blob: ba8c61a4a270c393065c1279253342615d763351 [file] [log] [blame]
from types import TupleType
from fontTools.misc.textTools import safeEval
def buildConverters(tableSpec, tableNamespace):
"""Given a table spec from, build a converter object for each
field of the table. This is called for each table in, and
the results are assigned to the corresponding class in"""
converters = []
convertersByName = {}
for tp, name, repeat, repeatOffset, descr in tableSpec:
if name.startswith("ValueFormat"):
assert tp == "uint16"
converterClass = ValueFormat
elif name == "DeltaValue":
assert tp == "uint16"
converterClass = DeltaValue
elif name.endswith("Count"):
assert tp == "uint16"
converterClass = Count
elif name == "SubTable":
converterClass = SubTable
elif name == "ExtSubTable":
converterClass = ExtSubTable
converterClass = converterMapping[tp]
tableClass = tableNamespace.get(name)
conv = converterClass(name, repeat, repeatOffset, tableClass)
if name in ["SubTable", "ExtSubTable"]:
conv.lookupTypes = tableNamespace['lookupTypes']
# also create reverse mapping
for t in conv.lookupTypes.values():
for cls in t.values():
convertersByName[cls.__name__] = Table(name, repeat, repeatOffset, cls)
assert not convertersByName.has_key(name)
convertersByName[name] = conv
return converters, convertersByName
class BaseConverter:
"""Base class for converter objects. Apart from the constructor, this
is an abstract class."""
def __init__(self, name, repeat, repeatOffset, tableClass): = name
self.repeat = repeat
self.repeatOffset = repeatOffset
self.tableClass = tableClass
self.isCount = name.endswith("Count")
self.isSize = name.endswith("Size") or name=="DeltaFormat"
def read(self, reader, font, countVars):
"""Read a value from the reader."""
raise NotImplementedError, self
def write(self, writer, font, countVars, value, repeatIndex=None):
"""Write a value to the writer."""
raise NotImplementedError, self
def xmlRead(self, attrs, content, font):
"""Read a value from XML."""
raise NotImplementedError, self
def xmlWrite(self, xmlWriter, font, value, name, attrs):
"""Write a value to XML."""
raise NotImplementedError, self
class SimpleValue(BaseConverter):
def xmlWrite(self, xmlWriter, font, value, name, attrs):
xmlWriter.simpletag(name, attrs + [("value", value)])
def xmlRead(self, attrs, content, font):
return attrs["value"]
class IntValue(SimpleValue):
def xmlRead(self, attrs, content, font):
return int(attrs["value"], 0)
class Long(IntValue):
def read(self, reader, font, countVars):
return reader.readLong()
def write(self, writer, font, countVars, value, repeatIndex=None):
class Version(BaseConverter):
def read(self, reader, font, countVars):
value = reader.readLong()
assert (value >> 16) == 1, "Unsupported version 0x%08x" % value
return float(value) / 0x10000
def write(self, writer, font, countVars, value, repeatIndex=None):
if value < 0x10000:
value *= 0x10000
value = int(round(value))
assert (value >> 16) == 1, "Unsupported version 0x%08x" % value
def xmlRead(self, attrs, content, font):
value = attrs["value"]
value = float(int(value, 0)) if value.startswith("0") else float(value)
if value >= 0x10000:
value = float(value) / 0x10000
return value
def xmlWrite(self, xmlWriter, font, value, name, attrs):
if value >= 0x10000:
value = float(value) / 0x10000
if value % 1 != 0:
# Write as hex
value = "0x%08x" % (int(round(value * 0x10000)))
xmlWriter.simpletag(name, attrs + [("value", value)])
class Short(IntValue):
def read(self, reader, font, countVars):
return reader.readShort()
def write(self, writer, font, countVars, value, repeatIndex=None):
class UShort(IntValue):
def read(self, reader, font, countVars):
return reader.readUShort()
def write(self, writer, font, countVars, value, repeatIndex=None):
class Count(Short):
def xmlWrite(self, xmlWriter, font, value, name, attrs):
xmlWriter.comment("%s=%s" % (name, value))
class Tag(SimpleValue):
def read(self, reader, font, countVars):
return reader.readTag()
def write(self, writer, font, countVars, value, repeatIndex=None):
class GlyphID(SimpleValue):
def read(self, reader, font, countVars):
value = reader.readUShort()
value = font.getGlyphName(value)
return value
def write(self, writer, font, countVars, value, repeatIndex=None):
value = font.getGlyphID(value)
class Struct(BaseConverter):
def read(self, reader, font, countVars):
table = self.tableClass()
table.decompile(reader, font, countVars)
return table
def write(self, writer, font, countVars, value, repeatIndex=None):
value.compile(writer, font, countVars)
def xmlWrite(self, xmlWriter, font, value, name, attrs):
if value is None:
pass # NULL table, ignore
value.toXML(xmlWriter, font, attrs)
def xmlRead(self, attrs, content, font):
table = self.tableClass()
Format = attrs.get("Format")
if Format is not None:
table.Format = int(Format)
for element in content:
if type(element) == TupleType:
name, attrs, content = element
table.fromXML((name, attrs, content), font)
return table
class Table(Struct):
def read(self, reader, font, countVars, lazy=True):
offset = reader.readUShort()
if offset == 0:
return None
if offset <= 3:
# XXX hack to work around buggy pala.ttf
print "*** Warning: offset is not 0, yet suspiciously low (%s). table: %s" \
% (offset, self.tableClass.__name__)
return None
subReader = reader.getSubReader(offset, persistent=lazy)
table = self.tableClass()
if lazy:
table.reader = subReader
table.font = font
table.compileStatus = 1
table.countVars = countVars.copy()
table.decompile(subReader, font, countVars)
return table
def write(self, writer, font, countVars, value, repeatIndex=None):
if value is None:
subWriter = writer.getSubWriter() =
if repeatIndex is not None:
subWriter.repeatIndex = repeatIndex
value.compile(subWriter, font, countVars)
class SubTable(Table):
def getConverter(self, tableType, lookupType):
lookupTypes = self.lookupTypes[tableType]
tableClass = lookupTypes[lookupType]
return SubTable(, self.repeat, self.repeatOffset, tableClass)
class ExtSubTable(Table):
def getConverter(self, tableType, lookupType):
lookupTypes = self.lookupTypes[tableType]
tableClass = lookupTypes[lookupType]
return ExtSubTable(, self.repeat, self.repeatOffset, tableClass)
def read(self, reader, font, countVars, lazy=True):
offset = reader.readULong()
if offset == 0:
return None
subReader = reader.getSubReader(offset)
table = self.tableClass()
table.start = subReader.offset
if lazy:
table.reader = subReader
table.font = font
table.compileStatus = 1
table.countVars = countVars.copy()
table.decompile(subReader, font, countVars)
return table
def write(self, writer, font, countVars, value, repeatIndex=None):
writer.Extension = 1 # actually, mere presence of the field flags it as an Ext Subtable writer.
if value is None:
# If the subtable has not yet been decompiled, we need to do so.
if value.compileStatus == 1:
value.decompile(value.reader, value.font, countVars)
subWriter = writer.getSubWriter() =
# If the subtable has been sorted and we can just write the original
# data, then do so.
if value.compileStatus == 3:
data =[value.start:value.end]
value.compile(subWriter, font, countVars)
class ValueFormat(IntValue):
def __init__(self, name, repeat, repeatOffset, tableClass):
BaseConverter.__init__(self, name, repeat, repeatOffset, tableClass)
self.which = name[-1] == "2"
def read(self, reader, font, countVars):
format = reader.readUShort()
reader.setValueFormat(format, self.which)
return format
def write(self, writer, font, countVars, format, repeatIndex=None):
writer.setValueFormat(format, self.which)
class ValueRecord(ValueFormat):
def read(self, reader, font, countVars):
return reader.readValueRecord(font, self.which)
def write(self, writer, font, countVars, value, repeatIndex=None):
writer.writeValueRecord(value, font, self.which)
def xmlWrite(self, xmlWriter, font, value, name, attrs):
if value is None:
pass # NULL table, ignore
value.toXML(xmlWriter, font,, attrs)
def xmlRead(self, attrs, content, font):
from otBase import ValueRecord
value = ValueRecord()
value.fromXML((None, attrs, content), font)
return value
class DeltaValue(BaseConverter):
def read(self, reader, font, countVars):
StartSize = countVars["StartSize"]
EndSize = countVars["EndSize"]
DeltaFormat = countVars["DeltaFormat"]
assert DeltaFormat in (1, 2, 3), "illegal DeltaFormat"
nItems = EndSize - StartSize + 1
nBits = 1 << DeltaFormat
minusOffset = 1 << nBits
mask = (1 << nBits) - 1
signMask = 1 << (nBits - 1)
DeltaValue = []
tmp, shift = 0, 0
for i in range(nItems):
if shift == 0:
tmp, shift = reader.readUShort(), 16
shift = shift - nBits
value = (tmp >> shift) & mask
if value & signMask:
value = value - minusOffset
return DeltaValue
def write(self, writer, font, countVars, value, repeatIndex=None):
StartSize = countVars["StartSize"]
EndSize = countVars["EndSize"]
DeltaFormat = countVars["DeltaFormat"]
DeltaValue = value
assert DeltaFormat in (1, 2, 3), "illegal DeltaFormat"
nItems = EndSize - StartSize + 1
nBits = 1 << DeltaFormat
assert len(DeltaValue) == nItems
mask = (1 << nBits) - 1
tmp, shift = 0, 16
for value in DeltaValue:
shift = shift - nBits
tmp = tmp | ((value & mask) << shift)
if shift == 0:
tmp, shift = 0, 16
if shift <> 16:
def xmlWrite(self, xmlWriter, font, value, name, attrs):
# XXX this could do with a nicer format
xmlWriter.simpletag(name, attrs + [("value", value)])
def xmlRead(self, attrs, content, font):
return safeEval(attrs["value"])
converterMapping = {
# type class
"int16": Short,
"uint16": UShort,
"Version": Version,
"Tag": Tag,
"GlyphID": GlyphID,
"struct": Struct,
"Offset": Table,
"LOffset": ExtSubTable,
"ValueRecord": ValueRecord,