| METADATA block #0 |
| type: 0 (STREAMINFO) |
| is last: false |
| length: 34 |
| sample_rate: 44100 Hz |
| channels: 2 |
| bits-per-sample: 16 |
| total samples: 5880 |
| MD5 signature: 74ffd4737eb5488d512be4af58943362 |
| METADATA block #1 |
| type: 4 (VORBIS_COMMENT) |
| is last: false |
| length: 52 |
| comments: 1 |
| comment[0]: artist=0 |
| METADATA block #2 |
| type: 3 (SEEKTABLE) |
| is last: false |
| length: 180 |
| seek points: 10 |
| point 0: sample_number=0 |
| point 1: sample_number=4096 |
| point 2: PLACEHOLDER |
| point 3: PLACEHOLDER |
| point 4: PLACEHOLDER |
| point 5: PLACEHOLDER |
| point 6: PLACEHOLDER |
| point 7: PLACEHOLDER |
| point 8: PLACEHOLDER |
| point 9: PLACEHOLDER |
| METADATA block #3 |
| type: 5 (CUESHEET) |
| is last: false |
| length: 540 |
| media catalog number: 1234567890123 |
| lead-in: 88200 |
| is CD: true |
| number of tracks: 3 |
| track[0] |
| offset: 0 |
| number: 1 |
| ISRC: |
| type: AUDIO |
| pre-emphasis: false |
| number of index points: 2 |
| index[0] |
| offset: 0 |
| number: 1 |
| index[1] |
| offset: 588 |
| number: 2 |
| track[1] |
| offset: 2940 |
| number: 2 |
| ISRC: |
| type: AUDIO |
| pre-emphasis: false |
| number of index points: 1 |
| index[0] |
| offset: 0 |
| number: 1 |
| track[2] |
| offset: 5880 |
| number: 170 (LEAD-OUT) |
| METADATA block #4 |
| type: 2 (APPLICATION) |
| is last: false |
| length: 4 |
| application ID: 66616b65 |
| data contents: |
| METADATA block #5 |
| type: 126 (UNKNOWN) |
| is last: false |
| length: 0 |
| data contents: |
| METADATA block #6 |
| type: 1 (PADDING) |
| is last: true |
| length: 3201 |