blob: 272db73a4b6f31ee1339ba77e143afc70915c321 [file] [log] [blame]
otlLib: Routines for working with OpenType Layout
The ``fontTools.otlLib`` library provides routines to help you create the
subtables and other data structures you need when you are editing a font's
``GSUB`` and ``GPOS`` tables: substitution and positioning rules, anchors,
lookups, coverage tables and so on.
High-level OpenType Layout Lookup Builders
.. currentmodule:: fontTools.otlLib.builder
.. autoclass:: AlternateSubstBuilder
.. autoclass:: ChainContextPosBuilder
.. autoclass:: ChainContextSubstBuilder
.. autoclass:: LigatureSubstBuilder
.. autoclass:: MultipleSubstBuilder
.. autoclass:: CursivePosBuilder
.. autoclass:: MarkBasePosBuilder
.. autoclass:: MarkLigPosBuilder
.. autoclass:: MarkMarkPosBuilder
.. autoclass:: ReverseChainSingleSubstBuilder
.. autoclass:: SingleSubstBuilder
.. autoclass:: ClassPairPosSubtableBuilder
.. autoclass:: PairPosBuilder
.. autoclass:: SinglePosBuilder
Common OpenType Layout Data Structures
.. currentmodule:: fontTools.otlLib.builder
.. autofunction:: buildCoverage
.. autofunction:: buildLookup
Low-level GSUB Table Lookup Builders
These functions deal with the "simple" lookup types. See above for classes to
help build more complex lookups (contextual and chaining lookups).
.. currentmodule:: fontTools.otlLib.builder
.. autofunction:: buildSingleSubstSubtable
.. autofunction:: buildMultipleSubstSubtable
.. autofunction:: buildAlternateSubstSubtable
.. autofunction:: buildLigatureSubstSubtable
GPOS Shared Table Builders
The functions help build the `GPOS shared tables <>`_
as defined in the OpenType spec: value records, anchors, mark arrays and
mark record tables.
.. currentmodule:: fontTools.otlLib.builder
.. autofunction:: buildValue
.. autofunction:: buildAnchor
.. autofunction:: buildMarkArray
.. autofunction:: buildDevice
.. autofunction:: buildBaseArray
.. autofunction:: buildComponentRecord
Low-level GPOS Table Lookup Builders
These functions deal with the "simple" lookup types. See above for classes to
help build more complex lookups (contextual and chaining lookups).
.. currentmodule:: fontTools.otlLib.builder
.. autofunction:: buildCursivePosSubtable
.. autofunction:: buildLigatureArray
.. autofunction:: buildMarkBasePos
.. autofunction:: buildMarkBasePosSubtable
.. autofunction:: buildMarkLigPos
.. autofunction:: buildMarkLigPosSubtable
.. autofunction:: buildPairPosClassesSubtable
.. autofunction:: buildPairPosGlyphs
.. autofunction:: buildPairPosGlyphsSubtable
.. autofunction:: buildSinglePos
.. autofunction:: buildSinglePosSubtable
GDEF Table Subtable Builders
These functions build subtables for elements of the ``GDEF`` table.
.. currentmodule:: fontTools.otlLib.builder
.. autofunction:: buildAttachList
.. autofunction:: buildLigCaretList
.. autofunction:: buildMarkGlyphSetsDef
STAT Table Builder
.. currentmodule:: fontTools.otlLib.builder
.. autofunction:: buildStatTable