blob: 36b1f76993f33e883cc8dbc1b445ab5a1b15b03d [file] [log] [blame]
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
from fontTools.misc.py23 import *
from fontTools import ttLib
from fontTools.ttLib.standardGlyphOrder import standardGlyphOrder
from fontTools.misc import sstruct
from fontTools.misc.textTools import safeEval, readHex
from . import DefaultTable
import sys
import struct
import array
postFormat = """
formatType: 16.16F
italicAngle: 16.16F # italic angle in degrees
underlinePosition: h
underlineThickness: h
isFixedPitch: L
minMemType42: L # minimum memory if TrueType font is downloaded
maxMemType42: L # maximum memory if TrueType font is downloaded
minMemType1: L # minimum memory if Type1 font is downloaded
maxMemType1: L # maximum memory if Type1 font is downloaded
postFormatSize = sstruct.calcsize(postFormat)
class table__p_o_s_t(DefaultTable.DefaultTable):
def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
sstruct.unpack(postFormat, data[:postFormatSize], self)
data = data[postFormatSize:]
if self.formatType == 1.0:
self.decode_format_1_0(data, ttFont)
elif self.formatType == 2.0:
self.decode_format_2_0(data, ttFont)
elif self.formatType == 3.0:
self.decode_format_3_0(data, ttFont)
elif self.formatType == 4.0:
self.decode_format_4_0(data, ttFont)
# supported format
raise ttLib.TTLibError("'post' table format %f not supported" % self.formatType)
def compile(self, ttFont):
data = sstruct.pack(postFormat, self)
if self.formatType == 1.0:
pass # we're done
elif self.formatType == 2.0:
data = data + self.encode_format_2_0(ttFont)
elif self.formatType == 3.0:
pass # we're done
elif self.formatType == 4.0:
data = data + self.encode_format_4_0(ttFont)
# supported format
raise ttLib.TTLibError("'post' table format %f not supported" % self.formatType)
return data
def getGlyphOrder(self):
"""This function will get called by a ttLib.TTFont instance.
Do not call this function yourself, use TTFont().getGlyphOrder()
or its relatives instead!
if not hasattr(self, "glyphOrder"):
raise ttLib.TTLibError("illegal use of getGlyphOrder()")
glyphOrder = self.glyphOrder
del self.glyphOrder
return glyphOrder
def decode_format_1_0(self, data, ttFont):
self.glyphOrder = standardGlyphOrder[:ttFont["maxp"].numGlyphs]
def decode_format_2_0(self, data, ttFont):
numGlyphs, = struct.unpack(">H", data[:2])
numGlyphs = int(numGlyphs)
if numGlyphs > ttFont['maxp'].numGlyphs:
# Assume the numGlyphs field is bogus, so sync with maxp.
# I've seen this in one font, and if the assumption is
# wrong elsewhere, well, so be it: it's hard enough to
# work around _one_ non-conforming post format...
numGlyphs = ttFont['maxp'].numGlyphs
data = data[2:]
indices = array.array("H")
if sys.byteorder != "big":
data = data[2*numGlyphs:]
self.extraNames = extraNames = unpackPStrings(data)
self.glyphOrder = glyphOrder = [None] * int(ttFont['maxp'].numGlyphs)
for glyphID in range(numGlyphs):
index = indices[glyphID]
if index > 257:
name = extraNames[index-258]
# fetch names from standard list
name = standardGlyphOrder[index]
glyphOrder[glyphID] = name
#AL990511: code added to handle the case of new glyphs without
# entries into the 'post' table
if numGlyphs < ttFont['maxp'].numGlyphs:
for i in range(numGlyphs, ttFont['maxp'].numGlyphs):
glyphOrder[i] = "glyph#%.5d" % i
def build_psNameMapping(self, ttFont):
mapping = {}
allNames = {}
for i in range(ttFont['maxp'].numGlyphs):
glyphName = psName = self.glyphOrder[i]
if glyphName in allNames:
# make up a new glyphName that's unique
n = allNames[glyphName]
allNames[glyphName] = n + 1
glyphName = glyphName + "#" + repr(n)
self.glyphOrder[i] = glyphName
mapping[glyphName] = psName
allNames[glyphName] = 1
self.mapping = mapping
def decode_format_3_0(self, data, ttFont):
# Setting self.glyphOrder to None will cause the TTFont object
# try and construct glyph names from a Unicode cmap table.
self.glyphOrder = None
def decode_format_4_0(self, data, ttFont):
from fontTools import agl
numGlyphs = ttFont['maxp'].numGlyphs
indices = struct.unpack(">"+str(int(len(data)/2))+"H", data)
# In some older fonts, the size of the post table doesn't match
# the number of glyphs. Sometimes it's bigger, sometimes smaller.
self.glyphOrder = glyphOrder = [''] * int(numGlyphs)
for i in range(min(len(indices),numGlyphs)):
if indices[i] == 0xFFFF:
self.glyphOrder[i] = ''
elif indices[i] in agl.UV2AGL:
self.glyphOrder[i] = agl.UV2AGL[indices[i]]
self.glyphOrder[i] = "uni%04X" % indices[i]
def encode_format_2_0(self, ttFont):
numGlyphs = ttFont['maxp'].numGlyphs
glyphOrder = ttFont.getGlyphOrder()
assert len(glyphOrder) == numGlyphs
indices = array.array("H")
extraDict = {}
extraNames = self.extraNames
for i in range(len(extraNames)):
extraDict[extraNames[i]] = i
for glyphID in range(numGlyphs):
glyphName = glyphOrder[glyphID]
if glyphName in self.mapping:
psName = self.mapping[glyphName]
psName = glyphName
if psName in extraDict:
index = 258 + extraDict[psName]
elif psName in standardGlyphOrder:
index = standardGlyphOrder.index(psName)
index = 258 + len(extraNames)
extraDict[psName] = len(extraNames)
if sys.byteorder != "big":
return struct.pack(">H", numGlyphs) + indices.tostring() + packPStrings(extraNames)
def encode_format_4_0(self, ttFont):
from fontTools import agl
numGlyphs = ttFont['maxp'].numGlyphs
glyphOrder = ttFont.getGlyphOrder()
assert len(glyphOrder) == numGlyphs
data = ''
for glyphID in glyphOrder:
glyphID = glyphID.split('#')[0]
if glyphID in agl.AGL2UV:
data += struct.pack(">H", agl.AGL2UV[glyphID])
elif len(glyphID) == 7 and glyphID[:3] == 'uni':
data += struct.pack(">H", int(glyphID[3:],16))
data += struct.pack(">H", 0xFFFF)
return data
def toXML(self, writer, ttFont):
formatstring, names, fixes = sstruct.getformat(postFormat)
for name in names:
value = getattr(self, name)
writer.simpletag(name, value=value)
if hasattr(self, "mapping"):
writer.comment("This file uses unique glyph names based on the information\n"
"found in the 'post' table. Since these names might not be unique,\n"
"we have to invent artificial names in case of clashes. In order to\n"
"be able to retain the original information, we need a name to\n"
"ps name mapping for those cases where they differ. That's what\n"
"you see below.\n")
items = sorted(self.mapping.items())
for name, psName in items:
writer.simpletag("psName", name=name, psName=psName)
if hasattr(self, "extraNames"):
writer.comment("following are the name that are not taken from the standard Mac glyph order")
for name in self.extraNames:
writer.simpletag("psName", name=name)
if hasattr(self, "data"):
def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, ttFont):
if name not in ("psNames", "extraNames", "hexdata"):
setattr(self, name, safeEval(attrs["value"]))
elif name == "psNames":
self.mapping = {}
for element in content:
if not isinstance(element, tuple):
name, attrs, content = element
if name == "psName":
self.mapping[attrs["name"]] = attrs["psName"]
elif name == "extraNames":
self.extraNames = []
for element in content:
if not isinstance(element, tuple):
name, attrs, content = element
if name == "psName":
else: = readHex(content)
def unpackPStrings(data):
strings = []
index = 0
dataLen = len(data)
while index < dataLen:
length = byteord(data[index])
strings.append(tostr(data[index+1:index+1+length], encoding="latin1"))
index = index + 1 + length
return strings
def packPStrings(strings):
data = b""
for s in strings:
data = data + bytechr(len(s)) + tobytes(s, encoding="latin1")
return data