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<!doctype refentry PUBLIC "-//Davenport//DTD DocBook V3.0//EN" [
<!-- Fill in your name for FIRSTNAME and SURNAME. -->
<!ENTITY dhfirstname "<firstname>Matt</firstname>">
<!ENTITY dhsurname "<surname>Zimmerman</surname>">
<!-- Please adjust the date whenever revising the manpage. -->
<!ENTITY dhdate "<date>February 23, 2001</date>">
<!-- SECTION should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection other parameters are
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<!ENTITY dhsection "<manvolnum>1</manvolnum>">
<!ENTITY dhemail "<email></email>">
<!ENTITY dhusername "Matt Zimmerman">
<!ENTITY dhucpackage "<refentrytitle>FLAC</refentrytitle>">
<!ENTITY dhpackage "flac">
<!ENTITY debian "<productname>Debian GNU/Linux</productname>">
<!ENTITY gnu "<acronym>GNU</acronym>">
<refpurpose>Free Lossless Audio Codec</refpurpose>
<arg choice=plain><replaceable>infile</replaceable></arg>
<arg choice=plain><replaceable>outfile</replaceable></arg>
<para>This manual page documents briefly the
<command>flac</command> command.</para>
<para>This manual page was written for the &debian;
distribution because the original program does not have a
manual page. Instead, it has documentation in HTML
format; see below.</para>
<para>A summary of options is included below. For a complete
description, see the HTML documentation.</para>
<title>Generic Options</title>
<para>Decode (default behavior is encode)</para>
<para>Test a flac encoded file (same as -d
except no decoded file is written)</para>
<para>Analyze a flac encoded file (same as -d
except an analysis file is written)</para>
<para>Silent mode (do not write runtime
encode/decode statistics to stdout)</para>
<term><option>--skip</option> <replaceable>samples</replaceable></term>
<para>Skip the specified number of samples at the
beginning of the input file (can be used for both
encoding and decoding)</para>
<title>Analysis Options</title>
<para>Includes the residual signal in the analysis
file. This will make the file very big, much
larger than even the decoded file.</para>
<para>Generates a gnuplot file for every subframe;
each file will contain the residual distribution
of the subframe. This will create a lot of
<title>Encoding Options</title>
<para>Allow encoder to generate non-Subset
<term><option>-P</option> <replaceable>bytes</replaceable></term>
<para>Tell the encoder to write a PADDING metadata
block of the given length (in bytes) after the
STREAMINFO block. -P 0 implies no PADDING block,
which is the default. This is useful if you plan
to tag the file later with an APPLICATION block;
instead of having to rewrite the entire file later
just to insert your block, you can write directly
over the PADDING block.</para>
<term><option>-b</option> <replaceable>blocksize</replaceable></term>
<para>Default is 1152 for -l 0, else 4608; should
be 192/576/1152/2304/4608 (unless --lax is
<para>Try mid-side coding for each frame (stereo
input only)</para>
<para>Loose mid-side coding for all frames (stereo
input only)</para>
<para>Fastest compression..highest compression
(default is -6). These are synonyms for other
<para>Synonymous with -l 0</para>
<para>Synonymous with -l 0 -M</para>
<para>Synonymous with -l 0 -m -r # (# is
automatically determined by the block
<para>Synonymous with -l 8</para>
<para>Synonymous with -l 8 -M</para>
<para>Synonymous with -l 8 -m -r # (# is
automatically determined by the block
<para>Synonymous with -l 32 -m -r # (# is
automatically determined by the block
<para>Synonymous with -l 32 -m -e -r 99 -p
(very slow!)</para>
<para>Do exhaustive model search
<term><option>-l</option> <replaceable>max_lpc_order</replaceable></term>
<para>0 => use only fixed predictors</para>
<para>Do exhaustive search of LP coefficient
quantization (expensive!). Overrides -q,
does nothing if using -l 0</para>
<term><option>-q</option> <replaceable>bits</replaceable></term>
<para>Precision of the quantized linear-predictor
coefficients, 0 => let encoder decide (min is 5,
default is 0)</para>
<term><option>-r</option> <replaceable>level</replaceable></term>
<para>Rice parameter optimization level (0..99). 0
=> none, default is 0, above 4 doesn't usually
help much)</para>
<para>Verify a correct encoding by decoding the
output in parallel and comparing to the
<term><option>-m-</option> <option>-M-</option> <option>-e-</option> <option>-p-</option> <option>-V-</option> <option>--lax-</option>
<para>These flags can be used to invert the sense
of the corresponding normal option.</para>
<title>Format Options</title>
<para>Big-endian byte order</para>
<para>Little-endian byte order</para>
<para>Set number of channels.</para>
<para>Set bits per sample.</para>
<para>Set sample rate (in Hz).</para>
<para>Unsigned samples (default is signed)</para>
<para>Force to raw format (even if filename ends
in <filename>.wav</filename>).</para>
<para>Force to RIFF WAVE.</para>
<title>SEE ALSO</title>
<para>The programs are documented fully by HTML format
documentation, available in
<filename>/usr/share/doc/flac/html</filename> on
&debian; systems.</para>
<para>This manual page was written by &dhusername; &dhemail; for
the &debian; system (but may be used by others).</para>
<!-- <para>Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify
this document under the terms of the <acronym>GNU</acronym> Free
Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version
published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant
Sections, no Front-Cover Texts and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy
of the license can be found under
<filename>/usr/share/common-licenses/FDL</filename>.</para> -->
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