Cap the bandwidth to this number of IOPS. Basically the same
as rate, just specified independently of bandwidth. If the
job is given a block size range instead of a fixed value,
the smallest block size is used as the metric. The same format
as rate is used for read vs write seperation.
rate_iops_min=int If fio doesn't meet this rate of IO, it will cause
the job to exit. The same format as rate is used for read vs
write seperation.
ratecycle=int Average bandwidth for 'rate' and 'ratemin' over this number
of milliseconds.
cpumask=int Set the CPU affinity of this job. The parameter given is a
bitmask of allowed CPU's the job may run on. So if you want
the allowed CPUs to be 1 and 5, you would pass the decimal
value of (1 << 1 | 1 << 5), or 34. See man
sched_setaffinity(2). This may not work on all supported
operating systems or kernel versions. This option doesn't
work well for a higher CPU count than what you can store in
an integer mask, so it can only control cpus 1-32. For
boxes with larger CPU counts, use cpus_allowed.
cpus_allowed=str Controls the same options as cpumask, but it allows a text
setting of the permitted CPUs instead. So to use CPUs 1 and
5, you would specify cpus_allowed=1,5. This options also
allows a range of CPUs. Say you wanted a binding to CPUs
1, 5, and 8-15, you would set cpus_allowed=1,5,8-15.
startdelay=time Start this job the specified number of seconds after fio
has started. Only useful if the job file contains several
jobs, and you want to delay starting some jobs to a certain
runtime=time Tell fio to terminate processing after the specified number
of seconds. It can be quite hard to determine for how long
a specified job will run, so this parameter is handy to
cap the total runtime to a given time.
time_based If set, fio will run for the duration of the runtime
specified even if the file(s) are completely read or
written. It will simply loop over the same workload
as many times as the runtime allows.
ramp_time=time If set, fio will run the specified workload for this amount
of time before logging any performance numbers. Useful for
letting performance settle before logging results, thus
minimizing the runtime required for stable results. Note
that the ramp_time is considered lead in time for a job,
thus it will increase the total runtime if a special timeout
or runtime is specified.
invalidate=bool Invalidate the buffer/page cache parts for this file prior
to starting io. Defaults to true.
sync=bool Use sync io for buffered writes. For the majority of the
io engines, this means using O_SYNC.
mem=str Fio can use various types of memory as the io unit buffer.
The allowed values are:
malloc Use memory from malloc(3) as the buffers.
shm Use shared memory as the buffers. Allocated
through shmget(2).
shmhuge Same as shm, but use huge pages as backing.
mmap Use mmap to allocate buffers. May either be
anonymous memory, or can be file backed if
a filename is given after the option. The
format is mem=mmap:/path/to/file.
mmaphuge Use a memory mapped huge file as the buffer
backing. Append filename after mmaphuge, ala
The area allocated is a function of the maximum allowed
bs size for the job, multiplied by the io depth given. Note
that for shmhuge and mmaphuge to work, the system must have
free huge pages allocated. This can normally be checked
and set by reading/writing /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages on a
Linux system. Fio assumes a huge page is 4MiB in size. So
to calculate the number of huge pages you need for a given
job file, add up the io depth of all jobs (normally one unless
iodepth= is used) and multiply by the maximum bs set. Then
divide that number by the huge page size. You can see the
size of the huge pages in /proc/meminfo. If no huge pages
are allocated by having a non-zero number in nr_hugepages,
using mmaphuge or shmhuge will fail. Also see hugepage-size.
mmaphuge also needs to have hugetlbfs mounted and the file
location should point there. So if it's mounted in /huge,
you would use mem=mmaphuge:/huge/somefile.
Defines the size of a huge page. Must at least be equal
to the system setting, see /proc/meminfo. Defaults to 4MiB.
Should probably always be a multiple of megabytes, so using
hugepage-size=Xm is the preferred way to set this to avoid
setting a non-pow-2 bad value.
exitall When one job finishes, terminate the rest. The default is
to wait for each job to finish, sometimes that is not the
desired action.
bwavgtime=int Average the calculated bandwidth over the given time. Value
is specified in milliseconds.
create_serialize=bool If true, serialize the file creating for the jobs.
This may be handy to avoid interleaving of data
files, which may greatly depend on the filesystem
used and even the number of processors in the system.
create_fsync=bool fsync the data file after creation. This is the
create_on_open=bool Don't pre-setup the files for IO, just create open()
when it's time to do IO to that file.
pre_read=bool If this is given, files will be pre-read into memory before
starting the given IO operation. This will also clear
the 'invalidate' flag, since it is pointless to pre-read
and then drop the cache.
unlink=bool Unlink the job files when done. Not the default, as repeated
runs of that job would then waste time recreating the file
set again and again.
loops=int Run the specified number of iterations of this job. Used
to repeat the same workload a given number of times. Defaults
to 1.
do_verify=bool Run the verify phase after a write phase. Only makes sense if
verify is set. Defaults to 1.
verify=str If writing to a file, fio can verify the file contents
after each iteration of the job. The allowed values are:
md5 Use an md5 sum of the data area and store
it in the header of each block.
crc64 Use an experimental crc64 sum of the data
area and store it in the header of each
crc32c Use a crc32c sum of the data area and store
it in the header of each block.
crc32c-intel Use hardware assisted crc32c calcuation
provided on SSE4.2 enabled processors.
crc32 Use a crc32 sum of the data area and store
it in the header of each block.
crc16 Use a crc16 sum of the data area and store
it in the header of each block.
crc7 Use a crc7 sum of the data area and store
it in the header of each block.
sha512 Use sha512 as the checksum function.
sha256 Use sha256 as the checksum function.
meta Write extra information about each io
(timestamp, block number etc.). The block
number is verified.
null Only pretend to verify. Useful for testing
internals with ioengine=null, not for much
This option can be used for repeated burn-in tests of a
system to make sure that the written data is also
correctly read back.
verifysort=bool If set, fio will sort written verify blocks when it deems
it faster to read them back in a sorted manner. This is
often the case when overwriting an existing file, since
the blocks are already laid out in the file system. You
can ignore this option unless doing huge amounts of really
fast IO where the red-black tree sorting CPU time becomes
verify_offset=int Swap the verification header with data somewhere else
in the block before writing. Its swapped back before
verify_interval=int Write the verification header at a finer granularity
than the blocksize. It will be written for chunks the
size of header_interval. blocksize should divide this
verify_pattern=int If set, fio will fill the io buffers with this
pattern. Fio defaults to filling with totally random
bytes, but sometimes it's interesting to fill with a known
pattern for io verification purposes. Depending on the
width of the pattern, fio will fill 1/2/3/4 bytes of the
buffer at the time. The verify_pattern cannot be larger than
a 32-bit quantity.
verify_fatal=bool Normally fio will keep checking the entire contents
before quitting on a block verification failure. If this
option is set, fio will exit the job on the first observed
stonewall Wait for preceeding jobs in the job file to exit, before
starting this one. Can be used to insert serialization
points in the job file. A stone wall also implies starting
a new reporting group.
new_group Start a new reporting group. If this option isn't given,
jobs in a file will be part of the same reporting group
unless separated by a stone wall (or if it's a group
by itself, with the numjobs option).
numjobs=int Create the specified number of clones of this job. May be
used to setup a larger number of threads/processes doing
the same thing. We regard that grouping of jobs as a
specific group.
group_reporting If 'numjobs' is set, it may be interesting to display
statistics for the group as a whole instead of for each
individual job. This is especially true of 'numjobs' is
large, looking at individual thread/process output quickly
becomes unwieldy. If 'group_reporting' is specified, fio
will show the final report per-group instead of per-job.
thread fio defaults to forking jobs, however if this option is
given, fio will use pthread_create(3) to create threads
zonesize=int Divide a file into zones of the specified size. See zoneskip.
zoneskip=int Skip the specified number of bytes when zonesize data has
been read. The two zone options can be used to only do
io on zones of a file.
write_iolog=str Write the issued io patterns to the specified file. See
read_iolog=str Open an iolog with the specified file name and replay the
io patterns it contains. This can be used to store a
workload and replay it sometime later. The iolog given
may also be a blktrace binary file, which allows fio
to replay a workload captured by blktrace. See blktrace
for how to capture such logging data. For blktrace replay,
the file needs to be turned into a blkparse binary data
file first (blktrace <device> -d file_for_fio.bin).
write_bw_log=str If given, write a bandwidth log of the jobs in this job
file. Can be used to store data of the bandwidth of the
jobs in their lifetime. The included fio_generate_plots
script uses gnuplot to turn these text files into nice
graphs. See write_log_log for behaviour of given
filename. For this option, the postfix is _bw.log.
write_lat_log=str Same as write_bw_log, except that this option stores io
completion latencies instead. If no filename is given
with this option, the default filename of "jobname_type.log"
is used. Even if the filename is given, fio will still
append the type of log. So if one specifies
The actual log names will be foo_clat.log and foo_slat.log.
This helps fio_generate_plot fine the logs automatically.
lockmem=int Pin down the specified amount of memory with mlock(2). Can
potentially be used instead of removing memory or booting
with less memory to simulate a smaller amount of memory.
exec_prerun=str Before running this job, issue the command specified
through system(3).
exec_postrun=str After the job completes, issue the command specified
though system(3).
ioscheduler=str Attempt to switch the device hosting the file to the specified
io scheduler before running.
cpuload=int If the job is a CPU cycle eater, attempt to use the specified
percentage of CPU cycles.
cpuchunks=int If the job is a CPU cycle eater, split the load into
cycles of the given time. In microseconds.
disk_util=bool Generate disk utilization statistics, if the platform
supports it. Defaults to on.
disable_clat=bool Disable measurements of completion latency numbers. Useful
only for cutting back the number of calls to gettimeofday,
as that does impact performance at really high IOPS rates.
Note that to really get rid of a large amount of these
calls, this option must be used with disable_slat and
disable_bw as well.
disable_slat=bool Disable measurements of submission latency numbers. See
disable_bw=bool Disable measurements of throughput/bandwidth numbers. See
gtod_reduce=bool Enable all of the gettimeofday() reducing options
(disable_clat, disable_slat, disable_bw) plus reduce
precision of the timeout somewhat to really shrink
the gettimeofday() call count. With this option enabled,
we only do about 0.4% of the gtod() calls we would have
done if all time keeping was enabled.
gtod_cpu=int Sometimes it's cheaper to dedicate a single thread of
execution to just getting the current time. Fio (and
databases, for instance) are very intensive on gettimeofday()
calls. With this option, you can set one CPU aside for
doing nothing but logging current time to a shared memory
location. Then the other threads/processes that run IO
workloads need only copy that segment, instead of entering
the kernel with a gettimeofday() call. The CPU set aside
for doing these time calls will be excluded from other
uses. Fio will manually clear it from the CPU mask of other
continue_on_error=bool Normally fio will exit the job on the first observed
failure. If this option is set, fio will continue the job when
there is a 'non-fatal error' (EIO or EILSEQ) until the runtime
is exceeded or the I/O size specified is completed. If this
option is used, there are two more stats that are appended,
the total error count and the first error. The error field
given in the stats is the first error that was hit during the
6.0 Interpreting the output
fio spits out a lot of output. While running, fio will display the
status of the jobs created. An example of that would be:
Threads: 1: [_r] [24.8% done] [ 13509/ 8334 kb/s] [eta 00h:01m:31s]
The characters inside the square brackets denote the current status of
each thread. The possible values (in typical life cycle order) are:
Idle Run
---- ---
P Thread setup, but not started.
C Thread created.
I Thread initialized, waiting.
p Thread running pre-reading file(s).
R Running, doing sequential reads.
r Running, doing random reads.
W Running, doing sequential writes.
w Running, doing random writes.
M Running, doing mixed sequential reads/writes.
m Running, doing mixed random reads/writes.
F Running, currently waiting for fsync()
V Running, doing verification of written data.
E Thread exited, not reaped by main thread yet.
_ Thread reaped.
The other values are fairly self explanatory - number of threads
currently running and doing io, rate of io since last check (read speed
listed first, then write speed), and the estimated completion percentage
and time for the running group. It's impossible to estimate runtime of
the following groups (if any).
When fio is done (or interrupted by ctrl-c), it will show the data for
each thread, group of threads, and disks in that order. For each data
direction, the output looks like:
Client1 (g=0): err= 0:
write: io= 32MiB, bw= 666KiB/s, runt= 50320msec
slat (msec): min= 0, max= 136, avg= 0.03, stdev= 1.92
clat (msec): min= 0, max= 631, avg=48.50, stdev=86.82
bw (KiB/s) : min= 0, max= 1196, per=51.00%, avg=664.02, stdev=681.68
cpu : usr=1.49%, sys=0.25%, ctx=7969, majf=0, minf=17
IO depths : 1=0.1%, 2=0.3%, 4=0.5%, 8=99.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, >32=0.0%
submit : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.0%, >=64=0.0%
complete : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.0%, >=64=0.0%
issued r/w: total=0/32768, short=0/0
lat (msec): 2=1.6%, 4=0.0%, 10=3.2%, 20=12.8%, 50=38.4%, 100=24.8%,
lat (msec): 250=15.2%, 500=0.0%, 750=0.0%, 1000=0.0%, >=2048=0.0%
The client number is printed, along with the group id and error of that
thread. Below is the io statistics, here for writes. In the order listed,
they denote:
io= Number of megabytes io performed
bw= Average bandwidth rate
runt= The runtime of that thread
slat= Submission latency (avg being the average, stdev being the
standard deviation). This is the time it took to submit
the io. For sync io, the slat is really the completion
latency, since queue/complete is one operation there. This
value can be in milliseconds or microseconds, fio will choose
the most appropriate base and print that. In the example
above, milliseconds is the best scale.
clat= Completion latency. Same names as slat, this denotes the
time from submission to completion of the io pieces. For
sync io, clat will usually be equal (or very close) to 0,
as the time from submit to complete is basically just
CPU time (io has already been done, see slat explanation).
bw= Bandwidth. Same names as the xlat stats, but also includes
an approximate percentage of total aggregate bandwidth
this thread received in this group. This last value is
only really useful if the threads in this group are on the
same disk, since they are then competing for disk access.
cpu= CPU usage. User and system time, along with the number
of context switches this thread went through, usage of
system and user time, and finally the number of major
and minor page faults.
IO depths= The distribution of io depths over the job life time. The
numbers are divided into powers of 2, so for example the
16= entries includes depths up to that value but higher
than the previous entry. In other words, it covers the
range from 16 to 31.
IO submit= How many pieces of IO were submitting in a single submit
call. Each entry denotes that amount and below, until
the previous entry - eg, 8=100% mean that we submitted
anywhere in between 5-8 ios per submit call.
IO complete= Like the above submit number, but for completions instead.
IO issued= The number of read/write requests issued, and how many
of them were short.
IO latencies= The distribution of IO completion latencies. This is the
time from when IO leaves fio and when it gets completed.
The numbers follow the same pattern as the IO depths,
meaning that 2=1.6% means that 1.6% of the IO completed
within 2 msecs, 20=12.8% means that 12.8% of the IO
took more than 10 msecs, but less than (or equal to) 20 msecs.
After each client has been listed, the group statistics are printed. They
will look like this:
Run status group 0 (all jobs):
READ: io=64MiB, aggrb=22178, minb=11355, maxb=11814, mint=2840msec, maxt=2955msec
WRITE: io=64MiB, aggrb=1302, minb=666, maxb=669, mint=50093msec, maxt=50320msec
For each data direction, it prints:
io= Number of megabytes io performed.
aggrb= Aggregate bandwidth of threads in this group.
minb= The minimum average bandwidth a thread saw.
maxb= The maximum average bandwidth a thread saw.
mint= The smallest runtime of the threads in that group.
maxt= The longest runtime of the threads in that group.
And finally, the disk statistics are printed. They will look like this:
Disk stats (read/write):
sda: ios=16398/16511, merge=30/162, ticks=6853/819634, in_queue=826487, util=100.00%
Each value is printed for both reads and writes, with reads first. The
numbers denote:
ios= Number of ios performed by all groups.
merge= Number of merges io the io scheduler.
ticks= Number of ticks we kept the disk busy.
io_queue= Total time spent in the disk queue.
util= The disk utilization. A value of 100% means we kept the disk
busy constantly, 50% would be a disk idling half of the time.
7.0 Terse output
For scripted usage where you typically want to generate tables or graphs
of the results, fio can output the results in a semicolon separated format.
The format is one long line of values, such as:
To enable terse output, use the --minimal command line option.
Split up, the format is as follows:
jobname, groupid, error
READ status:
KiB IO, bandwidth (KiB/sec), runtime (msec)
Submission latency: min, max, mean, deviation
Completion latency: min, max, mean, deviation
Bw: min, max, aggregate percentage of total, mean, deviation
WRITE status:
KiB IO, bandwidth (KiB/sec), runtime (msec)
Submission latency: min, max, mean, deviation
Completion latency: min, max, mean, deviation
Bw: min, max, aggregate percentage of total, mean, deviation
CPU usage: user, system, context switches, major faults, minor faults
IO depths: <=1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, >=64
IO latencies: <=2, 4, 10, 20, 50, 100, 250, 500, 750, 1000, >=2000
Text description